Shadow by the Shoreline

An adult stories – Shadow by the Shoreline by DFaileas,DFaileas With the sun setting and casting its last vestiges of glorious, burning gold through the encroaching star-soaked violet sky, two figures rest together beneath the cloudless sky. Intertwined on a blanket laid upon the sand as it radiates the heat it captured through the day, the pair are still and calm. They watch as the sun begins to dip beyond the horizon, admiring the swathe of colours that cascade above the world as the day makes its departure, and shadows and stars begin their dance overhead. Beside them on a small stool sits a silver bucket full of melted ice and an empty bottle, the glasses long since tipped over onto the sand. Sat together in silence but for their heartbeats and the sound of waves gently washing over the beach, the pair let their hands idly drift over each other’s skin as they relax and bask in the light that warms them.

Each wearing nothing in the secluded cove they find themselves, Emmeline lies nestled in Dorcha’s arms, resting her back against his chest as her Impetus cradles her lovingly. They sit propped up by several cushions he’d set there for their relaxation, and Emmeline stirs as Dorcha’s palm softly brushes across her belly. His trailing fingers sending pleasant shivers through her body, Emmeline sighs happily and wiggles her hips and shoulders- doing her best to sink further into his embrace.

“Thank you for bringing me here, Dorch. It really is as beautiful as you said.” She speaks, her voice breaking through the silence the pair had lain in, and turns her head to her beloved who smiles blissfully in reply.

“The Isle’s sunset is indeed a sight to behold.”

Dorcha’s begins, his velvet tones resonating through the darkening beach, and his eyes fall upon the one he adores so much.

“Though it is still nothing compared to you, love.”

Emmeline chuckles happily, lazily bringing a hand up to his cheek and brushing her thumb across his neck.

“How did I know that was coming?” She asks him, watching him through half lidded eyes as he takes her hand in his, linking his fingers through her own and bringing it to his lips, laying a whispering kiss on her palm.

“I shall endeavour to find new ways to compliment your loveliness for you… eventually.”

Her smile broadens, and she guides his hand to her own lips and leaves her own gentle smooch upon the back of it, murmuring cheerfully as she pulls his arm once again around her.

“You do that… and make it something extravagant, we both know you’re good at that.”

“Of course, love.”

Dorcha replies to her request. He sits up straighter, his arms still wrapped around her waist as he rests his chin on her shoulder.

“Any ideas in particular?” He asks her in turn as he repositions, squeezing her body in his arms.

“I could tell tales of the warmth of your smile?” He says as he kisses her cheek, an action that only makes her smile ever more broadly.

“Or perhaps I could speak of the softness of your skin?” He suggests, raising his hand and stroking a finger down the side of her neck in a slow, purposeful gesture, his touch bringing further tingles which only increase as he kisses the other side of her neck tenderly.

“Mmmm… maybe. What else were you thinking?” Emmeline questions dreamily, shivering as his breath rolls warmly over her skin.

“Why there is so much I could say, my Emmeline… for you I would spin tales of every kind. Regale of your exploits of strength…” His words are accompanied by him gently guiding her arms up by the hands and bending her elbows, his fingertips sliding down across her muscles as they flex before running them down her sides. As he pauses he lays another kiss on her neck, the touch of his lips igniting another small fire in her skin, and she lets out a quiet sigh at the sensation.

“..of the battles you have overcome.” His arms looped beneath hers, his hand drifts now to the scar across her belly, tracing it with his fingers. As before he kisses her neck, this time his lips linger for longer as he continues making a trail of his adoration along her skin.

“… Of course there is no end of praises I could sing of the bounty of your body.”

He raises his head, words quiet in her ear now as one of his roaming hands rises to gently grasp one of her ample breasts in his palm. He massages it in his grip, giving the gentlest of pinches of her nipple. This time as he kisses her neck, his lips part and he softly bites her skin, Emmeline gasping as he does so. She closes her eyes now as his touch roams over her, letting her head lean to the side and revelling in the feelings her lover coaxes out of her with deft fingers.

“Wh..what else?” She asks him in a breathy voice, her own hand coming back up to rest on his head, her fingers entwining into his silver locks.

“I could of course talk of how warm and… inviting… you are.” He responds to her, and with a coy smile Dorcha’s remaining hand slowly slinks down her abdomen. As it nears her nethers she spreads her legs apart a little wider, allowing his fingers access to her awaiting and needy labia. The slide across her rapidly wettening flesh and Emmeline finds herself giving subtle huffs of breath at his touch, her hips twitching to try and feel more of the sensations his actions bring her.

Still laying sensuous kisses along her neck and shoulder, she feels him smile against her skin as he too sees what her body wants from him, and after teasing her for a few moments lets his slender fingers slip into her body. Engulfed in her warmth they touch and rub against her most tender area, finding all the right places in their quest to bring her pleasure. Under the increased assault Emmeline groans, letting her head lean back over Dorcha’s shoulder and giving herself to him entirely, letting him work his magic as much as he wished.

“Stars, Dorch~…” She begins as she starts feeling an all too familiar sensation building in her, as her lover’s experienced and seeking fingers find all the spots she needs to be touched, and the feel of his cherishing lips on her neck igniting further fires in her skin. She moans as his pace quickens, her mouth agape and her fingers coiling and grasping tighter at his hair. She pulls his head away from her neck and brings her lips to his. They lock into the kiss, tongues darting and squirming together as they taste of each other.

Breaking for air Emmeline gazes half mesmerised at her Impetus, staring lovingly into his eyes and seeing her own softly glowing blue reflected in his own impossibly dark pools. As she stares at him she feels a warm, hard presence wedged between her ample rump, which serves to knock her out of her daze as she looks at him with a smile.

“Well hello there, love…” She says teasingly, shaking her hips in the process before she- almost reluctantly- draws his fingers from within her and turns around in his arms to face Dorcha properly. Kneeling between his legs she glances down at his erect shaft before wrapping her hand around it and stroking his considerable manhood lightly, looking at his face once again with an adoring smile on his face.

“All this attention paid on me, and here you are being neglected..” She says as she quickens her motions, before laying her other hand on Dorcha’s chest and pushing him back to lie down again. Straddling over his awaiting rod she slowly lowers herself down again, using her hand to guide the head to slip past her lips and into her waiting warmth. She lets out a shuddering gasp as she feels him enter, a feeling that only intensifies as she sinks ever further onto his shaft.

The pair groan in unison as their hips meet, with Emmeline pausing and bringing a hand to her belly to simply bask in the sheer fullness that she experiences, a sensation she never tires of. Slowly at first now she raises herself up again, only to bury his member deep inside again. Even without his true size she feels him stretch her open within each time she falls back down onto him. At first his hands gently come to her waist, holding onto her as she bounces on his lap, but soon they start roaming over her body. Desperate to grasp at and explore as much of her body as he can as they fondle and grope at her ass or her chest, and soon after he starts to thrust his hips upwards to match her rhythm.

Above the slap of flesh against flesh, Emmeline’s breath starts to come laboured as she feels her climax approaching with Dorcha similarly not far behind her, though before it can arrive he switches position once again, and rises up from where he lies. With a hand on the back of her neck he pulls her into a deep kiss, before letting his hands slide down her back to her ass and taking control of the rhythm they share. She links her own arms around his neck and crosses her legs behind him, locking the pair together in their embrace.

Where she expected him to speed things up, Emmeline is surprised instead when Dorcha takes a gentler approach. Though desperate and loving in his motions, each time he lifts her up to plunge her back down on his manhood the tenderness in his touch is unmistakable. She pulls away from the kiss and opens her eyes to look at her Impetus, with the man smiling at her lovingly. His smile is returned twofold to the loving man, and she pulls him in tight to her body, gently and sweetly leaning their foreheads together as they remain in their rapturous embrace.

“Darling I- I’m so close.. F-fuck!” Emmeline’s voice comes pantingly from her, still on the verge of climax from before the pair shift gears to a more gentler pace. She didn’t have to wait long for her eagerly awaited release, as the tell-tale grunts from Dorcha herald his own release. It hits soon after, as she feels his member throb and pulse within her, flooding her body with the tingling warmth she loved so much, and sends her too over the edge. She gives a long and drawn out groan, and her body quakes and shudders, her inner walls squeezing and pulling within. Dorcha growls gratified, as each pulse of his member releases more of his essence deep within his lover’s body.

They remain tightly locked in climax with each other, hands digging into each other’s flesh as they pant in the now renewed silence. Emmeline’s eyes lock with Dorcha’s once more, and she releases her legs from around him and draws him into another now out-of-breath kiss, pushing him back down onto the floor in the process. With his shaft still within her, Emmeline lies on top of him, resting on his chest as she revels in the hot fullness she feels. With Dorcha looping his arms around her body and holding her tightly the pair enjoy the warmth each other brings, and lie together long into the night in their seclusion.


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