The Crash and The Contract Ch. 14 by cutegeekguy,cutegeekguy

Day 14 – Thursday 30th May

Lucy and Christina were always getting into arguments and not speaking to each other. Less often as they got older, but they still did. Usually, though, it was for something silly, something that there was no need to have an argument about at all. And, usually, they sorted it out between themselves quickly.

This time it felt different. Lucy was still fuming the next morning as she drove to work. She still couldn’t come to terms with what Christina had done. What had given her the right to just sit there and not leave the room when asked? To watch her and Steve have an intimate video call – to watch them have virtual sex – was outrageous. Lucy couldn’t believe that Christina had the gall to do that. Christina knew what was likely to happen after Lucy answered the call. How weird was it for Christina to want to watch that?

What troubled Lucy most about that, though, was the fact she just let it happen. She could have got Christina to leave. She could have forced her out. She could have told Steve that Christina was there and then forced her out. But she didn’t. Why? Why does she submit to her sister like this? The things that Christina was making her do were getting worse. Lucy shouldn’t be letting her do this, should she? But she was sure that having Christina watch did add something to the episode – it did make it more erotic knowing they were not alone – although she got so engrossed that she forgot about her at times.

She wondered what her relationship with her sister was going to evolve into. She didn’t think this was healthy, but she felt helpless about it when really she wasn’t. If that had been the extent of it, that would probably have been ok to her. Which itself was worrying.

But it was the fact that Christina impersonated her that was by far the worst part. She just didn’t understand why she did that. Was it to get at Lucy? She had no reason to, they had been on really good terms lately. Did she fancy Steve and want him for herself? Maybe, but unlikely. With a boyfriend with a body like James’ why would she want some slightly podgy thirty-something instead? Was it just to get a buzz? Probably. But why didn’t she think through the implications of it? Christina seemed out of control, not worrying about who she might hurt or the consequences of her actions.

You just can’t do that to anyone, let alone your sister. If Lucy had done that to James, Christina would have got even madder than Lucy was. They needed to have a proper talk about this and sort this out.

The rest of the call with Steve last night had been odd. Steve seemed to know that something was up, but Lucy thought she had lied pretty well to put him at rest. She had been instructed to rub herself, without coming, while they chatted, but with everything going on in her head, cumming was less likely than usual, even if her pussy wasn’t completely immune to her own touch. They didn’t talk for long, which Lucy was glad of.

That fucking sister of hers.

And now, as she braked sharply into one of the few remaining parking spaces, she had a task ahead of her. She needed to go into Dr Baines’ office and show him her tits. Even though he had already seen them, it still seemed like such a big ask. She knew no-one else would see, or know, but Dr Baines was still one of her superiors who sometimes, like any hospital consultant, frightened her.

Would she have the guts to do it? She had already been made to do some pretty brazen things by Steve, and on the face of it this one was straightforward. But it was the context. It was at work. And it was him.

And what would he do when she did it? Would he let her just prance around his office topless? Or would he touch her? Would he make her do other things? Would he fuck her?

Why are there so many questions this morning?! She was struggling to process anything and didn’t feel even the slightly excited nervousness that she normally did when given such a task.

And as she thought about what she was told to do, she wasn’t getting turned on in the way she knew she usually would. Her stupid sister. Without Christina’s interference last night, Lucy’s pussy would already be wet, and she would be in for a really exciting day. But her pussy wasn’t dominating her thoughts today – it was still the rage at her sister’s actions.

Oh, and in and amongst all this, she now had to do a tough shift at work.


Lucy’s heart was beating fast as she stood in front of Dr Baines’ office. She had built up the courage to make it this far, and had found an excuse to come in – she found some forms that needed signing. But she really didn’t want to do it. Not because it wasn’t exciting or because she didn’t enjoy these challenges from Steve, but because her mind was clouded with thoughts of Christina still. It had made her whole shift this morning difficult. She couldn’t concentrate on anything.

She stood there for a good five minutes, contemplating what she should do. She had already removed her bra in the changing rooms, so it would be easy to just slide her uniform off.

Eventually she decided to knock, and entered the room. She closed the door behind her and turned the lock. She was now alone. It was just her and Dr Baines. He looked up at her as she turned around to face her.

“Hello” he said, with a slight smile on his face. “Can I help you?”

Lucy froze. What was she meant to say? What was she meant to do? She mumbled a few errs and ums, but she had no words to say to him. Could she unbutton her uniform, let it slide to the floor and expose her upper body to him, letting him gaze at her little nipples poking out on top of her perky breasts? Could she be that exhibitionist, that slut that she had learned to become over the past two weeks? Could she walk over to him confidently like that and pass him the forms, putting her breasts right under his nose?

Something wasn’t right. Usually in this situation she would have a tingling in her panties. Her pussy would be wet, and she would be incredibly excited. But not today. It’s not like there was nothing horny about how she was feeling, but she didn’t have that buzz that usually enabled her to go through with it. And so she couldn’t bring herself to start unbutton her top.

“Is everything alright Lucy? Is there something wrong?”

She had been stood there for a little while, no doubt looking pale in the face. Reluctantly she resigned herself to the fact that she was not about to do this.

“Sorry Dr Baines” she said as she walked towards him. “Everything is fine. Can you just sign these forms for me please?”

Tim looked up at Lucy. Based on what Steve had told him the other night he was hoping for another show, but clearly that was not about to happen. The poor girl. She couldn’t bring herself to do whatever she had been instructed to do. He wondered whether he would ever be able to see her magnificent naked body again.

After considering for a few moments whether he should continue the conversation, he took out his pen, scribbled on both bits of paper he had been handed and returned them.

“No problem, anytime.”

He desperately wanted to do something, say something to keep her here. Something about Monday perhaps? No, that would do no good. That needed to remain undiscussed.

She acknowledged his deed with a muted smile and took back the papers, walking briskly out of the office.

Crap, she thought. Steve would not be happy. Well, she could worry about that later. She still had the rest of her shift ahead of her.


Steve was excited. He was looking forward to being with Lucy again – to fucking Lucy again. He had missed her immensely yesterday and the call, however fun that had been, had been a poor substitute. He had a lot of fun in store for her tonight. Hopefully she would be horny the moment she walked through the door, after not being allowed to cum last night, and after her task with Tim, she should be gagging for it. He was looking forward to hearing about the incident with Tim. He was half expecting a text from Tim thanking him for it, but it had not arrived. He decided to text Lucy before he began the long journey home.

“Hello slut, I’m looking forward to hearing about your task tonight. I want you to come to mine at 8pm in your nurse’s uniform but no underwear. Your master”.

As he drove home, he considered his options for tonight. Given they didn’t meet yesterday, and she hadn’t cum for more than a day, he was sure they were both going to be gagging for it and, however grand his plans, he suspected they may not last long and he would be fucking her as soon as he could — especially given he had a long drive after a full day of meetings. But the task she had been given was a tough one and he wanted to make sure that she would be properly rewarded. Besides, he had so many toys, so much bondage equipment and sexy clothing for her to try out. And he really wanted to get her into the swing again. He switched on some ad-drenched radio station playing songs that easily merged from one to another as he pulled out of the car park — but that was background; his mind was really focussed on planning for tonight.


Lucy checked her phone and saw a few messages. Ignoring the five from Christina, she opened the message from Steve, read the text and whimpered. She felt so bad she had not obeyed her master and she was dreading telling him. But in that room, at that time, with that state of mind, she couldn’t do it. She would explain it to him and he would understand. Not really sure what to put in a reply she decided it would be best not to.

But not until 8pm? That was 3 hours away. What was she going to do? She started up the car to head home, remembered she had some messages from Christina and stopped. The messages were what she expected. Lots of apologies. Lots of checking Lucy was alright. Lots of wanting to talk. She was immediately angry again and sped off. But as she thought about it while sat in traffic on the ring road, she decided that actually this would be better discussed and resolved. If she went to Steve’s like this, she was worried she wouldn’t be able to get into it. She wanted a clear head. She wanted to give 100% of herself to Steve tonight, especially as they hadn’t been together yesterday. She would have to talk to Christina first.

“Home, 5.30. Be there” — that was enough. Nothing wrong with a bit passive-aggression.

Christina was sat on the steps to the front door when she got home, and stood up as Lucy pulled in. Lucy took a moment to compose herself, took a deep breath and opened the door.

“Let’s go for a walk” she shouted to Christina and waited for her twin sister to join her.

“I don’t really know what to say, Hun” Christina mumbled slightly, wanting to give her sister a hug but tentatively keeping her distance. “I’m so sorry. I was so stupid. There was no way I should have done that. I can’t believe I actually went through with it, I’m an idiot.”

“Look you don’t need to grovel. I know you’re sorry. But what the fuck were you thinking? How did you think sitting in on our call was a reasonable thing to do? I know I should have kicked you out. Fuck I should have kicked you out as soon as you suggested anything. And it’s been really bothering me that I didn’t kick you out. But this isn’t my fault. It’s your fault. You were the one who started it and didn’t go when I asked. What’s going on with you?”

“Oh Hun, I don’t know” Christina replied, looking down at the ground as they slowly walked down the lane. “My brain is a bit screwed at the moment. Life used to be predictable, James and I were steady. You were the sensible one and I did the exciting outrageous things. And then Steve came along and all of a sudden my virgin sister was doing things I couldn’t even dream of. You had such an exciting relationship compared to mine with James. And I was jealous. Not that I particularly fancy Steve or would trade him for James or anything, but just what you have with him.”

“I’ve got no idea what I’ve got with him really” Lucy turned to her sister, a tear starting to form in her eyes. She was still really not sure whether she was in a relationship with Steve or not. “And I get all of that, but I don’t think that is an excuse.”

“I know, I know. But I thought maybe James and I could have some of that. So I pushed him to do things like — well, you know what we’ve been getting up to — and that has been amazing. And I’m really pleased and happy with my sex life. But I don’t know, it just feels like I’ve always been involved in everything you do, been so close to you. And you having this with Steve, this relationship with Steve, I just feel a bit excluded. I know, it’s ridiculous. Of course I shouldn’t be part of that relationship. And now I understand what it must have been like for you all these years with James and the guys before him. But my head was a mess. And I come up with ideas and, you know me, I’m not great at stepping back.”

“Yeah, you always seem to get into trouble and do things without really thinking them through. But getting involved in my sex life?”

Christina let out a long sigh. “I know. I can’t undo that either. It’s done. I’m sorry. How much did it bother you while I was there next to you?”

“Not sure. I hadn’t really thought it through properly either, and to be honest I was just excited to see Steve again. Maybe it did turn me on just a little bit at the time. But in hindsight it was an awful idea.”

“That’s the problem though isn’t it. When you’re in the moment your view on wrong and right are distorted. It was so erotic seeing you both there, though.”

“Yeah, I guessed by the fact that you were bringing yourself off right next to me!” Lucy could feel the tension lifting, and tried to bring it back again. She wasn’t ready to be done with this yet. “And what if Steve had seen you?”

“Look Hun, I know — it’s crazy. You would have been in a really difficult situation. What you said earlier — why didn’t you kick me out?”

“I tried to and you didn’t go. I asked you several times” Lucy replied, getting angry again.

“It didn’t seem like you were that bothered to me. You could have got me out. Why didn’t you?”

Lucy took a moment to think. She knew it was true but had been trying not to accept it. “Hmm, I think I’m just submissive. Obviously with Steve, but where there is something sexual I think I just become submissive and when somebody gives instruction it just feels natural to obey, even if it is a stupid idea and even if it isn’t what I really want.”

Christina thought about it. She had really broken the trust between them. “Yeah, I guess that makes sense. I need to be really careful next time.”

“Next time?! What the fuck do you mean? Next time?!”

“I mean, is this why you let me shave you in front of James? And why you let me put you in the cupboard while I fucked James last week?”

“Yes I think so. And I don’t know how I feel about those situations. They turned me on so much at the time, and I do enjoy being told to do these things. But now it just feels like such a mistake.”

“Did you feel like that before yesterday?”

“No, not really. I didn’t quite understand all that was going on, but I didn’t regret doing them. Anyway, we haven’t talked about you locking me out of the room. And pretending to be me.”

“That was the biggest mistake of them all, I know. That was outrageous and it’s really lucky he didn’t work out what was going on. I’m so sorry, I will never do anything like that again.”

“And if I tell you to get out of my bedroom you will get out of my bedroom?”


“And if I tell you not to interfere with me and Steve again you won’t”

“Of course not. Look Luce, I won’t come between you and Steve.”

“And what about James?” Lucy asked.

“That’s up to you, sis. I’m not going to make you do anything you don’t want to do. But everything that has gone on has got all three of us turned on.”

“It’s not fair on James though is it? I mean he is not in on what’s going on.”

“No, but do you hear him complaining? He’s a guy! He gets to see your naked body and he’s going to want to continue doing that. Look, who knows what is going to happen. At our age it’s not like me and James are about to get married, is it? But if I see another opportunity to do something, I will mention it. It’s been so much fun hasn’t it?”

“Yes, I know. But I also think about Steve. Am I cheating on Steve by doing this?”

“Cheating? How are you cheating? Let’s make sure we don’t do anything over the next few days and talk about this again. I get it’s a bit weird we have been involved in sexual situations together, but there’s nothing sexual between the two of us so it’s not that weird.” Christina wasn’t entirely sure where she was going with this, just letting her conversation skills get her out of her tricky situation like normal. “And we’re 19. Shouldn’t we just be experimenting, finding out who we are? Doing the kinds of things we can only really do at this age? And have fun?”

Lucy felt a bit like she was being manipulated again. But she didn’t necessarily disagree with anything that Christina had said and she was at least glad that they seemed to have worked through at least some of their issues. Being honest to herself, it would be a shame if everything ended now. But how to make sure they didn’t overstep the line. Where was the boundary?

Christina opened her arms and walked closer to her sister, but Lucy pushed her back. “Not yet. I am still pissed off with you.”

As they headed back, after several minutes of silence the conversation restarted and got into less personal things. Lucy talked about Sophie and her news — gossip was always a good solution.

After eating a small dinner with her family (Lucy wasn’t sure whether she would be eating with Steve later) she got ready to go. Her mum was a little confused why she hadn’t changed out of her work uniform, but Lucy managed to fob her off out of earshot of her dad. But the important thing was that her head was fine. She was now happy again and could focus on Steve. And his cock. His big cock. In her pussy, again. Her mind started to think through what the next few hours could involve as he headed over to his place.


Lucy suddenly felt worried again as she knocked on the door.

Steve answered it quickly. “Clothes off” was all he said before he headed back inside.

Nice to see you too, thought Lucy as she undid the uniform and slipped it off. And why did he bother asking her to wear it?!

“Hands behind your back” was the next instruction she heard as she walked in. He walked up to her, held her head and gave her a gentle kiss on the forehead. “It’s good to see you again slut”.

“And you, master” she replied, thinking just how good it was to be with him again, as he moved his hands to her shoulders then her arms.

“God I’ve missed you slut”. Steve put a collar around Lucy’s neck, tied on a leash and led her into the lounge. “Kneel”.

Lucy knelt on the carpet, beside the sofa that Steve was now sat on, and he stroked her hair, as though she were his pet. But she was.

“Look at me slut”. Lucy lifted her eyes to him and he stroked her cheek gently, letting his thumb pull her lower lip down before allowing it to spring back up again.

“Open your mouth slut”.

Steve pushed his index finger into her mouth and let it explore her mouth, pushing her cheek out and pushing her tongue down. Lucy closed her mouth on it and gave it a good suck.

After a few seconds, Steve withdrew it and gave her a firm slap on the cheek. “Did I tell you to close your mouth, slut?”.

Lucy immediately looked down, ashamed. “No master. I’m sorry master”.

“Kiss my feet and push your ass in the air”.

Steve had bare feet, wearing just a pair of shorts and a T-shirt. He’d obviously been home for a little while, Lucy thought.

She bent down and kissed his right foot, the closest one to her, and let her ass ride up. Steve stroked her ass cheek as Lucy kissed her foot. “And the other one”.

As Lucy moved onto the other one, she felt a pang of pain on her ass. Steve had spanked her, not as hard as she knew he could, but enough to surprise her and for her to feel it. Steve continued to spank her as Lucy started kissing the other foot.

It felt good to have her submissive like this. Having his feet kissed was nice, but it was the submission that she showed him that Steve was really enjoying. He allowed his hand to roam between her cheeks and further between her legs. She was wet, and he could hear her whimper as he slipped a now-wet finger over her clit.

“That’s good slut, I am very happy with you, well done. You are now going to suck me off like you did with the dildo last night. But you are going to have to kiss me all the way up.

Lucy beamed at hearing his words, though knew that soon they would be very different given what happened with Dr Baines earlier. In any case, she now had another task ahead of her and she slowly kissed her way up his shins, shifting from one leg to another until he got to his knees. She then paused, wondering what to do about his shorts, and decided to carry on kissing his shorts all the way up to the lewd bulge pushing the zip out.

With no further instructions, Lucy took the initiative, pushed his legs apart and shuffled around until she was in-between them, undid the button and the zip of the shorts and gently kissed the blue boxer shorts that sprang forward a little, from the tip of his cock to the bottom of his zip. She looked up at him with a cheeky smile and licked her lips before she pulled the boxers down to reveal his cock in the flesh.

What a woman, he thought, and couldn’t wait to feel his cock enter her hot, waiting mouth.

She took hold of the bottom of the shaft and pulled it out slightly, away from his torso, and gave a very gentle flick of her tongue to the very tip, which made his cock twitch. She spent a while kissing it, teasing him, letting her lips explore every inch of his cock without allowing it in her mouth.

But not for long. She wanted to feel it in her mouth again. She wanted to suck it. She wanted to please him again. She was really pleased that she had done such a good job last night with the dildo, but this was the real thing.

Though he was tempted to grab her head and push it down, giving her a good face fucking, Steve wanted to give her another opportunity to please him herself. As a novice, she was pretty good, but he knew that with practice she could get a whole lot better. He let his hands fall to the sofa, closed his eyes and rested his head on the back of the sofa. Bliss.

“Fuck that is so good, slut. Keep sucking me. Take me deeper in your mouth, that’s so good, fuck” he breathlessly encouraged her. And she did, taking him as far in as she could, knowing that she couldn’t take him all the way without him forcing himself in. But she bobbed her head up and down quickly, grabbing onto his hips to keep herself steady, and she started to dribble down his shaft.

“Oh my god!” Steve exclaimed “I’m going to cum! Suck it. Suck me dry. Swallow it”. Encouraged, Lucy increased her sucking, trying to take him deeper, but it wasn’t long before he grabbed her head and began to erupt in her mouth, spasming, forcing himself deeper into her.

He was breathing very hard now and the orgasm lasted a while, but he held her there. It felt amazing to be cumming in her mouth like this again.

As he came to, he relaxed his grip on her, allowing her to lift her head up. She hadn’t managed to drink down all of his cum, it had been too much, and there was a dribble of cum running down her chin, on the left-hand side of her mouth. After catching her breath, she stuck out her tongue, attempting and failing to catch it back up into her mouth.

“That was amazing, slut” he sighed, genuinely impressed by her efforts. He had wondered whether he shouldn’t have cum so early in the evening, but he was really gagging for it. She was going to have to wait.

“Thank you master, I do love sucking your big cock” she replied, with a cum-covered smile, revelling in the adulation at her efforts, ignoring the drops of cum that had fallen onto her legs.

He bent down and kissed those cum-covered lips, allowing the remnants of his cum to be exchanged between their mouths, before zipping himself up again.

“How did your task go today, slut?”

Immediately her emotions went the other way. He doesn’t mess about does he? She kept her head down, not knowing what to say.

“Slut, I’m talking to you. How did your task go?”

She looked up at him, with frightened eyes, and let out a gentle sigh.

“You didn’t do it, did you slut?”

She shook her head and looked down again.

“Why did you disobey me?”

She lifted her head slowly, still knelt down in front of him. “I’m sorry master. I know that I should have done. And I wanted to do it for you. But I couldn’t.”

“Why not?” Steve asked, giving her cheek a gentle stroke, unsure what to do in this unusual situation.

Lucy had been preparing for this, thinking through what to say. She obviously couldn’t tell him the truth. She couldn’t let him know that her sister was in on their call last night. But she couldn’t remember the exact words she had planned to say and let out another sigh. She had briefly considered lying to him, telling him she had done it, but she knew that was a bad idea.

“I was upset” she said truthfully, thinking that there was no need to compound the lies unnecessarily.

“My sister and I had an argument last night. It happens sometimes, but it got me really worked up and I couldn’t get it off my mind today. So I wasn’t in the right frame of mind to do it today and I couldn’t bring myself to do it.”

“What was it that made you so upset? What happened?”

Lucy dodged the question. “Christina and I had a good chat tonight before I came over and we worked it out. It’s nothing to worry about, just stupid teenage sister stuff.”

Steve waited for a moment before asking the next question. It was convincing. She clearly had been upset and he didn’t really know how much to pry. This was where he always struggled with women and he suddenly felt a lot of pressure, given he was now also the dominant here, albeit still very much a beginner.

“Are you sure it is nothing I should know about?”

She nodded her head, still with her sad face on. Not that it was an act, she was genuinely sorry for not carrying out his instruction.

Steve sat back, accepting what she said. He decided he didn’t need to dig any deeper.

“I am sorry that you were upset, but it sounds like everything has been sorted now. Which brings us back to the fact that you still did not do what I told you to.”

Lucy didn’t expect her excuses to get her off, but the tone of his voice meant that he wasn’t about to take pity on her.

“I am very upset that you disobeyed me. You didn’t even contact me, before or after, explaining yourself. You just disobeyed me. Leaving me to ask you.”

She sat there, upset, thinking about what might be about to happen.

“I am going to punish you for this. You are my slut, and you are to do what I tell you to. You need to learn a lesson about obedience. Stay here.”

Steve walked off and Lucy sat there, with her leash dangling between her naked breasts, resting on her cum stained legs, still knelt on the floor. What would he do? What is about to happen to her? She was certain that her bum would feel the brunt of it. Her poor bum. He would surely spank her. But how much? How hard? Her previous spankings had been painful, but she hadn’t really done much wrong before.

She kept thinking through the day. Should she really have gone through with it? She wanted to obey him. She wanted to please him. But this must surely be the best route. To admit that she had done wrong and suffer the punishment.

If only Christina had not messed her up last night. Her fucking sister. She is about to get punished because of her sister. If she had not done that, everything would have been fine. She would have undressed with Dr Baines earlier today, which she was sure would have been really exciting. Steve would be really pleased with her, and she would probably have his thick cock deep in her waiting cunt right now. Would that be her punishment? To not get fucked? That would be really bad, after not being allowed to cum last night, after not seeing him yesterday, to not get his attention. That would be the worst punishment. She touched herself, reminding herself how wet she still was, though she was hardly feeling the horniest she’d ever been.

“Come into the dining room, slut” Steve commanded, and Lucy rose, turned, and slowly made her way to her fate.

He was stood at the dining table, rope in hand. “Come here, up to the table”.

As she was almost there, he pushed her right up against the table, and she felt it push into the top of her thighs. He pushed her over the table, and walked around to the other side, grabbed her left arm, pulled it towards the far corner, and began to tie the rope around her wrist.

She watched as he very quickly secured her wrist with the rope and pulled it towards the table leg. The rope was tight and her arm was stretched. Steve disappeared under the table as she felt the rope pull on her, before he rose and secured her other arm to the other table leg.

Lucy was going nowhere. She was helpless, tied to the table like this, the hardness of the table pushing against her whole body, squashing her small tits, the collar making a clinking sound as it knocked against the table

Steve silently walked back behind her, and grabbed her left leg, pulling it towards the table leg and began tying the rope around her ankle as he had previously done to her wrists.

Once all four limbs were secured to the table, Lucy felt vulnerable and exposed, as well as helpless. She knew that Steve, standing behind her, would have a perfect view of her pussy as well as her ass. What was he about to do? She was horny again.

“You’ve disappointed me today, slut” he said, with no emotion in his voice. “I am going to punish you. I am going to hurt you. This will be worse than anything I have given you before, but you have deserved it. I need to know that you will obey me and I need you to understand what will happen if you don’t.”

With that, Steve walked out of the room, leaving Lucy tied up in silence, with only her thoughts to comfort her as she contemplated what her poor ass was about to suffer.

She heard him walk back in, but she couldn’t see him. He must have left the room to bring something back in. But what? What had he gone out to get?

“This is going to start gentle and build up, slut” Steve said, which didn’t really help her at all. Lucy wasn’t sure whether it was meant to or not.

The first slap of his hand on her ass certainly did not feel gentle, and she let out a yelp as she felt his big hand connect firmly with her skin. She started breathing deep breaths, thinking that this was probably not going to be over quickly.

The second followed the first quickly, on the same cheek, the right cheek, as did the third, fourth and fifth. His hand had moved around slightly, and her upper thigh was taking some of the punishment, but his big hands against her small frame didn’t give him too much skin to cover and her ass cheek was quickly becoming sore all over.

Steve was surprised at how quickly her ass was becoming red. He was clearly spanking her harder than he usually did, though not consciously so, and he moved on to the other cheek. He heard her whimper as the left cheek also began to blush.

He knew this was only the start, and he wasn’t sure whether she would be able to take what he had in mind. He hadn’t planned for this tonight, but her disobedience had taken him aback and he knew what he told her was absolutely right — she needed to be taught a lesson.

Once he was happy she was properly warmed up, he took hold of the paddle, one of the implements he had gone out to get, and began to spank her with that.

This didn’t feel quite as bad, Lucy thought, compared to the spanking. and she took the punishment. Steve read as much from her body language. She hadn’t been squirming in quite the same way that she had been and, despite the loud slap sound as it touched her flesh, he decided maybe it wasn’t quite as hard as his hand.

The crop, though, did have the intended impact and she let out a long soft cry after he applied it to her cheek, as he watched her (albeit tight) flesh jiggle. He was a bit more inventive with the crop and applied it to the whole length of both legs.

Lucy was glad that her ass was getting a bit of respite. But her legs were not used to this kind of attention and became sore much more quickly than her ass did. He had been going a while now, though, and she felt like she was beginning to go numb to it.

Finally Stevey moved onto the final implement. He pick up the cane, and touched it against her ankle.

“This, slut, is going to hurt” he said.

Lucy shuddered as she felt the cane push against her leg, as he dragged it up, along her red marks left by the crop past her knee towards her ass. She hadn’t seen it, but she didn’t doubt him. Steve did the same with her other leg, gently delaying her punishment, before swishing it down the length of her back, moving it from one side to the other.

Then, he decided, it was time. He pushed the cane against her ass and Lucy felt it painfully push against where she was already sore.

“You will receive 10 on each side, and then your punishment will be over”.

Lucy braced herself, before futilely trying to relax herself, thinking it will probably be less painful if there was no tension in her ass.

Steve began. Lucy couldn’t believe just how painful this was. The cane was so thin, that the force was concentrated on a small portion of her ass and it stung. It really stung and she cried out, partially in surprise, but more so just because of the pain. She had thought her spankings, today and before, had been painful. But this was a whole other level. She didn’t think she could take 20 of these and she shuddered before Steve applied the second, which elicited a scream from her, the likes of which she had never let out before.

By the fifth, Lucy was starting to get distressed. The tears were starting to flow down her cheeks, and she was blubbering. But Steve kept on. He tried to not hit the exact same spot more than once, but her ass was pretty small and he couldn’t manage it. He then admired the criss-crossing on her ass and closed himself off from the screaming he could hear. He knew he was really pushing her here. She was not enjoying this one bit but he was not about to let her off.

After he had finished on one side, he thought about going round in front of her, to see her, but thought better of it. We should just get this finished.

“OK, that’s one side. You’re half way through. You’re doing well” Steve encouraged.

“Please don’t do this, master. I’m so sorry.”

“But I have to do this Lucy. What I say goes and any disobedience will be punished. Do you understand?”

Lucy cried again, knowing that this was inevitable and unavoidable, but doing her best to get herself out of it.

“Tell me to do it, slut. Tell me to give you the caning you deserve.”

Lucy was still whimpering, but she somehow managed to accept it, and after delaying for a few moments meekly said “punish me, Master. I know I deserve it. Give me my punishment.” She tried not to think about the words she was saying too much, they were just words. But she couldn’t really understand why she had just asked him to physically hurt her more than she could really cope with. What was wrong with her?

She was quickly brought out of those thoughts by the application of the cane to her left ass cheek and she again screamed out in pain just wanting it to be over.

Steve, thinking maybe he should not make it any worse than it needed to be, was quick in applying the nine remaining strikes, and Lucy was a wreck by the time he had finished. When he walked around to see her face, there were puddles of tears on the table that were being wiped into her face and her hair. She looked up at him, scared, as if to ask whether it was over.

“It’s ok, slut, it’s over. That’s enough for today. You did well to take your punishment, but you shouldn’t have needed to.”

Lucy closed her eyes and rested her head on the table, not really sure what to think, her thoughts dominated by the throbbing of her ass, the pain still so raw.

She barely felt Steve untie the ropes from her limbs to release her, as well as removing the collar and leash, and remained there, flopped on the table, used and empty.

Steve gently brought her to her feet before lifting her into his arms, being careful to avoid those parts of her he had just made more sensitive, and carried her up to the bedroom. Her eyes were closed, but she wasn’t asleep. He kissed her on the forehead before laying her down on her bed on her front. She didn’t move.

He left her there while he grabbed some cream he had in the bathroom, ready for this occasion. He sat down beside her and gently applied the cream to her abused rear end. She gasped as she felt the coldness of the cream against her red-hot ass, proving she was still conscious, and just lay there as Steve massaged her, rubbing the cream in. Steve didn’t rush this. He was worried he had gone too far and wanted to make sure he looked after her. He continued to rub her ass and upper legs long after the cream had been absorbed.

Once he had finished, there was still no movement from her, so he brushed her cheek and she opened her eyes. He lay down in the bed beside her, pulled the duvet cover over them both and held her tight.

He kissed her on the lips, then pulled her head close to him as they both closed their eyes and drifted off.

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