The Pleasure Factory by born2rebellis,born2rebellis

As she waited at the airport, she started flickering through the pamphlet that was kept folded in her wallet and made sure nobody was around whilst she was observing it. Her interest and curiosity only grew fonder and before long she was on the plane and boarding in Switzerland.

Sandra spent the first night at the hotel lobby getting drunk on cocktails. She spent the next day nursing a hangover and masturbating in bed about the possibilities of meeting Christopher and attending The Pleasure Factory.

She would be there for business reasons only and to talk about cars she told herself. Little did she know that she wasn’t the first professional businesswoman to come up with that excuse, let alone the first to make the journey as hundreds, if not thousands of like-minded feminists such as herself had taken the same path lured by their curiosity and desires.

If Sandra thought she was alone in her escapades and some kind of ‘one of a kind freak,’ she was sorely mistaken!

It had now been almost a week since her arrival and she hadn’t even bothered to see the Alps. She wasn’t interested in sightseeing. Sandra spent the time alone researching as much as she could and working up the courage to make the phone call, her flight was due to leave for home in another two days and the thought of heading back to her boring existence made her sigh. She went back down to the hotel lobby and had a few more cocktails when she decided to pick up the phone.

Christopher’s secretary ‘Barbara’ answered.

“Good afternoon, TPS limited, you’re speaking with Barbara how may I help you?”

Barbara was well aware of the pamphlet that had been circulating and was used to answering calls from hesitant, shy women like Sandra. She wasn’t there to discuss cars.

It was a well-orchestrated plan in psychology that targeted professional women who worked in the car industry; therefore, it was understood that most women who would express interest would use the car industry as a decoy to obtain a meeting with Christopher and that’s exactly what followed.

“Uh, Hi my Name’s Sandra, I’m a representative for a luxury car company in Canada. The leading stakeholder is a gentleman named Christopher and I was wondering if it were possible I could drop a resume in as I’m interested in a change of scenery and obtaining employment in the area.”

Barbara spoke in the most pleasant tone of voice.

“Hi Sandra, I’m glad to hear my dear, we appreciate those who wish to better themselves abroad and I’d be more than happy to arrange a meeting for you if you like.”

Sandra stood in the lobby completely frozen at how smoothly it went down.

Barbara’s pleasantries took the edge of things and rather than being in a state of anticipation and fear, she became excited and proud of herself.

“That sounds wonderful! Just name a time and date and I’ll be there!” Replied Sandra now beaming with enthusiasm.

“How about Friday dear?-3 pm?”

“I’ll be there! Thanks again so much, I look forward to the opportunity!” Sandra replied

“I’m sure you do my dear, have a good evening and we’ll see you Friday.”

Sandra hung up the phone and began to party in the hotel lobby by herself! A reward for the effort she thought-a reason to celebrate.

Over the next two days, she began preparing herself. She’d look her professional best. Her pin-striped business pants complimented her sexy bubble butt as they were so tight it appeared the seams were about to burst, they almost appeared painted on.

Sandra was well aware Christopher had a kink for feminists, so to compliment her long-sleeved white collared shirt and short black coat with shoulder pads, she would also wear a bow-tie! Just like a man! That would drive him nuts, she thought.

Beneath her tight pants were the sexiest and skimpiest lilac thong she owned in which you could quite visibly see the outline from her business pants. This made her incredibly wet. She felt sexy and fit.

After she finished her last dress rehearsal, she masturbated herself to sleep like she’d done every night for the past 3 months over the same fantasy-The pleasure factory!

Today was today! She’d awoken well rested and had a lovely brunch. As the minutes ticked away she became slightly nervous and ignorantly thought she was going to bluff Christopher with aspirations of a position in one of the car sectors, therefore she told herself there was nothing to be nervous about.

Sandra waited out the front of the motel dressed to kill with a briefcase in hand only containing her resume. It served as more of a prop if anything, to fulfill Christopher’s feminist fetish.

The cab arrived and began taking her on an hour-long journey that rounded many hills. The further they went the less communal things began to look and the more isolated and beautiful the landscape became.

The scenery was amazing, as they began to navigate up the windy road to a beautiful manor. A double story lodge with a tame, gothic kind of theme.

As the cab departed, Sandra waved goodbye and tipped the driver $100, and made her way to the front door. She pressed the buzzer and stated her name and appointment number.

The door unlocked with a sophisticated ‘click’ and she walked up towards the front desk where she encountered Barbara, who looked very similar to Moira O’Hara from American horror story except she wasn’t blind in one eye.

After reciprocating for a while, she was made to feel at home and told to take a seat and relax as she watched Barbara go about her work.

It was fair to say that although Barbara was around 60 years old, she looked as if she would have been a glamour in her younger day. A sense of elegance about her, she was posh with a nice bone structure. Her features were ‘pretty’ yet had begun to wither over time.

Sandra thought back to the image of Barbara with the padded whip on the side of her stocking. She was wearing the same maid-type’ uniform’ in the Pamphlet except without the whip and bed pan.

Sandra felt hot flushes through her body. Barbara was sexy in a way! She enjoyed her sense of superiority and maturity plus her demeanor suggested she was hiding an extremely kinky side. Not that she didn’t already figure that as she’d remembered Barbara from the illustration beside the gorgeous ass in the wall.

“Christopher will see you in his office now.”

As Barbara led Sandra down a corridor into a massive room with a huge glass ceiling and behind the desk was one of the most handsome men she’d ever laid eyes on.

Christopher looked about 42 himself with shortish dark brown hair and stubble on his face. He was wearing a black suit jacket with a casual white shirt beneath and what looked to be an extremely expensive watch.

What caught her attention the most were his eyes. The guy was looking straight through her like he knew every bone in her body.

Barbara went and placed down Sandra’s file beside him and made a flirtatious remark. Sandra immediately saw that Barbara had a thing for Christopher. As Christopher now reverted his attention to Sandra, who sensed she was on eggshells as to not to set off Barbara’s jealously which she’d picked up on.

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