Taking Care of Everything Ch. 01

An adult stories – Taking Care of Everything Ch. 01 by Aoife_from_Ulster,Aoife_from_Ulster Ch. 1 – Our Beginning

A/N The below story is fictional and fun. In collaboration with the previous author and at his request, the below and in time, the continuing chapters are all significant rewrites.

All characters in this story are above the age of legal consent. This is a romantic love story. That being said, please know this story contains love and sexual relations and interactions between a man and a woman as well as two women who learn and grow into their bisexuality. We truly hope you enjoy it.

There have been instances in my life that at times I questioned as well as situations and circumstances which I did not. “Shit Happens” I was once told. As I look deep into my soul, I am certain that this is one of those times I will not. I am not certain when it happened but it did.

What happened you ask? We fell deeply in love. We felt love, love in our hearts, in our souls, in our minds, and in our physical persons. Looking back I had huge regrets that first morning, more than you can imagine but as time went on and as life events unfolded I now have no regrets related to what occurred that first morning, afternoon and evening and neither does she.

Since that day, we have never been closer, we have never been deeper in love and we have never had a more satisfying, physical, and loving relationship. In short, we satisfy each other in hearts, minds, souls, and bodies; all three of us. I am getting way ahead of myself.

Let’s start at the beginning.

I walked into the coffee shop surprised to see how full it was so early in the morning. I just needed a standard cup of coffee to start my day. I was surprised to see there was a line, more than ten people deep. I wasn’t aware civilians were up this early in and around a college campus. I decided I would need to arrive earlier, changing my wake up and workout schedule in order to make class on time. The schedule will need to be adjusted. It’s okay; it’s only been a few days.

By the way, good morning, my name is Ken. I just started my junior year at the University of Maryland. Nine weeks ago, after getting out of the Army spending four years working in the Information Technology field. I joined the Army right out of high school and was in Basic Training a few short weeks after my eighteenth birthday.

My parents signed the parental consent for me to enlist at the age of seventeen. I had hoped to stay all six years of my enlistment. I was medically discharged after a mission went slightly sideways a while ago.

After Basic Training and the MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) training at Fort Gordon, GA and Airborne School at Fort Benning, GA, I found myself assigned to the XXXIII Airborne Corps at Fort Bragg, NC. My training in Information Technology was specialized and focused on Cyber Security. While serving my sergeant’s would encourage me to attend college classes at night, which I did. 1SG Kelli told me how important college was and would be to my military career. She herself has completed her undergraduate degree and is working on her masters.

During my time in the Army, when I wasn’t down range, I attended as many classes as I could. I really didn’t have a social life. Those who knew me socially were in classes with me. For the last eighteen months, I had been attending classes at night nonstop. How may you ask? Well for the last year and a half, I had been assigned to the Medical Transition Detachment / Wounded Warrior Battalion at Walter Reed Medical Center.

I was able to transfer over two full years of classes landing in my junior year. I have a knack for computers and gaming so I started studying Information Technology and Computer Science and here I am in a little coffee shop outside of College Park, MD starting my new life as a junior in the Information Technology and Computer Science program.

The early fall season in College Park MD is just the most pleasant for several reasons. The weather is one, coupled with the sights and sounds of the area and the nightlife, makes for a perfect experience. The temperatures are cooling some but some of the girls are still wearing shorts and semi-revealing tops.

There is just something special about college women!

I will share with you that there were times in my past where the ideal woman was in my life. I am very specific and extremely picky for what I like in a woman.

There are a few characteristics that a specific woman must have to really get me going. First are manners. I am not being chauvinistic but allow me to open the door for you. I will of course let you walk in first, and yes I hope to pull out your chair and assist you with being seated. The check, okay I know what going Dutch or splitting the check is but a man, on a date with a woman. I should pay the bill.

Second, appearance, please care for yourself. You do not need to be a muscle bound CrossFit champion but I trying to stay in shape; I like someone who is cognizant of themselves. She shouldn’t be over 5′ 8″, which would be taller than I am, yes I know that sounds crazy but it is who I am. Her eyes should be hypnotic, piercing and mesmerizing. Hair should be as dark as the moonless night, and past her shoulders.

Lastly, I am not one who needs three pounds of makeup for you to look amazing, just be yourself. Oh! I forgot to add, lips so kissable that you never want to leave them.

That’s the woman that turns me on. Why are there so few? That woman doesn’t come along often. There was one so special to me that she was the lone needle in the monstrous hay stack. Sadly one of those women, who I had been with and was in love with, is no longer with us. She lost her struggle with the demons of within, which haunted her life and won that last battle.

Columbarium 7, Column 4, Position 3.

Rest well dear sister, rest well. They harm and control you no more. Hoorah!


Recently I have noticed this one beautiful girl. I have a Monday & Wednesday class with her and have seen her in the library a few times; mostly I have seen her at the coffee shop. She has over the shoulder jet back hair with deep blue eyes. She has a cute little bum that is just the perfect shape for holding.

So scanning the coffee shop while waiting in line this morning, I spotted her. I ordered a medium coffee, picked up my order, took a deep breath and walked over to her table. She was sitting by herself at a high four-top drinking a coffee and reading. I excused myself by asking if I might join her table. There was no hesitation when she nodded to me.

I thanked her, explaining that I am a little taller and prefer a high top table. She didn’t respond. I think I sounded like a fool. She made me nervous, hell I haven’t been this nervous since my Drill Sergeant started screaming at me to get off a bus.

Taking a sip of my coffee, I couldn’t help but stare at her near perfect face. She smiled as she read her book. Her smile, eyes and lips were just spectacular. She looked at me; she must have sensed me staring. What a dumbass.

“Hi I am Ken. I have seen you here a few times and wanted to introduce myself to you.”

She looked up at me with squinting eyes then said, “Mary” Looking down at her cup, I saw it was empty.

“Do you need a refill?”

Mary hesitated then nodded. Of course I did the proper thing, since I offered; I went and got her a refill. I placed her cup in front of her and handed her a pack of blue, regular, and yellow sugar for her, just in case.

Fuck, this was it, the proverbial make or break. “If you would ever want another refill, or to chat, just call or text me it would be my honor.” I wrote my number on the napkin.

I sat back, opened my text book regarding the network security class I was taking and enjoyed my coffee. It was about thirty minutes later when through my peripheral vision I saw her packing up. I thanked her for the company and seat.

She whispered, “Ken, I will say I’m intrigued but am hesitant, you came on pretty strong. I’m not a fan of someone who rushes into things and makes assumptions. What if I had a boyfriend or perhaps a girlfriend?”

I lowered my head in defeat. “My apologies, I am sorry, I saw your …” she interrupted.

“You meet me here at 7:00 for coffee tonight.” Don’t be late. I will text you if I change my mind.”

I looked up and smiled, nodding. “Okay Mary see you then.”

“Jeans and a nice shirt Ken … Impress me Ken, dress nicely.”

And with that she turned to leave. I reached out quickly, touching her arm. Mary turned around, looking at me.

I needed her to know. “You have the bluest eyes I have ever seen. I needed to meet you and introduce myself to you.”

She smiled. “You noticed, didn’t you?”

And with that she left. My hopes are not totally dashed. I was still too much of a soldier? I needed to soften. Wait I have class soon, “Fuck!”

I packed my books and ran out with coffee spilling on my hand from the lid that wasn’t closed tight enough.

I do not know how I made it through my day. I was nervous, excited and a little confused. How could I calm down enough around her so I wouldn’t fuck this up? I finished my shower, shaved, and combed out the little hair I have. I was ironing a button down the front shirt when I heard my phone ping. I looked but didn’t recognize the number but smiled when I saw the message.

Change of plans soldier, 27th Street Cafe 6:30. ~ dress nicer, nicer jeans and shoes for dancing. Mary

I replied, Sorry but I don’t dance all that well. How did you know I was in the Army?

She replied, OK, no dancing tonight. I know things; I see things, like the haircut, don’t be late. M.”

Right at 6:25 I pulled into the cafe parking lot. I have driven past here a few times but had never hadn’t stopped. I shut off the Blazer. I got out and went inside letting the hostess know I was waiting on a friend.

I saw Mary getting out of a rideshare car. I pushed the door open for her and greeted her with a smile. She looked amazing wearing a beautiful coral blouse and well-fitting jeans. We were immediately seated at a table.

That beautiful coral blouse and jeans that left nothing to the imagination of how shapely, strong and sexy her legs and body are. There is no doubt Mary had an amazing body and was in great shape. Her beautiful bottom … well let’s just say it was very tempting for me to touch her.

We ordered appetizers; she ordered an iced tea where I ordered a draft. We had a nice light dinner. I was given the opportunity to look into Mary’s eyes while we ate. When the bill came I grabbed it from her hands telling her it was my treat.

We stepped outside and I inquired what was next as it was still early. She suggested a little place closer to campus. I nodded and walked her to the passenger side of the Blazer, opened the door and helped her up and in.

I pulled into the parking lot and right away noticed it was gravel, not paved. Damn, be careful, I thought to myself.

I found a parking spot as close to the door as possible. I jumped out as quickly as I could to get to her door but she was quick. I was slow with my footing.

We found a corner table. I ordered a draft for me and a white wine for her. I was mesmerized by her beauty, her voice, her emotions and her intellect. We chatted about our love of travel. Her experiences were amazing. We had actually visited some similar national and state parks, each seeing different beauty in them from our perspectives.

We found some common and some not so common ground, in the music we liked and didn’t like. While I loved the music of my parents, classic rock from the 70’s, 80’s, and 90’s such as Rush, Van Halen, Kiss, ZZ-Top, Queen, Elton John, the Beatles and AC//DC. I also enjoyed the sounds of Madonna, Whitney Houston and others. I loved the softer sounds of Asia, Jeff Beck, Anthony Braxton and Andrew Hillwere also very acceptable.

Mary on the other hand preferred the modern top 40, minimal country, hip hop, and some R&B. She admitted that she missed listening to her father’s favorite rock and roll music. I didn’t press further. We both admitted to a love of soft classical orchestra music.

At one point, as we were chatting about Cuyahoga National Park in Ohio, and the romantic beauty of Brandywine Falls, I realized we were holding hands. Hers on top of mine! Her thumb was stroking the back of my hand almost in rhythm with her breathing. In my mind we clicked. It was nice to chat uninhabited about so many things. She never asked about my time in the Army which I was curious why she hadn’t and at this point I wasn’t offering.

I excused myself saying I would grab us a few more drinks. Mary also excused herself heading to the ladies room. I joked and asked if she needed any help. She winked and said “Maybe next time Ken.”

Hmm kinky!

Three hours later, we decided to end the evening and bring it to a close. I walked her outside offering her a ride home. I was extra careful on the gravel parking lot making certain my footing was okay.

“We can walk to my place faster than you can drive and find a parking spot Ken.” She joked.

She gently took my hand in hers and we started walking down the street towards her apartment. I wasn’t paying total attention and almost stumbled over the curb as we approached her place.

I didn’t fall thankfully and I do not think she noticed. We arrived at a rather nice duplex. It was actually just down the street from where we were and from the coffee shop. Up three steps and to the front door, then she turned, still holding my hand.

“Ken, you aren’t allowed up, yet, but I will allow one kiss, one simple kiss good night.” She paused “You must know I am not a quick easy woman. I never have been and never will be. You need to understand I am not a girl that moves quickly.”

With that she took my other hand and stepped closer to me. I moved forward and softly kissed her cheek.

“Well then Mary, I guess we take things slow because I wouldn’t want to come across too strong.”

With that, I turned and pulled my hands from hers. I was careful and stepped down to the sidewalk then looked over my shoulder. “Morning coffee at 6:30, I will see you there and no need to stand in line. I will have yours waiting for you.”


I made my way back to my Blazer, smiling and happy. My cheeks hurt from grinning but what made it even sweeter was the text message I received.

6:30 is early! But … for you I will be there. I had a wonderful time. till tomorrow

I got home to my apartment then got ready for some reading in bed. Once done in the bathroom, I took off my jeans, removed my leg, the gel sleeve, and sock. I applied a little moisturizer to my nub then sat propped up in bed.

Temptation got the best of me so I sent a text.

“Laying here reading but distracted thinking of your soft touch. Till the morning Ken”

There wasn’t a response. I set my phone down and grabbed a network security book reading the next chapter.


Right at 6:30 she walked in seeing me, she gave a little wave as she headed my way.

I stood from my chair, “Fancy meeting you here this morning.”

She smiled as I stood, “Ken, please you don’t need to stand up…”

I cut her off, “Yes I do, it’s respectful, I want to.”

She blushed.

We both sat. I had her coffee with a yellow, a blue and two regular sugar packets, I wasn’t sure; I didn’t remember what she did yesterday. I was so infatuated with her, I didn’t notice. Without picking any up, she picked up her coffee and we started chatting. I heard a phone alarm beeping. She blushed and reached into her purse, turning it off.

“I have a full load today and a study group tonight. Tomorrow morning is busy, lunch Friday in the hub?”

I smiled, “Perfect, and a few texts in between?”

We chatted and finished our coffee but still chatted for another twenty minutes. Her phone alarm started going off.

She stood telling me not to get up and said yes and winked then said, “If you are good you could see some of me as well.”

And with that she winked, grabbed her purse and bag, turned and left for class.

I sat astonished watching her gracefully walk across the coffee shop then out the door. She paused once on the sidewalk, and then reached into her purse. I saw her pull out her phone. Seconds later my phone pinged. It was a text from her.

You like my ass don’t you.🤭🤭

I replied, well of course, it’s attached to you and those amazing blue eyes

We spent the next day and a half sending text with subtle messages.

Friday morning I got a slightly distressing text. Sorry I need to skip lunch and will explain at dinner your choice.

Tracking, 29 University Street, apt 4. Will you bring salad for two no onions. 7:00 K?

If I am honest with myself, I was slightly upset and wondered if she would be a no-show again. Only time will tell. I left the library after lunch and headed over to the computer lab. I spent the next two hours working on my project. Once satisfied and knowing I had no other classes, I decided it was time to go home and relax for a little before dinner.

I needed to be honest with myself; I didn’t want to set myself up for more mental anguish. As I was driving home, I turned off the radio and kept repeating, if she shows, she shows. If not, life goes on. If she shows, she shows. If not, life goes on.

I could feel the stress building, I needed to calm down.

Once back to my apartment, I quickly changed into a pair of track pants and a t-shirt. I then sat down on the couch with a text book. An hour later I woke when I heard my phone ping. I grabbed my phone reading the text from Mary. She wanted to know what the dress code was. I responded with a selfie showing me in track pants and a t-shirt. Well at least she was coming.

At 6:20, I opened the refrigerator and got out the chicken breasts that I had marinated. I preheated the oven, throwing in two potatoes wrapped in foil. At 6:45 I put the marinated chicken into the oven and set the timer for twenty-five minutes.

At 6:50 I heard the doorbell ring. I made my way to the door, and buzzed her in. I opened the front door and stood in the hallway waiting for her to turn the corner.

I heard her before I saw her; well I heard the swish of the grocery bag she was carrying. As she made it the last fifteen feet, I finally smiled and my heart fluttered even faster.

Calm down, I kept repeating!

Questions ran through my mind. Do I kiss her? She doesn’t move fast, should I wait on her to make the next move? No! I want to kiss her.

It was settled, I leaned up against the door jam, I held out my arms for a nice welcoming hug which with her free one arm she reciprocated. I leaned forward and kissed her cheek, just in front of her ear.

Oh my! She smelled amazing. I pulled back, and stepped aside allowing her to enter first.

“Welcome to my apartment. Forgive me for being so forward but I thought we could have a better conversation over dinner and a glass of wine here versus a crowded bar.”

“And you get me all to yourself, instead of all those people hitting on me?”

“Umm, yes.”

That caught me off guard; however Mary did have a valid point. I never considered that. So she wanted to be here. This was a good thing then.

I walked with her into the dining area where I had already put the place settings out. I took the salad from her and offered her a seat and a glass of wine. I made my way into the kitchen setting the salad on the counter. I prepared the salads then pulled the potatoes out of the oven. A little butter and pepper on mine, she asked for the same with a touch of salt.

When the chicken was done, I pulled the baked chicken out of the oven and finished preparing a nice dinner.

With that we sat and had an enjoyable dinner with a second glass of wine. Once we were finished with our grilled chicken salads, we went ahead and adjourned to the living room. I let her take a seat on the couch first.

“Have a seat, anywhere you would like.”

Mary responded by saying, “Ken, it’s your house, you sit where you want.”

I smiled a wicked smile and said, “One could only wish.”

She arched her eyes row at me but smiled.

I took a seat with her sitting on my right, my left ‘leg’ opposite her reach limiting the opportunity for her to come in contact with my left leg.

We talked about music and the different genres. I tried to educate her; she tried to educate me which I greatly appreciated. There was a purposeful pause on her part.

She turned and looked at me. Now mind you this wasn’t just her head turning, her entire body turned, one leg moved, up and under her bum, the other crossed over, her torso her face looking right at me. Her eyes bore holes into mine.

I broke the silence. “Ask and I will tell you what I am comfortable sharing.” I took her hand in mine and plainly said, “Now, please understand I will not share everything now but I will share what I am comfortable with.”

She looked down at my leg then back to my eyes. She seemed to have frowned when she said, “I … I’m sorry” her eyes cast down and away. “I don’t want to pry but you move with such grace, I really couldn’t tell.” Her eyes moved back looking at me.

Now, as a side note, no one, and I mean no one, has ever told me I moved with grace. I was moved more than words could describe. I was confused; I didn’t know how to react.

I took a deep breath and started.

“I was on a mission in a simple convoy, where we were going to an outpost radio site and Intel site where I was assisting with the upgrade of their network.”

I paused. Mary took my hand, “it’s okay you don’t need to.”

I should have listened to her but I continued.

As we headed down the main supply route in a very wide open area, there was a sudden explosion, and everything was a blur from that point, I do not remember much.”

“I woke up in the hospital, my leg above my knee was gone, my left side pretty banged up, ribs cracked, broken. My left arm was broken in three places.”

I lowered my head, “Two others in my HUMMVEE were killed, another in a wheelchair, I got lucky.”

Suddenly, I felt a slight panic, I felt myself starting to perspire. I stood, I was breathing heavily.

“Are you okay?” She asked.

Intuition and training took over, which is my downfall. I needed to get some distance, panic was setting in. I grabbed our wine glasses asking if she wanted a refill.

I needed to escape, this was a huge mistake. I moved as quickly as possible out of the living room into the kitchen. I set the glasses down and grabbed at the countertop. It was happening; again. I felt myself getting lightheaded, panicking.

I turned my head, looking over my shoulder, my voice shaking, almost stuttering with a very apologetic message.

“I am sorry this was a mistake. I can’t do this to you Mary.” My head spinning, I felt dizzy. “I am sorry for wasting your time on someone like me.”

I suddenly got a headache, I was seeing stars, flickering dots, my chest aching, my heart racing faster and faster with each moment.

I started to fall. I tried to grab the countertop, I grabbed for anything but missed. As I fell to the floor everything went black.


I can honestly say that one of the greatest feelings I have ever enjoyed was that first and perfect kiss. Mary had beauty and a hunger hidden in her kisses.

The room we were in was dark but I could see and feel her kisses on my neck, my right cheek, and my lips. My hands roamed her back and sides then it hit me, she wasn’t wearing a bra. Mary’s hands were running up my front over my chest and down my back. She would slide her fingers down my back to my waist and then she slid them up my sides.


I thought to myself, “What is happening? “Ouch” another sharp pain, there! Another pain, someone was rubbing my chest; hard.

“Ouch damnit. Fuck that hurt.” I took a deep breath then screamed “Fucking stop it”

I heard my name repeatedly, “Ken! Then louder, Ken!” I felt a pinch on the back of my hand and tried to pull it back and I blinked, trying to open my eyes.

As the room finally came into focus I saw two strangers looking down on me wearing powder blue shirts, paramedics!

“Fuck not again.” I said. I then saw Mary in the background with tears in her eyes.

Fifteen minutes later I signed off on the paperwork saying I didn’t need to go to the hospital and then I would be fine. It was just another panic attack. The paramedics had cleaned up the mess they made in the kitchen. Mary helped me back to the couch where we sat down for a minute.

“If you want to let yourself out, I understand, I need a quick shower. I need to freshen up.” I said quietly. “I smell.”

I stood and walked back to the bedroom, pulling the door closed. I undressed then sat on my bed. I removed my prosthetic, the gel pad and sock, grabbed my crutches and made my way to the shower. After a quick shower, I came out of the bathroom. I put on a pair of underwear and basketball shorts then made my way over to my bed with the use of my crutches.

“Fuck!” I screamed and grabbed my crutches from the bedside and moved back to the dresser where I grabbed a clean shirt. I put it on with the use of my crutches; I slowly made my way out of the bedroom and into the living room. As I walked down the hallway, I saw her sitting on the loveseat with a tissue in her hand and a few crumpled up at her feet.

“Hey!” I said softly, “Listen, I need to apologize.”

She interrupted me standing and walking over to me. She wrapped her arms around me whispering. “I am sorry; I didn’t mean to cause that.”

We separated and I made my way to the kitchen to get a bottle of water. “Can I get you some water?” I asked.

She nodded. “Please, I can help.”

“No, I can make it, thank you”

Returning from the kitchen, I worked my way over to her and handed Mary a bottle of water and then made my way to the couch, sitting down. Once I got comfortable I finally spoke.

“Mary, I will be bold and probably stupid for asking this but why are you still here?”

She snapped her head and neck looking at me.

“Certainly, there are normal and more attractive men or women out there whom you would be attracted to and who would be attracted to you?”

The expression on her face was one I had never seen. I would say, shock mixed with frustration and a general attitude of her being pissed off.

“Really!” She stood, “Really!”

She looked at me now with tears in her eyes, “How dare you? How …” she paused, “Just delete my number.”

She gathered up her tissues, went to the kitchen trash, threw them away, came back to the living room, looked at me and repeated, “Just delete my number Ken.”

She turned and walked out of my apartment.

Well, I can say at least I got a second date with her. I suppose it wasn’t meant to be.


I hope you enjoyed chapter 1. There will be more to come with Ken and Mary in the near future.

Thank you,



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