Sal pointed at Walter and I. “The two of you, though, you’re strong, smart, and above all, you’re fuckin’ loyal. Your wives are the same way.” He stopped to take a deep breath, then laid it out.
“Here’s what I’m askin’; I want you to take over as guardians of my two boys until they turn 18. Take them in and keep them under wraps until they go to college.”
Walter, Laura, Dotty, and I exchanged surprised looks. I, for one, did not see that coming, and I don’t think the rest of us did either.
Sal went on, “My sons won’t be a burden, I promise. I got $4 million in an offshore account set aside for the boys’ education. I’ll put that money in a trust for them, with Walter and Tom as trustees. I’ll also wire another $500,000 directly for living expenses while they’re with you. I want my boys hidden and kept safe.”
Sal was getting emotional; his eyes were tearing up. It was obvious how much he loved his youngest sons. “My lawyer can handle the paperwork tomorrow if you say yes. I’m sure you can understand, with my health not so good and Sal Junior breathing down my neck, I got a sense of urgency here. I’m sure you’ll need some time to think it over, but please make your decision soon.”
Laura suddenly stood up, her eyes filled with the protective fore of a mother bear. “There’s no need for discussion, Mr. Bartolo, it’s settled. The answer is yes.”
I recognized that tone – it was the one that meant Laura was NOT fucking around. I’d first time I’d heard it was when we’d taken in Ava’s then-girlfriend Ashley, after the girl’s parents had thrown her out on a cold winter night for being gay.
The second time I’d seen that fire was when we’d taken poor Natty in after Eli had gotten her pregnant and deserted her. Laura was pregnant herself with our youngest Ruthie at that point, with barely enough strength to stand up; nonetheless, she’d struggled to her feet and made it clear in that same protective mother tone that we’d be taking care of Natty.
Laura’s strong maternal drive was a force to be reckoned with, and one of the many things I loved about her. She told Sal, “Get the papers to us as soon as you can. We’ll sign. Tom and I will be primary guardians, Walter and Dotty will be secondary. Our place has more space, so your boys will live with us. Lucas and Natty are moving to Clearwater next week for his new job, so we’ll have a spare room after that. If you want to send them sooner, we’ll make room anyway. Any questions?”