The Male Escort Pt. 05

An adult stories – The Male Escort Pt. 05 by Rabbitman55,Rabbitman55 The final chapter in Paul’s, and now Vanessa’s tale. They find a very nice way of life after a time and have a few sexy escapades along the way. They should be very happy, as most of my couples are.


Monday both Vanessa and I made appointments with our respective employers, Stacy and Diana, for late in the afternoon. We agreed to meet afterwards for dinner at our favorite Japanese restaurant, where the sushi was absolutely delicious, with some very interesting rolls.

We shared a car, which dropped me off first on East 66th Street. I stayed for a moment and kissed Vanessa before saying “Good luck, Sweetheart. I know there won’t be any problems, but I’m sure they’ll both try to convince us to keep working until August, like we told them. Try to keep firm. I know you can; you’re so strong. And I love you.”

She kissed me once more. “Don’t worry about me, Baby. You’re the one that’s really in demand. And, if you’re not sure, tell Diana you need a day to think about it. But I have faith in you.” I got out and the car kept going, taking her to East 23rd Street, where Stacy’s office was. I took a deep breath and went into the building.

I said hello to Diana’s current assistant, a sweet twentysomething named Michelle, and I went right into Diana’s office.

After kissing cheeks, Diana had coffee brought in, and I got right to the reason for my visit. “Diana, I mostly enjoy working for you. It’s been an interesting four years. And I know I told you I’d keep on working for you until August, but I’m going to have to break that agreement and quit right away. I’m done. I can’t do this anymore.”

She looked shocked, and spilled a little coffee into the saucer that came with the cup. “Paul, you can’t do this to me! That’s almost four months you’re giving up! You promised me!”

“I know, and I hate disappointing you. But Vanessa was beaten the other night, by

a fairly regular client, no less, who got pissed when she wouldn’t screw his friend along with him. She’s got a black eye and a swollen cheek, and she just can’t do her job any longer. And I’m tired too. That crap I had to deal with a few weeks ago soured me already, but I was willing to stick with it to help you out. But this has changed things. We’re both giving it up and we’re going to take some time and figure something else out. I promised Vanessa. It’s time.”

“Paul, I’m very sorry Vanessa got hurt. I feel terrible about that. He didn’t rape her as well as hit her?”

“No, thank goodness. She told him she’d call the police and take her chances if he didn’t let her leave. But she’s badly shaken. It could have been worse, but it was bad enough.”

“Please tell her I send my best. But what am I going to tell your clients? What about Samantha? Or Catherine (the woman who still had her fantasy of fucking her son)? What about Anita? She especially will be upset, and she’s been incredibly generous with you over the years. You’re really doing them a disservice, and you’re screwing me as well. Paul, you’re my best earner. Never a complaint about you, and the only time you had any trouble was three weeks ago. Please, just keep seeing Anita on Fridays, and Catherine and Samantha when they request you, just until August. You gave me your word.” She really knew how to press my buttons and make me feel guilty.

“Diana, I can’t. I promised Vanessa. I’m going to marry her, probably sooner than we were thinking. I’ll call my regulars and explain things. Anita already knows I’m getting married, and that I was going to quit in August. So maybe she’ll be more understanding than you think. And Samantha and Catherine, and Joelle (another semi-regular) should be no problem. I’ll smooth things over with them. Anita is the only one who might not want someone else.”

“Great, she’s my best customer” she said glumly. “If Anita says she doesn’t want anyone else, will you at least think about keeping up with her? She’s good for at least six thousand a week to you, and another two to me. Talk to Vanessa first before you say no. Maybe she’ll be understanding.”

I sighed and I agreed to check with Vanessa regarding Anita. But I figured I was finished regarding the others. I did call them during the week, Samantha took it kind of hard (she was planning to arrange for Vanessa and me to come see her again in a couple of weeks when her husband would be out of town), but Catherine and the others were understanding and wished me well, and they agreed to let Diana find other younger men for them. She really had a lucrative business, and I was responsible for a good part of it.

I left feeling kind of guilty, but my allegiance was to Vanessa. I was late meeting her at the restaurant by about twenty minutes, but she was in a pretty good mood, even with having to wear big sunglasses to cover her black eye.

After we kissed, we were seated and I said “So, it looks like your meeting with Stacy went well. What did she say when you told her about Andrew (the client who hit her twice)?”

“She said she’d deal with him. No details. I don’t think I want to know, especially if she sends someone to rough him up. I’m not comfortable with violence, even though I’m really pissed off at that asshole. So I’ll settle for not knowing what she’s going to have done him, if anything.” I loved her for her basic decency. She was kinder about this than I would have been. There was a part of me that wouldn’t have minded being part of Stacy’s revenge plan. She had to make sure the men knew there would be a price to pay for hurting her girls.

“And what happened when you told her you were quitting?”

“She took it ok. I know a few of my regulars will be disappointed but they’ll adjust. Stacy knows it as well. She said if I change my mind, I’m always welcome back. I’m willing to be Diana wasn’t quite so easy.”

I took her right hand in my left. “No, she wasn’t. She laid a guilt trip on me, how I’m breaking my promise to her to stay until August. She knows some of my regulars will be very unhappy, and it affects her bottom line. Though I’m sure she’s made a fortune over the years. A sizeable fortune at that.” I looked down at where our hands were joined and waited while the waitress served cocktails we ordered. “She want’s me to keep servicing Anita, at least, and maybe Samantha as well. I told her I made a commitment to you.”

Vanessa squeezed my hand, and I could feel a lot of love in that simple touch of her fingers. “Look at me, Baby” she said very softly. I saw her smile and her sweet eyes, brown and lively. She was (and is) such a beautiful woman in every way. “It’s a bit different for women. I think many of them need to feel comfortable with a m, an to, especially if she has fantasies or desires. I know Anita isn’t like that. But she enjoys your companionship when she needs an escort to a function, someone she knows is discreet, personable and smart, and can carry an intelligent conversation. Some of the many things I admire about you. Besides, you’re so damned handsome.” Her smile drew wider and I had to smile with her.

“You’re very full of flattery. I wonder what else you’re full of.” We both laughed, and we looked at the menu finally. “I made you a promise, Sweetheart. I care about Anita and Samantha. I care to varying degrees about all my clients. They all mean something to me. But none of them come close to what you mean to me, Vanessa. No one in the world is even close. That means my word to you is paramount. I love you and would never go back on it.”

“Baby, in this instance, I’m not jealous at all. Like it’s been since we met, it’s strictly a business situation, for us. For the women, it’s about sex with someone they can trust, plus they have someone to whom they can unload their troubles. I understand what they’re probably going to be feeling when Diana tells them you’re no longer available.”

“Actually, I told her I’d tell them myself, to be respectful.”

“That would be better, Baby. Certainly, it’s the gentlemanly thing to do. But if Anita asks you to stay on with her until August, like you told her before, it’s fine with me. I know how good to you she’s been the last few years. And like I said, it’s business. Business that feels good.” She chuckled and I smiled with her, but I didn’t laugh. This was a serious subject for me.

“Sweetheart, I promised you. I don’t like breaking my word, not to you.” The waitress came and took our order, then we were quiet for a minute or two.

“Baby, I know you care about Anita. I know she’s been very generous with you over the years. Don’t disappoint her. I’m not telling you to keep seeing her. I am telling you that you can keep seeing her, and I won’t be jealous. I haven’t been up through now. And I wouldn’t mind meeting her sometime.”

“Funny. She wants to meet you too. She suggested lunch sometime soon. She’d like to be invited to the wedding, but I think that might be a little strange. Besides, we’re doing a small wedding, right?”

“That was our plan. Just a few close friends and my mother.” Our sushi arrived then. Before we dug in, Vanessa said “Baby, I’m very serious. Take care of Anita for a couple more months. And” she added impishly, “if Samantha calls for you, you can service her as well. But only if I’m included again. That woman really rang my bell!” That time I laughed, thankfully before I put any food in my mouth. or it would have been all over the table in front of me.

“OK, you win. I’ll fuck Anita, but only for you.” Then Vanessa had a laugh of her own before we finally got around to eating dinner.


Later that night, after we stopped off for a couple of drinks, we got to our apartment and we were feeling very amorous. Not to mention horny. We were both in the mood for a bit of a wild time.

The night had been unseasonably warm, and Vanessa was wearing a light pink patterned mini dress, just below her ass, expensive, and with the three-inch pink sandals she had on, her legs looked amazing. Vanessa, like me, didn’t grow up with much and now she was a clothes horse (me too); she loved high end dresses, tops, slacks, even the distressed denim she bought was pricey. But she always looked amazing in anything she wore, and she also loved fancy lingerie. The only time she wore dull bras and panties was when she had her period. Otherwise, she liked a lot of lace, satin and silk, in all sorts of patterns. And I sure as hell didn’t mind at all.

We were kissing in the living room, still standing, and she was rubbing her leg between mine, putting exquisite pressure on my rapidly expanding cock. I grabbed her ass and pulled her close to me, pushing both hands down the back of her satin low bikini panties. We moaned into each other’s mouths, our tongues doing a dirty dance, more erotic than any moves we made on a dance floor.

I lifted her with my arms under her thighs and she wrapped her legs around my waist as I moved towards the dining room to get to the back where the bedrooms were. “Oh the table” Vanessa said breathlessly as I kissed her neck and licked her ear. “God, yes, Baby! Just lay me on the table!”

I sat her at the edge of the dining table, her legs dangling and her pussy right at the very edge. “Lay back” I said with some command. Vanessa laid all the way back and when I lifted the light cotton dress, I could see the bones of her hips. Her legs were wide apart, still fully dressed, and I crouched like a baseball catcher, and I kissed her thighs, especially the inside. The closer I got to where her pink and white silk panties barely covered her, the more she squirmed around. She was rubbing her tits over her dress and bra, shaking her head back and forth, and she lifted her hips a little as my nose rubbed her crotch.

“Fuck, Baby, you get me so damn hot!” Vanessa let out a long groan as I pulled her panties aside and got a powerful whiff of her natural scent, with just a trace of her perfume. She always dabbed a couple of drops right above her clit and it blended well with her natural scent. “Eat me, fucker. Eat my hot little cunt!”

Her dirty talk inspired me to attack her slit and I did, rapidly not teasing her. I was also hot and I wanted my own pleasure, but I was giving Vanessa a good tongue lashing first. My tongue was quick, up and down her lips and her folds, swirling as I used my thumbs to pull her lips apart. Her legs pulled back and her heels pointed up to the ceiling, giving me access to her ass as well. I used my tongue, my lips to kiss and suck her most sensitive places, my fingers dug into her flesh. Vanessa was moaning and whimpering, spewing filthy words and suggestions as she pulled her tits free so her fingers could pull and twist her incredibly sensitive nipples.

I rubbed my fingers up and down her gash and I said “You like my hot tongue on your cunt, don’t you?”

“YES! I love it, you nasty fucker!”

“You get so fucking wet for me, my hot little slut!”

“Fuck! Eat me more! I want to cum all over your tongue and lips!”

I went back to eating her while my finger pressed and then circled her clit. I licked all around her anus and pushed two fingers into her pussy while another penetrated her ass, and Vanessa went wild as she came forcefully, oozing a small amount of her essence onto the wood table under her.

She massaged my cheeks with her smooth thighs, and the heel of her right shoe moved along the middle of my back as she sat part of the way up, leaning on her elbows and giving me a loving and sexy smile. “You do that better than any man I’ve ever been with before. You have a real skill for going down on a woman, and soon it will be all for me!” she said with the sexiest laugh. “Your tongue will be all mine, soon enough.”

I got up a little slowly from the crouching position. Being down there that long stiffened my back and joints a bit, but I recovered soon enough. I leaned over Vanessa and kissed her a few times. “I’m looking forward to being your one and only. Are you really sure you want me to keep being available to Anita every Friday night? And Samantha when she calls? I’ll gladly stop seeing them for you, my Sweet.”

“I’m sure. I can hardly blame them for wanting you” she said with a giggle. “You’re very appealing. Not to mention a great lay.” Vanessa kissed my nose before my lips. “I’m going to prove that to myself right now. After I blow you until your toes curl.” I helped her off the table and she got out of her dress in record time. Her bra was next, but she kept her sexy little panties and her shoes on. “Now you lean back against the table. It’s my turn to crouch.” Crouch she did, balancing on her toes and heels, and I let her take off my pants. She loved undressing me, and it sure as hell didn’t bother me. The feeling of her hands rubbing up and down over my cock in my pants was a definite turn-on, and she was very skilled at opening and unzipping the front. She tugged down my pants and boxers in one quick motion, freeing my overheated dick.

“I think I’m going to enjoy this a lot” I said, relaxing against the table, its edge digging into the cheeks of my ass.

“You THINK? Baby, you’d better KNOW you’re going to enjoy this!” And like when I went down on her, Vanessa was aggressive right from the start, sucking me deep with incredible skills I knew she had. But it always was a treat for me when she gave me a blowjob. She was never timid, though sometimes she’d start nice and slow and build up the pace. Not that night. She sucked all the way down to the base, until her nose was in my pubic hair. Then she started swallowing, pulling the head into her throat. My fingers were digging into the underside of the table when she started, but when she deep throated me, my hands went to her head and hair.

“Suck my cock, my hot little bitch!” I growled at her. She wasn’t offended, not at all. When we were playing hard, she loved almost all dirty language, including things that made her feel submissive. The only word that offended her was ‘whore’. She absolutely despised it, because that’s what her father called her when he was in one of his ‘moods’, aided, of course, by alcohol. Which was just about every night. But anything else could turn her on. And when we were in a loving mood… there was no desire for such behavior on either of our parts. Then anything we said was just tender and loving.

She popped my cock out of her mouth and gasped for breath a few seconds, then said “You love when I suck you like a horny slut, don’t you, you bastard? Tell me!” she practically shouted.

“YES! My little bitch gives the best blowjobs!” I know it sounds kind of stupid, but in the heat of the moment, this got us both incredibly excited. “Suck me like you life depends on it!”

Vanessa kept sucking away, paying attention to my swollen balls, licking me from base to tip and then back down again. Then she bounced the head rapidly on the tip of her tongue, making my cock look like it was jerking on its own. I tightened my grip in her hair (as long as I didn’t get too tight or pull hard) and tugged her so she sucked and swallowed me again. Then she rubbed her finger up and down the crack of my ass, teasing my asshole, and my dick WAS jumping around in her throat, as much as it could move.

“Oh, God, my Love… I’m going to blow!” Vanessa held me tight in her throat, swallowing repeatedly as my seed gushed down her throat. She needed to breathe, but she wouldn’t release me until my balls were drained. When she was sure she had every drop available, Vanessa almost spat my cock out and sucked in great gasps of air, breathing as hard as I’d ever seen her do before. I helped her up and guided her into a dining table chair, even though her pussy was wet (so were her panties) and it was staining the upholstery. Who cared about that? That’s what cleaning services were for. “Sweetheart, not that I’m not very appreciative, but you’re scaring me, the way you’re breathing now. Slow down a little. I’ll get you something to drink.”

“No, wait” Vanessa said hoarsely as she grasped my arm. “I’ll be all right in just a minute. Then you can get me some water.’

I knelt aside her and kissed her shoulder while I held her arm. It was a very affectionate gesture. “Sweetheart, what you did for me was just awesome. The best I’ve ever had by a huge margin. But you scared me, like you were going to choke to death.”

“Not likely, Baby. If I thought that was going to happen, I would have moved off you. I wanted to do something you’d always remember. Something fun and kinky.” By then she had caught her breath and I got her a glass of water, which she gulped down gratefully. “I enjoyed doing that to you. It’s something I would never do for a client, and only partly because I used condoms when I gave them head. It’s something special to save for my lover. And my love. Only for you, Baby. I love you.”

She looked at me with such sweet adoration, and I gathered her in my arms and held on tight. “I love you too, Sweetheart. I’ll always love you, forever. You don’t have to deep throat me to make me love you. But it sure doesn’t hurt.” We laughed lightly and shared a few kisses. both of us almost completely naked. Actually., I was completely naked. She had on panties and shoes. We got up and headed to the bedroom, where, after we cleaned up, we had a mutual great time, a nice, long, slow screw that sent ripples of bliss through our bodies and minds.


During that week, I spent a couple of days at Diana’s office calling or emailing almost all my clients, letting them know I wouldn’t be available to them any longer, that I was moving on with my life, and it had been a privilege and pleasure working with them. I also let them know Diana would be pleased to continue to serve their needs. The calls went to the women who were single for one reason or another and the emails went to women who were still married and might not be available to talk freely. The emails were carefully worded so that anyone other than the clients who might see it wouldn’t figure out what the true nature of the business was. Almost all were disappointed, but they understood that this time would come at some point, and they wished me well for my future. The only exception was Samantha, whom I emailed that I would be available to her with Vanessa if she desired. And I didn’t have to contact Anita; our relationship wasn’t changing until August, and she knew about it. So she was the only regular client remaining, while Samantha would call if she had the opportunity.

It was good for me and Vanessa. We had plenty of time to spend together, and most Friday nights, when I was keeping my appointments with Anita, Vanessa would visit her mother and/or see some friends. I went with her to see her mother maybe once a month; I hated being around her father, who wasn’t saying much at all to his daughter since he and I had our little conversation. It was no great loss to Vanessa. She loved him, in a distant way. But she didn’t like him at all.

In May, Samantha called Diana to make a date with me and Vanessa. She had a special request, so Diana called us at home to consult us and make sure what she wanted was acceptable for us. Well, for Vanessa, really. The request would involve her more than me. She said it was fine with her, and Diana suggested a price, including hers and Stacy’s percentages. Samantha accepted and we were set for a Sunday afternoon session. The special request excited Vanessa and, I have to admit, it was a big turn-on for me as well. That night, we fucked hot and dirty, almost tearing apart the bed in the process.

Sunday, we dressed nice but casually, like we did the last time we went to Sam’s, the night Vanessa and I met. As I’ve said, Vanessa loved clothes, really nice clothes, whether denim or and a polo shirt or a lovely dress. To go to Samantha’s, she had on a pair of ripped jeans that cost $400 (and she had a pair that cost 3X that much!) with a silk patterned top. She carried a oversized handbag that held the outfit she was going to wear for our session with Sam. I didn’t need a ‘costume’, I just wore casual tan slacks and a red Polo shirt. We were casual, but we looked like we belonged in Sam’s neighborhood of East side brownstones and luxury co-op buildings as well as good restaurants and boutiques.

We got to Sam’s right on time (never keep a client waiting) and she greeted us in a casual multi-colored long skirt and a lavender silk top. We all kissed cheeks and warm greetings before she ushered us into a small dining area off the kitchen, where she served a cold lunch of various salads and flatbreads, and she opened a bottle of wine, just like we were all old friends. It was unexpected but appreciated. It wasn’t heavy, but it was tasty and would give us energy for a fun afternoon.

“So, you’re going to get married!” Sam exclaimed. “And to think, I’m responsible for you two meeting! It’s really wonderful. I hope I’m invited to the wedding!” She was giggling and just happy in a general way. I think it was a combination of being happy for me and Vanessa, as well as the uninhibited sexual romp that we were about to share.

“I don’t know if there will be a wedding to invite you to” Vanessa said with a soft smile. “We’re doing something very small. We might just go to City Hall with a couple of friends and my mother, then go to a restaurant for brunch. But if that changes to something larger, we’d love to have you there. The woman responsible for bringing us together!” We held hands and smiled at each other.

Despite Sam’s protestations, we insisted on helping her clear the table. Sam was a very easy woman to like, and she was a generous hostess. And, as we well remembered, she was sexy and kinky, It was time to indulge her kinks.

We went upstairs in the little elevator again, our bodies pressed tightly against each other. There really was no space if there had been a fourth person. Someone would have had to take the stairs or wait for the elevator to come back down. Sam told me to make myself comfortable in our ‘playroom’ while she and Vanessa went to her bedroom to change together. They were giggling as they schemed as they closed the doors.

I undressed, folding my clothes carefully on a chair (OK I’m as clothes conscious as Vanessa is) and I leaned back with my phone to read, dressed only in my own surprise: a mesh brief in bright red, very low on my hips so I showed off my flat, well-muscled torso. The material was almost molded to my package, supporting my scrotum and my cock, making them look prominent. Even Vanessa was unaware I had them (in a few colors at home), so I hoped this would be a pleasant surprise for both of them.

After a half hour, I was wondering what was going on with my two playmates. Ten minutes later, I got up and I crossed the hall to Sam’s bedroom, and I knocked on the closed door. “Hey you two! What’s taking so long?””

There was loud giggling from the other side of the door. “Who is it???” Vanessa teased, and they both broke out in huge laughs.

“Prince Fucking Charming” I responded with a smile on my face and in my voice. “I have a delivery for two bawdy broads!”

“Well, then get your ass and your dick in here now!” Samantha demanded, getting into the act.

i went inside and my two partners were on the bed, facing each other in some very erotic outfits. Vanessa wore a white lace shelf bra so her tits were out, with a matching garter belt, panties, white lace patterned stockings and high heels. Think the super-sexy virginal look, like a seductress on her wedding night. Sam contrasted her, in just little black G-string and smooth thigh high stockings and black heels. No bra; with her small tits, she didn’t really need one and rarely wore one. Around them were a few sex toys, including a couple of vibrators, a strap-on dildo, thick and black, and a clear silicone double ended dildo. I knew what to expect but seeing it all was a real jolt to the system.

In the meantime, the ladies noticed my new low-rise mesh briefs right away. “Vanessa! Your fiancé is so fucking sexy! I love his underwear!”

“I’ve never seen him in that before! It’s a big surprise to me! Paul, Baby, why didn’t you tell me?”

I put my hands on my hips, my feet apart, my body fit and well-muscled. “I wanted to surprise you, Sweetheart. You too, Sam. I’m your almost naked Superman!” With that, I leapt onto the bed, landing behind Samantha, and we all laughed at my playfulness, but both women quickly surrounded me, feeling my cock through the very sexy briefs. We were all kissing together and separately, lips and tongues teasing, and our hands were all over the place, all of us feeling others. It wasn’t more than a minute before I was like a hammer in search of a dozen nails. But this was, as always, about the client. My needs, as well as Vanessa’s, were subordinate to Sam’s.

After some very passionate foreplay, including Vanessa and I each sucking on one of Sam’s small tits and feeling her thighs as well as her wet lips, we maneuvered her so she was on her knees with her shoulders on the mattress and her ass up in the air. Then we moved so we both could eat her at the same time. Vanessa was under Sam, grabbing her ass and pulling her cheeks apart as I licked all over her cheeks. Vanessa licked her inner thighs, tasting the sweet juices coating Sam’s soft flesh. I pulled her cheeks even wider apart so I could rim her anus, using my flattened tongue to go up and down her crack while Vanessa nibbled on her lips, sucking softly as her fingers found Sam’s aching nipples.

“Oh God, you two are making me fucking crazy!” Sam growled as she wiggled her hips all around. I poked her anus with the tip of my tongue while Vanessa swirled around her clit, sending constant shockwaves through the tall blond’s body. I used one hand to spank Sam and I used the other to finger Vanessa’s soaked cunt. While that was going on, I felt Vanessa reach for my throbbing rod, stroking it up and down inside my briefs, pulling more blood into the shaft and head. We were all making very loud, very aroused sounds, and the room reeked of sex.

Sam was grunting as we kept working her up. She was close, very close and I moved my head next to Vanessa’s and whispered something to her, and she readily agreed. We both felt around Sam’s overheated pussy and we each thrust two fingers into her steamy snatch. I though Sam would lose her mind as her channel was stretched probably wider than ever before. She howled, unable to make intelligible sounds or words as she came hard enough to shake her bed. She thrust her ass back into our invading fingers, humping us like she was possessed, until she could take no more and fell forward on top of Vanessa.

While Sam recovered, Vanessa and I kept teasing each other, my fingers all over her pussy and her hand jerking me very soft and slow. When Sam was back on planet Earth, she saw us and said “Kiss each other. Watching you two make out and play is so erotic. Get out of your underwear so I can see everything.” We both got out of our underthings and we started kissing each other, soft and sweet to start, then we let our passion grow, acting as if Sam wasn’t even there. Vanessa kept stroking my cock harder as two fingers entered her now sopping wet pussy. I was kissing her neck, down to her more than ample chest, sucking and licking her thick, pulsing nipples.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see Sam with her legs up in the air as she fucked herself with one end of that double headed dildo, the other end flopping around like it was frustrated, seeking a cunt to fuck. Vanessa must have seen it as well, because she broke contact with me and crawled over to Sam, got on her back facing the other direction so she could insert the free end into her own steaming cunt. Sam sat up and helped impale Vanessa, and soon they were sitting up, arms around each other, kissing wildly while they fucked each other. I was kind of excluded, but I jerked my own dick as I watched the kinkiest thing I’d ever seen in person.

“You two are suck dirty fucking girls” I gasped, on my knees, my dick just inches from their faces.

“Come feed us your big dick, Paul” Sam said in a deep moan. Vanessa flicked her tongue towards me, encouraging me to join in my way. I got closer and I felt two very skilled tongues lapping hungrily at the head and shaft of my purplish cock. I held their heads in my hands as they then both pursed their lips and I pumped my hips back and forth like I was fucking their lips. I felt hands on my balls and my ass, I felt a finger invade my anus, and I just kept fucking their faces as they shared my cock, trading me back and forth.

Everyone was getting close to cumming. I knew there was only so much more I could take. I reached down and pinched each of their nipples, hard, really pulling at them, and then Vanessa cried out as she creamed all over the silicone dick deep in her pussy. Then I shot off my very heavy load, getting it on both women’s faces, on their legs, and also on the bedding. Feeling my cum hit her body did the trick for Sam, who almost bit my head, but she was able to control herself enough to avoid crippling my cock for life (j/k).

We ended up in a heaping mass of very satisfied bodies. For the moment, anyways. Sam was the shot caller, and I knew she wanted at least one more go round. She was a very sexual and kinky woman, and every time I worked with her, it was a long evening or afternoon. So we all took turns in the bathroom, cleaning up a bit, and then I went to her kitchen and brought back bottles of water for each of us. While we rested, we had a nice little chat, very friendly, not like Vanessa and I were her employees for the day.

Vanessa and Sam were making their own connection that had nothing to do with me. They were talking and laughing like old friends, and I just sat back on the bed, taking everything in. Two beautiful women, scantily clad, talking in the most easygoing, casual manner. A man could do worse for himself for companions, not to mention sexual partners.

After a while, as we all were getting ready for what came next, Sam took our hands in hers and, with a kind of melancholy smile, said “I can’t believe in a few months you’ll both be retired! I’m happy for you, really I am, but I like you both so much! And not only for what we do in here. I would love to know you as friends, especially Vanessa. I have so few girlfriends I can really trust with my secrets. They’re all so catty. If I told any of them about this, it would get back to my husband in a day.” As I said, she was smiling, but it wasn’t the happiest smile.

“I like you, too, Sam” Vanessa said. “WE like you. Just because Paul and I are going to quit this job, doesn’t mean we can’t be friends. I like having friends I can go to lunch with, shop with. Go to a museum or a show. It might be a little strange a first, but I’m sure we can get over it. Paul,” she said, turning to me, “would you mind if Sam and I started doing things together?”

She kind of put me on the spot, especially since there was a sexual history, and they were into each other besides me. Good thing I’m easygoing and I liked Sam a lot. “Not at all. Maybe there would be times we could all do something together. Besides this” I said with a raise of my eyebrow, and the girls both laughed. “But for now…. we’re here to take care of you, Sam.” I moved across the bed and spanked her lightly, making her jump a little and laugh a lot.

Then Vanessa leaned over and kissed Sam before I joined in again. After we got our juices flowing again, Sam said with a lust-filled voice “I want you both to fuck me this time. Vanessa, put on one of the strap-on dildos. I want to be the meat in the sandwich!”

Vanessa said “Suck Paul’s cock while I get it on. I love watching him when you give him head. Make it wet and dirty.” My fiancé. She’s so good to me. I was on my knees on the bed and Sam bent over so her face was level with my dick. She proceeded to do just as Vanessa told her; she gave me a wicked, nasty blowjob, sucking me so her spit was dripping down her chin and down my cock to my balls. She then licked and sucked my heavy nuts, one at a time, before running her tongue all over my prick again. Vanessa by then had a black 9″ dildo attached around her hips and she was rubbing her very moist pussy while she watched. “You look so good, Baby, that expression on your face when you’re getting your big dick sucked. Is she as good a cocksucker as she looks? Tell me, Baby. I can take it.” She was leaning back with her legs spread wide, two fingers deep.

“Yes, Sweetheart, she’s very good. Almost as good as you.”

Sam popped me out of her mouth and ‘protested’. “Hey, you bastard. I’m as good a cocksucker as anyone!” We all laughed, our voices tinged with heat. We were all ready to fuck Sam, as hard as she could take it.

“How do you want us, you horny bitch?” Vanessa said as she moved to lick my cock next to Sam.

“I want you in my pussy and Paul in my ass. Just loosen me up a little first. God, I haven’t been fucked in the ass in a long fucking time!”

Vanessa and I went to work on Sam’s anus, licking it so she was dripping wet, then using our fingers, taking turns, loosening up her ass, one of my fingers first, then Vanessa pushed one of hers in next to mine. Sam, in the meantime, was stroking both our cocks, my flesh cock and Vanessa’s silicone member as if we were two guys about to share her. After a few minutes, Sam was ready and Vanessa laid on her back with Sam facing her. She slid her pussy slowly down that thick black dildo until she was stuffed and grunting loud. She stayed still, adjusting to the slightly longer length than she was used to with me and I used a tube of lube, first to grease her anus liberally and then I applied some more to my cock, so we were both nice and slick. As a side note, anyone who tries to fuck a woman (or man) in the ass without proper preparation is an asshole. Real life isn’t like porn.

I positioned myself behind Sam, between both women’s legs, and put the head of my cock to her asshole. “Ready, my hot little slut?” I growled in her ear.

“Fuck, I am beyond ready! Take me, Paul, take my ass!” She was whimpering, Vanessa was sucking her nipples, and I eased in slowly, an inch or two at a time before stopping, then continuing once she adjusted to the feeling of fullness she was experiencing. Finally I was all the way in her rectum, my hips on her cheeks, and I could feel the dildo through the thin walls of her vagina and her intestine.

“Ohmygod!” Sam howled, slightly moving her lower body as I held her hips and Vanessa shifted upwards a little. “I feel like you’re going to split me in two! Fuck, start fucking me! Both of you! Grab my hair, smack my ass, use me!”

Whatever the client wants, needs, desires. Vanessa and I worked out a rhythm, moving slowly at first. I’d move deeper into her ass while Vanessa eased outwards from her pussy, and while she moved into Sam’s pussy, I pulled back. We kept that rhythm, one moving in, the other sliding out, faster, harder, rougher, and Sam was loving it, moving her own hips to grind in a way to stimulate her most sensitive places. Soon all three of us were moving in sync. With a small nub on the back end of the dildo, rubbing on her clit, Vanessa was also feeling great with every stroke. As we fucked Sam harder, I wrapped her blond mane in my left hand and pulled her head back, and at the same time I spanked her with my right. Not hard; I’d never hurt any client, any woman for that matter. Just hard enough to sting in a way Sam found erotically pleasurable.

Vanessa was kissing her and pinching her nipples while we both fucked her, all of us sweating, all of us groaning. Her ass was like a vise on my dick, yet I was sliding in and out so easily with the lubricant easing the way. And the sensation of the dildo rubbing almost directly along the underside of my cock was unreal.

I pulled Sam’s head back a little harder and bent forward a little more, so my lips were right next to her ear. “You love getting used like a slut, don’t you? You like the feel of two dicks filling your holes?” After a couple of years of Sam being my client, I knew exactly how to ring her bells.

“YES! Fuck me, keep fucking me! I wish I had another cock for my mouth, a real one!” She was flexing her lean, long body like crazy, not only wringing my cock with her ass, but also pressing down on the dildo, giving a nice amount of stimulation to Vanessa. “Pull out of my ass and feed me your dick, Paul!”

I moved back and my cock, covered in a condom, made a plopping sound as it came out of her slightly gaping anus. I moved quickly to the front, right in front of Sam and right over Vanessa, and Sam immediately started blowing me like she was starved for my semen. Vanessa was teasing my balls with the tip of her tongue, then she rimmed me and I was fucking Sam’s mouth like a sloppy pussy. I tugged her hair and she ground down on Vanessa’s ‘dick’ and came, humming around my shaft. She held my head in her mouth, still moaning, and I couldn’t hold back any longer. I exploded in her mouth, another hefty load that left my balls feeling empty.

I pulled out slowly, some of my cum dribbling from the corner of Sam’s mouth. Then she kissed Vanessa and I could see them swapping my seed back and forth, until Sam swallowed most of it, leaving a little for Vanessa, who shared her portion with me. Sam loved seeing that and she came a final time while rubbing her clit furiously. Eventually she just fell to her side, completely wasted for the rest of the day.

After a little ‘pillow talk’, we decided to clean up and go out to dinner together. We took a shower together, too fucked out to do anything other than help wash each other, and after we dressed, we walked a couple of blocks to an excellent Greek restaurant Sam was familiar with. We made light chat with some laughter while we ate and drank a bottle of wine. Then, towards the end, things got kind of quiet.

“I’m going to miss the two of you after August” Sam lamented. “I know we can stay friendly, but I enjoy the other things we do” she added, referring to our sexual relationship. “I can’t imagine, even if I ask Diana to set me up with another couple that it will be anywhere as fun and satisfying as it is with both of you.” This was why we weren’t supposed to get too close to the clients. When your relationship is based on sex, even when it’s casual, it’s very possible to form personal connections.

Since I knew Sam much longer, I took her hand and tried to be of some comfort. “Sam, we enjoy being with you as well, but Vanessa and I have to move on. It’s been four years for me, three for her doing this for a living. It wears you down, and you know Vanessa was beaten recently. We want to be married and we want to be faithful. If this still appeals to you, give Diana a chance to find another couple. You might find someone better.” I smiled, but it was half-hearted.

“Not for me, no way” Sam replied. “We work well together, not that I hope you think of this as work. Finding two others with the right chemistry…. it’s a crapshoot at best.”

Vanessa looked uncomfortable, so I called the waiter over to get the check, which I insisted on paying. When we left, we parted on the street, kissing goodbye, and Sam promised she’d call for us at least one more time before August. Then she went back to her home and Vanessa and I grabbed a cab back to our place across town.

Vanessa was feeling kind of down in the backseat, and honestly, so was I. Along with Anita, Sam had been my favorite client for a few years. She was fun, kind, and usually considered my needs in bed. Staying friendly with her would be challenging outside of the business relationship.

Vanessa’s mood changed when we got inside our apartment. Almost immediately she was on me, kissing me with love and passion. “You know, you didn’t screw me at all today. I just had that double dildo, which really doesn’t do it for me. All the rest of what happened today has got me very horny. Please tell me you’re not finished for the night.” Her big, beautiful, dark eyes were almost begging me.

Thankfully, I still had some fuel in my tank. For Vanessa, it wasn’t exactly a chore. I kissed her with all my love, and without saying a word, I took her hand and led her into the bedroom, where we made slow, sexy, sensual love that drained me for the night, and left Vanessa feeling so much better. She was going to be my wife in a relatively short time. I’d do anything for her. And to her.


In the months before Vanessa and I got married, we planned on a very small wedding. We decided to just get married at City Hall by appointment, picking out October 6th at 11AM. We just invited a few friends, Alina (Vanessa’s mom), and Anita, Samantha, and Diana, all of whom had been very generous to us in various ways.

The next few months went very quickly. Sam did call for us twice more before August, and I kept my Friday night appointments with Anita until then as well. She was also very sad to have me leave her, but I was determined to honor my word to Vanessa. Anita had us both come to her penthouse one evening in July so she could meet Vanessa, and it turned into a very pleasant night, with dinner prepared by her private chef (I never met any of her staff aside from her driver before; they never worked Friday nights nor weekends). At the end, she told us even if we weren’t having a big wedding, she wanted to buy us a full set of fine china and crystal, and she was insistent. She said it would be her pleasure, so, even though we could afford to buy whatever we wanted (and we weren’t sure we wanted a set of fine tableware), we picked out what we liked at Bloomingdales and a month later it was all delivered, full service for 12, china and crystal. Sam also checked our bridal registry, and she bought us the silverware and Irish linen tablecloths and napkins. Diana got us our assorted serving pieces that went with the china. It was all incredibly generous, way beyond anything we would have expected of anyone. Everything was moving along nice and smoothly, just as planned.

One day, a few weeks before our wedding, we were going through the closet in the second bedroom, where Vanessa kept extra clothing (summer clothes in the winter, and vice versa), as well as the various costumes she accumulated the last few years to accommodate her clients various fantasies. We were getting rid of almost all of them, except for maybe one of two to feed MY own fantasies. We kept sorting through them, laughing about this one and that one, two variations of a ‘sexy/slutty’ nurse, a policewoman, even an Old West schoolmarm. Those all went into garbage bags, along with a bunch of others; it wasn’t like she could give them away to friends or as donated clothing.

Two interested me. One was a cheerleader with an almost micro-skirt (so many men had that fantasy), with white panties and over the knee socks. The other was a French Maid costume, with the white frilly apron, including both fishnet thigh high stockings as well as a garter belt and attached stockings. Both really stirred something deep inside me just by seeing them on the hangers.

“My Baby really likes these?” Vanessa asked in her sexiest voice. “I’ll keep these if you want. I love when you get hard for me like you’re getting now.” She was right; I was so stiff, it was apparent in the sweatpants I was wearing.

“Guilty as charged, my sexy Sweet Thing. Yeah, those outfits… I can’t say why those more than the others. But they’re doing something for me.”

“I’m going to wear one of these for you tonight, my Sexy Man. But I’m not going to tell you which one. I’ll let it be a surprise.” She smiled as she gave my cock a very firm squeeze, tantalizing me. “And no jerking off before tonight! If you’re uncomfortable, think of something else!” She laughed as she took the outfits and went into our bedroom to hang them up for later.

All through dinner we were making ‘eyes’ at each other, teasing with just our glances, knowing a fun night was ahead of us. I even had a little surprise for Vanessa, a new pair of underwear that was definitely something funky. Nothing as extravagant as the outfits she had (especially the French Maid, which we decided would be the nights choice). But it would be fun for her.

Around 9 we talked about the fantasy scenario we both wanted to play out, then Vanessa went into our bedroom to change for me, after I grabbed what I needed from my drawer, changing in the bathroom. Then it was time to start, with me being the single resident of the home and she being my live-in maid.

She was dressed as I described, the French Maid outfit, black satin with white frill trim, a little headpiece, a white lace choker, and black fishnet thigh highs, plus the four-inch patent leather spike heels. She even had a feather duster to complete the transformation.

“Vanessa, would you come into my bedroom, please?” I said it with a tone of authority.

“Yes, Mr. Paul? Is there something I can do for you?”

“Yes there is. You could explain why you have these in your night table” I responded, indicating a few of her sex toys, an assortment of vibrators and dildos we sometimes used together in our fun.

“Mr. Paul! You spied in my private drawers?” She pretended to be shocked and then angry. She was also getting aroused; I could tell by the way her nipples were getting hard under her uniform. Clearly, Vanessa wasn’t wearing a bra, a nice touch with her large breasts.

“Never mind that! You know the rules of my house! You’re to be a proper lady at all times, or else I have to punish you!”

She looked down, playing her part well. No wonder so many of her clients requested her again and again. She could really play a role. “Do you really? It was my private space, Mr. Paul. What I do in there on my time should be my business.”

“You knew the rules when I hired you, Vanessa. And giving me back talk is only going to make this worse for you! Now, get across my lap. And be quick about it!”

Vanessa walked as quick as she could in the very high heels and stretched out across my lap, with her ass sticking up a nice amount. She had on black satin panties, which really completed the look. She was amazingly sexy, and she knew it.

I rubbed my right hand all over her thighs and over the lace band of her stockings. She let out soft moans of heightened arousal, then I rubbed my hand all over the satin covering her ass. That broad, soft, perfect ass. There was no doubt Vanessa was the sexiest woman I ever met in my life, and that was only partly due to her looks. She also had a kinky, lusty heart and mind. The best of all worlds.

SPANK! I brought my hand down hard on her ass, though not nearly as hard as I could have. Experimentation had taught us how hard was exciting without hurting her; I could never hurt the love of my life.

“Mr. Paul! That stings… ” she said in a way that expressed what she really was feeling.

“You do like it, though, don’t you?” SPANK! I slapped her soft buttocks again, and she squirmed on my lap, as if she was trying to get some pressure from my knee on her groin. SPANK!

“Yes… NO! Oh God, yessss!” she hissed as I spanked her a few more times, sometimes stopping to rub her stinging cheeks. Then I pulled her panties down to her thighs, and even through the natural brown of her skin color, I could see some pink where my slaps had made their mark. “Not my bare ass, Mr. Paul?” She pretended to be concerned, but, again, we both knew what she enjoyed.

SPANK!!! The sound was louder this time, almost like a crack of thunder, and Vanessa let out a low howl of pleasure. Three more bare assed slaps and she was on the verge of her orgasm. I took one of the vibrators and turned it on, then I touched it to her pussy from between her slightly parted thighs, and within two minutes, Vanessa was cumming and grinding on my leg. I SPANKED her one more time and she shuddered all over as she cried out louder.

“Fuck I’M CUMMINGGGGG!” A little of her natural cream dripped from her pussy onto the leg of my pants. I didn’t care, it was more than worth the dry-cleaning bill to give my love such pleasure.

“Yes, you did. And what a sight it was seeing you cum like that!” I was as hot as she was by then, and Vanessa could feel my cock standing up straight in my lap, almost directly under her pussy.

“You liked that, Mr. Paul? Then you’re going to love this!” She slid off my lap, onto her knees on the floor at the side of the bed, right in front of me. “I’ll do anything to keep my job here. Let me show you.” Then, with this hungry, lusty expression, she skillfully opened my pants and smiled wide with delightful surprise when she saw what I had on inside. Breaking character, Vanessa said “Oh, Paul these are so cute and sexy! You naughty boy!” I had on black satin briefs, reminiscent of panties, really, but designed with a pouch in front for a man’s genitalia. And I have to admit, besides feeling a little ‘slippery’ in my slacks, they were incredibly comfortable.

“You really think so?” She was rubbing my pulsing erection through the slick material, and the pressure she was applying was just heavenly.

“I definitely think so! Let me show you how much.” Vanessa then blew warm air all around where the head of my cock was, which sent a small shiver through my body. Then her lips and tongue were doing a dance on my cock and balls, again through the satin. My dick was jumping wildly from Vanessa’s amazing attack. But she knew I needed more, so she got me to lift my hips before she pulled down the underwear and started sucking me with all her skills. Slow to start, teasing, then sucking it all into her mouth and bobbing rapidly up and down, then slowing down again when she thought I was getting too over-heated.

I kept moaning, running my fingers through her thick, jet-black locks, and she looked up at me with those stunning dark eyes. She pulled down the top of her outfit, freeing her swaying breasts, and she wrapped them around my dick, which was wet and sloppy by that point. It made it easy for her to fuck me with her tits. I sat up straight so I could pinch and tweak her nipples, getting Vanessa hot all over again.

Wordlessly, she stood up and roughly pushed me onto my back. She gathered up the lower part of the dress so her stocking tops were in view along with her pussy, no longer shaved, but groomed. She was a vision of pure sexuality.

“Vanessa, what do you think you’re doing?” I said, trying to get back to my authoritative role.

“Oh, shut up, Paul. We’re going to fuck like wild people. Baby.” Then she climbed up on the bed and sat down right on my cock, taking me deep inside with deep moans coming from us both. She bent forward and kissed me, her tits rubbing on the shirt I still was wearing. “Isn’t this the best of all?” Her ass was moving up and down, sliding along my cock like it was a greased pole.

“Amazing, my Sweet. Like you always are.” I reached between us and massaged her great tits, and Vanessa bit her lip, by now our game long forgotten. She pulled my shirt open, sending buttons flying all over the room, while she kissed my chest and neck almost like a vampire, with small bites. I groaned in ecstasy while my hands aggressively roamed all over her body, gripping her ass and lightly slapping her thighs. It all encouraged her to bounce faster on my cock as we both made the most erotic sounds.

“Time to change things up a little” I told Vanessa as I flipped her onto her back. My cock stayed inside her hot, snug pussy, and she clamped down on me as I thrust into her over and over. Each lunge brought a grunt or cry from each of us. Sweat coated our bodies, making us slippery all over our bodies. The bedroom air was thick with the smell of sex. Then Vanessa pulled her legs way back so the base of my cock pressed hard on her clit, and she howled as she came, kicking her high heels into my tight ass cheeks. The material of her stockings was rubbing along my thighs and the mixture of all those sensations broke my ability to resist any longer.

“I’m cumming!” I cried out and Vanessa pushed me out and quickly grabbed my dick and jerked me off all over her caramel shaded tits, leaving long white streaks of my essence all over her perfect chest. It was a sexy, dirty surprise at the end that was also a hell of a lot of fun.

We laid there spent, at least for the time being. We snuggled together, fluids and clothing be damned. As great a piece of ass as well as a lover Vanessa was (and is), she was also an amazing love, as affectionate and tender and warm-hearted as any woman in the world could be. I hoped she found me half as caring as I found her.

“My Baby” Vanessa purred in my ear, kissing me softly there. “You are wonderful beyond words, in every way. I am so grateful you kept in touch with me after we met at Sam’s, and that you didn’t hesitate when things with Kelly didn’t work out. I was actually kind of hoping they wouldn’t.” I turned and saw the twinkle in her eyes.

“I’m glad they didn’t work out with Kelly either. I’m infinitely happier with you than I could have ever been with her. And in a few weeks, we’re going to make that commitment to each other for the rest of our lives. I’m happier about that than anything else, my Sweet Love.”

Vanessa cuddled closer and kissed my neck and chest. “You’re so good to me. I’ve never met a man who has your loving heart before. Sometimes I’m awestruck.”

“I don’t have any real experience with a loving woman either, except my grandmother, and that hardly counts. I wish she was alive to share this with us. Not this” I joked, referring to our sexual play. “I mean this life we’re going to build. Seeing us get married.”

“Baby, do you want to call your parents? Give them one more chance? They don’t even know we’re getting married. Maybe it will change something with them.” She was running her fingers through my chest hair, a very loving and wonderful act of affection I adored. But it wasn’t changing my mind, not about this.

“No, Sweetheart. I can’t forgive the way they hurt you that Friday night when they were supposed to meet you. It was the last straw. They never even tried to contact us since then. I haven’t needed them for anything for a long time. If they want to take the first step, I’d be willing to talk, but I won’t make the first move.” I was firm in my decision.

“I respect that, Baby. I feel the same about my father.” She shifted around a little, and we shared some kisses. “We’re really going to do this, aren’t we?” She was smiling, with a little fear.

“You bet your cute ass we are. Two weeks. I can’t wait.” I really couldn’t. I was as excited as Vanessa was.


October 6th. Vanessa and I got up early and nervous. We showered and she did her makeup just right, before we got dressed, me in a tuxedo and she wore a beautiful white dress, conservative design, she bought special for the occasion. We were going to City Hall to get married.

The only thing we could put into our stomachs was some coffee, which we drank carefully. We tried smiling, but we were more than a little nervous. Finally I took her hand and said “Are you going to be ok, my Sweetheart? Sure you want to do this?”

Vanessa squeezed my fingers and gave me a real smile, wide grin and white teeth. “The answer to the first question is we’ll see. The answer to the second is absolutely YES!” I leaned over and kissed her lightly, with a hell of a lot of love. “What about you? Are you sure?”

“No question in my mind. You’re the love of my life, Sweetheart.” She sighed, suddenly relaxed, and I mellowed with her. Just then we got a call that the limo we ordered was downstairs. We went down and a couple of our friends were waiting for us with a couple of bottles of champagne and paper cups. We had to make a stop first, in the wrong direction, but no way were we doing this without Vanessa’s mom, and we insisted on picking her up. Her father wasn’t coming. And my parents weren’t invited. I still hadn’t talked to them since that night they stood us up to go to their friends in Peekskill for the weekend.

Eleven of us got out of the stretch limo downtown at City Hall, all a little giddy from the champagne, including Alina (Vanessa’s mom), all of us with empty stomachs. We had a 10:15 appointment and we were about twenty minutes early. Inside, Both Anita and Sam met us, as well as Diana. Stacy didn’t come; she didn’t have a close relationship with Vanessa.

Then, as we made our way to the Clerk of the Court’s office, a final surprise; My parents were there waiting for us, nicely dressed for the cool, clear morning. I was in mild shock. My father, Victor Miller, extended his hand and I shook it, kind of by reflex. “Hi, Paul. We’re glad Vanessa got in touch with us and asked us to be part of your day.” Then turning his attention, he kept his hand out and said “And you must be Vanessa. Of course, you are, such a beautiful young woman! Thank you for this, really.”

Then my mom introduced herself to Vanessa, even kissing her cheek, and then my mom reached for me, pulling me down so she could kiss my cheek. “Paul, we really are happy to be here. We’re so sorry about what happened last year. We behaved horribly. I can’t excuse our behavior.”

I had been silent up until then. I made a decision, to let old hurts be just that. I kissed my mom back, and hugged my father. Then I formally introduced them to Vanessa and to her Alina, then around to the various ladies (just two of our friends were men, my old friends Cal and Burt), including of course, Anita, Sam and Diane.

After we registered, we had a few minutes before our appointment with one of the officials. Vanessa took my hand and squeezed. I turned to her and she said “I hope you’re not upset that I got in touch with your parents. I know I crossed a line, inviting them without your input. I just thought..”

I stopped her there with a kiss. “I know what you thought. I don’t know if I would have agreed if you asked me upfront. But I’m glad you did it. Maybe we can put everything aside, after some serious talking. I’d like to try. I don’t know if it will work out, but I’m glad you pushed me to try.” I hugged her tight, a long loving hug as our friends and family milled behind us.

Ten minutes later, we were called and escorted into a smallish room, barely big enough to hold all of us, and a Justice of the Peace came in, got our signatures on the license as well as those of our witnesses. Then he went through his spiel, words he spoke probably a thousand times before, but he made it seem personal anyways. And then, just before 11AM, Vanessa Gutierrez became Vanessa Miller, and we kissed in front of all our guests, and we were husband and wife. We smiled, kissed again a few times, and we led the party back out into the hall, where everyone took turns kissing and hugging us.

Sam, who had a bit of a special relationship with both of us, whispered in my ear, “If you’re both still interested, we could still get together sometimes. And it doesn’t have to go through Diana. We’re friends in our own rights!” She kissed my cheek and floated off as someone else congratulated me.

After slipping the clerk, the Justice and the woman who kept the appointments a little something extra (not exactly legal, but they gladly took the money), we all piled back into the limo, a little tighter this time with my parents added, and we went uptown to Smith & Wollensky, one of the top steakhouses in New York. We got there just before 12, as lunch was starting, ad I told the Matre’d there would be two additional for our private party in a separate room.

We hired a pianist and a singer, as well as a photographer, and it all made for a very nice luncheon. There was even enough room to dance, though there was a shortage of men, just me, my two friends, and my Dad. My parents were actually very cultured and mannered, and they mixed in well with the mostly cultured party.

At one point, Vanessa and I were dancing, and we just kept smiling at each other like teens at their first school dance. I kept trying to find words that didn’t sound silly. Finally I said “We finally did it, my Sweet. Sorry it wasn’t a big wedding for you.”

“Baby, this is the perfect wedding. I never wanted one of those extravaganza’s. This was perfect. And after we go away on our honeymoon (the French Riviera, then we were renting a car and driving to Paris), we’ll figure out the next sixty years of our lives.”

“Sixty? You’re ambitious, aren’t you?” I smiled at her.

“Hopeful is more like it. I like the idea of sixty years with you.” Vanessa flashed me her brilliant smile.

I held her close as we glided across the dance floor. Vanessa was right; it was a perfect wedding. The great beginning to a great life together.


Six years later….

7AM, a very busy time at the Stowe Valley Bed and Breakfast, Vanessa and Paul Miller, proprietors. We’ve owned this nice, small business right near Stowe Mountain Resort in upstate Vermont, for a little over four years. It’s two weeks after Thanksgiving and there is plenty of natural snow down, bringing in plenty of tourists to the region.

Vanessa and I took a year after we married to just relax, get to really know each other, have some fun in and around New York (we even bought a SUV to travel around), and just enjoy life, we began to apply our thinking to what we wanted to do with our lives. We were worth a very tidy sum combined, almost 4 million dollars, enough to do something, but not enough to do nothing with our lives. The question was, what?

That was where we still were a few months later when we took a long weekend trip in mid-October to Vermont, to enjoy the foliage, hike the woods, enjoy the peace and quiet, and have some great sex, not that we needed to get away to do that. It was peaceful, even with the streets busy with tourists like us. Lots of charming shops and small restaurants and pubs filled the main roads. There was a lot to like about the area, and it wasn’t even ski season yet, the busiest time in the area.

We were staying at a Bed and Breakfast that had a lot of charm. Nice, spacious rooms (12), each with its own bathroom with tub/shower, Quenn or King sized beds, some with one bed, some with two for families. The upper floor had private balconies for each room. Free wi-fi, free Netflix, Amazon Prime and Apple+. It really was a nice place, clean, nicely furnished. Besides a dining room for breakfast that turned into a tea room in the afternoon and a small bar in the evening, there was a family game room. Out back was a eight person hot tub for year-round use. And there was a spectacular view all the way to Mount Mansfield in the distance, past the Stowe resort, about a mile or so away to the west. A few miles south-east was Montpelier, the state capitol. Vanessa and I talked in our room that night and decided to feel out the owners.

We met the owners over breakfast the next day, a lovely couple in their 60s, the Keaton’s, who lived in a 3 bedroom apartment in the back past the kitchen, and they agreed to sit with us while we ate. After raving about what a lovely place they had, they mentioned how they were thinking about selling and retiring somewhere warmer. They raised their two children and the B&B had supported their family as it grew over the years, but after almost 30 years, they were getting tired of what was a seven day a week business. We talked in a general way about money, but didn’t get specific that weekend.

We went back two weeks later, after Vanessa and I thoroughly went over our finances with our accountant, who advised us as to how much we should be willing to invest, how much to borrow from a bank etc. He also went over the potential risks and how much money to keep for ourselves in reserve, in case things didn’t work out. We asked him and his wife to come back with us at our expense so he could see it and go over the books, which they did. The books were fine, the place was profitable, though there was room for improvements.


Mike (our accountant) and Stephanie went back Sunday night, but Vanessa and I stayed, to talk more with the Keaton’s (Ed and Leigh), about everything it took to run such a business, what improvements might need to be made (the plumbing was showing its age), and, by early November, after bringing in an inspector who gave his ok, we agreed on a price, assuming we got a loan from the bank. Vanessa and I had excellent credit, we had money of our own, so with the help of a local lawyer and accountant, we got our loan, and, on March 1st, we took ownership of the Stowe Valley Bed and Breakfast. It was a very happy occasion for us, kind of bittersweet for the Keaton’s, whose two sons came for the day (nice young men, the older one married with a daughter). Ed and Leigh agreed to stay on for a month to help us get settled into the running of the place, after which we were shutting down for six months to replace the plumbing and some other small, needed repairs.

In the time between our agreement to buy the B&B and when we settled, we sold our apartment (also bittersweet) and said goodbye to friends. Alina was particularly sad. She dreaded being left alone with her husband, who was drinking more and growing more unpleasant. After a long talk one day with Vanessa, Alina decided she still had a life to lead. She was welcome to join us, and that’s what she did; she left her husband and came with us to Vermont. He yelled at her when she told him she was packing and leaving, but I got the impression he really didn’t care beyond who would feed him and get him his beer.

My own parents were kind of complicated. We kept in touch after the wedding, met for dinners, but it just wasn’t working out. There were too many hurt feelings, not enough interest in working out the problems (I was just as responsible for that as they were), so, after a few months, things just faded out, back to where they stood before Vanessa and I married. The bitterness was mostly gone, but there just was no interest in fixing things.

The week before we made the move up to Vermont, in late February, we said goodbye to our various friends. Vanessa’s girlfriends were all very sad to see us go, promising to keep in touch, but it wasn’t really likely. They were still doing their dance club shtick, getting drunk and screwing around, while they kept on seeing clients. It was a life Vanessa had grown out of. She was looking forward to the new way of life we had planned.

Alina moved up with us and when we took over that March, then closed down as planned in April and our contractors actually got done with the work over a week ahead of schedule. We re-opened October 3rd, our third anniversary, just in time for the fall tourists and then the ski season. I admit, Vanessa and I were scared shit at the beginning. Luckily, almost all the staff from the Keaton’s time stayed with us and we did our best to treat everyone right. We even gave everyone 10% raises, cooks, chambermaids, handymen, all. Alina mostly helped us at the front desk, booking in new visitors. I handled most of the day to day accounting while Vanessa oversaw the kitchen and cleaning staff.

It was hard work, no days off for us (Alina of course needed time off; she wasn’t a young woman) for the first six months. We almost broke even that first year, and by the second we were turning a modest profit. We got a reputation for friendly service and high-quality accommodations. We gradually got to know the other business owners in the town and area and got involved with local issues and politics. Within two years it felt like home, and we loved the quieter, calmer lifestyle outside of work. We were happy. We were home.

We closed down for two weeks three times a year, in September, April and July. We gave our staff four of those six weeks off with pay, asking the ones who worked those weeks to help look after things while Vanessa and I took much needed vacations. So we were working hard, but we maintained a loving marriage. There was only one thing missing…

October 3rd, our fourth year owning the B&B, and it was also our anniversary. We went to one of the nicer restaurants in town for a quiet dinner, just the two of us. We held hands as we stared into each other’s eyes over the small candle between us. “Sweetheart”, I started, still calling Vanessa the same simple pet name, “thank you for making these a great six years together, and for being a great business partner as well. I love you and I love this life we have, but it wouldn’t be possible without you. I love you with all my soul.” I kissed her hand and she sighed with a warm smile.

“I love you too, Baby. I never thought I could be this happy when we first met. It seems like that was an entire lifetime ago. I guess it was. And I also love our life. It’s hard and it’s tiring, but I can’t imagine a different life. And I can’t conceive of a different partner in work, or in bed” she said with a chuckle. Sex wasn’t lacking in our life, and tonight would be a fun night. “You know I’m going to rock your world tonight.”

“I was counting on it. As long as I can rock yours as well. But I do have one question, something we’ve been thinking about for a year or so.”

“I think I know what the question is, Baby. I’ll answer by telling you I’m very fertile this week. And I’m ready if you are. I’d love to start expanding our family.” Her eyes were sparkling, like her love lit her own Roman candle in her eyes.

“I’m ready as well. It’s time. We’re making money, our investment account is almost where it was four years ago… we’re ready,”

We got home, with our overnight desk clerk, Oliver, looking over things. It was mostly quiet after 10 every night; the guests all started early to do whatever they had planned. And we were up before 6 every morning. We’d just be a little more tired than usual the next day. We had a good reason to stay up late.

After cleaning up, I waited in bed while Vanessa did the same. She came out from the bathroom in a simple white lace bra and panty set, with a white gauze-like ‘covering’. It didn’t cover much, but it did add to the sensuality of my wife. Not that she needed it. She was the sexiest woman I ever knew, all on her own.

“My husband is going to give me a baby” she said with a sexy lilt to her voice as she approached the bed. “If not tonight, then tomorrow, or the next night or the next…” She crawled right into my arms, the love of my life, so beautiful, curvy, slinky, capable of turning on a dead man. And I was as far from dead as could be.

We kissed, we kept kissing, dozens, hundreds of kisses. My hands caressed and squeezed her in her softest places. Her breasts were in that lace bra, as useful for actual support as clay would be to support a skyscraper. But it encased her amazing brown breasts like it was built around them, and the panties fit her ass the same way. In the meantime, her hands, as familiar with my body as mine were with hers, were doing very, very wonderful things to my body, exploring me as I discovered her. I was hard and full of desire. Desire to love my wife and desire to put a baby inside her.

Her panties were pulled to the side and I pushed my boxer briefs over my ass and down my legs. Vanessa spread and raised her lovely, now very toned legs, and her hand guided me inside her. It was like slipping into warm silk, with a creamy moisture added. Soooo good. We just held still…well, mostly still… for a while, as we let our lower bodies grind a little. My upper body was raised up on my hands and she reached for my chest, lightly touching me in an incredibly exciting manner. We locked eyes and I could see an overflow of love. There were times we still got pretty wild, mostly when we were away (we needed more privacy for that), but this was purely loving. Silently we started moving together. My hips raised and fell, and she lifted her lower body to meet me to get the most pleasure from our thrusting. It was joyous.

I saw a single tear leaking from the corner of Vanessa’s left eye and I leaned down to kiss it away, keeping it on my lips. Then I kissed her, sharing the salty droplet, and Vanessa just grabbed my upper back and pulled me as tight as possible. Her breasts, with her thick nipples and still in that flimsy bra, were crushed between us, and the most erotic noises were escaping from both our throats. All this was happening without a word. At that moment we didn’t need to speak; our bodies and faces were communicating perfectly.

Her legs wrapped around my thighs as we kept kissing, then I was kissing her chest and neck and, of course, her breasts, delightfully full with a touch of sagging. Her nipples were incredibly sensitive, a sure sign of how turned on she was. Every time I thrust into her, my balls lightly slapped her ass and her nails dug in just a little harder into my cheeks. Vanessa kept grunting louder, encouraging me to lunge harder, faster, grinding the base of my cock on her clit, and soon she was close to her orgasm. That inspired me to move things along because I wanted, more than almost anything, to cum with her when we made our baby. And we really wanted to make a baby that night.

“I love you, my Sweet, sweet Lady” I whispered in her ear as I kissed her just below that ear. “I’m ready when you are. God, am I ready!”

“Then cum with me, Baby. Plant your loving seed inside me, my love. Please, give me what I need!” I lifted back up so we could look into each other’s eyes at the moment we climaxed. She used the pressure of her muscles in her pussy and I swelled a little inside her, and then I exploded what felt like a stream of semen as deep as I could plant it. My eyes went wide and my jaw dropped open as the most powerful orgasm I had in a long time overtook me, and Vanessa arched her back and squeezed me just a little harder as she also came, muffling her cries as best she could (we didn’t want to announce to all our guests what we were doing), and I kissed her hard to both stifle those cries and to enjoy that magic moment to the fullest.

We laid there in the afterglow, completely satisfied, completely in love with each other. We were both speechless for some time as we just held each other and exchanged small, tender kisses. I went to move off her, but Vanessa held me in place, not wanting to let me move, not just yet. She was a strong woman and could bear most of my weight for a while, at least. So I kept kissing her lips, her cheeks, her neck and shoulders while she did the same to me, everywhere we could reach.

Eventually I did roll to the side and she pulled her legs back and held them so my semen would stay inside her as long as possible. I don’t know if that really works or not, but what I do know is that a month later, Vanessa was pregnant! It was the best news of our lives, Alina was over the moon, and I even got in touch with my parents for the first time in two years, and even they were happy for us. Not enough to keep it going. That’s just who they were.

In March, we found out we were going to have a little girl, and I couldn’t have been happier. I knew she would end up wrapping me around her finger, but that was fine with me. And Vanessa was thrilled, a daughter for her to mentor and adore as much as I would. And when she was born July 7th, we named her Alexandra Ramona , for both Alina and my Grandma Ruth, well, she was just perfect. Pretty, medium complexion with a shock of black hair, and the cutest, chubbiest cheeks you ever saw. I was in love from the first minute I saw her.

Vanessa, Alexandra and I have a good life. We still work hard; we love our business and most of our guests are very happy and come back year after year. We’re well accepted in the towns nearby. We consider Stowe our home and we plan to keep it our home for many years to come. Maybe for the rest of our lives. We have almost everything we want and need, but when we get a hankering for something, like favorite foods, that we can’t get here, we place an order with Zabar’s. And once a week, either Alina or Vanessa makes a version of Mofongo. Yum.

So, that’s my story. More than a bit unconventional, but it’s a happy life. Sam even comes to visit once a year, and Alex calls her Aunt Sam. No hanky panky; that part of our past is there, in the past. She’s a good friend and a good Aunt to Alex.

Vanessa and I are as much in love as we ever were. More, probably. I couldn’t have imagined any of this when I started working for Diana about ten years ago now. I didn’t think much about my future then. Now, it’s a very important part of my planning. After all, I have a daughter who loves wrapping me around her little finger. And I love it too, just like I love when Vanessa lets me know who’s boss. She is, all day long. Fine with me.

Thanks for listening. I hope you enjoyed my story. I enjoyed sharing it.


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