Robert's First Time by The Great Tash

Introduction: Please note the genre and themes. If this isn’t your taste, then move on now. I don’t want to be downvoted for unintentionally offending you. This story includes scenes of drinking and non-consensual sex. Do not continue if you are not into those kinds of stories. , The spring sun was coming down hot on the first day of Spring Break Sophomore year. I had just got my license about a month before and my Dad, ever one to spoil his only son, got me a decked out brand-new Chevy Suburban that he slyly referred to as my “shagin’ wagon”. Tonight, I would finally get to go out on my own to throw down with my friends, have some brews, and hopefully to get to break-in the shagin’ wagon.

My friend Chase lived on a 10-acre farm plot. It was back off from the main road in the woods. No one would come back there, and no one would hear us throwing down unless someone specifically called the cops. Even then, they’d have to either break the lock on the gate or get Chase to come open it. Chase’s parents were old rednecks and likely to throw down with us rather than get upset about anything going on.

We had planned it out. We would keep it small. Hopefully more girls than guys. We had invited our friends me, Robert Mitchell, my buddies Justin, Caleb, and Billy who everyone called Red. We had Melissa, a brown hair, brown eyed Senior stoner chick who was on and off dating Justin, Annice, an auburn haired Junior with a smart mouth and a dry wit who liked Caleb. The Thompson girls, Amber and August, one a Sophomore and one a Freshman, both blondes and a lot of fun, Jamie, the dance captain, a junior, and four freshmen girls, Jenna, Katy, Becky, and Callie. We felt like this gave us guys a good chance to get the alcohol flowing and maybe score with at least one of the chicks that would be there.

We got a keg of Bud light, a bunch of wine coolers for the girls, some Jack and some Jim Beam and put it in the barn. Then I went and picked up the Freshmen because they needed a ride. They were friendly enough until we got Katy in the car. Katy was about 4’11, maybe 5 feet tall. She was thin but athletic, cute, and acted like everyone should worship her for it. She wore bright red lipstick that didn’t quite look right on her otherwise beautifully pouty lips. She had dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, a sharp but cute nose. She was thin and didn’t really have any breasts to talk about, just slight rises under her Texas Rangers T-shirt. She had been an athlete and really into softball but had issues with some injuries during Junior High and was taking time off so she was fit if a bit too skinny.

She started talking shit immediately. She made fun of the blue color of my Suburban and my custom stereo and back-up camera. She started trash talking my performance in the basketball playoffs earlier that year when I had gotten punched in the face and then thrown out when my coach yelled at the referee about it. We still won, but people thought it was funny I guess. I didn’t, I had to leave the game humiliated and had a black eye for a week! I hated this girl and couldn’t remember why she was invited in the first place. She always did this kind of shit. She was a stuck-up snot nosed little goody two shoes. I wasn’t even sure why she was coming to a party like this. I guess because she and Callie, who was as sweet as she was sour and almost as gorgeous, wanted to come hang out with me and have a few drinks and she wanted to “protect” her friend.

We got to Chase’s and the night began. We were all mingling, listening to rock, rap, and country like all good redneck kids, and drinking. After a while Chase noticed that Katy wasn’t drinking. Chase went over and stopped the music.

“WHOA EERYBODY” Chase slurred as he shouted, “We’ve got a party pooper over here!”

Everyone turned towards where he was pointing. He was pointing directly at Katy. Katy did something I never thought I’d see. She hugged herself like she was trying to protect herself and shrank away from the attention. She was clearly uncomfortable with the situation.

“KATY” Chase continued, “Everyone here HAS to have a drink. Period. If not you can get your ass on home right now.”

Katy looked at Chase incredulously, “I had to get a ride with Robert, I can’t go home.”

Chase laughed at here for a solid 10 seconds. “I guess you’d best get him to take your stuck-up ass back home then.”

Katy looked offended. She felt out of control. She wasn’t used to that feeling it was clearly. “He’s been drinking, he is in no shape to drive!”

To be fair, I had a couple of beers. I’ve never been a big drinker, plus I was planning on laying her friend later so I didn’t want to get sloshed. I had been proffering as many drinks to the ladies as possible though.

“Come on, Katy, just have a wine cooler and stick around!” Jamie, the dance captain, coming in clutch. Even with her usual choice not to partake, Katy found it hard not to just sip on a bottle when the school dance captain and well-respected student tells her to do so. Katy marched over to the Yeti cooler where the drinks were, got herself a wine cooler, and started drinking.

As the evening carried on the drink flowed and flowed. I got Callie to the shagin’ wagon, but I found out that she was a virgin and was pretty nervous. I can’t say I’m a nice guy, but I really did like Callie, so I didn’t pressure too much. I got her bra off and got to make out real good. She gave me a hand job and sucked on my cock a little. It took the edge off when I blew my load. We cleaned up, she put her number in my phone with a promise to do more and go out sometime, and she went back and started drinking a little more.

It was only 11 o’clock. Everyone was staying the night. When I got back to the barn I noticed a few people had paired off already but the party was still going strong. I got myself another beer and walked over to talk to everyone when Callie ran in from outside.

“Robert, can you come outside? It’s Katy. I think she’s had too much to drink.” Callie said pulling me away from the group.

They knew I liked her so they thought nothing of me going right outside with her. I got outside and found Katy on her knees over a bucket full of her regurgitated wine coolers moaning.

“Callie, can you run and go get us a washcloth? Let’s get her cleaned up once she is finished.” Callie ran off to do as I asked.

Katy looked up from her bucket, looked me in the eye, and asked, “Did yoush fuck herrr?” slurring all the while. I shook my head no. “Good, shesh canf do Sooooo muchsh better than you.”

I knew this chick didn’t like me. I knew she didn’t want me dating her friend. I didn’t appreciate the way she looking down on me. My family wasn’t necessarily the most respected in town, but my Dad made real good money and we were up and coming. She was “old money” I suppose for a shithole little Arkansas town, but that was no cause for her to be such a bitch to me. I decided not to wait for Callie. I went over and got the water hose and just started spraying Katy down.

“Arrgh, swuch, What the *gargle* fuck!?” She asked.

“Just cleaning you off.” I said.

“Fuck! Now I’m wet.” She whined as she started to cry.

Callie came back to quite a scene. She found it all to be pretty funny. I gave her the keys to my Suburban. I told her to get Katy’s clothes off, hang them on the fence, and wrap her in the blanket in the back of my Suburban and let her sleep it off. I figured she was done drinking and retching for the night. I went back to the party.

Around 2 the single girls all went to the cots Chase had set up in the barn office and started bedding down. Callie came out and gave me a good night kiss. I watched her walk away as I thought about heading up to the loft where the single guys who weren’t getting laid had planned to bed down. I also thought about how horny I was. I mean, sure I had got a load off, but I was a teen boy. I probably jacked off 3 or 4 times on an average day. This had been no average day. I had a half-naked teen girl in my Shagin’ Wagon for crying out loud! It’d been an awesome day even with her bitchy friend… Her bitchy friend…Her naked bitchy friend. I had talked to my Dad about this kind of thing. He’d always told me to be careful but take every chance you could to have a fuck because, as you get older, you don’t always get as many chances. I decided I’d lose my virginity after all that night. I grabbed one of the burlap sacks and some string by the door and headed out to my Suburban.

I was careful and quiet as I opened the door. I crawled over the seat and back to where Katy was laying. My lucky day, she was spread eagle with the blanket kicked off. I guess she’d gotten warm. I could see her creamy naked skin. Two pink nipples on small rises up from her chest. A shaved pussy that just looked like a line at the bottom of her torso, there weren’t very pronounced lips or anything. Her body looked very tight and nice. I gently and carefully, to avoid waking her yet, slipped the burlap over her head and pulled the string lightly around her neck so it wouldn’t choke her, but it wouldn’t fall off either. Once I was satisfied, I took my pants off. I pulled on my cock and worked myself up to full size. I like to think I was doing well for a Sophomore kid, but I suppose I am pretty average.

I got myself up, moved over her, and got between her legs. I lifted her legs slightly and got myself into position all without her moving or saying a word. I didn’t figure that would last. I spread my precum around on her labia and then spit in my hand and rubbed in on my cock. I figured this would probably hurt the both of us, but I didn’t care. I didn’t have to look at her while I did this. I could pretend she was Callie so long as she didn’t fuck it up by talking too much. I rubbed against her spreading pre-cum and saliva and trying to get some of her juices going. Finally, I didn’t think I could take anymore, and I pushed forward. I immediately felt resistance, but I pushed through until my head was in. I could feel her heat and her getting slicker as I took a break and let her adjust. She still hadn’t moved or made a sound yet. She was so tight it was painful on my cock at first, but as she started to lube up I felt like I could move deeper. I pulled back and bit and made another jab. I made it about halfway that time. Still nothing from Katy. So, I pulled back and gave a hard push balls deep. Still nothing. I couldn’t believe how tight and hot she was. It was amazing. Here I was fucking this bitch who had talked shit and there was nothing she could do about.

I got into a rhythm really giving it to her. It was everything all my friends had assured me it would be. I knew I wouldn’t last long and I started giving her shorter, quicker jabs. I heard a sound finally. She was moaning. I couldn’t believe it. This little slut was enjoying her rape! Uh, uh, uh, uh I heard her go. Suddenly she came alive, her hands came up and tried to hit me, then they went to the sack on her head and she tried to pull it off. I pinned her hands, leaned closer to her, and kept working her pussy.

“Noooo!” she cried. “Who? Why? Why are you doing mehehehe.” She cried, moaned and shook. Suddenly I pushed in hard and started coming. She gasped loud and let out a whimper and another “Noooo!”

I rolled off her, I could hear her crying. I jumped the seat, grabbed my clothes, got out of the car, and dressed on my way back to the barn and up to the loft. The adrenaline and the dopamine from nutting so hard had my head spinning.

As for Katy, she had rolled over and cried herself to sleep. When we came to get her in the morning, she had at least taken the burlap sack off her head. Callie looked at her perplexed when she saw the burlap but didn’t ask about it. Katy never said a word to anyone, as far as I know, about what happened to her. The only change was that she stopped being so outgoing, got a boyfriend on the football team with whom it was rumored she had a sexual relationship, and stopped being so mean to everyone, including me. About 6 months later, I finally got Callie’s cherry too but that is another story. Read 18120 times | Rated 81.9 % | (94 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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