The Game of Debts – Part 6: Desperation, Cunt Whipping and Knotty Pleasures by othellotre

Introduction: Ella, her sister and mother wakes up in strange rooms, surrounded by cameras. They are told that they are several million dollars in debt after som bad decisions from their father and husband, and are to make the money back through a series of all the more humiliating trials. , Princess Cumpup- no, my name is Ella, goddamnit! – had a somewhat different first experience blowing a dick. At least, that was what she figured… she wasn’t supposed to be forced to sit on her knees, keeping her hands behind her back after a brutal whipping from a thin cane… right? And the guy certainly wasn’t supposed to just… shoving his cock in and out of her mouth, using her like a whimpering ragdoll, flinging her head back and forth while making a mess of both her hair and face?

But that was indeed what the Master did.

No! Not Master, stop that! He’s a French baguette fucker, nothing else!

But her stubborn, strong-willed mind fragment had little fuel to fight with as her head was flung back and forth with a man’s rock hard cock penetrating her mouth with unrelenting, deep thrusts. Spit flew and dropped down over the floor in front of her knees and she felt the salty intruder penetrate her deeper with every second, working its way past the root of her tongue, towards the back of her throat.

It was a good thing she’d at least been able to practice a bit the day before, during the first Game, because it was clear he was coming for her throat.

God, why the fuck am I this wet??! Is my pussy broken??


Her gags turned louder as she felt his fingers tighten around her hair, pulling her harder and harder towards his hips.

Ella’s arms flinched and she fought the impulse to move them from her back to shove him away as she struggled to get a few gasps of air around the cock raping her mouth.

Apparently, the Master noticed.

*Smack!* “Gluck- aaoow!- gluck-gluck-“

His cane hit her hard on the left side of her ass, but he didn’t even stop facefucking her as she was punished.

“Keep those hands where they are, stupid little puppy. You’re nothing but a piece of fuckmeat for my cock, and don’t for a moment think otherwise.”

Suddenly, her mouth was cleared from the cock, and Ella gasped desperately for air just as a blinding pain exploded from her cheek as he slapped her hard. One time, two times, three times.

Princess Cumpup whimpered, stuck out her tongue and wagged her tail, trying to appease her angered owner. It seemed to work, as he only slapped her twice more before her hair and returned to fucking the human out of her stupid puppyface.

She was his toy, it was evident to Princess Cumpup. His means to pleasure. An object with one sole purpose: to satisfy the Master.

That humiliating tingle between her legs became even more intense as her chin started to touch his balls with every thrust. Her gags were loud and rhythmic, a sort of music of decadence and forbidden pleasure. Even as the barrier of her throat was broken, and her neck dilated to give way for the spear of flesh conquering her body and mind, her cunt went into overdrive, as if given a mission to turn a desert into an ocean.

She couldn’t stop herself from jerking her hips against the empty air. Moving them in long, wide circles, trying to find something to grind her crying pussy against.

But air just wouldn’t do it. She needed more. A finger… no, that was forbidden! Stupid Princess Cumpup!

Then… a leg? A leg wasn’t forbidden, right? The rules hadn’t mentioned anything about her humping the leg of the person facefucking her.

With a little jumping motion, she scooted closer to his left leg, her thighs open as two hands about to catch a fly. He didn’t seem to need to notice. She scooted over another couple of inches.

Again, no reaction other than the hard breaths and quiet moans he let out while turning her throat into a pussy and her mind into mush.

Another scoot and suddenly, her cunt was touching the outside of his pants.

With the most humiliating moan of frustration she’d ever voiced in her still very short life, she moved against his leg in just the slightest imitation of a humping puppy.

For a fraction of a second, she felt the sweet sweet pleasure of friction against her swollen clit.

And then she was thrown to the ground, the cane hitting her thighs while still falling.

“Useless, bad fucking puppy!”

Sharp bolts of pain made her squirm as her thighs and breasts were whipped in a ferocious display of indignant anger.

“Dry humping your master’s leg like an uncontrollable, dumb little fuckpuppy? Have you not learned a thing?” He roared as he left red stripes all over her body, without any care for her pleading moans and barks. “That cunt isn’t yours! You don’t decide what to do with it! I do! And no matter of touching, even grinding against something else, is allowed without my explicit permission! You. Will. Fucking. Learn.”

Princess Cumpup did everything she could think of to placate the Master’s fury. She moaned like a good doggy, whimpered and promised to never be bad again, all conveyed through pitched little barks of regret as the cane punished her stupid, disobedient little body.

“I will teach you your next pose immediately. It’s called cuntwhip and it goes like this. Put your feet to the ground in front of you with your back against the floor, and raise yourself to the air with your hands, keeping your legs spread as wide as you fucking can. And I know you can split them wide, little gymnast you.”

Princess Cumpup hurried to follow her owner’s instructions, even though the more indignant voice of Ella raged at her in the back of her head, ordering her to not humiliate herself like this. Princess Cumpup didn’t care though, body trembling with fear and desire as it was.

She planted her bare feet on the ground, as far from each other she could place them while keeping her soles plane, put her hands to the floor and raised her body until the pussy and bum hovered a foot above the cold floor. She couldn’t help but blush as she saw herself on the giant screen.

Nothing was hidden. Her pussy was open, glistening and dripping between the pale, red striped thighs. Her face was wet from tears and saliva, and got wetter as her owner bent forward to spit her right over her desperately panting tongue and reddened eyes.

“Woof!” She barked, thankful for the momentary escape from the cane.

“You’re not done yet, stupid Cumpup. Open your mouth.”

A chocolate ball was pressed between her teeth and she felt something slightly harder beneath the chocolate layer, like some fragile kind of wafer.

“That’s better. You will hold this pose as I punish your cunt. Your ass won’t touch the floor, and won't bite through the treat in your mouth. If you do, you will fail today’s objective and I will start the punishment over from the beginning.”

Princess Cumpup trembled but nodded with her scared eyes glued to the cane. She was already shaking, her arms and legs noticeably so, as he stepped forward between her legs and raised the thin stick. And even though she was about to experience her first ever cunt whipping, her clit wouldn’t stop throbbing as the floor beneath her started to get slippery.

“And don’t you dare to cum.”

She didn’t get any more heads up.

Ella had experienced pain. She had broken more than a few nails. Sprained her ankle while doing her gymnastics. She had even experienced the horror of finding her hair dyed to a color certainly not mirroring the one found on the box.

But having a thin, whipping cane hit your pulsating cunt from with a man without any desire to hold back, was a different kind of pain altogether.

It hurt, sure. A lot. Enough to make her squeal and squirm while using every ounce of willpower to not crush the chocolate between her teeth or letting her tailed bum hit the floor. But the physical pain was only part of it. It was also the fact that it stemmed from her most private or bodily parts, one she hadn’t really shared with anyone but herself this far in her life, but now offered freely to another man to do what he wanted with, her legs spread wide. And add to that, the fact that thousands of people were watching her pussy getting hit by the sweeping cane.

It all added new colors to pain, one she hadn’t ever experienced before. One that made her heart beat like a hammer and a pink fog cloud her mind as she fought the impulse to close her legs and bite down on the treat.

I will be a good girl. I will be a good girl! She chanted as the first wave of pain receded.

You’re pathetic, Ella whispered in her mind. Letting this French fucker whip our pussy. Are you fucking enjoying it? Stop that!

I’m sorry, Princess Cumpup whispered back before remembering and correcting herself. Woof woof!

No! Don’t you dare!


”GHHHHH!” Tears made the world go blurry and she felt her whole body jerk as the thin piece of wood met the glistening, throbbing surface of her crying pussy. Her feet made a little dance, stomping as the pain echoed through her groin all the way to her shaking arms, already struggling to keep her hips and upper body in the air, and to her face and teeth, which desperately wanted to bite something in order to fight the helplessness and pain.


“GHHHHHGHHGG-“ This time, it actually hit her clit. And it was like nothing she’d ever felt before. Her mind screamed at her to close her legs, to flee and escape the burning between her legs. But another kind of fire kept her in place. A fire that made it hard to think, that had her body trembling for a completely different reason than the cunt whipping.

“No! Don’t cum! Hold it!” The master ordered and Princess Cumpup fought the fire that was building in her tingling pussy. It took way more willpower than riding out the pain did. Her leaking, shaved and inexperienced pup cunt begged for release. Yearned to let go of it’s shackles and throw itself into wave after wave of spasming orgasms. But Princess Cumpup wanted to be a good girl, and Master had told her to hold, so she did. Even as she cried in frustration of being denied this one pleasure, she held it back.

“Now that’s better. Maybe you aren’t useless after all.”

He raised the whip again.


The GM slapped the cheek of the stupid whore throating his cock, making her moan through her stuffed mouth. He kept his wet, throbbing cock as he watched the little Cumpup get whipped on her cunt, all while her mother gulped down the cum of the horny dogs she’d just been forced to blow.

Alice, the younger daughter, was just having her mouth filled with another batch of jizz, all while the wand between her legs made her squirm in arousal, slowly conditioning her to connect the salty taste of cum with waves of pleasure.

The mother Laura, on the other hand, had widened her eyes in fear as she realized what was about to happen. With a firm grip of the leash, the handyman was leading one of the dogs around her, toward her exposed and vulnerable behind. The human doll of a woman trembled as the audience laughed in anticipation of a bitch about to get mounted and knotted for the first time.

But the GM wasn’t done with surprises. He had prepared something very special for this moment.

“Are you enjoying yourselves?” Natalia asked, holding Laura in the hair and keeping her in place as her youngest daughter got mouth fucked right in front of her and a dog was getting ready to mount her.

The audience, both in the room and online, confirmed that they were, very much indeed, enjoying themselves. The donations flowed.

“Good!” The naked Latina yelled. “But, the family is a bit incomplete, no? Don’t you think the father deserves to join the party?”

And with that, another figure entered the room. The pudgy, pathetic father was led into the room. Naked from behind the hips down, and frustration and shame written all over his face as his hard cock dangled up and down with every step. The guards leading him placed him in front of his helpless daughter, his pulsating rod just inches from her open mouth. They both looked horrified as they recognized each other, and the mother whimpered as she was forced to face her husband dogcum running from her chin and a Doberman getting himself ready behind her.

“Please don’t,” she whispered, the shame apparently enough to make her break the rules for the first time. But a hard slap from the Latina shut her up as the father looked on with helpless eyes.

“I’m sorry,” he whispered, both to his wife about to get raped by dogs, and his daughter that was laying in front of his cock with a gag keeping her mouth open an inch from his moist glans.

The GM knew that he’d been edged and teased for a long, long time. Kept at the brink of orgasm, over and over again, but not allowed to cum, always denied just as the build up was about to begin.

And now, he stood with his cock free, an open mouth to fuck to his hearts desire and no one to stop him. The only catch was that it was his daughter’s mouth. And that his wife would be watching it all while getting knotted by excited, giant Dobermans.

Despite that, judging by the horrified look on the father’s face, the GM doubted he would be able to resist the temptation.

“That’s better! A happy family once again!” The Latina yelled as she knelt down by the Doberman and gently stroked the pink cock, making it hard in her hand. “Is it time for the bitch to get mounted?”

The audience, who by now had removed any clothing obstructing their pleasurable parts and had their own pets blowing, jerking or licking them, yelled a resounding yes.

The father actually moaned as the dog excitedly jumped up on his wife’s back, anchoring its paws over her shoulders as the Latina helped steer the pink cock right, toward the leaking cunt. The mother trembled beneath the giant animal, unable to move and too far gone to protest as the enormous and still growing dogcock pressed against her cunt. The glittering moisture that soon covered the pink rod told its own, humiliating truth about Laura Rosen, a truth that spoke about arousal and decadent, forbidden desire as she was about to get breeded like the bitch she was.

“Ahhh!” The mother exclaimed, horror fused with pain fused with pleasure as the Doberman entered her, taking her canine virginity with one excited thrust. The donations exploded as the room applauded, creating a percussive background to Laura Rosen’s humiliated wails of pleasure and defeat.

The father wasn’t unaffected by the sight as his cock jerked by its own means, still just a tiny inch from his daughter’s open mouth. He looked close to crying and a sob escaped his lips as the dog gained momentum and started fucking his wife harder and harder, it’s big, black paws scratching her shoulders as the stupid bitch’s moans got louder and louder, clearly reaching levels of pleasure her husband had never gotten her even close to.

“The bitch is clearly enjoying the dogcock in her pussy!” The Latina announced. The young woman wasn’t unaffected by the scene herself, as she had a finger massaging the wet cleft between her folds, face red and breathing heavily. The GM had no intention of letting her just return to her ordinary life after having introduced her this far into the Society’s inner circles, but her obvious arousal watching another woman get fucked by a dog was a good sign. She might just become a good recruiter for their little club. “Maybe one dogcock isn’t enough even?” The young woman took the leash of the other dog, which was longingly looking at the fun from the side, it’s cock hard and dangling in the air, and led it toward the moaning bitch.

“Ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-“ moaned Laura, in rhythm with the dogcock drilling her from behind, eyes glassy as they faced her husband, who was clearly struggling with his inner being as his hips started to make little micro thrusts toward poor little Alice’s face. His glans was leaking precum and his ugly, balding scalp was sweaty.

“Come on my man, just let go,” the GM whispered while forcing the twins to dance with their tongues over his asshole, basically making out while giving him a rimjob. “You can do it.”


Please don’t fuck our daughter… please don’t… fuck… little Alice…

Laura Rosen had never felt pleasure like this. She tried to ignore it, pretend that it was all an act to protect her family. But… they all knew it was a lie.

And as she was trapped beneath the heavy, furry body of the Doberman, feeling its claws leave red marks on her shoulders and drool hitting her neck with every thrust, her pussy milking the knotted cock as it made its way deeper and deeper and deeper inside her, she just didn’t have the strength to lie anymore. The giant dogcock was the best she’d ever had.

Fuck me harder… make me you bitch… ruin my cunt… please… yes… yes…

Her vision was blurry as she turned it towards her husband standing with his cock in front of their daughter. And she knew it was only one thing that could make her cum even harder than she was about to.

Fuck our daughter… please… fuck her cute little mouth… fill her mouth with your cum… make our sweet, shy little Alice into your cumslut… please… fuck our daughter, daddy…


Alice’s pussy screamed, burned and cried… she needed more… more of those vibrations… and she knew what would turn them on again. The same thing that had turned them on all night and all day. Something hard and long in her mouth.

Daddy’s… thing… in her mouth.

It was all a haze… a fog… the hours since she got here, since they were abducted. She had never been this… horny before. Deep down, she suspected some kind of drug to be responsible, but it didn’t matter… not now. The only thing that mattered was that she got daddy’s cock in her mouth, so the wand against her pussy would get resurrected.

Please daddy… just put it in my mouth… fuck my stupid little daughter mouth… please daddy…

And, as if he’d heard her thoughts, she felt the wet tip of her fathers cock finally enter her waiting mouth. Read 1197 times | Rated 88.9 % | (9 votes) Vote list (Close) :
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