Powerfull Powder by Sara_Quill

A literotic sexstories: Powerfull Powder by Sara_Quill ,
Mother and daughter drug their new tenant, they humiliate him and fuck him together.
Howard looked at the address on his phone and then at the building in front of him. It wasn’t exactly what he’d imagined. He always imagined he would rent a little studio downtown, modern and with lots of windows. He would be close to all the nightlife and the theaters the restaurants. This was just a run down townhouse on the outskirts of the city. He took a deep breath and told himself he wouldn’t be renting a room for long. Soon his own company would take off and he’d earn millions. He would buy and penthouse and him renting a room here would be nothing more than a funny anecdote he would tell when talk show hosts asked him about his path to success. He climbed up the two little steps and rang the doorbell. He heard nothing and tried to look through the window. The curtains were closed all he could see was a dead fly lying in the windowsill. He rang the doorbell again.

‘One moment.’ Someone yelled from inside the house. He leaned against the banister and stared out in the street, there were some trash cans standing on the sidewalk, one had tumbled over and some seagulls were scavenging for food.

‘Hi there,’ The door swung upon and Howard got startled.

‘Hi.’ He stuttered.

‘Come on in.’ The lady took a step back and made a welcoming gesture towards her own hallway. It wasn’t the type of lady he’d expected. He somehow thought the landlady here would be more old fashioned, wrinkly, wearing a sappy dress with flowers. Yet this lady wore a tight corset with a checkered skirt and fishnet tights, she was somewhere in her late forty’s but she still gave of a gothic vibe.

He stepped into the hallway and followed her into the living room, two cups of tea already stood on the dining table and she told him to sit down. She asked if he wanted sugar in his tea and when he shook his head, she nodded towards the cup implying he should take a sip.

‘So you’re Howard Haynes,’ she said. ‘I’m Pernella Sloan, most people call me Ellie though. We agreed upon six hundred a month, no pets, no smoking, right?’

‘Mom!’ A voice came from further down the house. ‘Mom I want to see him.’

The lady got up from the table. ‘That’s my, baby,’ she said. ‘Be right back.’

Howard sat at the table and looked around the living room, he could get used to this, it wasn’t perfect but it wasn’t half bad either. He sipped from his tea, it had a weird aftertaste though. It almost seemed to numb his mouth and tongue. He closed his eyes and gulped all the tea down in one go. A shiver ran across his spine and he started coughing. Here’s to hoping she didn’t offer him a second cup.

Pernella returned followed by a young woman that must be somewhere in her early twenties, she had the same eyes as Pernella though, and the same puffy lower lip. As she walked in the room she took a good look at him. Staring him down from his feet to the top of his head. Pernella gave her a little push in between her shoulders. ‘Be a good girl and introduce yourself.’ She said.

‘I’m Cassie.’ The young women said. She reached out her hand, but when he grabbed her fingers they were wet and slippery.

‘Hi there.’ He said while drying his hand on his jeans.

Pernella grabbed a pillow from the couch and threw it on the ground next to her chair. The girl willingly sat down on the pillow and once Pernella sat down too, the girl rested her head on Pernella’s lap.

Howard was a confused by this and he stared at the empty chairs surrounding the dining table.

‘Is that you’re a daughter?’ He asked. ‘Why is she… I mean… On the ground?’

‘Indeed.’ Pernella said. ‘Cassie is my daughter, she sits on the ground because she respects her mommy, don’t you darling?’ She patted Cassie on her head. ‘She used to be kind of a spoiled brat, but now mommy got you under control, isn’t that right, Cas?’

Cassie let out an agreeing sound.

‘How’s your tea?’ Pernella asked.

‘No thanks.’ He said, ‘I mean, you didn’t offer me any more tea. I’m sorry. I thought you were going to offer me more tea, that’s why I said… you know, but…’ He pressed his lips together realizing he was rambling like a mad man. ‘Sorry.’ He said.

The lady pouted her lips for a moment as if she was judging him.

‘I’m sorry.’ He said again.

Then she gave him a coy smile. ‘It’s okay.’ She said. With her one hand she was softly caressing Cassie right above her ear. The girl closed her eyes and was purring. ‘I’ll drink your tea, mommy.’ She said.

‘You’ve had enough tea, my dear.’ The lady said. ‘Here’s the contract.’ She slid a pile of papers across the table. ‘I’ve rewritten some paragraphs and added a few clauses, it’s all pretty self-explanatory. If you’re sure you want to live here you can sign it.’

Howard pulled the papers closer and started to read, it was increasingly difficult to focus on the letters though, they kept dancing around on the paper and even when he blinked a few times and forced himself to focus, he didn’t quite understand the words. There was a slight buzz in is head almost as if he just drank a few margarita’s. It was hard to concentrate. He blinked once more and grabbed the ballpoint the lady provided. It slipped from his fingers.

‘Nervous?’ The lady asked. She reached out and put her hand on his. She softly caressed the back of his hand with her thumb.

He nodded and she gave him and entrancing smile.

‘There’s nothing to be nervous about, honey.’ She said. ‘You’ll gonna love it here, right Cas?’

‘Yeah, love it.’ The younger woman said obedient.

In a haze he signed the contract. Pernella clapped her hands and Cassie reached out under the table and briefly squeezed his calf. ‘I always wanted a brother.’ She said.

‘What?’ Howard asked.

‘It’s okay.’ Ellie said. ‘I’ll show you your room.’

‘Our room you mean.’ Cassie said.

Howard stood up. Wait? Shouldn’t he have inspected the room before signing the contract? He put his fingers against his forehead trying to massage the numbness away. He followed the lady upstairs. He was still feeling lightheaded, but it wasn’t anything he couldn’t control. However when the lady showed him his room he almost fainted. It was a brightly colored room with two adult cribs standing against the wall.

‘I sleep here.’ Cassie said pointing towards the messy crib, ‘And you’re going to sleep there.’ She pointed at the one with the freshly made blankets.

‘I… I don’t know about that?’ He looked at Pernella for some explanation. Why would her twenty some year old daughter still sleep in a crib? Why would he share a room with her daughter, that wasn’t the deal now was it? Ellie didn’t flinch however, she just smiled at Cassie and then walked over to the changing table and grabbed a bottle of baby powder.

‘Can I have some powder too?’ Cassie asked.

The lady sprinkled some baby powder onto the palm of her hand, and before he knew what was going on she’d pouted her lips and blew the powder into his face. He coughed and tried to swat the powder away. ‘What did you do that for?’ He asked. ‘What is going on.’

‘I want powder too.’ Cassie was wining annoyingly.

‘If you’re a good girl and help me prepare your brother, you’ll get some powder too.’ The lady promised.

Howard wasn’t quite sure what to make of this, he was feeling slightly drowsy and confused. The lady sprinkled some more powder on her hand and blew it into his face once more. He inhaled a whole mouth full and he could feel it burning in his lungs. He was feeling increasingly dizzy as if he was about to faint. His body started swaying, his knees gave away. Suddenly there was a hand on his shoulder.

‘Are you alright?’ The voice seemed to be ringing in his head coming from very far away. ‘Come sit down for a moment.’ He was pushed towards the adult sized crib, the bars swung to the side and two hands pushed him down until he sat on the mattress.

‘There you go, what a good obedient boy you’ve been.’ A voice said still sounding far away. Howard was fighting with the pull of unconsciousness that seemed to get a firmer and firmer grasp of his mind. ‘Obedient boys get a reward, don’t they. Here Cas, why don’t you blow the last dose into his face.’ The lady held out her hand and Cassie pouted her lips and exhaled, another cloud of powder was huffed into his face and he lost consciousness, he vaguely noticed his body slumping against the side of the cot and then then there was nothing.

When he woke up again he was laying in the cot, wearing a diaper and a velvety onesie. He blinked his eyes and rubbed his hand over the soft velvety fabric. This wasn’t real, this couldn’t be real. The bars of the cot were closed. He pulled himself up and looked around. The lady sat in a nursing chair and Cassie was sprawled out over her lap. Cassie’s eyes closed in delight, while she was suckling on her mother’s nipple. Cassie’s own breasts also naked her nipples fiercly prodding forward. Pernella grabbed one of her daughters boobs and slowly squeezed and gently caressed.

For a moment he quite liked this view, all the boobs, the suckling, the licking, the groping, but then he became aware of the crib again. He tried to stand op, the mattress wobbled and the bars came all the way up towards his chest. He couldn’t get out of the crib on his own.

‘Hey.’ He said, trying to get the attention of the two women.

‘Whut?’ Cassie mumbled disoriented. For a moment Pernella looked up, she winked at him and then she gave Cassie a kiss on her forehead. ‘It’s okay sweetheart, it’s just your brother waking-up.’

‘I’m not her brother.’ Howard said. ‘And I’m definitely not a baby and neither is she.’

‘Ssshh.’ The lady said calmly.

However Howard was getting more and more riled up now. He pulled on the bars and tried to climb out of his crib, three times he jumped up against the bars and fell back onto his bum. ‘I don’t need a diaper.’ He said. ‘Now he was pulling on his onesie, the snap buttons opened up and he stepped out of the velvety pajama. He was flabbergasted when he saw the diaper he was wearing. It had a very childish print, letter blocks and little bears, but the most surprising thing was that the diaper appeared to wet.

Maybe he’d peed himself while he was drugged asleep or maybe those women had just poured a cup of water down his diaper to make him think he peed himself. He pulled on his tapes and a moment later the diaper was off.

His wet skin cold in the open air. ‘Where are my clothes?’ He asked. ‘Give me back my own clothes.’

‘Honey.’ The lady said while gently brushing some hair out of Cassie’s face. ‘We’d better give your brother some attention now.’ Lazily the other woman let go of the boob and the lady came up from the nursing chair. She wasn’t wearing the corset and the checkered skirt anymore, instead she hastily wrapped herself in a silky smooth kimono.

‘So.’ She said as she approached the crib. ‘How’s mommy’s little boy doing? Are you settling yet?’

‘What?’ Confused he shook his head. ‘You’re not my mommy and I told you I’m not… I’m not a baby. What’s going on?’

The lady reached out her hand and briefly squeezed his cheek. ‘Don’t worry, we’ll get you there.’

‘Get me where?’

The lady grabbed the bottle of baby powder again and instinctively he turned his face away and covered his nose and mouth with his elbow. The lady just chuckled and lusciously powdered his hips and cock. With her hand through the bars she spread the powder around, her fingers playing with his balls, and around his shaft.

‘Don’t touch me.’ He said. Yet he didn’t pull himself away from her, instead her trusted his hips forward, his cock was twitching and getting hard, the lady squeezed her fingers around his cock and started tugging until he was fully erect.

‘Honey. You wanted some powder too, didn’t you?’ She said looking over her shoulder.

‘Yes, mom.’ Cassie said enthused.

‘Go climb in bed with your brother.’ She said. She didn’t have to tell Cassie twice. She pulled a the nursing chair closer and skillfully she climbed over the bars. Immediately she knelt down in front of him and pressed her face into his crotch, sticking out her tongue while licking up the baby powder. Howard was flabbergasted by this series of events, yet her soft agile tongue swirling around his balls was quite pleasant.

‘With your pussy.’ The older lady said.

‘But this is better.’ Cassie said dreamily.

The lady grabbed Cassie by one of her pigtails and pulled her away from his crotch. ‘Mommy told you to use your pussy, didn’t she?’ A strict tone of voice.

‘But then it’s so slow.’ Cassie said whining.

‘I know.’ The lady said. ‘I know inhalation or ingestion works quicker than having the powder absorbed through your pussy, but that’s exactly why mommy wants you to use your pussy, so it’s nice and slow.’

‘Yes mommy.’ Cassie put her hands on Howard’s shoulders and she pushed him down onto the mattress of the crib, then she climbed on top of him with her hand she guided his cock inside and then she started to fuck him.

Her pussy was nice and tight around his cock and she seemed to ride him with cheery enthusiasm. The baby powder around his crotch transferred towards her crotch and soon there was a thin film of powder on both their skins. Howard could feel it glowing.

‘Can we have some more.’ Cassie asked.

The lady got the bottle of baby powder out and sprinkled some more around their genitals. She just stood there looking at them, looking at the girl fucking him, looking at him trying to decide whether to lean into it and enjoy it, or whether to protest and struggle.

He was starting to feel the effects of the powder again though, his head was becoming numb and somewhat sleepy and the girl fucking him also appeared to be dreamy and drowsy, yet she didn’t stop fucking him. Her pussy swallowed him completely, it was twitching and pulsating around his cock and her beautiful round breasts were bouncing up and down as she was riding him. Her pink nipples going up and down, up and down. It was mesmerizing.

Suddenly his mommy was in the crib too. Disoriented he looked around. She wasn’t his mommy! He shook his head to get that weird thought out of his mind again, of course she wasn’t his mommy, maybe the powder was getting to him. But the pussy, the pussy was still delightfully fucking him, he wouldn’t protest now. The bars were gone, the bars of the side of the crib were gone and mommy climbed on top of his chest.

Demonstratively she sprinkled quite a copious amount of baby powder onto her own pussy and then she pressed her pussy into his face. ‘Lick me.’ She said. ‘Lick your mommy’s pussy, you sweet little baby of mine.’

The powder was rubbing up against his nose and transferring into his mouth, a rush of dizziness spread through his mind. He tried to turn his face away, but mommy grabbed his head and pulled his face into her pussy.

‘Lick.’ She said. ‘Lick and suckle you little one.’ He was getting so lightheaded, so sleepy, he was barely aware of what was going on anymore. He stuck out his tongue and licked his mommy’s pussy, the soft labia, the swollen clit, the white hypnotic powder made his tongue tingle and his mind numb. It was addictive almost.

‘Mommy! Why does he get to lick it?’ A whining voice came from the girl still riding his cock.

‘Don’t worry, by the look of it he won’t make it much longer, and if he’s knocked out it’s your turn to lick mommy’s pussy.’

The powder was everywhere now, he didn’t mind it anymore. He willingly licked it from the pussy that was smothering his face, he willingly inhaled it and he welcomed the sleepiness that came over him. Yet something was urging him to stay awake, yeah… if he would stay awake he could see his sister lick mommy’s pussy, he didn’t want to miss out on that image.

‘Is he out yet?’ A whining voice sounded from far away.

‘Not yet. He’s almost there.’

Unconsciousness was pulling on his thoughts now, coaxing him further and further down, coaxing him into surrender.

‘Now it’s my turn, right?’

That was the last thing he remembered, before his heavy eyelids shut close and his body and mind surrendered to the warm enticing sleep.



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