The Code by subversion_2000,subversion_2000

1 The Code.

The taxi pulled into the kerb, splashing water from the gutter onto the paving. A tropical low had brought a storm and it had poured with rain almost all day. The driver had complained about the rain the whole way from the railway station and though usually I would reciprocate, I really didn’t want to make idle conversation with someone I was unlikely to meet again. My focus, and nerves were on the meeting I was about to have.

It had taken a few weeks to get me to this point. First, I had answered an ad that my only real friend in the whole world had shown me. I had other friends of course but James knew that I was bisexual and, apart from the occasional male lover, had been the only male friend who was straight to know.

I paid the driver, adding a tip and jostled with my damp umbrella as I stepped out into the steamy evening sunshine, rainwater gushed down the gutter as I crossed the wide curving roadway that led around the hill up into the heights; one of the better suburbs with views across the city plain.

86 Laurel.

The house was on the high side of the road with a wide paved path leading up to a double doored garage. There were two windows, a garage door and a single door on the lower storey. The upper storey was fronted by a balcony running the full length of the house, each window opening to it. Other than a single door on the side of the house or the garage, I could see no other way to enter; trees and shrubs obscured any view of a way to the upper storey. There were steps up the side of the house that led to a gate. At this distance it was hard to read the sign on the gate that, given the picture of a swimming pool, obviously said something about keeping the pool gate closed.

The instructions had been friendly enough in the email, just turn up and ring the bell on the door at the side of the house. So here I was, in my mind, following my first instruction as a new submissive.

I stood by the door listening to the steady thud of large drops hitting my umbrella as the rain started up once more. My heart was beating a little faster, there was a giddy feeling in my stomach and part of me was telling me to turn around and go home. I’d been here a few times before. Not to this house but to others as I travelled around the world working and joining local interest sites. In Ireland I had made the trip to the guy’s house and did a U turn before going in. How many others had the same experience. There was always way out but this time, I couldn’t. I didn’t want to let James down and more importantly, myself.

The ad that James had shown me was for a “male for couple”. He’d had a bit of a giggle at the time but said that I was perfect since I ‘batted for each team’. James was enthusiastic. “You fit the bill perfectly. Age 35-40, fit active, broadminded. If you don’t apply for it I’ll do it for you myself.”

So here I was. Sweating in what was about ninety percent humidity, head buzzing. Nothing to lose.

The door opened, a breeze of air conditioned comfort sweeping from the opening.

“Hi…I’m Catherine” She hugged me. “So good to meet you at last. Come on in before you get soaked…where is your car?”

Gladly, I entered the house, following Catherine.

“I came by taxi.” I answered. “My car is in for repair.”

“Seriously? You came in this weather in a cab?”

“Well train mostly, and then…well…it seemed to be important to me and James, I told you about him, practically threw me out of my house.”

“Ha ha. I see.” She laughed.

Catherine gave a slight smile and her eyebrows flashed. She seemed to move quickly, as if there was something important to deal with. She was lithe but buxom all at the same time, with a round face framed by long black hair. Her blouse was soft with yellow flowers, her neck adorned with a silver necklace with the letter ‘C’ dangling into her cleavage. I guessed her to be in her early forties.

“Put your umbrella over in the corner and have a seat, Christopher will be down in a minute, he’s just finishing some business. Glass of wine?”

“That would be great.”

“Red or white or…we still have a bit of rose from last night. It could be off” Catherine wrinkled her nose and shook her head slightly.

“White will be fine thanks.”

The room was a typical recreation room, common in double storey houses here. In one corner a few bits of gym equipment, along the back wall, a pool table, a small bar area and a casual wooden dining table and chairs. On one wall was a large TV flanked by a leather sofa and a chair and a central coffee table. Another door was open and I could see that it led into the garage I had seen at the front of the house. A wooden staircase led from the gym are to the upper floor.

“There’s a bathroom over there if you need it.” Catherine motioned to a door behind the gym area.

“I’m fine thanks.”

Catherine came over to me with 2 large glasses of white wine. “Sit.” She smiled as I sank into the corner of the leather sofa. “I’m so sorry to drag you here on such a dismal evening. We’ve had too much of this rain for my liking”.

“Me too.” I agreed taking more notice now of her appearance. Closer now I could make out her brown eyes and what I could only describe as a kind face. She was dressed what I would call ‘normally’. I had been expecting some sort provocative attire but, apart from a small amount of cleavage, she could have been simply any middle aged housewife you could meet. Denim jeans and trainers completed her outfit.

Footsteps clopped on the wooden stairs and Catherine’s husband came down the from the first floor. Christopher was dressed casually in a black polo shirt with a crocodile logo and jeans. He was tall, clean shaven with short black hair. I put him in the same age range as Catherine.

“Sorry about that.” He apologized. “Ah, see Catherine set you up with a glass. Let me get one.” He went to the bar, poured a glass of red wine and came back to the TV area.

“Cheers!” He said, smiling, taking a seat on what looked like the leather chair that seemed to have been made for him. Catherine sat at the opposite end of the leather sofa from me. Her eyes darting between her husband and me.

“Did I hear your car broke down?” Christopher asked.

“Yeah, it has a wheel bearing issue. I’ve known about it for some time but yesterday it finally decided to give up on me. Typical to let me down in this weather. It’s going to be about four days before I’m mobile again.”

“Oh well…not to worry, I can drop you at the station later if you like, save paying for another taxi.”

“Thanks, that would be very kind of you.”

“Coming all this way in this weather. It must be very important.” He raised his glass, taking a long sip.

“Of course, it’s important.” Catherine cut in. “You can see he’s a bit nervous. ”

“Well, I can see that!” Christopher shot back at Catherine and rolled his eyes. She sniggered and turned towards me, looking intent.

After another half hour or so, filled with talk of jobs, Christopher was an architect and Catherine an interior designer. We pressed on the the matter of why I was there.

“I know that…we discussed what we want in the chat and email. You can relax here, nothing is happening today with us. We all need to see if this is what we all want…and when I say we, I mean you really.” She paused to let that sink in. “Christopher and I…well we think you would be a good fit in this situation but we have a lot to discuss with you. It will take quite a lot for you to get to do the things required of you there will be a period of introduction, I don’t like to call it training. It’s an acquired taste and it takes someone special to submit.”

Of course I knew this is where it would lead. The online and phone conversations we had had talked a lot about how they wanted a “submissive male for extreme fun”.

“Can I ask you a question, Peter?” I noticed Christopher had let Catherine take the lead while he observed.

“Go ahead.” I relaxed; this was beginning to sound like a job interview.

“You know from our chats that we want a submissive. Why do you want to be one? We never really got to the er…bottom of that.” Her eyes looked me up and down like she was reading me.

“To tell you the truth.” I began. “I don’t really know.”

Christopher shrugged.

“I only know that I feel that…well that I…”

Catherine could see me struggling.

“That you want to serve?” She suggested.

“Sort of.”

“Don’t be shy here, Peter. Say what’s on your mind.”

“I know It’s not easy.” Christopher said, but you really can trust us with your thoughts. You’ll feel better once you tell someone.”

“Would it surprise you both if I told you that I want to be used?”

Catherine looked at Christopher.

“For sex?” Christopher asked.

“Not just that…” Where was I going with this? “I have these thoughts and, I suppose they are all sexual really. About being used…yes for sex but also for…I dunno…”

There was a short silence.

“That’s a good start.” Christopher took a sip of his red and then, casually. “You want to be dominated.”

Catherine nodded. The kind of nod that said that she knew exactly what my mind was like.

“If I told you to get on your knees right now, how would you feel?” She put a finger to her lips.

“Do you want me to…?

“No. I want to know how you would feel. How do you think you would actually feel?”

“I think.” I looked for words to come and then blurted out. “I think it would be a relief actually.”

“You think? No, how would you feel? Wouldn’t you feel humiliated? If I snapped at you and ordered you?” Christopher asked.

“Well yeah…but. Look I can’t explain it but I think it would give me some sort of thrill. Sort of like the thrill of…foreplay? Does that make sense?”

Christopher considered my answer.

“It’s a good answer.” Christopher replied. “I think you’ve got that right. Foreplay is good and, let’s face it, its longer and more exciting than the actual sex is, but as a submissive, and for us as owners, it lasts longer and is much deeper.”

“The rush, goes on longer and…well it’s delicious.” Catherine said, smiling and tilting her head to one side. “There’s a lot of fun and games as an owner. For the sub, there are lots of puzzles trying to guess what games are being played and how to play them. It’s all part of the fun.”

“So, you make up the rules?”

“Yes of course.” Said Christopher. “It’s no use if you, as a submissive, have a say.”

“Do you want to have a say?” Catherine asked.

I considered the idea. It occurred to me I’d never really thought about it.

“No, I can see how it has to be submission or…well nothing really…but surely you have limits?”

“Limits? Well, we explore our limits, yours are for you to work out. We’ll give you a keyword and an out word. The keyword will stop the scene you’re in. It’s useful if you are really struggling but, use it sparingly. Your out word takes you out of The Code completely. I don’t think anyone has ever used it.”

“It’s an out.” Explained Christopher. “If you use it you’re no longer in The Code.”

“Oh, he doesn’t know about The Code.” Catherine said.

“Oh,” Christopher paused. “Didn’t we go through that?” He frowned.

Catherine crossed her legs and sat back.

“Do you want me too?” She looked at Christopher and, not waiting for an answer simply carried on talking.

“The Code is the group of people we are…associated with. They’re like minded and very broadminded. Mostly they’re highly sexed and most are intelligent. Some of the couples have one slave and in some cases, one of the couple is the slave and the other is the owner.. We all know each other only intimately so we all share a code. When I say intimately, I mean we don’t involve ourselves much in each other’s lives other than our intimate lives. In this respect, we are very close.”

“A code.” I nodded, obviously none the wiser.

“Not a code, Peter. The Code. We share experiences.” Christopher said. “We are like a family of…”

“Perhaps ‘family’ is the right word?” Catherine interrupted. “Think if it as more like a fraternity.”

Christopher looked to Catherine, and she nodded her approval of her own suggestion.

“We share our intimate lives.” She added. “Sometimes in more detail than others.”

“Yes.” Said Christopher. “Fraternity’s a good word. I’ll have to remember that one.”

“So, you tell each other what you get up to? That sort of…” I was beginning to suspect there was more to The Code than a simple story telling club.

“We all try to fully, intimately, experience each other.” Said Christopher “Oh I’m not explaining it very well.”

Catherine took over.

“The Code gets to know everything. They get to see everything.”

My mouth opened. I must have looked astonished.

“See everything? They join in? How many?”

“No, it’s not like that, Peter.” Catherine said. “Well not always.”

Christopher shook his head. “You’re as bad at explaining it as I am!”

I laughed.

“So, The Code is a bunch of swingers?”

“Well…yes and no.” Said Catherine. “We do have the odd party and that sort of thing goes on but.”

“I like to think of it as a resource.” Christopher said. “We share… experiences.”

What had been a meeting with a couple to answer my own sexual identity, was quickly turning into a labyrinth of questions about an organized sex club.

“And slaves? You share them?”

“It’s been known to occur.” Catherine smiled mischievously.

There was a small silence that Catherine quickly stepped into.

“The Code is very discreet. Both for slaves and owners. Because we share so much…experience, and we all know what is going on with who, we have a responsibility to each other. We care deeply for each member, slave or owner. We’re founded on love for each other.”

“Do they know about me?”

“They.” Catherine said, pausing. “Know of you.”

“They know we’re meeting.” Christopher explained. “I don’t think they’ll be that interested until we’re all committed to the relationship.”

This all seemed so simple for Catherine and Christopher. For me, the whole conversation was strange. They seemed to be casual and yet, formal about everything they talked about.

“We don’t like swearing.” Catherine said at one point. “Other members do that but for us, it’s not something we like to hear. You won’t hear the C word or the F word here. We like decorum.”

I realized that it wasn’t just in language that they were formal. Their body language said the same thing. Gestures were manicured to perfection. Smiles and laughs were all done at diplomatic moments. It was a curious juxtaposition of topic and deliverance. On one hand we were talking about what was in effect, sexual submissiveness, but in a way two parties would discuss the latest fashion from Paris.

“As we discussed, you will be required to submit to us. Your introduction to your submission will take time and we don’t expect instant success. This isn’t some sort of pornography movie where it all happens in the first scene and then goes downhill.”

I gave a slight smile.

“You do know I’m bi myself.” I knew that Catherine and Christopher already knew this information but wanted to remind them.

“Yes, and that experience will be good — you will know some of what to expect, at least from Christopher.” Catherine smiled.

“What to expect?” It dawned on me that Catherine always spoke of things as a sort of abstract. Never mentioning that I would be expected to allow Christopher to use me sexually. They simply didn’t “talk dirty”.

“His taste.” Catherine said rolling her eyes. “You have to warm to it.”

“Speak for yourself.” Christopher chuckled and moved to the edge of his seat putting his hand on my thigh. Catherine looked on, a slight smile on her mouth.

“We will both use you.” He said quietly. “You already know how some of it will occur and I know you have questions and want it spelled out in more detail but that’s not how we work. There’s no need you see. You already know.”

Catherine got up and moved to the bar. “More wine Peter?”

“Not for me.” Said Christopher. “I have to take Peter…is that what you like to be called? back to the station later.”

“Peter is fine…Do I call you Cathy and Chris?”

“Catherine and Christopher.” Christopher replied. “We like formal names; oh and The Code never use surnames.”

“For now you can call us by our names.” Catherine laughed as she poured the Chablis, emptying the bottle.

She rummaged around under the bar and, as she bent over, I noticed her jeans. Ordinary denim but the seam at the back was open as if she had split her pants. It was obvious, even at the distance I was from the bar, she was wearing nothing under her jeans.

She returned with the wine and a bowl of potato chips. “Sorry, I forgot to ask if you’ve eaten.”

“I’m fine, really.” I lied. At this time of day, I should have been hungry, but nervousness had taken it’s toll on my appetite. “I’ll eat later.” Catherine seemed to bite her lip in disappointment.

I sipped my wine and gathered my thoughts.

“You know, I really didn’t expect all this.” I said eventually.

“What did you expect?” Christopher asked.

“Oh, I dunno, I sort of thought it would be all…” I let the sentence trail, trying to conjure an answer.

“Like a movie? Like where the guy or girl turns up and is into a scene with no warning?” Christopher said smiling.

Catherine laughed. “There’s too much to take in for this, Peter. We can’t drop you into a scene and expect you to swim. It would never work. You will have to adapt slowly. Once we are comfortable where we think you can go, we will push you harder.”

“Testing my limits?” I asked.

Catherine laughed again. “No, we don’t do that, Peter. It’s not a test. You will go where you want to go and we’ll simply guide you. We’ll give you a keyword to stop something you can’t handle, or a buzzer if you’re er…not in a position to speak.” Her eyes rolled.

Christopher turned to me, his eyes perfectly serious. “‘The Code is a huge experience. I think, once you get used to us, that feeling of tension, excitement, will stay with you for a long time. Much more than vanilla, even bi-vanilla. That being said, you can stop any time and leave. We give you an out word for that. Any scene, with anybody and you can use it and leave The Code.”

“Can you give me any clues about these scenes?”

“It’s best not to know too much. Save the surprises.” Catherine said looking at Christopher, eyes telling him to change the subject. She blushed slightly.

Christopher continued, reticent. “We can’t tell you exactly where this goes. There isn’t timetable to you submitting. You will know when it’s time and by then, you will have a good idea of where we are going on our journey and the part you have to play in that. Just remember, we’re on a journey too.”

“So, what now?” I gestured to the couple.

For some reason, call it the wine and the relaxing company, I felt comforted that there seemed to be zero pressure. I’d arrived expecting a physical extension of the conversations we had online. It occurred to me that the whole language we had been using had been so…polite…so normal. Everything we spoke about was in the abstract yet online we had openly talked of Christopher taking me both ways, and how Catherine liked to watch. They had hinted about more and Catherine had said that one requirement was to be used for “golden fun” as she put it. Always a hint, never a detail.

The meeting continued for a short time, not totally focused on The Code but it was very much in the back of my mind and wanted to return to it with the questions I was distilling.

“We’ll start soon.” Catherine cut me off before I could start.

Start soon? Christopher led me to his Mercedes which was parked safely in the garage. The conversation on the way back to the station was mostly about the tropical rain and the water coursing down the roads. Talk of The Code was, for the time being, paused.

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