Same Old Lang Syne by 32aa,32aa

Michelle gave me a sweet smile, and a soft kiss. She knew that I meant it.

Standing at the door, still not wanting to leave. Not wanting to break the spell that held us captivated for the time we spent together. I held her face in the palms of my hands and looked into her dark brown eyes.

“Michelle, I know that what we just shared has to stay here, and I understand. I would never ever do anything to upset and ruin your family. But, would it be OK, if we just happened to run into each other on the street, that we each just give the other a brief and knowing smile?”


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“I’d like that.”

“I will never ever forget you, or what we just shared.”

Our lips meeting in an extended final kiss followed by a gentle, and final, farewell kiss to her forehead.

And then, cupping her face and looking deep into her soft brown eyes, “Michelle, I’m going to say the three words that I was about to say earlier. Three words that I think each of us wanted to say; but knew that we shouldn’t”

In a shaky and cracking voice, “I love you.”

The end.

I am still considering generating a story, featuring Bill and Sam, moving forward.

If I do, it will be separate, and take off from the end of their first date. I have to work on a story line that is different from my other two series.

Any suggestions?

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