Rules for Being My Roommate Pt. 02

An adult stories – Rules for Being My Roommate Pt. 02 by AdoringYou,AdoringYou **All characters who engage in any sort of sexual activity in this story are well over the age of 18**

I felt him grab my hips a bit tighter and I knew he’d found his rhythm. As he slammed into me, I slid my hand back to work my clit with my fingers. I could feel his balls bouncing against my fingertips. I thought his grunting was a bit much, not all out shouting, but kinda loud. It was fine. He felt good… I mean nothing special, but it was pleasant.

He thrust in me a while and I could tell he was getting close so I rubbed my fingers faster. I didn’t want to end up frustrated, but I’d been there before. Worst case scenario, I took care of myself later tonight at home. Not a big deal. Fortunately, I got there right about the same time he did, which was good because hearing the noises he made would have probably been a turn-off if I hadn’t already. Still, orgasm achieved.

I looked back over my shoulder to see that triumphant grin on his face. Yeah, good for you, Buddy. I waited for him to let go of my hips and slide out of me before I started to move. He plopped down on the bed beside me, “Worked up an appetite. You wanna order some Pad Thai?”

I was already putting on my shirt, “Not today.”

“That’s it?”

I bobbed my head a bit, “Pretty much, yeah. I have evening plans.”

He just kinda stared at me, blinking with disbelief, “I guess I’ll see you later.” I smiled pleasantly and pulled up my pants, “I’ll text you later. Have a great rest of your day, Steve.”

“You too,” he said, still seemingly baffled. I was in my car within about two minutes. It was family night and I had no intention of missing it.

I got to my brother Bobby’s house and saw the sidegate was open. We’d be eating outside tonight. Good weather for it. Pam had even lit the tiki torches along the fence and walkway. Nice touch. I stepped into the backyard to be greeted by a gaggle of nieces and nephews, “Auntie Stella!” Ken, who’d just been in the pool, threw his arms around me, which meant my clothes were suddenly wet. The kids, of course, found this hilarious. I didn’t mind. It was warm out and I’d be dry before long.

When the novelty of my arrival had subsided, (It takes about a minute and a half with these kids) they ran off back to what they were doing. Dean and Dawn raced to the pool and seemed to have a competition who could do a cannonball and make the biggest splash. I saw Neil, my oldest nephew, sitting at the long outdoor dining table by himself. He had his head bent over an open book on the tabletop. I walked up behind him and whispered in his ear, “Hey there, Handsome!”

He instantly whirled around in his chair to hug me. We’re close to the same height when he’s sitting and I’m standing. We pulled away and held eye contact for a moment. It wasn’t very long, not so much that anyone else would notice, but it was enough to make time freeze and everything but the two of us fade away… if only very briefly.

“How’s the book?” It was almost always the first question I asked him when he had my attention. He glanced down and flipped the cover closed. “Oh. It’s good. Hey… I’ve got some cool news.”

“Well, I’m eager to hear it.”

“I got…”

“Food’s on!” Bobby shouted to everyone in the backyard. He had in each arm a metal tray overloaded with a variety of types of steaming meats. I was a minor miracle he made it to the table without dropping some.

“I see my brother’s enjoying his fancy new grill,” I said.

“I intend to get my money’s worth out of ‘er.” He’d told me all about the four figures he’d spent on it, the feats it was capable of, the internal temperatures it could reach “if you know what you’re doin’.” Mostly, I’d just nodded encouragingly and said how impressed I was even though I didn’t actually care very much. I was generally just happy to let him go on since he was so passionate about the thing.

My sister Susan was shouting at her daughter Audrey, still in the pool. “I said it’s time for dinner. Don’t make me say it again.”

The kids reluctantly got out and made their way to the table, wrapped in thick, colorful beach towels. Pam and my sister Sherri stepped through the sliding glass door out of the kitchen carrying the less carnivorous dishes: sliced fruits and salads. Brayden followed with a basket of bread rolls. It took all of her concentration to avoid spilling any. I made sure to give him a big wink and a thumbs up after he successfully set it down. Nicely done, Kid.

Ken looked at the collection of barbecue trays in awe. “It’s like a meat mountain.” Several of his cousins echoed, “Meat Mountain!” Bobby stretched his face a bit and nodded, clearly comfortable with the idea of being the King of Meat Mountain.

We were only a short time into the meal when Maisie called, “When are we gonna go on a cruise again? That was so much fun!”

Bobby snorted, “You gonna pay for all of us to go again?”

Lana chimed in, “My brother can pay for us. He has a job.”

Bobby took a moment to process that, “Got a job, Neil? Good man!”

My face lit up with excitement, “How wonderful, Neil.”

He had his head lowered below his shoulders, embarrassed by all the attention, but clearly smiling, “Thanks,” he muttered.

“Where do you work?”

“Odyssey Bookstore.”

“How absolutely perfect for you!”

Pam added, “Congratulations. Do you like it?”

He nodded, “It’s cool.”

“How ’bout a girlfriend?” Bobby asked.

“Bobby!” Sherri chastised and glared. Neil put his head down again.

“WHAT? I’m just asking. I mean when I was his age…”

Susan cut in, rolling her eyes, “We remember what you were like at that age.”

Sherri: “Girls are the last thing he needs to be thinking about.”

Brayden asked, “Uncle Bobby, do you even remember being young?”

This lead to several “ooooh”s from the kids.

Ken said, “On his first date, I bet he rode a dinosaur to pick up the girl.” More “oooooh”s and laughter. The meal then devolved in the delightful way things do with our family.

I reached under the table, put a hand on Neil’s thigh and whispered, “I’m very very proud of you.”

“Thanks,” he whispered back. We looked at one another through the corner of our eyes. It was just a single moment we shared with no one else despite the chaos of conversation around us.

It was later that night when the meals were finished. Dishes had been carried into the kitchen and each of us was given a to-go plate of leftover barbecued meat.

Neil and two of his younger cousins were in the hot tub. I sat on the edge beside them, my feet dangling and hot bubbly water up most of the way to my knees. Something I learned a long time ago: my sisters are very fussy when it comes to their kitchens. Nothing wrong with that of course, wanting things to be done a certain way in yo own space. I just found that even if I tried to be helpful or contribute, I’d inevitably upset someone. So, I typically helped bring in dishes and then I stayed out of the way while they all cleaned. Did that mean they all think I’m lazy and I won’t contribute? Entirely possible. I’m not particularly worried about it.

The evening was winding down. Sherri stepped out of the sliding glass door, “Neil! Let’s go! Your siblings have school in the morning and I need to get them to bed.”

Before he had the chance to answer, I called, “I’ll take him home, Sher.”

She looked confused, “What?”

“Yeah. You get the kids home and I’ll get Neil.”

She might have argued except she realized it meant less she had to think about, “Sure. Thanks.”

I could see the grin on Neil’s face. We had about another half hour before Bobby announced it was time for his kids to come in. That seemed like a good cue for us as well, so Neil went inside to get dressed in the bathroom. We thanked Bobby and Pam, said good night and went out to my car. Neil had to slide his chair all the way back so his long legs would fit in the passenger seat. As we drove, there was this energy in the car, this electricity between us. It would have been difficult to explain what I felt. We barely said a word the whole way until I pulled to a stop at the bottom of his driveway. Then, for a long moment, we just stared at one another.

Finally, Neil leaned in and kissed me on the lips. Fairly quick, I put a hand on his chest to gently push him away. He looked panicked.

“I… I’m sorry Aunt Stella. I…”

“Ssshhh.” I abruptly shushed him then pulled the car away from the house.

“I… I shouldn’t have done that… I…”

“Stop Talking.” I was curt and abrupt. The last thing I needed was my sister looking out of her front door and seeing me in the car kissing her son. One of her neighbors seeing me wouldn’t be much better. There was a park not very far away. I’d taken the kids there plenty of times. I assumed it’d be empty this late at night.

I whipped the car into an empty parking space and the moment I cut the ignition, I had my hands on his face, pulling him to me in the most passionate kiss I could give him. It was kinda awkward given the console between us, but I was hungry for him. I craved the feel of his tongue against mine. It was the best kiss I could ever remember in my life.

It had been only a few weeks since the cruise ship where he and I had shared a cabin and explored each other in every intimate way. I had felt off ever since then, like something in me wasn’t aligned right. Now, I knew exactly what it was, how much I missed him, felt somehow incomplete since we’d been apart.

Now, he was mine again. I could feel his hands, his lips, his tongue and it was unbelievably good. I reached over to his lap, unsurprised he was already so hard for me. I pulled away so I could whisper through panting breaths, “Pants down.” I squeezed my breast in my hand as I watched him readjust in the seat so he could pull down his shorts and underwear. I moaned with excitement seeing him spring out to greet me.

“Hello again my yummy friend,” I thought the words as I began to stroke his throbbing cock, but felt best not to say them out loud. We went back to making out, his kissing somehow even more fervent and hungry as I pumped his manhood.

I wasn’t watching him for warning signs, so I was mildly surprised when I felt the hot liquid suddenly on my fist. I pulled away from our kiss so I could show him a grin then bite my lip. His eyes were the size of the moon. Very satisfying. “You know something?”


“That’s the first orgasm anyone has had in this car.” Car sex was the norm when I was a young adult, Neil’s age, but that had been a number of years ago.

I could see on his face the thrill it gave him to hear this, “Well then you need one.”

I wiggled my eyebrows, “Well, you are rather good with your hands.” It took a bit of maneuvering for me to get my bottoms off. It would definitely take me a few tries later to get my seat and steering wheel back into the right position. I was pretty confident it would be worth the effort though.

Neil’s right hand was on my bare thigh, as his lips returned to kissing me. I didn’t have lube easily accessible at the moment, (This wasn’t exactly an encounter I’d planned for.) but he knew how to take his time and be gentle. It didn’t take very long at all to get me wet. The way he stroked my lips with his fingertips was absolutely exhilarating. Before long, I was moaning as he massaged my clit with his hand. His mouth was there to catch my every moan until I felt that fiery burst of pleasure. I pulled my mouth away from his with a gasp, and tapped his arm so he knew I was done. I lay my head back against my headrest and we both just sat there smiling.

That was when I saw the car pulling in behind us, “Pull up your shorts right now.”

Neil was confused but he recognized the urgency in my voice and did what I asked. I rolled down the window as the police vehicle parked in the space right beside my car. I leaned forward so the officer would have difficulty seeing past me and waved, “Good evening.”

The policeman had the most impressive mustache I think I’ve ever seen, “Is everything all right here?”

“Absolutely fine. We were just talking.”

He nodded, clearly studying my face, “You know the park’s closed right now.”

“I’m so sorry, Officer. We completely lost track of time. We’ll head home now.”

He nodded slowly, “You all stay safe.” With that, his car backed out of the parking lot. He was soon out of sight, but I guessed he’d be looping back this way within the next five or ten minutes. I looked over at Neil, who was as terrified as I had ever seen him. I immediately took hold of his hand and squeezed, “Just breathe. You’re fine. We’re totally fine. Just breathe.” I laughed, not making fun of him so much as giving him something to mirror. I waited a few moments before assuring him, “We really are OK. I promise.”

He nodded, trusting me despite the anxiety he was feeling.

“Not what you thought was gonna happen tonight, huh?”

Thankfully, that did make him laugh. Relieved, I started the car.

“I didn’t know what was going to happen… after the cruise… with you and I.”

I sighed, “Yeah, I know. I didn’t plan that far either. Things were really easy on the ship. If we’re gonna keep this up out here in the real world, it’s gonna get a lot more complicated.”


I pulled up for the second time that night in front of his driveway. Neil looked at me with the most earnest expression. I gave his hand one more squeeze, “We’ll talk, Okay. I promise we’ll figure this out.” I remembered him mentioning his next shift at the bookstore. “”There’s a Chinese food place in the same shopping center as your store. How about on Thursday we have dinner after your shift?”

“Sounds perfect,” he opened the car door and I saw him glance back down at my bare legs. I do so love the way he looks at me.

“Sweet dreams,” I called as he got out.

He bent down so he could look at me and whisper, “Can I dream about you?”

I bit my lip and giggled, but the car door closed before I had the chance to respond.

As I drove away, I looked up and saw my eyes reflected in the rearview mirror, “Don’t look at me like that.” I was feeling dramatic at the moment, even though I was alone in the car. I looked back at the road, then at my eyes again, “Girl… what in the world have gotten me into?”

The response came to me, “Actually, it’s my nephew who’s gotten into YOU.”

I nodded at the mirror, “I know, and he makes me feel so good.”

I was quiet for a little bit, then I asked myself, “So what are we gonna do now?” That question I did not have an answer for.


I was looking around the corner, watching Neil restock the shelf. He hadn’t seen me, which I found delightful. I waited until he faced the other direction to be sure I could get right up to him before he noticed me. “Excuse me. Could you help me find something?”

He turned around, visibly surprised at seeing me. Before he could say anything, I made a point of leaning in to look at his nametag, “Hello Neil! My name is Stella.”

By now, he’d caught on. I saw the recognition in his playful smile, “Good afternoon… Stella. What are you looking for today?”

I tapped my chin, “Well, that’s just it. I’m really not sure. What do you recommend?”

“Well…” he looked around a moment, considering, “Something you might like right this way.” He walked me a short ways to the fantasy section. He handed me a book with a dark green cover and an image of a girl on the front. The title read, “Tress of the Emerald Sea.”

I ran my fingers along the textured surface. “Brandon Sanderson. I’ve heard my nephew talk about him before.”

“He’s really good, but most of his books are really massive. He’s got a big, huge interconnected universe. It’s a lot to keep track of, with very intricate magic systems, but this one’s meant to stand on its own. It’s shorter and fun and in my opinion, it’s the best place to start with his books. It’s about these sailors who travel on an ocean that’s made of fluidized sand instead of water.”

“That does sound interesting. I’ll take it. I could also use a notebook for meetings with my clients. Apparently, they trust you more if they see you taking notes.”

He laughed and walked me over to the journals and diaries, rather fittingly located next to the self-help books section. “I think this one seems like you,” He picked a notebook that had bright stars over a sky made from swirls of color. Each page had a unique color pattern. I was genuinely delighted, “It’s as if you know me.”

“Well, you seem very much worth knowing.” For a moment, he just stared at me with that damned, knee-buckling smile. Then, he seemed to remember himself, “One more thing, and it’s kinda my favorite thing that we sell.” He fetched a long package off a nearby display. It contained a gel pen which resembled an old writing quill. “If you’re gonna be writing, this is how you do it in style.”

“I LOVE it! Thank you.”

“Of course. Is there anything else I can do for you?

“I think I’m good. Neil, you have been incredibly helpful today.”

“Well, I hope you enjoy them. Have a… really great afternoon.”

“You do the same. I’m sure we’ll run into each other again sometime.”

I headed to the counter and loudly told the cashier how wonderful their Neil was. Once I was outside, I went online on my phone to fill out a survey with my receipt saying what wonderful suggestions Neil had given me and what a wonderful customer service associate he was.

He had about an hour left in his shift and I didn’t have anywhere in particular to be, so I went to the Chinese restaurant and sat down with my new fantasy book. I ordered a diet coke and told the server I had a date who’d be joining me later. I could see how visibly annoyed the staff was that I wasn’t ordering food, but there were plenty of open tables and I didn’t especially care about being rushed.

When Neil did arrive, the server had a menu in his hand before he sat down. “I get drink. Be right back. You order now.” He looked back at me a little confused, but he was ready to tell her what he wanted when she returned with his soda.

“Hi Sweetie. How was your day?”

“Well, this gorgeous woman came into the store today. I kinda think she was flirting with me.”

“What a strange, wonderful coincidence. I was in a bookstore today where I met this tall, handsome young man and I was DEFINITELY flirting with him.” I leaned forward for a conspiratorial whisper, “I’m kinda hoping I get to suck his cock later.”

Neil’s face instantly went red and he lowered it to compose himself. There was a gravity in his expression when he looked at me again, “ARE you hoping… we do more of that?”

I likewise dropped my playfulness, “I spent a lot of time thinking about that. I really love the way this feels. You and me. If I have the choice, I don’t want to go without that feeling. What about you?”

“I’ve never felt anything like this before and I really don’t want it to end.”

“Glad we agreed on that. It’s a good start.”

“The cruise… Did you plan all of that?”

“Good question… Good question. Honestly, some of it. I planned on showing you a really good time, a vacation you’d always remember. I planned on making you feel special.”

“And… what DIDN’T you plan on?”

Right to it. My turn to stare down at the table, “I didn’t plan on how deeply I’d be affected by you. I honestly didn’t think it’d be so hard to move on after.”

“I’m sorry those feelings were unexpected for you.”

“You have absolutely nothing whatsoever to be sorry for, Sweetheart.”

He had a smirk and his shoulders gave a small shrug, “Good, cause I’m not all that sorry.”

There was a pause between us for a while, “So how do we make this work?”

“I guess it’d be kinda weird if you came over to stay in my room.”

I burst out laughing at that, “Weird is right. No, you’re welcome to come over to my place.”

“I didn’t want to just assume.”

“Thank you for that. I’m guessing your mom won’t like you spending the night with Auntie Stella?”

He shrugged, “So what?”

I blinked, “What do you mean?”

“Mom’s mad at me no matter what I do. It is really impossible for me to make her happy. At this point, I’m kinda sick of trying. You make me happy and you’re who I care about.”

The things you do to me… “Well, then… do you wanna come over tonight?”

“Definitely… But I’m guessing you have some rules for me.”

“Rules… Right.” I nodded thoughtfully. “Well, we act normal any time we’re around family.”

“Given. I thought you’d say it was best to avoid affection in public altogether.”

“Ummm… maybe? Can we come back to that one?”

“Fair enough.”

“We always have to be honest with each other. Even if you think something will upset me, you have to tell the truth. I can handle keeping this a secret from other people, but I can’t handle secrets between you and I.”

With an elbow on the table, Neil extended his pinky finger toward me, “Always honest. No secrets. I promise.” I reached forward and locked pinkies with him; a solemn, unbreakable oath.”

“One more rule, and it’s an important one.” I took a deep breath. This one wasn’t gonna be easy, but I had to say it, “if you meet a girl and you have feelings for her… you HAVE to pursue that.”

I wasn’t surprised by the look of confusion on his face, “I don’t… want someone else. I want you, Stella”

“I know that, and I know you mean it. It’s just… Sweetheart, you’re SO young, and believe me, that’s NOT a bad thing, but you have so much life ahead of you, and your feelings can change. The way you feel about me or about someone you haven’t even met yet, and I never want you to feel trapped by me or like you’re missing out on things because you’re with me. I want you to experience so much and I never want to hold you back from anything.”

I watched his face scrunch. I was rambling. Ok, try again. I took a deep breath. “Neil, I just need to know that if you have feelings for someone else who isn’t me, that you have the freedom to see where things go.”

He was quiet a while before he answered in a soft voice, “I don’t like this rule.”

I nodded, “I know you don’t.”

He sighed, “I promise I’ll… keep an open mind when it comes to other girls.”

“Thank you.”

“Any other rules?”

I shook my head.


“Ok.” We were in this now. We were a couple as officially as we could be, “So, after dinner, do you want to come see my place?”

That made him grin and the sight was a welcome relief after the heaviness of the conversation, “Absolutely.”


Driving home, I had the giddy flutter in my tummy. I had dates and hookups on a regular basis. I frequently went somewhere knowing I was about to have sex, but it had been a long time since I’d felt this kind of excitement. My mind was racing, imagining the things we’d do.

I’d explained to him where to park in the guest lot and which elevator led up to my apartment. I made it there before him, set my new books down on the table and looked around the place. I considered putting on some type of lingerie but then I heard the doorbell. I opened it for him, “Hello there, Handsome.”

He nodded and stepped inside, “Hi Gorgeous. Whoa, what a cool place!”

“I like it. This is the living room,” I indicated the area with the couch and television.

“That’s a lot of DVD’s.”

“Yeah. Started my collection before streaming was the thing.” I rotated in place, “And the kitchen, dining room.”

His eyes went to the wall of photos above the small table. They featured every member of our family and most of the major life events. He pointed at a particular photo of him at least six or seven years earlier. “That used to be my favorite shirt.”

I laughed, “It wouldn’t fit you now. Restroom’s this way if you need it,” I indicated the short hallway, “And… this way is my bedroom.”

“I’d very much like to see it.”

I walked down the hall in front of him, moving slowly and feeling in that moment much younger than I actually was. The bedroom door was open and I was just able to step through the doorway when I felt his hands on my waist. Ooooh yes. He pulled me to him and his lips kissed my neck. Blissful. Before long, his hands were underneath my blouse, caressing the skin of my torso. “Oh Neil… you have me so so wet.”

His tongue moved against my ear then he whispered, “Let’s get those clothes off of you then.” I lifted my arms up so he could pull my shirt up over my head and looked back over my shoulder as he unhooked my bra. I let the fabric fall to the floor and turned to meet his open mouth.

My whole breast was enveloped by the wonderful heat and moisture of his lips. I clawed for his hair, threw back my head and moaned. His tongue was magic against my nipple. “Pants, ” I managed after a while of his pampering.

He pulled away and fiddled with the button of my jeans. I laughed that he’d done so well with the bra but stumbled with this. I undid them for him, but he immediately pulled them down to my knees and grabbed hold of my legs. I giggled, stumbling a bit, but he easily caught me. He sort of picked me up to put me on the bed, though my feet did help some. The bed gave a little bounce.

Neil was on his knees, furiously pulling my jeans and panties free. Then, his face was buried between my legs. Again, I grabbed his head and his hair. Our bodies pressed so tightly together. “You… are… so good… with… your tongue.” Beyond my breasts, I could see the brief flash of his eyes at me then they were closed so he could concentrate more. I loved everything he was doing.

The orgasm hit me hard, probably the best one I’d had since… well since I’d come in his mouth on the cruise ship. Neil knew me well enough by now that he recognized when I’d had enough.

He stood up, took off his clothes and laid down on the bed, naked beside me. I was sprawled out, panting and recovering. He was wonderfully patient. His fingertips caressed my bare tummy, along with the curve of each breast. It made me shiver and I could feel the goosebumps on my skin.

He was studying me with his adoring smile, “I want to touch you forever.” We made eye contact and it felt like… my soul completely comfortable and rested.

When I was calmed, I asked, “How should we take care of you?”

He shrugged, “We don’t have to.” However, the intense reaction I got when I laid a hand on his hard cock said that was decidedly NOT the case. I took him in a lazy fist and stroked him gently. He watched me, intently focused on his cock in my grip. As I stroked down, I opened my fist so my fingers would drag along the loose skin of his balls. His mouth moved without words. His eyes closed as his cock let out a small fountain. We both lay back, satisfied and not needing to move for a while.

At some point, I noticed his eyes moving aimlessly around my room. “You’re bored.”

He started to object, to shake his head, but I held my hand in front of his face with my pinky extended, a silent reminder he’d given his word to be honest with me. “I guess I don’t really know what to do now.”

“Do you want to watch a movie?”

He shrugged, “We can.”

Not really an answer, “Did you bring a book with you?”

“I didn’t bring anything.”

Right. I was amused, but I had the sense this wasn’t the best moment to laugh at him, even playfully. “Tell you what, why don’t you go home for the night?” He looked briefly crestfallen but I was quick to reassure him, “Just for tonight. You can go home and have the things you need for tomorrow: a book, some clothes for the next day, anything else you might need for staying the night. Then, you can go to work and come over afterwards.”

He nodded and sat up on the edge of the bed, “That makes sense.” He stood and began to get dressed.

I sat, naked and cross-legged, watching him, “You felt wonderful tonight, Neil.”

He grinned, “I’m glad. I really love being with you.”

“Me too.” He leaned down to kiss me when he was all dressed. I asked him to lock the apartment door on his way out and reminded him we’d see each other very soon.

I was along in my room and the thought struck me, “I’m going to enjoy getting used to this.”


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