Still unsure what her game was, I played the innocent, “Please, sweetheart, I don’t know what you’re talking about. Please keep your voice down, you might scare the kids!”
Poking me in the chest with an index finger, she hissed, “Don’t you ‘sweetheart’ me, you smooth-talking bastard! Scary? You want to know what’s scary? I’ve been faithful to my husband for 20 years, and now I find out he’s gone to some sleazy strip club with my brother-in-law and stuck his dick in a stripper, that’s what’s scary! What diseases did you bring home with you, you slimy son of a bitch? Don’t even think of touching me until you get tested for STDs!”
I started, “Now Laura…” Eyes ablaze in fury, she cut me off.
“Fuck you, you cheating bastard! Do you even know the name of the bitch you screwed? Was she prettier than me? Was she younger than me? Did you even bother using protection, or am I going to have some stripper’s bastard running around my house after you run off with her and leave me and the kids?”
She swung her arm to slap me again, but I caught her by the wrist to stop her and shouted, “That’s ENOUGH!”
I pushed her against the wall, pressing my body against hers, pinning her in place. My adrenaline was pumping now. Accuse me of cheating? Well, two could play at that game!
I slipped my hand down the front of her sweatpants and slipped two finger into her vagina. Sure enough, there were plenty of my juices in there from our earlier activity in the club. I took my fingers out and held them in front of her face.
“Faithful, huh? You say you’ve been home all night, well, this looks like fresh baby batter to me, Laura Palermo. Or is it Carlson, or even Watkins? You’ve had so many husbands and boyfriends, I’ll bet you can’t even keep track of who you fuck anymore, can you?” I kissed her roughly, forcing my tongue in her mouth.
I felt her responding for just a second, but then she managed to get one hand up and pushed my face away. “Fuck you, you cheating bastard,” she hissed, her eyes narrowing, “you were fucking some tramp, I don’t owe you any explanations.”
In a quick motion, I reached down and grabbed the bottom of the sweatshirt she was wearing and yanked it upwards and off of her. Her beautiful tits hung free, the bite marks I’d put there an hour ago still fresh. I said accusingly, “Those bite marks didn’t come from nursing our daughter, you slut!”
Getting on my knees, I took a nipple in my mouth and began sucking and nibbling, savoring the warm milk. “No, don’t you dare,” she objected, grabbing a handful of my hair, “I hate you, you bastard!”