Grinding her crotch into mine, she leaned over and kissed me passionately. “Do you really want these tits, Tom McFarland?” she teased. My erection now in full bloom, I thrust my hips upward slightly.
“You know I do, you damned temptress,” I growled. “There hasn’t been a night in the last 19 years I haven’t wanted them and you know it!”
This was no lie. Our first night together after sharing shots of Jack Daniels, Laura challenged me to make sure I really wanted her body – one of a 34-year-old woman who’d given birth to 7 babies, with all its bulges, stretch marks and a full ass. I assured her I very much wanted it, and proceeded to demonstrate that by keeping her up nights fucking her with every ounce of 28-year-old passion in my body; Pearl’s conception was the result. (I regret nothing!)
Satisfied with my answer, Laura took the rest of her clothes off and began to unbuckle my belt and undo my pants. Unleashed, my erection sprang out. She seductively whispered, “Good husbands get their cock sucked, you know. It’s the rules.” Music to my ears, I tell you. Even after all this time, my wife could still pleasure me beyond words.
Replying, “I don’t know who wrote those rules, but whoever it is, I’m extremely grateful!” I was really looking forward to Laura’s mouth being wrapped around my stiffness.
Just as Laura opened her mouth to wrap her lips around the tip, we both heard the sound of Ruthie’s little hands knocking on the locked bedroom door, followed by her little voice calling out, “Mommy! Where Mommy?”
Guessing this romantic moment had just been cancelled by our little co-sleeper, I let out a quiet groan; it was cut off by Laura’s lips pressing against mine.
“I’ll handle this, lover, just give me a minute,” she whispered. Pulling on her robe, she opened the door and I heard her voice soothing Ruthie. A second later, the sound of their footsteps resonated down the stairs. I took this as a good sign, because ordinarily Laura would let Ruthie in, she’d crawl up between us and that would be the end of our sexytime.
Anxious to see what happened next, I laid back and began to doze only to be awakened by the feeling of Laura’s weight on the bed again and the feeling of kisses on my testicles!
“Have I ever told you how much I love these balls?” she asked me in between kisses.
“Not specifically, no, but I’ve always gotten the impression you were satisfied with their output.”
“Well, I love them. And I love the man they’re attached to. You apologized for not reminding me enough that you loved me. Now it’s my turn to apologize to you for not being a good wife.”
Of course my first inclination was to deny it, but Laura knew it. Gently squeezing my balls, she growled, “Don’t you dare argue, Tom. I’ve been so preoccupied keeping Ruthie a baby as long as possible, I got lazy about your needs.”
My balls firmly in Laura’s grasp, I dared not argue. She continued, “I’m ashamed to admit it’s all my fault for letting Ruthie sleep in our bed far past the point she should have been sleeping in her own. I’m lucky you didn’t go find yourself a younger goomah on the side like Quiet Sal did.”
Resisting the urge to tell Laura I’d never even thought about doing that, I just kept silent to keep my balls safe.
“I just love sucking your cock. I love the feel of it when it’s soft at first, then gets harder in my mouth as I suck on it. I love feeling it against my tongue. I love it when you explode into my throat. I love slurping up the last drops after it pulses its last spurt. In short, I love everything about it.”
Slipping her lips over the head, Laura paused to twirl her tongue around and over my sensitive frenum. Shivering with pleasure, I involuntarily groaned. Laura hadn’t gone down on me like this in a long time.
Pausing for a moment, she whispered, “Of all my husbands, you’ve got the best cock. You make me come with it every time, you know.” Any other time I might have felt a twinge of jealousy at the mention of her former husbands, but at the moment my cock was in Laura’s mouth and it felt insanely good, so thinking about anything else was basically impossible.
Then she slowly and repeatedly slid her mouth down my shaft, pausing half way down and then oh so slowly back up again. I reached down to caress the back of her head. “I’ve really missed doing this in our own bed,” I told her, “you’re so good at it.”