Slave for Femdoms Pt. 07 by SlaveforaFemdom,SlaveforaFemdom

The four Trainee slaves who had decided they no longer wanted to continue with slave training, had been released from their cock-cages and ordered to get back on the bus. Their suitcases would be returned to them shortly. They would be taken to the station after the Slave Punishments had been carried out, by which time it was suspected one or two more might be joining them.

In the meantime, George repaired his line of slaves with the three-link chains, and the remaining thirty-two were ordered into the gymnasium.

“Form a circle!” Ordered George, and George then fastened the leader’s cock-cage to the cock-cage of the rear man.

Twelve trainee femdoms and all professional femdoms thought the exhibition most amusing.

“Trainee slaves will remain in circle formation until six O’clock, this evening, when you will be fed, then taken to the lady’s lounge to serve the ladies until midnight. Your three-ring chains will be retained on your cock-cage. They are used to anchor you to ring bolts in various places throughout the school, some of which you may have noticed on the floor of the gymnasium. You will all be anchored there when we bed you down.

At six O’clock tomorrow morning, you will be released for the whole school morning exercise, which takes place five times per week, Monday through Friday.”

Mary addressed the femdom trainee.

“Ladies, from now until Six O’clock tomorrow morning you may examine the slaves at your leisure. George has already started to number them with an indelible marker on the left buttock. You may request any slave to be temporarily released from his cock-cage for a closer inspection, should you so desire. You only have to ask the Duty Professional Femdom — Mistresses, Angela, Rebecca or Irene for him to be released. Feel free to squeeze, feel or ask the slaves any questions you want. Remember, they are your inferiors. If they misbehave, or lie to you, or show any sign of disrespect we can punish them today, or if necessary we shall have another Slave Punishment Trial tomorrow. Help yourselves, ladies! Humiliation is the key to training a good slave.”

“What about those among us who prefer each other?” Asked a butch-looking lady called Maureen.

“No problem.” Said Mary. You and your partner don’t have to take a male slave, but it’s in your interest to have at least one in your room, if only to carry out all the tasks you don’t want to do, such as washing your thongs, or you may not want to get out of bed in the night to relieve yourself. Just tell the slave to open his mouth and swallow!” Said Mary sweetly. “When he is not in use simply chain him to the ringbolt in the floor with your three-ring chain. Any further questions ladies?”

There were none. Time for the STI checks. We left the trainees in the tender care of our three senior Femdoms, they were more than capable of answering any questions, and Irene started preparing for her ‘Glory Hour’ preparing her court for the forthcoming trials.

Mary and Isabella marched me off to the sick bay, by my cock of course. Was there any other way? I didn’t mind, in fact, I rather enjoyed it. Two attractive women, sharing my cock, what man would not enjoy that sort of attention.

“The last time I saw this man I had to tell him to get naked. At least today he has learned to come prepared!” The Doctor threw one arm around my neck. Her free arm sort of joined hands with Mary and Isabella on my cock.

“Hi Susan, we assume you know this man.” Said Mary grinning from ear to ear.

“Quite a few years before you did my dear!” Susan continued “How are you George, so nice to see you, and so glad you’ve kept yourself in such good shape.” She said gently punching me in the stomach. But I hear your new Mistresses want me to put a couple of cuts in this glorious cock I hold in my hand?”

Susan had obviously aged since she was in her teens, and I had been in my early twenties, but she still had a superb figure.

“I suppose you two have pissed on him?” Asked Susan.

“I’m afraid so,” said Isabella.

“Slave and mistresses then.” Said Susan. “Will that stand in the way of George and I fucking each other silly on a regular basis?”

“Of course it won’t! You can do that and join us in pissing on him tomorrow morning if you want, you randy old sod.” Said Mary. “And because it is a reunion, and Isabella and I both love you you can share our bed or have him all to yourself if you want.”

“Hey! Do I get any say in all this?” Asked the man with three female hands grasping his dick.

“NO!” Echoed three female voices eagerly, smacking me with gusto.

“Get on the examination couch George, I need that prick of yours inside me now! But that does NOT mean you have permission to empty your sack into my love box, at least not yet. I shall make those two little cuts in your balls before I will allow that. Now that I have your mistress’s permission, I shall make good use of you. I shall enjoy tasting that cock all night long. Not sure if I will let you cum, we shall see how your tongue performs first. When I’ve given you the snip, nobody, and I mean nobody, will be allowed near you for at least a week after the op.”

I climbed onto her examination couch. Susan grabbed my cock and slid it easily inside her already soaking-wet pussy. Mary, not to be outdone sat on my face, and all I could offer poor Isabella was my hand. Never mind, I’ll make it up to her later.

Angela walked in whilst we were enjoying our reunion.

“He’s only got one hand free darling, everything else in use.” Said Mary.

Angela said, “Oh well, my message can wait, I don’t suppose anyone would listen anyway.”

Angela came to the vacant side of the couch and my spare hand was placed on her nice wet juicy pussy.

Susan came first, gushing her lovely hot, white cum all over my prick. Then Mary, Isabella, and finally Angela finished off her orgasm on my already soaking wet prick, her lovely hot juices mingled with Susan’s. All this female cum over my prick, face, hands and stomach tasted lovely.

“I hope you haven’t made him come Susan, or you Angela!” said Isabella anxiously.

“I don’t think so.” Replied Susan. They examined my prick and agreed my balls were still full. All that fucking and my balls were still full to bursting point.

“I have a few pills that will keep him hard, and fuck all night if you want!” Said Susan grinning mischievously. “We might need a couple of those if there are to be three of us banging him all night!”

“Is there any risk?” Asked an anxious Isabella.

“No, but he might be a bit sore, and according to my colleagues in the medical profession, there is no such thing as a genuine aphrodisiac. But I know different, and if there was any risk, do you think I would use them on George? ”

“We can live with ‘sore’. Said Mary” But what about his energy levels? He will have a bit of exercise to do at six thirty. What about his vasectomy?” Whilst they were discussing my immediate sex life, they were taking turns to be cleaned out by my tongue.

Angela interjected.”I’ve just remembered why I came in here. Irene is ready to start her Slave Trial, and I’m Chief Prosecutor. Sorry George, but I may just have got you an aggravated office for delaying the trial.”

I hadn’t finished licking everyone out, Angela had been last, and I hadn’t even started licking her out. Pity. She was the youngest present, and I had been looking forward to licking her pussy. But we mustn’t be greedy, I had licked three other lovely ladies. Best get back to the gym and face the wrath of Irene.

STIs and vasectomy forgotten, for the time being, they took me back to the gym

“Wheel the guilty bastard in, place his dick in the stocks, and lock it down tight. Why isn’t he wearing a cock-cage? Why isn’t he wearing handcuffs? And why does he stink of a woman’s cum? Six extra smacks on top of the award yet to be decided!!!”

“Don’t argue George, you know it will only make matters worse.” Whispered Rebecca, my Defending officer.

“Right Oh. Let’s get this over and done with, what are the charges against this slave?” Asked Said Irene, now wearing a black patch on top of her wig and glaring at Angela.

“1. Ejaculation without permission.

2. Interrupting his Mistress when she was speaking.” Said Angela, the Chief Prosecutor.

“Yes. And now you can add number three to your list. Delaying court proceedings!” Said Irene. “What has the defence got to say?”

Rebecca, as the Defence lawyer stood up and said

“In mitigation your honour, my client had not had sex for some twenty years before he arrived at our establishment.”

“Oh bollocks to your mitigation! Even if that is true, how can you prove it? The Jury will disregard all mitigation offered by the Defence!”

“But I haven’t finished your Honour…” Said Rebecca, almost in tears,

“Yes, you fucking have. Sit down you snivelling bitch. I’m ready to announce the sentence as soon as the Jury has found this nasty bastard Guilty.” Said Irene, then turning to the Jury, “How do you find the defendant? Guilty? Or are you going to let the bastard off? Bear in mind you are all training towards becoming femdoms! Sixty seconds to make up your mind.”

The foreman of the Jury stood.

“Yes!” Demanded Irene.

“We find the defendant guilty on all charges your honour.!”

“Good.” Said Irene. “Right decision. The defendant will stand. Oh, you are standing. Can’t get your prick out of those stocks can you? I find you guilty on all charges. On charges One to three, you are awarded maximum punishment of six smacks each. I am awarding a further ten smacks because I don’t fucking like you! Does the Defence have anything to add?”

“Yes, your Honour…” Said Rebecca, but was interrupted by Irene.

“I told you once to shut the fuck up, you snivelling bitch. The sentence is increased to forty smacks. Jurors will form a line. First in line will give the defendant one swipe with the paddle, then go to the back of the queue until the sentence has been completed. The defendant will remain silent throughout his punishment. Failure to comply means the punishment will automatically be started over, from the beginning!

I admit I am a little kinky. If a lady wants to smack my ass, I can enjoy it, particularly if the lady is wearing only a thong, or otherwise scantily clad in the briefest of bikinis, having my bum smacked becomes a pleasure in a funny sort of way. That is, provided it is with the flat of her hand. But forty smacks with a paddle almost as big as a tennis racket with a plastic centre with holes in it, weighing in at about one pound is something approaching torture. And something I never want to experience again.

Irene sat just a couple of feet in front of me. Mobile phone set to record sound, hoping to record the slightest sound of pain. She had also set up her camcorder to record my agony.

Irene was masturbating unashamedly using a vibrator and quite obviously enjoying my punishment. A true sadist in every sense of the word. A person who would have been more at home working with the Spanish Inquisition in medieval times rather than being allowed to run loose in the twenty-first century. She did not belong here. I did not give her the satisfaction of uttering even a small grunt each time the paddle landed. I just looked the bitch straight in the eye. Not a tear, not the slightest grunt, not the slightest show of the intense pain that was being inflicted upon my posterior.

I could barely stand when released from that accursed set of stocks. Mary ordered the stocks to be burnt, and that paddle burnt with it, plus any similar instruments of torture Irene might own. Isabella and Susan helped me to the sick bay, where Susan applied a soothing cream on my bum which contained some sort of anaesthetic. It helped a lot> But I knew the burning sensation would not dissipate completely for a day or two.

Meanwhile, David, the trainee slave, also up for trial, had asked to terminate his slave training when he saw the way I had been punished. Thirty-one male recruits remain. Mary took his cock-cage, and told him to get on the coach with the others.

Two of the trainee femdoms, the Police inspector and the Solicitor wanted to speak to Isabella and Mary urgently. As I was the injured party, it was more convenient to meet in the sick bay. I felt strangely embarrassed by my nakedness, now that this was a more or less formal investigation by the police, Emily, her solicitor friend, and Susan were fully clothed, which only added to my embarrassment.

“George, this is Actual Bodily Harm. We cannot allow it to go unreported.” Started Emily, the Police Inspector, alias trainee femdom. “You will need to make a formal complaint so that we can take this forward.”

“I have no intention of making a complaint about anything,” I said. “If I do, there will be a lot of ruined careers, yours included. Firstly those two lovely ladies, Angela and Rebecca. They are both serving naval officers. You are a Police Inspector and Barbara, your friend and colleague, is a solicitor. Then there is Susan, a G.P. of many years of service for the good of mankind. Finally, but certainly not least, is the threat to our school for femdoms. This could very easily end up being closed down by all ‘The Do-gooders’ outside if the truth of this unfortunate incident gets out. I don’t think Irene will talk ‘out of school’. After all, she’s looking at a prison sentence if she does. So, if I refuse to make a complaint, the way I see things, there is no case to investigate. Wouldn’t you agree?”

Emily pensively nibbled on her biro, saying nothing whilst she gathered her thoughts. Before she spoke again, Rebecca stormed in without knocking.

“Irene’s done a runner. She’s cleared out her room, jumped in her car, and driven off like a bat out of hell.” Rebecca’s announcement was met with astonished silence.

“I’m going for a walk to clear my head and think this through on my own.” Said Emily. “What George is saying makes sense. But if I do nothing and my boss gets wind of it, I’m up the creek without a paddle! No pun intended.” She added. “I would have little choice but to tell all.”

“I think I had better run those lads in the bus to the railway station. They’ll be wondering what is happening.” Said George.

“You can’t drive with your ass in that state! Bloodstained seats, infection, more work for me. So, as your doctor, I forbid you to drive anywhere for a few days until you can at least sit on your ass in reasonable comfort. There’s no permanent damage George. But you will have to give Mother Nature a chance to carry out her repairs in her own time. We’ll put the snip off until later in the week, I think you’ve had enough excitement for a day or two.”

“Yes, I agree,” Mary added laughing. “But can I suggest you sit on his face to keep him horizontal until he gets better!”

“I might like that!” Says I.

“It looks like I shall have to drive the boys to the station.” Said Isabella.

“Not on your Nellie you lovely lady, I do not trust David in a car with you. The best idea is to take Mary’s Discovery. There’s plenty of room for me to lie down, and plenty of room for the lads. David won’t cause any problems if I’m on board, sore ass or not.”

“Sounds like a plan. Perhaps ask Emily to come along for the ride as well.” Said Isabella. “They needn’t know she’s a copper, and she looks like she can handle herself if there is any bother.”

“Good plan.” Said Susan. While you are gone, I’ll make a start on the STIs, and perhaps Rebecca can give the rest of the trainees an update. Maybe, just maybe we can get things back on an even keel.

Whilst waiting for Emily to return from her walk, they decided to release the trainee slaves from their circle formation so that the trainee femdoms could remain sitting, and at the same time examine any slave they wanted to inspect. The slave(s) could approach and stand close when ordered to do so, much more convenient for the ladies.

Much unnecessary squeezing, pulling and close examination of cock and balls were endured by the helpless slaves who remained handcuffed with hands behind their backs. Some, if not all, might enjoy the experience. They were after all volunteering to be ‘subs’, and this was the way they envisaged their future lives to be lived.


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