Protected Pt. 06 by SanityCheck,SanityCheck

I led her to the floor then we bounced a moment to get into time. “You ready?” I asked as I jerked her in tight.

“Oh, God,” she murmured and then giggled.

We began gyrating around the floor, our hips grinding together, until the song stopped. I held her close and tight, unmoving, until the next song started, another fast and upbeat rollicking number, and we picked up where we’d left off. She stepped on my feet a couple of times, not surprising as we were dancing close and fast and this was our first time dancing together. About halfway through the song the crowd began to open up to give us a little more room. I dipped and spun her, showing off a little, but she was keeping up. When the song ended, I pulled her in tight, staring into her eyes a moment before giving her a quick kiss. We were both panting, and I was hard as diamonds.

She burst into breathy giggles. “Is that the best you can do?”

Before I could answer, When You Say Nothing at All began playing, and the lyrics instantly spoke to me. I pulled her in close, holding her tight as we slowly moved around the floor. I buried my face in her neck and inhaled deeply, breathing in her scent of unnamable fruit and flowers that I’d forever associate with her. I pulled her tighter against me, needing to feel her close. Too soon, the song ended, but I took my time releasing her, wanting to hold her until the last possible moment.

An instant before the next song started, I relaxed my embrace. As the opening bars of Thank God I’m a Country Boy began to play, she stepped back and looked up at me.

“Take me home,” she murmured.


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