Office Girl Allison Ch. 05 by Williamdark963,Williamdark963

At The Mall

© William D’Ark 2022

This work is for ADULT AUDIENCES ONLY. It contains graphic language and numerous sexually explicit scenes related to bondage, discipline, and sado-masochistic (BDSM) lifestyles, as well as exhibitionist-voyeur and power exchange relationships which may be considered offensive by some readers. All depicted sexual and/or BDSM activity in this work is considered expressly consensual between adults. All characters and events are entirely fictional and any similarity to real persons living or dead is coincidental.


Making our way into the evening air from the hotel, we found an inebriated couple standing to the side. They were arguing.

‘It was that third bottle of wine,’ the woman said. ‘Otherwise we’d be driving home ourselves.’

‘Be quiet will you,’ said the man. ‘Nobody needs to hear our business. Like those two over there.’

I was trying to hurry Allison along.

‘Look Frank, it’s her…’ the woman whispered loudly. ‘From the parking lot!’

I didn’t want someone I knew to hear that loud voice.

‘One moment,’ I said to Allison. I left her in the shadows and walked over to the couple.

‘Hello,’ I said to them. ‘Have we met?’

‘Frank Padilla,’ the man said, holding out his hand. ‘Sorry, my wife’s had too much to drink. Me too, f’that matter,’ he guffawed. ‘We got a cab coming.’

‘I’m Helen,’ said the woman, grabbing my hand. ‘Your friend there is charming.’

‘Thank you. Maybe I misunderstood. It sounded like you know her.’

‘Not by name,’ she said with a sly grin. ‘But I remember a kind of passing fancy we had in the parking lot.’ She let out a shrill, trilling laugh. ‘She’s so pretty in pink…’ she sniggered.

‘I’m a lucky man,’ I said. ‘Sorry but we need to leave. I hope you two get home safe. Happy holidays.’

Helen turned towards her husband. ‘Frank aren’t you going to give him a card? Look at her! She’s gorgeous.’ She turned back to me. ‘Does she have any experience?’

‘Experience with..?’

‘Modeling. Fashion, lingerie. Nude modeling. Frank look at herrr.’ She was beating at his shoulder. ‘That dress she’s almost wearing…’

Frank tried to focus his eyesight. ‘Can’t see in this light,’ he said, fumbling for his wallet. ‘But here’s a card. Call me.’

A Yellow Cab pulled into circular hotel driveway. ‘We gotta go,’ Frank said.

‘Us too. It was a pleasure.’ I folded the card in half, then into my shirt pocket.

‘God, Frank that girl has great tits,’ said Helen, gazing wistfully in Allison’s direction.

‘C’mon girl, get in,’ Frank growled.

A few steps later, I had Allison by the arm. I was laughing.

‘You have great tits, I want you to know.’

Allison looked over her shoulder. ‘So I hear…’

The cab drifted past us. Helen was staring out the narrow back window. Her words were muffled behind the thick glass. ‘That’s her!’ she cried out as the car pulled away. ‘Call us!’


I unlocked the Acura door for Allison. But before she could sit down I said, ‘Let me have the dress.’

I don’t think she was prepared to hear that. ‘What? Really William? Right here?’

‘Sir,’ I corrected her. ‘And I don’t like to say things twice,’ I said. ‘Do it now before someone comes too close.’

Allison anxiously scanned the lot. People were beginning to spill out from the hotel entry.

She hurriedly worked the first button. ‘Yes Sir.’ The dress slid from her shoulders into my hands. She was naked except for the thigh belt.

‘The harness too.’

‘Oh my god…’ she moaned, quickly unbuckling the leather strap. Ligature marks appeared as she pulled away the binding and handed it to me.

‘Now the plug,’ I said, still holding out my hand.

Allison’s eyes wavered. Her chin dropped. She leaned over and reached between her legs, tugging till the amethyst jewel appeared. She held it up.

‘Is it clean?’ I asked. ‘I just washed my hands.’

‘William…’ she said in frustration. Staring at me, she slipped the plug inside her mouth, scrubbing and suction-cleaning it with her tongue. Then she pulled the pointy steel mass from her puckered lips and held it up for a second time. ‘Good thing I prepared for you, William. Sir. In every way.’

‘Oh?’ I replied, pocketing the heavy object. I was hearing another twinge of brattiness in the woman’s voice. That would have to be purged. Soon.

‘In every way, yes,’ she repeated. ‘In the locker room at work. If you don’t believe me I’ll show you the enema kit in the back seat.’ She shivered in the damp night air. ‘Can I get in now?’

I handed her the cashmere sweater. ‘Put this on. It’s early and the mall is still open. I’m taking you shopping.’ The girl’s foresight was impressive. An enema kit… Hmm. She was prepared for everything…

Or so she thought.

Allison slid into the passenger seat hugging the cashmere against her skin. She pulled it on and fastened the buttons as I walked to the back of the car, popping the trunk with the electronic key. The toy bag gaped wide in the middle. I returned the butt plug and thigh belt to the main compartment then dug out the large, curvy silicone cock. And a wide tan towel that matched the car’s upholstery.

Slamming the trunk lid, I slid into the driver’s seat. I handed the towel to Allison. ‘Spread this out underneath you,’ I said. A couple of bouncing motions later the towel was in place. Then I raised up the dildo.

‘This is for you while we drive,’ I said. ‘Cum for me.’

Allison took the flexible penis and studied it with interest. She weighed it in her hand while stroking the head and the thick cross cutting veins. ‘Sir, you are full of surprises.’ She looked out the car windows, studying her situation.

‘Are we still on company time?’ she asked.

I was pulling onto El Camino Avenue, heading north. Her breasts bounced beneath the sweater as we drove out of the hotel lot. ‘The company party is over,’ I replied impatiently. ‘But I have a company check to deposit and we are gradually making our way back to your car. Parked on the company lot. So yes,’ I said. ‘Still company time. Cum for me, contract girl, while we take a short tour.’ I toggled her seat’s heating unit and pulled her knees apart… glancing at the woman’s beautiful bare sex.

It had been too long since I’d seen it.

Resigned to her fate, Allison nestled back into the leather seat. She widened her knees, lifted her hips and pushed the large, veined, silicone cock deep inside. No lube needed, she was still that slippery from before.

And, I considered, from showing off in the room just now…

‘You’re so demanding, Sir,’ she said, letting her head lean back, eyes closed, working her cunt. ‘I love it.’

While she fucked herself beneath the moving street lights I asked, ‘Are you an exhibitionist, Allison?’

She was naked in public, working a pretend cock in and out of her slippery open sex.

‘Yes Sir,’ she whispered.

‘I’m glad to hear it,’ I said. ‘I’m a major voyeur. My excitement comes from watching your pleasure. From giving you pleasure. And from watching others use you for pleasure. Yours and theirs.’

‘Mmm,’ she replied. She pressed her thighs together, squeezing the hand held cock anchored in her womb. She opened wide again, pulling the cock almost all the way out – so the formidable mushroom shaped head could ‘pop’ – in and out, in and out – before being slammed all the way in again. Rocking her hips, rolling her hips… side to side, up and down… furiously working her pussy.

The girl was that skilled at self-pleasure. Excellent.

‘Real exhibitionists need to show,’ I continued. ‘Need to be naked so others can see. They need to cum while being watched. In the open and in the bedroom.’

Is that you?’ I asked, stirring her on. ‘Do you need to show?’

She was panting, eyes closed. Pumping the glistening cock hard. Street lights illuminating her hungry swollen sex. ‘Sir, are you distracting me on purpose?’ she grunted.

The car came to a stop at a street light in front of the British Banker’s Club. Crowds of people began to cross the street from opposite sides.

‘Open your eyes… Look.’

People were moving past the hood of the car. Past the passenger window.

‘Do it now, Allison. Let it go.’ …Giving her my first cum-command.

Allison groaned… shuddered… then burst into orgasm… ‘ahh…UHH…’ …Trying not to be conspicuous with strangers walking by.

But that was impossible. Enticed by her noise, heads turned to look. Allison’s gaze met their eyes. While fucking her glassy gleaming cunt in front of them.

‘godddddd…’ she moaned, cumming again. ‘ohmy…godddd…’ …jetting cum across the towel while people stared. She stared back at them wide eyed, working her pussy.

The street light went to green. I gently pushed the car through the throng, turning west onto Menlo Avenue. Up a block or two and then another left. Around the block and back to El Camino.

Allison was in near-tears.

‘Remember what you told me?’ I said. ‘About cumming in your bedroom? You were never sure whether people were watching. Well this time they were.’

‘I can’t believe what I just did,’ she cried. ‘How it felt.’ She was still working the large dildo, moving her hips to it, swept away by a combination of emotions alive in her. Alive in her. Maybe for the first time ever.

‘We’re not through,’ I said, waiting for a turn signal. ‘Unbutton your sweater.’

She looked at me with silver dollar eyes, her mouth half open.

‘Do it now,’ I told her.

The long sleeved sweater had five buttons just like the Christmas dress. But the sweater was cropped. Before she could finish with the last two buttons her breasts spilled out like they were hungry to be seen. Lit by golden street lamps, I saw that the areolas had crinkled while the nipples were stiff as narrow corks. Allison pulled back the sweater halves. She cradled fleshy, grapefruit sized breasts between her elbows. The nipples rose straight into the air. She began again with the long, thick dildo just as I turned south onto El Camino Avenue. The upraised breasts jiggled more.

Stanford Park Mall was close by. Within a couple of minutes I turned into the entryway. Another few yards and I passed the Mall’s main corridor. Dozens of people were moving this way and that as I drove slowly by. Putting Allison on full display.

She came a fourth time, more quietly than before but with her body thrashing side to side. ‘Grrrieefff…’ she muttered low, shuddering again.

Did anyone see? I hoped so but couldn’t tell for sure.

I drove to the large parking lot behind P.F. Chang’s, one of my favorite local Asian restaurants. Wells Fargo bank was next door. I parked several rows back directly under a bright neon parking lot light. If people wandered by I wanted Allison to be seen.

‘I’m going to deposit my check,’ I told her. ‘Don’t stop what you’re doing. Count each orgasm. I’ll want to know how many when I return.’

Cool air rushed in as I opened the car door. I could swear the nipples grew larger as I watched.

‘Engine’s running; the seat warmer is on. Get comfy and be a good girl. I’ll be right back.’

Good girl was code for Be the best fucking pleasure girl the world ever saw.

I was sure Allison understood that.

It only took five minutes to deposit my check using the ATM. Though the car engine was running I wanted to give Allison more playtime. I walked into P.F. Chang’s to see how busy it was. The back booths late at night had been a great source of public playtime in the past. Exposed breasts and vulvas, plenty of under-the-table cumming, even a hand job or two. But only when the restaurant wasn’t crowded. That night at eight pm it was medium-full. Too many people.

I walked back to the car. Three young couples ahead of me, walking in between parked cars, passed on either side of the Acura. They didn’t stop to watch Allison, but it was clear they saw her as they sauntered by. The girls shrieked and laughed, the guys said lots of oh my gods. They would talk about what they had seen for the rest of the night. There would likely be sex between them too, remembering the naked girl cumming in public. And someday soon they might themselves give other passersby the same sort of thrill.

That’s what it’s all about, I reminded myself. Gradually lowering the bar so the unlikely becomes more possible. Breaking barriers that have kept women’s sexuality hidden. Elevating the word slut to high status. Allowing each woman to decide with whom, when-and-where and how they express their sexuality. Praising that sexuality as the therapeutic necessity it is. Sharing it at every opportunity.

I paused outside the Acura door. Allison had not stopped. Her body was flushed pink and the towel was soaking wet. Primal sounds drifted past the windows.

I took more photos from outside the car with the cell phone. She spied me doing so and seemed to angle her body so I could get better views. Impressive. A born exhibitionist. A keen, maybe insatiable fuck-girl.

I slid back into the driver’s seat.

‘May I stop now, Sir?’ she cried low. ‘This thing is so big it’s making me sore.’

‘How many orgasms?’ I asked.

‘Ten or fifteen, Sir. I lost count somewhere in there. I wasn’t thinking clearly.’

‘Do you know you were being watched?’

‘I saw some shadows pass by. Heard some voices. They seemed excited to see me.’

‘How does that feel?’

Still working the dildo, she took time to answer my question. She looked over at me with some seriousness.

‘I don’t have words for how I feel, William. Have you heard that before? When a girl discovers what it’s like to be made a spectacle like this? To be shown off as somebody’s property? I feel vulnerable, like I could be fucked at any time by anyone, giving out signals like this. Not against my will, I mean, but… to be put out there by someone I trust and maybe love. Knowing I’m safe while it’s all going down… Forced to be naked and so openly sexual… Oh my god… My body feels… electric; it’s vibrating. My heart is pounding and my head is giddy. It’s like I’m on some sweet drug, I swear.’

Ah, she was getting it. So soon, too; another good sign. ‘Those are the right words,’ I said. ‘Even the L word. I’m proud of you, and I hope you understand why. Most guys would never allow their girl to be seen like this. Most women would never do it anyway. Too embarrassed. Or worrying they would be disrespected.’

I took the dildo and set it aside, wanting to look at her amazing body.

‘How can I be proud of you for being lifestyle-sexual? Naked, fucking yourself while other people watch?’ I asked her. ‘Tell me.’

She sat up in the light. ‘I’m proud of me too, William, and I think it starts there. …Sir, I mean. Sorry… I’m so happy I said yes to all this. To the lifestyle and the contract and you. It’s like I’m becoming a whole new person. My progress probably feels slow but to me it’s like the snap of a finger. You’ve pushed me to try so many new amazing things… …In just one night! And your being proud of me means a lot, especially when I feel so… thrilled by it all.’

‘Answer my question please.’

She shifted her bare shoulders lit by the parking lot lights. ‘You’re proud of me for being so sexual…’ she repeated. ‘…because…’ She was gathering her thoughts. ‘First of all, because you can see this is the real me. That I’m not faking any of it.’ She giggled and shook her head. ‘Maybe some girls would fake it, just to stay in good stead with you. But that would be unimaginable for me. After tonight.’ She looked up at me. ‘This is the real me, William. You’ve uncovered her. Revealed her. You’ve set me free. I’m feeling liberated. It’s astonishing. Like a huge weight has been lifted. I don’t have to hide it anymore. Oh my god… I can finally breathe!’

She was sorting it all out.

‘You’re proud of me because…’ Thinking hard now. ‘Because I’m showing other people what it’s like to be like this.’

‘Yes. People will learn from you. Some men will want their women to be like you. Some of the women will want to be like you too. They will want the same freedom you’ve discovered. They’ve just never been given permission. Encouraged. Told that it’s not only okay, it’s preferred. Those people will experiment and find new ways to express their sexuality.’

We were getting to the bottom line. ‘Why is it important for people to express their sexuality more,’ I asked her.

‘Because we’re so fucked up when it comes to sex.’

‘Right. But why?’

‘Because we get so many conflicting signals about what’s right and wrong. About what’s acceptable.’

‘Why should it be okay for any woman to be openly and endlessly sexual like you?’

I hoped this would be a real a-ha for her… I could feel the cogs and gyros turning in her head.

Suddenly she cried out, ‘Power! Empowerment! That’s it!’ She put a hand to her mouth. ‘It’s an empowering thing to say yes to sex at this level. At this depth!’ She swallowed hard, licking her lips. Her eyes moved back and forth.

‘You’re proud of me because I’ve found a new source of personal power, haven’t I. A new strength. I have a new sense of self-worth because I am throwing off these fucking shackles! I can have sex anytime, anywhere, with whoever I want, as much as I want! And however I want it!’

She was feeling the fury of realizing that her prior life had been lived in absolute, non-consensual bondage. She had been a slave to social mores, to customs and conventions imprisoning her. Denying her access to an infinitely deep pool of life force energy… now flowing into her as organic, explosive, creative, ecstatic orgasmic release…

She didn’t say it those words – I would have to teach them to her later – but the understanding was there.

‘It’s all about this energy, isn’t it,’ she said. ‘You keep saying it but I’m seeing it now. I’m figuring it out.’

She reached out to me with tears in her eyes. ‘I’m like a river, aren’t I? That energy runs in me now like water in river…’ We hugged. She gave me a quick smacky kiss.

‘Oh my god, William, if you were ever disappointed in me after this I think I would…’ She was hanging her head as tears began to flow.

‘Damn. I didn’t mean to sound like a stupid… emotional… ‘

‘Slut?’ I interrupted her with a grin. I stroked her hair.

She peeked upwards with a glint in her eye and laughed. ‘Am I a slut now? After one night?’

Even though a lot of heady stuff had just happened, I wanted to make one more point about that new ‘sluttiness’.

‘Sex at this level can be hard on relationships. Especially if the woman is undisciplined about it. You are property in this lifestyle. You are owned. Part time anyway. Your Sir should know about all of your sexual activity and approve of it before anything happens.’

‘Yes, I see that. If I was just fucking around, there would be no reason to have a primary, would there? If I couldn’t be trusted to put Sir first, to follow his lead always, I might as well be in any vanilla relationship where people fuck around on the side all the time anyway.’

‘Yes, there has to be discipline. Rules that both people agree on. So, do you see why it’s so important to find a Sir that gets you?’

‘I think so. If we weren’t aligned in the right ways…’ she paused… ‘and dependent on each other to follow the rules… Things would fall apart. …Cause those rules are written around each of our deepest needs.’


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She leaned over to hug me. ‘Oh, William… I see what you’ve been doing now! You’ve really been watching and listening to me. With more than just your eyes and ears! You’re able to predict what I need… Oh my god how did you do that?’ Her eyes were wide open. ‘It’s been perfect so far. Even the parts that have been hard…

That realization led to another awakening. ‘You’re enslaving me, aren’t you? Enslaving me to this…’

‘Oh my god…’



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