The Subway or The Bedroom

An adult stories – The Subway or The Bedroom by shadow_lovers,shadow_lovers The Subway or The Bedroom: part 1

Ellie was a model since she turned 18. She had been a model for 4 years already. She was expected to be one of the top models in the world. She knew she was going to be great one day. Today was going to be a big break for her she was modeling to be on the cover of a major magazine. Being on the cover was a huge step forward for her. She decided to dress in a hot girl summer style. The dress she would need was going to be at the studio waiting for her. She couldn’t wait to see what it looked like all she knows it was going to be a part of the new style and she was going to first to wear it. As she went to go get her clothes she put on her short skirt and a tank top that revealed her flat stomach. The skirt was a little tight but that was because of her large ass. She decided to take off her panties. Without them maybe it fit a little better. She decided to take them off and just make sure she doesn’t sit down on the subway. She still had a good bit of time before she had to be at the studio, but she couldn’t wait she was too excited she had to go.

As she went down to the subway she was running by people. She was too excited for the shoot. As some people crossed by her, she kind of was hoping someone would notice she wasn’t wearing any panties. It was exciting thinking she might get caught. It was exciting thinking at any moment someone could recognize her and might find out she not wearing her panties and they might try to rape her. If it’s a crowded train people will be squished together, and somebody will feel her body maybe some creep will try to grab her ass acting as if it was an accident. Why do these things interest me so much she thought I don’t want to get felt up but it interesting thought. As she walked to the subway station no one seemed to know who she was but as beautiful as she was, she did turn a few heads. She was more excited about the shoot than anything.

As she was waiting at the subway for the next train, she was standing next to a few people kinda disappointed. This low amount of people won’t make it crowded on the train so no one can accidently touch her. As a man stood next to her, she notices that he was kind of cute. He looked over at her. He noticed how beautiful she was. he recognized right away. She was the model that he secretly pined after. she was the only one he wanted. “Oh my god you the model Ellie the model with the most incredible eyes aren’t you.?” said the man

Ellie looked at him. She was glad she was recognized by him. It wasn’t just some strange guy she was recognized by an attractive guy. She began to say “Yes, I am. I’m glad someone recognized me. and you are?” She asked.

“My name is Daniel and I’m no one compared to you,” said Daniel, “you are the top model in my book and I know you will be the top model in the world soon.”

“I’m glad you think so I hope so.” She said with a laugh wondering if he will notice she has no panties on. The train came screeching into the station as it halted to a stop and the doors open a flood of people came out and some rubbed up against her and felt her ass.

Daniel saw this and grabbed the guy so hard he thought he might break his arm and said “You sick freak. How about you apologize to the beautiful lady? Or should I let the police take you downtown?

Ellie wasn’t sure what was better the creep grabbing her ass, Daniel saying she was beautiful, Daniel defending her honor. the guy said, “I’m sorry” to Ellie and “It won’t do it again now please let me go”. as Ellie sees Daniel was ready to break his arm.

“What do you think Ellie should I shatter his arm and make sure he can’t do it again or should I let the police take care of this,” said Daniel.

Ellie who wanted something like this to happen said “Let him go I probably should let the police come and take you but let him go.”

Daniel slowly let him go and said, “If I see you again and you do this again you better run.”

Ellie said, “The train is about to leave Daniel and Ellie both jumped and stared at the man as the door closes.” Ellie looked at Daniel as the door close, he was her knight in shining armor. Secretly she wanted that to happen, but the way Daniel defended her honor. That was more of a turn-on than a strange grabbing her ass.

Daniel said, “I’m sorry that sick guy violates you.”

Ellie said “No it’s alright. It’s worth it when I get to meet a nice guy like you.”

Daniel smiled a little embraced “I’m glad I got to meet you too. Someone as famous as you this is awesome.”

“Thank you for what you did back there. that man was a creep and you defended me. people I usually meet don’t see me as an actual person.” Said Ellie as her voice kind of broke “They see me as an object or idol to have sex. usually something to brag about to their friends even if they just touch me and a few had a shot with me, but they just used me. You’re the first man I’ve ever met in a long who recognized me. who didn’t try to do anything sexual and defended me when some did try. You are quite different than other men aren’t you.”

“Well I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or a bad thing but I suppose yes I am a little different I don’t like it when men treat when as an object just for sex”, said Daniel “I’m sorry you feel men just use you for sex.”

As the train came to a sudden halt Ellie lost her grip on the pole a fell into Daniel knocking him over as both hit the ground Ellie said “I’m sorry I lost my grip did that hurt I’m sorry”

Daniel said “No that didn’t hurt at all besides it’s not every day when I have a 90-pound or less model land on me. I just hope I created a soft landing for you” She laughed and pressed on his stomach to sit up. as she used him to sit up, she felt his 6 pack she realized her skirt had ridden up a bit which means someone would have seen her ass hanging out but the last people got off at the last stop they were alone on the train. Daniel got up and said, “You are as light as a feather.” she quickly pulled her skirt back down

She looked at Daniel “Can you trust me just a little” as the train started moving again.

“I guess I trust you,” said Daniel

“Then close your eyes,” said Ellie. Daniel did as she said without even questioning it and not even knowing what was going to happen. As Ellie looked at him. And leaned in for a kiss as her lips connected with his. It was as if his heart skipped a beat he instantly opened his eyes and kissed back. Then closed his eyes again. As she stopped kissing him she said I’m sorry I just wanted to be reminded what it felt like to…”

Daniel kissed her and she began kissing back on the train they were locked together by each other’s lips. Daniel couldn’t believe it she was kissing him back as he began holding her he slowly slid his hand down to her ass he instantly stop. he reacted almost as if he was scared “I’m sorry that wasn’t right of me I shouldn’t have done that. I’m sorry”

Ellie said with a smile happy that he was willing to do that. “sit down” as he sat down. He was about to talk and she said “Don’t say anything let me just continue,” as she sat in his lap. She began to kiss him again she moved his hands down to her ass and said “Feel me up. I’m the one who started this, so we can finish it if you want?”

As he grabbed her ass over the skirt he couldn’t help himself. The model he pined after was sitting in his lap. Offering herself to him on the metro. A few more minutes went by as he was rubbing her ass. As they were making out Daniel said “Is this a one-time thing”

She said “Maybe” She got off his lap and pulled her skirt back down and fixed herself back up. She said, “Sorry but this Is my stop.”

Daniel said “Mine too” as he stood up. He stood next to the door after he fixed his rock-hard dick. She could see it bulging inside his pants.

As they exited the train together, she said “I’m not sure why I did that in there I just was really lonely recently.”

Daniel said “I understand that’s a first time for me and don’t worry I won’t tell anyone I was with a model who made out with me on the train. It wasn’t just for pleasure I truly enjoyed it and I would like to do it again.”

She said, “Would you like to take a picture of me? That way you can look at me and think of this moment whenever you’re feeling down.”

“Actually, I would really like that,” said Daniel with a smile now I don’t have my camera so I’m just going to use my phone. As he pulled out the phone she set up in a good position leaning against the wall. She looks amazing as he takes the picture and says wait let me do one more. After he takes the second picture, he drops his phone and it snaps a picture as it hit the ground. Daniel quickly grabbed the phone and he saw what it took a picture of.

Ellie saw it too it was her wet pussy leaking some juice and her large ass was perfectly formed in the picture she said “Well now you have seen it. I’m a little embarrassed. I’m not wearing any panties today. I didn’t want anyone to see but my skirt was a bit tight, so I took them off to be fit a slight bit better.”

Daniel’s eyes were glued to the picture as she nudged him he said “Sorry Its just wow”

She blushed and looked down. She saw his throbbing dick she said couldn’t resist “Come with me” she said as she took him by the hand and pulled him. She took him far away from the escalator and led him to a corner near the end of the track behind a very quiet corner. It was a blind spot. Most people don’t come this far just to get on the train. “This blind spot is completely secluded behind this advertisement no one will see,” she said as she unbuttoned her tank top revealing her huge breast and she said “I want you,” she said as she completely took off her shirt. It hit the ground. As she walked to Daniel, she unbuttoned his pants and began kissing him as she began stroking his penis.

Daniel couldn’t resist he grabbed her breast and lifted her skirt revealing her wet pussy and sexy ass. He pulled her closer as he grabbed her ass. he finally had what he wanted. He said, “I want you too.”

Ellie was glad he said that and doing it in public made her really turned on. She said “I don’t do this normally but this is what I want to do” As she got on her knees and put his penis close to her mouth she said “This is what I really want more than anything” She began sucking on Daniel’s dick

Her mouth was warm and wet she had an amazing motion with the tongue. As soon as she put Daniel’s dick in her mouth. He felt like he was about to come. As she continued Daniel said “This feels great” he knew he couldn’t cum yet. He didn’t want her to think he was a quick shot. He counted to twenty. As she continued sucking on his dick doing amazing tricks he didn’t know existed he couldn’t hold it. He came in her mouth. As she tightly closed her lips around his dick, she began sucking all of his cum up and swallowed it.

She looked at him and said, “You are still hard. I guess that means you still want more. Let’s see how much you like my breast”. She put his dick in between her tits. She began giving him a tittyfuck. She said “I’m glad your penis has the energy to continue throbbing like this after one cum. Let’s see if I can make you run dry.” She began licking the tip of his dick sucking up the cum that was leaking out from his first round. He was still surrounded by her huge breast. All he could do was watch as she was sucking the tip of his dick and stroking him with her huge breast. His penis was throbbing even harder than it was a few minutes ago. She began fingering herself. She wanted to fuck him. As she continued to titty fuck him, she managed to look out the blind spot no one was coming yet but there was some close by. This made her more excited. She began thinking about what would happen if they were caught. This made her so excited she became more wet. So wet that she began to drip on the floor. Would she suddenly do it with them so they keep their mouths shut, would she be gangbanged, or would Daniel stand up for honor again. She was so excited she came herself on the floor.

As a train came in Daniel moaned knowing the train would cover the sound. As he came, he began to shoot it all over her face and her tits. She smiled so much “So much” she began licking off her lips and scooping it up with her finger and licking it up.

He said, “Sorry I think I came a little too much.” She knew he wasn’t sorry, but she wanted that to happen.

She said “Don’t be sorry” as she licked more of his cum off her finger. “It tastes amazing” She couldn’t believe It. Daniel was still hard after two shots she was so excited she wanted to finally have sex with him as cleaned all the cum off her body she dropped the skirt on the ground. As she stood there naked in front of Daniel she said “Take me thrust that inside me and fuck me like it your last time.

As Daniel undressed, he took her. he bent her over and pushed her against a wall as he took his penis a put It right in her tight pussy was so wet it fit perfectly in. He began fucking her. “ill take you. I will make you mine. I will crave the shape of my dick inside this tight pink pussy”, he said a little loudly. As he began fucking her harder and harder. he wasn’t slowing down at all.

She was trying to keep quiet. It was the best she’s ever had she couldn’t resist letting out a few moans, “Oh oh oh don’t stop it feels so good give me more ooooh” She couldn’t stop after the first moan. She continued to moan even louder as she peeked her head out of the blind spot the train station was crowded and more people were coming their way as Daniel pulled her back. He lifted her off the ground holding her legs up revealing her breast and pussy to anyone who walks by as he was bouncing her up and down on his dick. She realized she is actually going to be caught she tried to be quiet but she never had such good sex she couldn’t resist moaning.

A train came roaring in and she let out the loudest moan ever as she came. And doors open she saw those who were close go in as she slowly hid against a wall as Daniel faced her around and began sucking on her nipples. She continued to moan he was just as talented with his tongue. he said “Just because you came doesn’t mean we are done. I’m not done until I run dry remember” As the train took off he began lifting her up again this time hiding her pussy with his body as he continued to ram his penis inside of her she couldn’t resist it she want more.

She said “My god you’re an animal. more don’t stop please use my body break my little pink pussy” She came again “Oooooooh “she shouted “I can’t take anymore” he didn’t stop fucking her he couldn’t stop even if he want to.

As Daniel was about to cum, he had to say it “I’m going to cum I’ll have to take it out. Where do you want it.”

She wrapped her legs around him preventing him from pulling out and said “I want it, inside of me shoot it all inside of me.”

Daniel said “Oh fuck” as he came inside of her. He said, “I think I’ve run dry.”

Ellie could feel Daniel’s semen pumping into her, and she could feel the hot semen fill her pussy she said “This is the best sex I’ve ever had. I can’t believe I let a guy fuck me in public, I can’t believe you have been backed up to cum like this, I let a strange guy cum inside me on an unsafe day, and I met a hot guy who was nice to me today.”

Daniel said “You could end up pregnant” with a somewhat happy look on his face.

Ellie said “Yes” She sucked out all of his cum on his dick as she swallowed, she said, “I think I would like to keep you around. In case I am pregnant I would like to let you know. I don’t expect anything.”

Daniel said “Yes I think I would like to stay around. If you are pregnant I will take full responsibility.”

as Ellie and Daniel got dressed she said I’ll give you my card she reached inside her purse and gave him a card and she said ” Give me a call I have to go now I can’t be late for my shoot” As she ran off Daniel saw her skirt fly up and saw her ass again.

“Wait,” He said but it was too late she was already gone he said to himself “She has a shoot today it can’t be….no”

As he left out of the subway he looked around hoping to see her. he looked at the card and tucked away to be safe said ill call as soon as I can but first, I need to break up my Eve. I intended to break up with her anyway. As he thought to himself Time to get to work and he headed off towards his job.

As Ellie ran to work she realized her skirt was flying up and without any panties, she didn’t want anyone else to see. She didn’t know why she had sex with Daniel did she want to? Was she that lonely to fuck the first guy that recognized her. Was he that kind of knight in shining armor? He was definitely amazing at sex. How can I still want more? He totally going to think I’m a slut. Even though I am a little slut I need to change my ways. As she looked at the time she realized that she is a few minutes ahead of time as she walked into the modeling studio. She took the elevator to the right floor where she met her manager and the producer of the magazine

As Ellie met the producer she said “Thank you for hiring me I hope I can do exactly what you want” Ellie knew she could do it. she could still feel Daniels’s semen inside of her. She thought to herself as long as I have his special cum inside I can’t fail the producer lead her to a changing room where she saw this amazing dress the producer said “ill let you get changed the photographer should be here in a few minutes you might want to redo your make up. It’s all messed up like it got wet. Ill send the makeup designer in here. when you ready just come on out.” She looked in the mirror her makeup had been ruined by the sweat of her running and the cum that had been sprayed on her face. As the makeup artist came in She said, “I’ll help you with that. about 20 minutes passed and she was completely ready

As the photographer came into the building, he ran into his assistant and said, “Good I thought you left more than an hour ago. How are you arriving so late?”.

The photographer said “Something came up and I couldn’t avoid it”

As he and his assistant got on the elevator and went up. “It’s a good thing you set up your camera and light yesterday or we would not be ready.”

As the elevator doors open,. He saw the model. He said “Ellie”

Ellie looked at the photographer and said under her breath. “Daniel”

To be continued


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