The Code Pt. 02 by subversion_2000,subversion_2000

2. The Paradox

The week slowly passed by. As a software engineer it had become a drag. I was working from home and, while it was an easy thing to do thanks to modern communication software; I missed all the social life of being in an office with colleagues. Waiting for a message from Christopher and Catherine made the week seem even longer.

It took four days for the workshop to fix my car and five hundred dollars more than I expected, but, at least I now had freedom. I had not heard anything for five days and I was beginning to think things had not gone okay with them. On the surface everything was perfectly polite but, with the history of the email and chat trail to look back on, some things were missing. I read them again. There was a something in the way they communicated; never spelling out what I was to do or how they wanted me to behave. I had to want to do things I didn’t want to do. I kept going over the statement. I had to want to. Not that I had to do them but I had to want to.

On the Friday I got an email from Christopher asking me to attend their home again. Perfectly polite, they gave me the time of 7pm on Sunday evening and Christopher told me they realized that there were a lot of questions on my mind and expected things to be a little more open and that they hoped to start my introduction.

I arrived at just after 7pm as requested, this time in my own car and in much finer weather.

Catherine answered the door in a short flowery dress which allowed just a glimpse of her cleavage. Christopher was in his familiar pole shirt and shorts sitting in his chair.

“Sorry I’m late.” I said. “Traffic was so bad.”

“Don’t be.” Said Christopher.

I laughed. “Don’t be sorry or don’t be late?”

“Late.” He said flatly. “Don’t be late.”

He seemed to have the ability to switch moods, one minute perfectly pleasant and the next, domineering. Something else I would think about when trying to sleep later.

I sat at the end of the of the sofa facing both Catherine and Christopher; we went through the usual chit chat about the weather and cars breaking down and how all mechanics seem to be ripping us off.

“I’d like to get started.” Catherine said after the small talk. “There are some things we need need to introduce you to which may or may not be to your liking, but understand that, and everything else we get up to is very important so remember; To stop and go back at any time, use the key word ‘paradox’. Do you understand? And don’t worry, things will stop if you use it and we can discuss it.

“Yes, Mistress.”

Catherine raised an eyebrow. She seemed half expecting me to respond but didn’t give any time for one before continuing. “Look, we don’t really care if you like this or not.” Again she looked at me for a response. All I could do at this point was nod that I understood her, even though I didn’t understand how she could contradict herself. I could stop any time with my keyword but they didn’t really care if I liked what was being asked of me.

She leaned over the sofa, exposing her thighs as she did, and brought back two clear plastic bottles. They were about half a pint each and had a golden liquid about three quarters full.

“This, is your first introduction.”

I of course knew what it was.

“You want me to drink it.” I said.

“You have to want to do things that you don’t want to do.” Christopher reminded me.

“Yes please.” Catherine said, casually. “This one is me and this one is Christopher.” She lifted each bottle. “These are from a few minutes before you arrived, so they are still.” She paused. ‘Fresh'” She smiled. “We’ll start slowly to get you used to us.”

She turned to the side of the sofa again and produced a small conical plastic medicine measure.

“This can’t be rushed.” Christopher said. “For you to do this to make it real, you have to get acquainted with the taste.” Catherine poured a small amount of the urine into the measuring cup and handed it to me. There was about a teaspoonful of the liquid in the bottom from the ‘Catherine’ bottle.

“Try it.” Catherine watched me as I eyed the small triangle of gold in the transparent plastic measure.

I put the cup to my nose. The smell was unmistakable. Slowly, I lifted it to my lips and threw the liquid into my mouth. I’d tasted something similar before when I had been down on a woman and she had let the slightest amount out so I knew a little of what to expect. This was not mixed with the wetness and lovely taste of the woman; this taste was raw undiluted urine.

I coughed, and slightly gagged at the new taste. Grimacing.

“Don’t pull your face.” Catherine poured some more into the cup, doubling the amount.

“Drink it with reverence. I want you to think of this as something precious to you. You have to get into the mood of wanting something that you don’t want because it pleases your owners. Pleasing us, and member of ‘The Code’ has to be your number one priority.”

There it was again. It was a total paradox and now I understood why my keyword was exactly that. How can someone want something that they don’t want?

Oh well, here goes, I thought. I took a deep breath and again threw the liquid into my mouth. This time the taste hit me harder. Salty with fumes of ammonia that also infected my smell. I swallowed it as fast as I could and tried to reach for my wine.

“No!” Catherine instructed. ” You need to keep it in your mouth longer to get used to the taste.” Another measure, This time it was a half full cup. “Drink it like you would wine. And when you drink it, think of it as… my nectar and something you are honored to drink. But remember, it will be warmer when it comes directly from me.”

This should have been insanity but for some reason, it all made sense to me. I accepted the plastic cup and allowed the liquid to nestle on my tongue. It was much harder. I took short sips, then longer, allowing the liquid to roll around my mouth before swallowing it. I noticed that the swallowing part had got slightly easier and I wasn’t gagging on it.but the taste was hard to take.

“Thank me.” She said, replacing the cap on the bottle.

“Thank you.” I offered.

She uncapped the ‘Christopher’ bottle and poured a similar amount to the last one.

“When you’ve finished this, make sure to thank Christopher.” She smiled at me.

A different taste this time, stronger and it took me some time to swallow it. When I had finished, I gave her the cup back and said “Thank you.” to Christopher who just nodded. I could see a hardness in his crotch and for some crazy reason, my feelings were accepting of what they were asking of me to do.

“Good.” Catherine smiled. “Now let’s try that again.”

The cup was filled four more times and I slowly, very slowly, consumed the bottles.

“Great.” Catherine smiled. “See what I mean? You are now doing something that you really don’t want to do. Soon you will want to, in fact, soon you will crave doing things like this. It’s in you, we’ve seen it. ”

Christopher leaned closer. “When you finally submit, you will be happy to hand us the tools that please us, whether it’s offering your mouth and your…anus to us so that we can use your…holes or when we punish you.”

She touched my leg reassuringly, softly. “Now, let’s try it with a more submissive attitude.”

I looked at her, puzzling what else could be ‘submissive’ about drinking pee.

“On your knees please, Peter.” Catherine said and she sprang from her seat. She went over to a cupboard by the gym, returning with a velvet bag, another wine glass and two more bottles.

I got onto my knees.

“Face Christopher.” Catherine ordered. I faced Christopher.

“Don’t look at him, look at his sex”. Christopher had undone his trousers and was exposing his erection.

I stared at his cock, wanting it to be in me.

Catherine went into the bag and pulled out a pair of handcuffs. “Give me your wrists.” she instructed and I held out my wrists. I could see that Christopher was wet with arousal. To my surprise, I too was getting wet. Why the hell am I enjoying this? I thought.

I knelt there facing Christopher’s crotch with my hands cuffed in front of me. Christopher stood up, his erection now at eye level, almost dripping, I desperately wanted to reach out take in his glistening purple head in my mouth, but I held back. No, no, I thought. I have to remember to wait to be told.

Drink this.” Catherine instructed as she placed a wine glass of ‘nectar’ to my lips. One smell and I knew It was his. More pungent and metallic with that overwhelming ammonia smell.

I grimaced at the smell and the taste again but sipped and swallowed it, finally coughing as I finished. So far, I thought, at least I haven’t thrown up.

“Don’t pull your face!” Catherine snapped, looking disappointed. “You must treat this liquid with reverence.”

I looked at Christopher’s purple uncircumcised, head. It seemed to be smiling at me in all it’s wetness.

“Are you going to thank him?” Catherine asked.

I wanted it in me.

“Thank you.” I said, not looking away.

“When you thank him next time, say ‘thank you, Sir’. She said quietly.

“Thank you, Sir” I said, again to the smile which was now only six inches or so away.

“Drink this.” Catherine instructed, and another glass was at my lips. More nectar, this time it was hers. Already, after only a few samples, I could detect the difference. Slightly sweeter and much easier on the tastebuds.

“Thank me.” She said.

“Thank her correctly.” Christopher said.

“Thank you er…I don’t know how to address you.” I said.

“Thank you, Mistress.” For each of us you need to think about calling us ‘Master, Mistress, Sir or Ma’am’.

“Thank you, Mistress.” I said.

She handed me my Chablis. “Have a break, Peter. Turn around so that you can face both of us.”

I turned to face her, cuffed, glass in hand, as she sat at the end of the sofa.

“As a first step, that was quite good. But there is long way to go before you can drink it directly from our bodies; we may come back to that later in the evening. These break points are important for you to think about what’s happening, so that you can walk away from submission. I think you can guess by now what one of your uses will be.”

I nodded and took a sip of wine. “Drinking piss.”

“You must refer to it as nectar.” Catherine said. “Treat it with reverence.”

“You can stop at any break point if it’s too much or we can take a step back until you can handle it. Is that okay?”

“One question.” I said, not knowing if I should add ‘Mistress’ to each address.

“When you say that I have to drink directly from you, how much and how many?”

“As much as we like.” She said flatly. “Once we get past all the break points and you have submitted to us, then we control it all.”

Christopher came around from behind me and sat where I had been sitting at the end of the sofa. I moved back so that I could see both of them as they addressed me.

“We’re going to lead you into your slavery slowly, Peter.” Christopher said. “This can’t be done quickly and to be honest, we will relish this part of having you as part of our lives.”

I knelt there thinking, still not quite understanding the nature of the slavery they intended or how to get there. All I knew was that for some reason, I wanted it to carry on.

“Please can we continue,Master, Mistress?” I said quietly.

“Finish your wine.” Catherine said. “You need a refill.”

I downed the rest of the Chablis and handed Catherine my glass. She filled it with Christopher’s nectar and topped up the other glass with her own. I sipped from each glass and swallowed slowly emptying the contents into me I handed back the glasses.

“Hmmm…you aren’t doing well with the thanks but that was a good effort.” Christopher said smiling. Catherine poured the last of the bottle contents into one glass, mixing it with her finger and handed it back to me. The finger went towards my mouth and I sucked it.

“Slowly this time.” She said. “I want to relish seeing you drink us.”

As I put the glass to my lips and took a sip, Catherine raised her skirt to reveal her shaven mound glistening. Her fingers spread around her clitoris and started to rub the area. She watched intently as I slowly sipped the contents. She orgasmed long before I had finished so I took my time, enjoying her enjoying herself.

She came back to earth as I was placing the glass on the table. Christopher had watched the whole thing and smiled approvingly at me. He knew what I was becoming and how I was enjoying becoming it.

Catherine leaned across the sofa and whispered something to Christopher. He smiled and nodded and went over to the gym cupboard. Catherine stood in front of me, I could smell her sex through the soft cotton of her dress. She lifted it and pressed my head to her wetness. The smell of her was intoxicating and I would have been happy to open her there and then with my tongue to give her more pleasure but something in me had clicked that she was in charge. There was more to this dynamic than just stimulation of a clit or a cock. Christopher and Catherine, I would learn, got as much pleasure from the scenery as the physical stimulus. When Catherine had orgasmed, in her head it was more about my debasement at drinking their pee in front of them than the act of her touching herself.

“The next break point, Peter” Catherine said, more to the room than directly to me. “And I’m afraid that, to go past this one you need to be naked.” She unlocked my cuffs.

“OK,” I replied. “May I stand, Mistress?”

“You may. Remember not to look at us other than at our sex.”

I stood up, knees aching, keeping my head bowed. I undressed in front of her as Christopher came from the gym with another velvet bag.

I stood naked, looking at the floor, trying not to look at them. Christopher and Catherine touched me softly on my arms. Christopher’s finger went to my nipples, then a thumb. My nipple was squeezed slightly and I gasped.

“It will need to be pierced.” Christopher said. Was he speaking to me or to Catherine?

“I agree.” Catherine said.

Catherine took both my hands and pulled them behind me then cuffed them again while at the same time, Christopher pulled a light chain, from the velvet bag. He pulled the chain around my waist and padlocked it behind me to the cuffs.

“Kneel down.” He instructed.

With arms behind me, I could only crouch and roll forward onto my knees. Eventually I steadied myself and my eyes again landed on. He was glistening with pre-cum.

Suddenly, Catherine was there and activity started; the coffee table was being moved so that it was in full view. Several cushions were laid across the table. Catherine bent over almost double in front of me and smiled back at me. Then she laid on the table with her legs over the edge facing me. She opened herself and started to stroke her clit again before Christopher knelt between her legs and slowly started to penetrate her.

Catherine moaned and looked at me as I looked on, bound in chains, Christopher started to push himself deeper into her.

The tempo became faster and Catherine seemed to rise to a climax every few seconds, keeping her eyes on me and biting her lip as she went. I would find this a constant in our relationship, Catherine and Christopher loved to be watched by their victim and the more humiliated and uncomfortable the slave was, the better they orgasmed.

The passion became heavier with Catherine and Christopher kissing like new lovers but always, she had an eye on my imprisonment. After several more orgasms from Catherine, Christopher also climaxed, and he pushed himself deep into her belly to deposit his seed. Then slowly, slowly they disconnected and Christopher, reaching for tissues, sat by her on the carpet. Catherine laid there, legs open, feeling the drool of Christopher’s semen as it dripped out of her.

She looked at me and smiled. “Thank you, Peter.” She said.

“No, Mistress.” I answered. “The thanks are all mine.”

Christopher laughed. “A correct thank you for once.” Catherine giggled.

Catherine rose from her repose on the table and claimed her dressing gown which was really just a loose, chiffon covering that hid virtually nothing about her body. In fact, it almost accentuated everything about her by coating it in a sort of mist as if she was a photograph that had been air brushed.

Christopher pulled his shorts on and recovered his T shirt. He took his place back in his chair and Catherine resumed her favourite seat on the sofa near to him. As they seated I wobbled around on my knees to face them.

“You seem to be coming to terms as to how all this works now, Peter. As we said right at the start, we have to take it all slowly because each stage is…” the words trailed off.

“Delicate.” Catherine said.

“We had to introduce you into the idea of drinking from us because this is really important to us so that’s why it was the first break point.” Christopher continued. “We will do more next time.”

“When is next time, Sir?” I asked.

“We will contact you, Peter. You will come and follow instructions.” Christopher said flatly.

I nodded and Christopher Stood up, his shorts soiled from the leaking semen left in his member. He unlocked me from my shackles and helped be to my feet, knees sore, I got dressed.

Catherine brought water and I drank, happy to clear the taste of urine from my mouth.

“Can I use the bathroom before I go?” I asked.

“Huh?” Christopher said in mock surprise. “Who are you speaking to?”

“Oh er…May I use the bathroom before I go, Sir.” I corrected myself.

“Yes, and don’t be long.” Christopher suddenly flicked his switch to really serious as if I had crossed a line; I moved quickly to the door over by the gym area, not knowing what transgression I had made.

The bathroom was amazing. The size was impressive, accentuated by gleaming grey and blue tiles that went floor to ceiling. It had the usual bathroom fittings of a large shower tiled in grey, porcelain toilet pan and a single bathroom sink with a mirror over it. Beside the shower enclosure were two glass shelves which held tasteful photos of Catherine and Christopher.

I emptied my very full bladder, washed my hands and stepped back into the gym, noticing for the first time that the gym equipment wasn’t quite what it seemed. The bench press, which was an angled seat with a weight stand over it to hold the bar which the weights were attached to, had no weights. What I had thought was a pull-down weight had a seat and a frame over it, but weights were missing again. I stayed my eyes on the equipment for a few seconds before Catherine who had spotted me said “They come later.”

I knew not to ask questions. They were good at this and it occurred to me that I wasn’t the first to go through this introduction. It almost seemed like Catherine read my mind.

“No, you’re not the first.” She spoke quietly. “But that’s for later. For now, it’s time for you to take some time to think about your needs. I think you’re starting to realise what they are.”

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