Regime Change Pt. 10 – ASSIGNATION by Dystopianist,Dystopianist

Sara Service awoke early next morning on her special day. Her entire still oily body vibrated pleasurably from the aftershocks and awe of her reunion with her boss, who had wish fulfilled her ass.

Sara rolled on to her back and winced and then rolled on to her left side. “I won”t be able to sit down for days,” she sighed inwardly. “Worth it!” she giggled aloud as images of the yesterday’s impalement flooded her consciousness.

In the midst of her revelry the maid became aware that her jaw hurt as well, a side effect of her frantic face fucking of her boss’s sharp-tongued wife. “I made Darlene cum; I dodged the bullet; my big mouth saved me from the Walk of Shame.”

It was then that Sara saw the large, life-like dildo with a red bow tied around the base of the shaft, perched on the night table beside her bed.

“He remembered!” she shouted out in delight and grabbed the phallic symbol. It didn’t take more than a cursory glance at the member for Sara to conclude that it was an exact replica of the cock who knew her so well done in the biblical sense.

Hitherto the only woman in the house allowed toys was Mrs Del Toro. (Both the concubine and the cow knew Darlene’s strap-ons intimately.)

“I’m back in his good books,” murmured Sara as she eye-fucked her boss’s doppleganger, rolling it between her palms. She discovered a suction cup underneath the base of the dildo. This puzzled her momentarily and then the red light bulb turned on over her bed head. A big grin spread across Sara’s beautiful face as she turned her head to give the slightly ajar door to her bathroom a knowing look.

“It’s time to get up to no good,” Sara told her bedroom and extracted herself from her rumpled oily sheets. Standing naked beside her bed in the early dawn’s light she absent-mindlessly rubbed her sore oily rump and gazed adoringly at the idol laying on her bed. She picked it up.

“No rest for the wicked,” the maid told herself as she pushed her bathroom’s door open. Sara turned on the shower, testing the water’s temperature on her free hand. Sara enjoyed hot showers.

Once the heat was just right the athletic brunette stepped into the cloud of steaming water of the shower stall and closed its clear glass door. Sara put the synecdoche of Del Toro in the basket of soaks hanging from the shower fixture.

Sara squirted liquid soap between her big enough to distract breasts and slowly lathered them up to a sudsy spectacle. Her hands rubbed the liquid soap the right way all over her steamy body. Her tummy, her cunt, her shapely legs and her sweet tush were smothered in white foam. She shampooed her fine, shoulder-length hair. And then stepping under the center of the hot spray, she thoroughly washed away the suds.

Sara then carefully put conditioner into her hair, brushing her hair back over her forehead with her fingertips. She then sprayed what she called “lady” shaving cream on her arm pits, her legs and her cunt. And then she meticulously shaved her arm pits, her legs and her steamed clam and washed off the cream by stepping into the center of the hot spray.

Sara was now ready to receive the simulacrum of her boss man’s iron rod. Del Toro expected all his dirty sluts and whores to be squeaky-clean. The dildo obviously represented him; it would be disrespectful to receive it in a condition that didn’t meet his impossibly high standards.

Sara was now well prepared to receive Del Toro’s gift in the spirit in which it was intended.

Her skin tingled, it felt…zesty. All her cheeks blushed a deeper shade of pink when with a slightly trembling right hand she pulled the sceptre out of the basket. Licking her somewhat pouty lips she admired the length and girth of it, her cunt getting a creamy deeper shade of pink. Her clit was on high alert.

Sara looked at the glass door, beaded with steamy drops of hot water, and did a quick and dirty calculation of height, distance and angle. She had a knack for spatial relations.

Gripping the dripping dildo in both hands, Sara pushed the base of it on to the spot on the shower door she calculated would give it the level best chance to hit her bull’s eye, her gee whiz spot. The dildo stood fast.

Sara panted in the hot steam. She turned her back side to the perpendicular disembodied artificial big hard dick and put both her hands on the white tiles of the shower walls like a rioter arrested by the police. The shower head sprayed hot water on from the left side of her neck downwards.

Sara curved her back, got on her tippy-toes a little bitsy and stuck out her tush. She hit the jack pot. She won the lotto. She gasped joyously when the tip of the spear pierced her creamy cunt. It been so long since she’d had so long a sex object all up inside her fire engine red hot mess. It been a month since Officer Black had pounded her lawless cunt. A month is a long time for a rutting whore.

She shoved herself ass backwards until her ass cheeks pressed against the glass, forcing the dildo so deep into her cunt she felt like the tip of it was going to stick out of her mouth from the back of her throat. Sara groaned under the burden of her bestial nature, an in-born slave to sin, a rutting fucking whore.

The cunt that had been denied DP for too long ran amok. Sara’s hips worked over time, manically pumping. Sara tanned her own hide. She made the unflagging cock eat crow, made it plum her depths.

Sara was so far gone over the deep end she was oblivious to the loud squeaking her ass made when it repeatedly slammed the wet glass of the shower door.

Sara was on the up-and-up, the sky was the limit. Her cunt was stuffed to the gills. Her cunt was a starkers raving mad maid made to follow a real man’s orders. Sara was surfing around the maelstrom getting churned up inside her cunt by Del Toro’s stand-in-up guy. It made her head and her wet tits spin.

“This last time/he shoved/It/into my puss/my cunt/over a year,” shards of memory, lust, desire, craving, frustration bobbed on and sunk beneath the waves of pleasure careening out of Sara’s fully loaded cunt.

“He owned my ass last night! When will my cunt get the real deal again!? I want to be fucked in the cunt by a real hard dick!” Sara’s imprecations climbed the shower walls.

“I wish it was him pounding me now!” Sara cried out. Sara imagined it was the tall, bald, black-eyed stern older man–who had overwhelmed her so many times with the rock hard truth that she was nothing but a born perverted whore–was subjecting her cunt to sledgehammerhead shark blows.

Sara’s hips were pumping faster than a runaway train wreck. “I hope he’s watching!” she screamed.

He was. And so was Master Layman and the Obsidian Prince. And many others on the Whore-stoppers live-feed. It was a split screen: one shot from the outside the shower focused on Sara’s pumping ass, one shot of Sara’s full frontal nudity..

Unbeknownst to Sara (but not to her former nice bf), her first vid on Whore-stoppers was a carefully edited montage of her black mass in the mountains. It was entitled “Unforgivable”. Her second vid was of her with the cops in the drive-way of the Casa Del Toro, it was entitled “Apprehension”. Her third vid was destined to be an even bigger hit.


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