My Keyholder's Whims Ch. 01 by obionequixote,obionequixote

“Good job, boi!” She said, though as She continued to inspect, She would find some minor flaw — a speck of dirt, or an insufficiently shiny console knob, and would point these out to me as She went through the van. She directed me to go back inside and go upstairs and wait for Her on my knees by the little staircase to the closed door. I quickly responded and was upstairs in a jiffy, waiting on my knees. After a while She came upstairs and sat on the stairs facing me.

“Well, let’s see your chastity cage, boi,” She said coyly, “Take off your pants and underwear, now!”

I was naked from the waist down immediately and returned to kneeling at Her feet. She poked at the cage with Her bare feet, prodding my balls with Her toes, flicking the cage up and down, and side to side. She took out a pair of diagonal cutters and snipped off the plastic numbered lock and my heart started to beat double time. Was I to be allowed an orgasm now I wondered? She immediately replaced the plastic lock with a small metal lock and after cloing the lock, placed the key on Her necklace. “I just like the feel of having your key around My neck, chastity boi.”

“Hmmmm…” She murmured as She pulled out the Hitachi wand and plugged it in. “Since you had a few mistakes in your van cleaning duties, I think I should give you a little torture! How long has it been since you have had an orgasm?” She asked, giggling.

“Over six weeks, Mistress Wilma.” I replied. My cage was filling to capacity and throbbing due to the attention it had received from Her feet. I was starting to drip pre-cum from the end of the cage and feeling dizzy from this fantasy coming to fruition.

“How long do you think you can stand this without cumming, boi?” She asked as She applied the humming bulbous end of the Hitachi to the top of my chastity device. She chuckled as I squirmed, and my hips thrust involuntarily at the strong vibrations the wand was producing. She ran the wand over the base ring, and guided it to the tip of the cage, laughing as I twitched and jiggled in response.

“Not very long, Mistress,” I panted, “I am getting close to cumming now.” I whined.

“No cumming for you yet!” She scolded as She pulled the wand off of my encased cock. “You said that you have a foot fetish and told Me you found My feet beautiful, boi, so I will let you worship them now.” She said as She placed Her bare feet in front of my face.

I greedily massaged and kissed and licked Her feet, taking care to give thorough attention to firmly kneading Her soles, rubbing Her arches, cupping the sides of Her feet. As She relaxed and was apparently enjoying my ministrations, I kissed every inch of Her feet, then concentrated on suckling each toe, one by one, licking in between every toe, and finished by trying to get as much of Her entire foot inside my mouth as I could. She generously allowed me to attend to Her feet for what seemed like a glorious eternity.

As I finished with Her feet, She instructed me to massage and worship Her ankles and calves. This was an unexpected and welcome reward! My hands rubbed the back of Her right foot, then manipulated Her ankles and then I pressed my thumbs along Her calve muscles, stretching them and kneading them from Her Achille’s heel to Her knees. She purred as the muscles loosened and warmed. I kissed Her lower legs and licked every inch of them to show my gratitude for being allowed to worship Her leg. She removed Her right leg from me and stretched out Her left leg, where I repeated the process.

She opened Her legs when I had completed my worship of Her lower legs, providing me with a view of Her panty-less pussy. My breathing became more rapid and She giggled as She observed my excitement. “You may lick my inner thighs now, boi.” She allowed.

My tongue traced paths from Her knees to Her mid thighs, then with more courage, I explored Her upper thighs with my tongue nearly up to Her mound. “That’s enough, boi!” She commanded, “you may sniff My scent, but you have not earned any more than that for now.”

My cock was throbbing inside the confines of the silicon chastity cage. “Yes, Mistress Wilma. Thank You for allowing me to worship Your legs.” I panted.

“Bend over and show me the butt-plug, boi!” She said, pulling Her feet from my mouth. I complied and kneeled facing away from Her, then placed my head on the floor and reached back and spread my ass cheeks with my hands. She pulled out Her phone and ran the plug though its paces, enjoying the reactions that I had as She would unexpectedly run it up to full power, or pulse vibrations, or keep it low for a bit, then jolt it up half-way, then run it up to full as I moaned and twerked in response. “This is MUCH better in person, boi!” She exclaimed.

When she was done playing with the remote butt-plug, She had me remove it and wash it off and put it on the charger to be ready to wear it for the festival.

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