Our Summer with Aunt Sam by willwork4wine,willwork4wine

The wheels of the plane touched down at Portland International Airport, waking my sister Jules who had been sleeping on my shoulder. It hadn’t been that long of a flight from LAX, but the Covid protocols for flying meant we had to get to the airport more than three hours before the flight, which in turn meant getting up at 3 am. It was early June of 2020 and while the lockdowns were relaxing, Mom could see that LA was going to be a total shit show and thought it better if Jules and I went to spend the summer with our Aunt.

Aunt Samantha was our Mom’s younger sister. While Mom had always been the responsible one, especially after the divorce, Aunt Sam was the free spirit. She had never married and Mom said she seemed to have a continual stream of both boyfriends and girlfriends. She lived in a turn of the century farmhouse about an hour outside Portland and grew homeopathic herbs which were a big market in that area. In fact, about three years earlier, she had also started growing medical marijuana, something Jules and I were hoping to sample.

Jules called Aunt Sam to let her know we had landed. She said she was waiting in the baggage claim area and couldn’t wait to see us. The plane finally began to unload and we grabbed our carry-ons and headed in that direction.

It had been 5 years since Jules and I had seen Aunt Sam, but it still wasn’t hard to pick her out. While she and Mom looked a lot alike, Aunt Sam has a more outdoorsy look to her. She was tall, nearly 5′ 10″, with long, thick, dark hair, highlighted with a few strands of grey starting to show through. She had a round face, with bright green eyes and full, red lips, creating a darkly sensuous look. Her body had the curves of a mature woman, but was clearly toned and in shape, and sported a dark tan from all her time outside. She was definitely what my friends would call a MILF.

And she was dressed like one too. She had on skin tight jeans tucked into knee high, brown boots and a white, button down shirt, with the top four buttons unbuttoned. What caused me to stare though was her lack of a bra. Her breasts were full and firm and her top exposed a serious amount of cleavage. To top things off, literally, were thick nipples that were visible through the fabric of the shirt.

Aunt Sam gave us each a big hug and kiss and couldn’t believe how much we had grown. It had been five years since she had seen either of us in person, and while she had seen holiday pictures, we had both changed a lot.

I was nearly 6′ tall and while skinny, was in good shape from being on the cross-country team. I had let my hair grow out over the past year and it now just touched my shoulders. While my height and hair were probably my biggest changes, Jules had changed even more.

When Aunt Sam had seen her last, she was still a flat-chested tomboy who preferred playing with the boys. Now though, as a just turned 19-year-old college freshman, she looked like a Mademoiselle model. She was as tall as Aunt Sam, with long blonde hair that extended half-way down her back and an athletic figure that came from playing varsity volleyball. No longer flat chested, she had 34B breasts that fit her body perfectly and had all the guys in her class ogling her.

Our bags finally arrived on the baggage belt and we headed out to Aunt Sam’s pickup. I got to sit in front, while Jules spread out in the large back seat area. I definitely didn’t complain as this gave me the perfect side view of Aunt Sam’s breasts. In fact, when she leaned forward to change lanes, her left breast was fully exposed to my view. I was kind of surprised how casual she was, but I wasn’t going to complain.

After about an hour, we turned down the gravel road that led to her house. It was nearly half a mile long and lined by trees on both sides. At the end, the trees opened into a clearing with a two-story farmhouse in the center, and a barn and three large greenhouses on the left. Behind the house were a series of connected fields with different plants and herbs growing in them. We pulled up in front of the house and Aunt Sam showed us to our rooms.

Or we thought it would be rooms. It turned out that Jules and I would be sharing a single bedroom, with a This End Up bunk bed. It had a double on the bottom and a twin on the top. Jules of course immediately claimed the double. Even though the house had three bedrooms, Aunt Sam had turned one of them into an office.

“You all get settled. I need to get changed and handle a few things in the greenhouses. It should only take an hour or so. When you’re settled, come on out and I’ll show you around.”

“I didn’t expect to be sharing a room with you,” Jules said. “I only brought tank tops and panties to sleep in.”

“Same with me. I only have my underwear. I didn’t even consider it.”

“Well, I guess we’ll just have to deal with it.”

“We really can’t complain though. This farm is amazing and I can’t wait to explore it. So much better than being locked at home and having to wear a mask if you step outside.”

“I totally agree.”

We unpacked our bags, then walked out to the greenhouses to find Aunt Sam. We found her in the middle one, adjusting the flow on one of the misters. If I thought her earlier outfit was revealing, her work clothes were even more so. She now had on seriously short cutoffs that left the bottom of her ass exposed and a thin tank top that she had tied at the bottom, exposing the lower part of her stomach and a pentagram belly button ring. The sides were cut low, offering the same revealing view of her breasts, and the thin fabric did very little to cover the rest, showing off the shape of her breasts, along with her dark aureoles and full nipples. When Aunt Sam saw us, she waved and after turning a faucet off, she walked over to us.

Seeing my eyes wander over her chest, she smiled slightly and said, “It gets quite hot and humid in these greenhouses and I’m big on staying as cool and comfortable possible, so I tend to wear pretty skimpy stuff around the farm in the summer. Is that ok?”

“Yah, sure,” I stammered.

And turning to Jules she said, “Knowing your Mom, your clothes are probably a little more conservative and focused on fashion versus function. I’ll leave it up to you, but I’d be more than happy to take you down to Ross and Kohl’s and help you pick out some casual clothes for around the farm.”

“Thanks, Aunt Sam, I think that would be great. I don’t really have much in the way of farm-type clothes to wear.”

“What about you Tom, should we grab some shorts and t-shirts for you as well?”

“That sounds great. Like Jules, I don’t have much in the way of get-dirty farm clothes.”

“We can go tomorrow then.”

Samantha then gave us a full tour of the farm. Two of the greenhouses held the seedlings for the herbs she sold as part of her homeopathy business. The third had been recently added and was where she grew the marijuana. She explained that her homeopathic business had really simplified the process of getting a medical marijuana license and it had turned into an amazing cash crop for her.


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