Mum's Friend Pt. 03 by alanhomerj,alanhomerj

As the strap beat against her cheeks relentlessly, the sting across them was getting unbearable. There must be some red welts now, she thought, as she gritted her teeth and tried hard to suppress the little sob that came with each strike.

Rob was flogging her cheeks, hard, and there was nothing she could do about it. There was no safe word; she had engineered herself into this situation, wanting to be subjugated, but not submitting. She was being forced to accept punishment and humiliation, knowing the consequences of not taking it were far worse.

As more slaps rained down on her arse, she contemplated how strange it was that her deepest desires were currently being fulfilled, and she currently wanted it to stop, but if it did stop, she would cry with disappointment. Tammy wanted everything that was happening to her right now, and everything that was going to happen today, even though she had no idea what that was or how much it might hurt.

The slaps stopped and Rob moved. Then a much lighter, but still very painful slap of the strap landed on her tit, right across the nipple. She screamed out, “Arrrrgh, Jesus Christ, that fucking hurt.”

Rob ignored her and a second one fell on the other tit. Her big, firm tits rippled as it struck, pain fanning out from the impact to the rest of her chest, and she yelped out again, “Fuck!” Two more landed, one on each tit, leaving a sting like you get from a nettle, but all of both her tits stung. He moved again, and she thought he was about to restart on her arse, when Alan appeared, naked.

Tammy watched him approach. He was a man of average height, muscular but with a beer belly. The thing that really grabbed her attention though, was his rock-hard cock; it was a good eight inches, she would guess, and really thick. Her thought that it would be uncomfortable wherever he put it was interrupted as the strap landed right across her pussy, the end crushing her clit. The scream she let out was the loudest so far. She managed to rock herself to the side and her legs fell, the right foot crashing to the ground, pulling her onto her side. The bar kept her legs well spread, and the cuff dug into her left leg as the bar abruptly stopped the movement when it hit the ground, too.

She was whimpering, desperately wanting to rub her sore pussy as Alan got to her and lifted her up. As if he read her mind, he stroked her pussy lips and clit with the gentlest of touches, which did seem to settle her skin a little. He stroked for a minute or more, slowly putting more pressure on her clit. She was very aroused already and he was pushing her towards another orgasm. Just as she thought it was about to start, he lifted her hand and three short sharp slaps landed across her pussy. The slaps made her flinch, but not cry out. It annoyed Tammy; she wanted to cum, and was about to, before the slaps. She was pushed back a little when she felt Alan’s cock against her pussy; he played in the wet mess with the head of his cock, then pushed it in hard. Tammy had never felt anything like this. His cock was huge, and filled her in a way that none on her boyfriends had come close to. And the addition of the butt plug created a sensation that was very different. She relaxed as Alan withdrew back to just his head inside her, then gasped as he thrust back in. The gasp turned into more of a yelp. She realised that only about half his cock had been in her before, as she felt his balls slap against her already-sore arse.

Tammy pushed at his shoulders with her legs, the spread bar almost in his face. She hadn’t consented to this, and tried as hard as she could to straighten herself and push him away, but the bar prevented her from getting any traction and Alan seemed to like the challenge, thrusting back into her even harder. She thought she might explode as she screamed out, and Alan moved to pin her knees to her chest. She felt totally trapped, as Alan almost bounced on her, pounding into her harder than anybody had before. She didn’t want this at all, but had no way to escape. It was perfect; she loved it, wanting him to force her, hurt her, make her regret getting into his car.

As the sofa creaked under her from the pounding she was taking she said, “Get off me. This is not OK.” Alan laughed at her, and that both pleased her, and infuriated her. He moved a hand to her clit and started to rub hard, which caused a carnal moan to issue from her lips. She didn’t want it to, but she was so turned on at this moment, loving being taken against her will, that she couldn’t stop it.

“That’s it, take it like the slut you are!” Alan said. She grunted, but loved being humiliated like that.

Tammy closed her eyes. The pounding was hard, and doing all the right things for her, as was the rub on her clit, but Alan was not quite the right image of the man supposed to rape her. So, she dreamt a little, making him younger mainly, just right to make her cum. She started to feel the energy of her orgasm build quickly; her muscles screamed at her, wanting to move, to tighten, but that was not possible, restrained as she was. The pounding just kept coming, and she was ready to climax again. She opened her eyes, to see Rob there, naked, filming her. She did not have chance to take in his body before that extra detail of being filmed pushed her over the edge. She shook in her bonds and felt her little cunt clamp around Alan’s cock. It did not stop his thrusting, but the force increased. Tammy wailed out a lustful and carnal scream; she was in heaven. This is exactly what she wanted, but at the same time, what made this heaven was that she really did not want to be here, or fucked by either of these two. She was here because they had blackmailed her and tricked her; she had not agreed to this.

Tammy was just recovering from her orgasm, her breathing returning to something more normal, when Alan thrust particularly hard, then held in. She felt his cock flinch, and then the spray of cum inside her, and he let out a very satisfied groan.

Rob was approaching now, and she looked straight at his cock. It was nowhere near the size of Alan’s, more average in length and girth, but it was very well shaped and actually attractive, inasmuch as a penis could be.

As Alan got up off of her, she was manhandled to her feet, and pulled through into the kitchen. It was a very uncomfortable 15 feet, being doubled over as she was. But as they stopped, her hands were unclipped, and held tight as she tried to break free. Her arms were pulled behind her back and then cuffed again. It was slightly more comfortable than where she had been, but not great. As soon as she was secured, she was moved a little and bent over the kitchen table. Two long straps that went under the table were secured over her back, and tightened. She was pinned to the table, her arms behind her back, and her feet on the floor a good 120cm apart, forced there by the spreader bar.

Tammy was not happy with how hard her tits were forced into the table, which was the most uncomfortable part of this. Her attention was suddenly pulled away by a swish through the air, her eye darted for a moment then focused on the cane in Rob’s hand.

“No, you can’t,” she almost wailed. “My arse is so sore.”

“You sound like you think you have a choice in this,” Rob said. “Don’t worry; this will hurt a lot, but will not last that long.”

Tammy closed her eyes and gritted her teeth, her arousal raising again. There was another swish, but there was no contact. Then, she felt the cane placed on her cheeks, down low, where the previous slapping had not really connected. There was a swish and then a crack, as the cane slapped against the bottom of her cheeks. She yelped, “FUCK! Fuck you, Rob!” The pain was worse than anything she had felt so far; it seared across her bottom. Rob seemed to ignore her, and placed the cane again, a little higher, the swish came and pain roared through her cheeks again, and she cried out in a sound that was as much a sob as anything else, “Jesus fucking Christ, please stop!”

Again, Rob ignored her and placed the cane just a little higher. As he tapped gently at her cheeks, Tammy whimpered, “Please don’t, please, I can’t take that.” She sounded pathetic, even to herself. Worse there was a part of her brain screaming at her, “Take it, bitch. You deserve this. You want this. You are such a slut. You will brag about this one day.” She knew that voice was right; she would brag about it. But then the swish came again, and she just sobbed as the pain in her cheeks overwhelmed her.

It was several moments before she realised that the gentle tap that happened before the cane was not coming again. She took a couple of deep breaths and tried to compose herself again.

“Back with us?” Rob asked. “Because I really don’t want you to miss the next bit.”

Tammy stayed quiet, a combination of not wanting to annoy him, and not having the energy. With her head lying flat on the table, turned to the right, where she watched as Alan was filming, she heard Rob move. Then the tip of the cane pressed against her left pussy lip. It pressed into the length of it from just below her clit. Then a series of taps from the cane landed on her lip. It stung. Not like her arse, but there was a definite buzz from her lip now. The cane moved away, and Rob bounced the Butt Plug about. With everything going on, she had forgotten it was there. There was too much pain to notice something that was just uncomfortable. Tammy had little time to think about that as the cane was pressed against her right lip, and the taps started again, getting harder and harder. The buzz turned to pain, and she started whispering, “Owh, owh, owh,” with each tap, that was now more of a slap. She could almost feel her lip burning; it must be scarlet! Rob switched back to the left lip and tapped again, getting harder. The, “Owh,” continued as he did, and quickly the left lip started to burn like the right. When it stopped, she let out a sigh. Not a contented one, but of relief. She was not sure what else they had planned, but she was not sure her body could take much more.

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