The Interview Ch. 04 by Hippy_Chris,Hippy_Chris

I spent a good amount of time over the next few days, planning Hanna’s next session. I knew, more or less, what I wanted to do with her, and what I wanted her to do, but some of it needed a little pre-planning. I phoned a good friend who owns a discrete shop around the corner and made an appointment to fit in with Hanna’s session. Her shop was upstairs, and customers needed to book in advance. I knew she would have everything we needed.

When the day finally arrived, I was tense with anticipation. Half an hour before she was due, I was already sitting at my desk watching my laptop screen, on edge with the tension. Then I caught the change of light as someone came in the front door. I watched her slowly climb the stairs and then stop on the landing outside my door. She was once more wearing her coat as cover, and I couldn’t see what she had on underneath. She looked unsure what to do, probably waiting for my order to strip. I let the silence linger before …

“Stay dressed as you are. I will be with you shortly. Until then stand in position one.”

She looked uncomfortable doing it out on the landing, even while within the safety of her coat. I slowly stood up and put various items in my pockets. I picked up one last thing before opening the door and leaving. To leave my hands free I draped what I was holding over her shoulder and then, without speaking I turned and locked the door. When I turned back to face her, she was looking worried. I picked up the collar from over her shoulder. It was quite stern in appearance, black with a little gold trim. I slipped it around her neck and fastened it with a miniature padlock, under her chin. I arranged the collar of her coat so that only an inch or two showed at the front.

“We are going shopping,” I announced as I started down the stairs, “follow three paces behind.”

When I reached the front door, I glanced behind me. She had only just started down the stairs.

“Don’t dawdle, bitch. Try and keep up.”

I opened the door and stepped out into the sunshine. Without looking back to check on her, I started to stroll down the street. I could faintly hear the click clack of her heels on the stone slab pavement, so I knew she was following. Around the corner at the end and a few doors down I stopped. When she stopped a few feet from me I beckoned her closer. She came and stood next to me, nervously looking up and down the street. I fished in my pocket and pulled out a leash that matched her new collar. Before she could protest, I clipped it to the collar. She opened her mouth to say something, but I silenced her by turning away and pressing the door buzzer.

A voice crackled out with a short “Yes?”

I leaned forward and spoke while Hanna tried to hide in the shallow recess of the doorway. “Delia, It’s me. For my appointment.”

No more was needed to be said as the door buzzed and a click told us the lock had been released. I pushed the door open, and Hanna almost ran past me, eager to be away from the street and any curious eyes. Inside was a small hallway, lined with dark wood panelling. Looking around, most of the fittings seemed to be original and there was an air of fading Victorian grandeur about the place. In front of us was a grand staircase that wound its way to the upper floors. On the bottom step stood a large newel post, topped with a carved bird of prey. I started up the stairs but felt the leash go tight in my hand. I glanced back and the look on Hanna’s face was one of fear. I gave a tug and she stumbled forward. Keeping a tight hold, I forced her to follow me.

At the top was a large and heavy mahogany door with gleaming brass fittings. Without hesitating I opened the door and went in, pulling my reluctant companion behind me. Miss Delia was standing just inside, a welcoming smile on her lips. She might well be pleased to see me. After all I had spent a great deal of money with her over the years. I had even invested in the business to help start it. She had served me well in the past. She greeted me warmly but all the time she was trying to see behind me at the girl cowering behind my back. I reached out and grabbed Hanna’s arm and pulled her to stand to the side.

“Delia, may I introduce Hanna, my new student.”

Delia was silent for a moment while she looked Hanna up and down. I saw Hanna flinch under her scrutiny.

“She looks pretty enough, Sir, but it is difficult to tell under that coat.”

“I know, the silly thing insisted on wearing it despite the heat.”

“May I take your coat, Miss?” Delia was the perfect model of a polite shopkeeper. She stepped forward and reached for the belt. Hanna jumped back and gave a small shriek of panic. I used the tail of the leash to give her a sharp smack on her naked calf, the only part of her showing. This had the required effect as she stood still and let Delia unbutton and remove her coat. She hung it carefully over a bent wood coat stand and turned back. Hanna had decided to behave and stood still as Delia examined her. As she walked around her, I saw Hanna blush and allowed myself a secret smile. She is slowly learning to be obedient, I thought.

“Yes, very pretty, Sir, and dresses so suitably, if I may say so.”

“Thank you, Delia, I chose her outfit. I’m glad you approve.”

Delia glanced at me, smiled, and winked before grabbing Hanna’s tits. She squashed them this way and that before letting go.

“Not much upstairs, but that is nature for you,” she commented. Without warning she lifted the front of Hanna’s short skirt. “She has dressed for the occasion, I see.” She dropped the skirt and turned her attention to me. “What can I do for you today, Sir?” she asked.

“I was after a couple of outfits along similar lines,” I told her, “And some of your more specialist equipment.”

“Certainly, Sir,” and she turned and led us into the shop.

Until now there had been a screen of curtains shielding us from the main showroom. I knew it well and it came as no surprise, but I sensed Hanna’s shock as the curtains were pulled aside. The room was brightly lit and contained several racks of clothes with shelving around the walls. At first glance it looked like an ordinary but good quality clothes shop until you examined what was actually on the racks and shelves.

“Let me see what I can find,” said Delia as she swept imperiously between the racks picking outfits, seemingly at random. I trusted her judgement, she had been right so often in the past.

“Is underwear definitely out, Sir?” she asked.

“For the time being, I think so,” I replied, wondering about the reason for her question. She was well aware of my tastes.

“A pity, we have a new range of corsets in. They hide nothing, I promise, but may help to enhance her tits.”

I smiled at her. “Very well, we could look at some I suppose.”

Gleefully she dashed away into a storeroom at the back of the shop. I turned to Hanna in the sudden silence.

“Let us look around,” I suggested, “and see if anything takes your eye.”

I led her round the store looking along different shelves and across wall displays. Blister packs of clamps took my eye and I picked out a couple. I also lingered in front of a display of lashes and floggers. There was also among them a beautifully made paddle. Made of hard strong wood, it was covered over with black leather and slightly padded. One side was plain, but the other side had the word ‘LOVE’ picked out in raised rivets. I could imagine the mark that would leave on a tender bottom. I took it down and showed it to Hanna. Instead of the fear I expected to see she looked intrigued and curious. I couldn’t question her further as Delia returned to interrupt us. She came back with an armful of jet-black corsets and followed by a girl I had never seen before.


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