The Tradition

An adult stories – The Tradition by Brianne0Nicole,Brianne0Nicole Today’s the day. I turn 18 and my entire world changes. I look in the mirror at my hour glass figure, my eyes stare back at my worried face. I touch my young perky breasts and then my freshly waxed bikini line. I have a satin red dress lying on my bed behind me reflected in the mirror like a puddle of blood. What the day entails physically pains me and I stall way too long to get that dress on before the ceremony. The ceremony is long is what they told me. You’re just there for the majority of the time on a stage with this short tailored just to fit every curve of your body perfectly dress- In front of lights where you can hardly make out the faces of the people standing right in front you. Ooooh I just got goosebumps. The last time I was this nervous was when I got my period and knew I had to face the committee to pledge my entering of womanhood to all of the community. No stage, no lights that time just sheer embarrassment of admitting to your neighbors and retelling your first experience bleeding from your genitals.

My arms bend around my back to zip the top of the dress. I add my necklace next, the one my mom gave me just last night. It was diamonds and little red rubies, each girl got this the night before their 18th birthday ordained with their birth stone of the month they were born. Mine was ruby. It matched the dress perfectly. I slip my feet in to silver sparkling high heels that I know are going to have me throbbing in my pain by night’s end. I don’t look pretty bad. In fact, I look good. I look really really good. Just the right amount of cleavage shapes around my chest like a big heart. My thighs fit tightly against the short seam that just ever so slightly protects my girlhood from being flashed all around the towns people on stage.

Next is my makeup. My mother said the light washes you out on stage so I should add a shade darker of foundation so my facial features are presented like deli meats on display at a butcher shop. My eyes are hazel, a mixture of green, gray, and dark blue. I pat my eyeshadow brush in a sparkling tan eyeshadow and apply it on my gentle eyelid. I blend it with dark gray fanning it out to the end of my eyebrow. I then apply my eyeliner in the perfect wing, my angel wings or the wings of a pad I stumbled to learn how to use alone in the bathroom at age 11. I curl my eyelashes staring at the top of my ceiling, a dim neutral white that sings the old familiar toon of sleepless nights and tiresome awakenings. I then graze my long eyelashes I was gifted with from my lovely mother with a stick of mascara trying not to get it in my eye and ruin my entire look. I blend out my foundation onto my cheeks in a T shade along my forehead and across my face. It is a little too dark in this lighting, but I’m sure I’ll look great once those orbs of light hit me on stage.

I get up and still linger at the image of myself in the mirror looking more beautiful than I ever have in my entire life. My hair is long and wavy with tons of blonde naturally highlighting the rest of my brown locks. I put some red lip gloss on and taste the sticky metallic flavor the gloss leaves on your lips. The look is complete.

I take some deep breathes before leading my way to the door. I stare back at my bedroom of my adolescence. It’ll be days before I return to this room and when I do, it will be cleaned out of anything that resembles youth. My stuffed animals will be put away for my future children. My posters broadcasting singers of my favorite bands will be rolled up and sold online. My lava lamp, my stickers, my coloring books, my crafts, all tossed away into storage or trash. It will be replaced with furniture that fits a young woman no longer burdened with the woes of girlhood, but instead those of responsibility and expanding the bloodline.

My hand shakes hovering above the door knob. My eyes closed tight anxiously anticipating what’s on the other side waiting for me. I turn and push the door and out I come smelling of vanilla and shining with my body robed with satin and sparkles. My mom hears the door swing open and hurries from the living room to the hallway.

“Oh…my god! You look beautiful, Honey!” She says while coming closer to fix the cleavage of my dress and brush the hair out of my eyes.

“I don’t want to do this,” I whine and push her hands away from my bosom.

“Why not, dear? This is womanhood and should be the most exciting day of your life! God I remember when I had to stand on stage. I loved the attention of all the horny old men adjusting themselves in their pants at the sight of little old me!”

“Ew…no thanks.” I pout and stare down at the floor not wanting to look up and match her happy mannerisms.

My mom follows my eyes to the floor and sighs.

“Look…I know it can be overwhelming, but the people you’ll be standing in front of have known you since you were a baby. Everyone’s so excited to be here. No one will judge such a beautiful girl presented in front of them. I’ll be in the front rowing cheering you on!” Her voice bounces with optimism.

“Fine I mean it’s not like I can just back out.” I look up at her with hopeful eyes knowing that sentence meant nothing and didn’t stand a chance against over a decade of traditions for women in this community.

My dad’s feet approaching from down the stairs clicks onto the wooden floor. He walks into the door way, his hands fixing the tie onto his suit. His beard, freshly trimmed, his eyebrows freshly plucked. His dark brown hair resting across his forehead effortlessly. He really is so handsome. I guess I am lucky there.

“Good evening, ladies.” He smiles in our direction and his eyes gleamed at the sight of me.

“Good evening, daddy.” I try to imitate a smile, but I think my face just curls up screaming “help me”.

“You look absolutely stunning. I can’t wait to present you as a woman to our dear community. Tonight will be a night to remember for sure.” He comes over and kisses my forehead. He smells like a cologne you find you at an expensive kiosk in a mall. I get goosebumps at his touch and my forehead stings with his lips pushed against it. I smile at him as he gently sways away.

He walks around to his beautiful wife and kisses her on her lips for a solid 6 seconds which brings me back to a memory of my childhood. I was on the playground with my childhood best friend. She says that you know when a mommy and daddy love each other, they’ll kiss for at least 6 seconds. That’s the amount it takes for intimacy to really occur. We laughed and laughed that day pretending to kiss our hands practicing for the pathetic boys we were shoved into classes with for show. We went to school for nothing because all of our careers entailed the same thing- make babies and take care of the home.

My dad backs away from my mom and looks up at me who is staring at them deep in thought. He smiles and winks.

“Well I’m going to head over there and get set up. I’ll send the limo around front for you in about 15 minutes, Nicole,” he says to me as he straightens up his posture and struts his way to the door. My mom turns to greet my eyes that are focused in on my fathers attire.

“He’s such a gentle lover, sweetie, you really are so lucky. My father was a stern man with no emotion and touched me like I was some type of robot programmed to give him pleasure to mark his territory.”

I flashed back to the present. My face collapses from a fake smile to a look of worry again.

“What was it like? To be practically raped in front of your entire town?” I say to her almost in a whisper.

My mom’s eyes grow wide. “Rape? Oh honey, there’s no such thing as that here. Men take what we give to them submissively. We are born into this world to bring more of us into it! We are far less powerful, strong, and deserving compared to these wonderful men that provide for us. It is our right to let them have us in any way they want!”

I shake my head. I’m so confused with what this community stands for. Why hasn’t anyone tried to change something. Why are all the girls walking around clueless when we can band together to leave this community.

I mumble to myself, “I deserve rights to my own body.”

She shakes her head pretending not to hear that. She scuttles over to the window to see if the limo has arrived.

“Honey, get yourself ready I think I see the limo coming up now.”

I mope my way over to the door. She opens it for me and I am greeted by the sight of a large black limo with tinted windows slowing down to a stop in our driveway. The driver gets out and marches to the door to open it for me.

“Thank you,” I say while he checks me out almost licking his lips at the sight of my young body ordained with jewelry and vanilla perfume.

The drive to the ceremony felt like seconds. The next the thing I knew, the door was being swung open and I was pushed into the building by chauffeurs and chaperones. When I got behind the stage, I heard my dad’s voice echoing in the theater.

“….when Nicole was born, we were so happy she was a girl. We knew we had another important person to fill the community with generations to come. She was oh so beautiful and over the years, puberty has chiseled out her body to give birth to more wonderful babies to make us all proud…”

Ew dad. Chiseled out my body to give birth? They really are convinced this is the right way of life. To talk about their daughters in such a way is so gross.

“So let us give a warm welcome and raise your hands to clap for my daughter before those hands are occupied with other things,” he laughed and I heard applause and chuckles throughout the audience. The chaperone behind me yelled to me to get on the stage and stop looking like a lost and confused puppy.

I approach the cheering and claps and whistles and I’m met with the glaring lights that are somehow even worse than what I expected. The heat from them beats down on the stage and I wonder if anyone can see the sweat that nervous thoughts have produced on my forehead. My dad puts his arm out to hold me at my waist and kiss me on the mouth for the first time.

1…2….3….4….5…6! Wow he really let the intimacy kick in there because that 6th second lasted far longer than the other ones. He lifted away and smiled into my teeth meeting my eyes with lust. The crowd roared and I could slightly see men stop clapping. While the clapping died down, I heard pants zippers, buckles, and buttons all being released so men can start to pleasure themselves.

Behind me in the stage, was a heart shaped bed. A bed that other girls have come to age on, were raped by their fathers on. My dad grabs my hand gently guiding me to the bed. A speaker starts to play beautiful classical music and the audience sits still anticipating the sight of my naked body. My dad undoes his tie that I saw him fix onto himself only an hour earlier. He undresses completely and I stare at his body that has been kept in perfect shape. I peer down at his manhood, the first time I ever saw any penis in real life. It was huge. I wasn’t very good at math or measuring because I didn’t need to be, but I’d say it was about 9.5 inches. It was hard and the lights were maybe playing with my eyes, but I think I saw it glistening with pre cum. He walks up to me and turns me around back to the audience and he unzips my dress and I feel the bright lights warm up my bare ass cheeks. They told me not to wear any underwear. The audience clapped, some moaned, others sighed little sighs of joy. My dad lifts the dress down and follows it down to my thighs where he stops, his face only centimeters away from my pussy lips. I feel his breath against me. His beard almost brushing against me. He pauses and looks up smiling at me, then he goes in for a kiss and then a lick. He starts licking my pubic area and then up my stomach and then up to my breasts he cups them and starts licking my nipples. I stare at the audience like a deer in headlights only I am a girl with a brain staring at blurred faces while I stand on a stage with my father groping me because of some tradition made years and years before I was born. Dads take their daughters’ virginity. It’s the way it always has been. It’s their right as a father. The men can choose to take their son’s virginity for boys or volunteer any girl who was no longer a virgin in the town for them to my mom would hate me to use the word “rape” here but that’s exactly what this whole fucked up thing is.

I remember being little on my dad’s lap while he told me stories of his childhood. Happy memories of my dad now lost in his lips that were working their way up my neck. His hands pressed against my torso and he led me back against the bed. I lie there naked, fully exposed to our community with only my necklace on. My dad begins to tease my clit with his fingers like he’s playing the guitar and this is his solo. I try to fight back any urges to make any kind of sound. I don’t want anyone to think I’m enjoying this. I hate it and I don’t want to be here.

I feel his finger getting me wet, I’m soaked, I’m glistening in the stage lights while I hear grunting from men in the audience. My dad’s finger gently glides into my opening pushing against the walls to my hymen he must break.

“I’m just gonna break that with my cock, it’ll feel much better sweetheart.” He says into my ear lustfully.

Just when he deems I’m wet enough for his dick to enter me, he slowly mounts me as I lay in the missionary position. His cock dances around my opening rubbing against my clit soaking up a lot of my natural juices. He enters slowly. I can feel him stop and linger.

“Look me in the eye, sweetheart.”

I have my eyes pressed tight and my face is probably the most cringy grimace. I open them to meet his. He looks handsome on top of me in this lighting.

He pushes his body into me and I feel him breaking through my sheath, my thin hymen that separates me from virgin to sex slave. My mouth can’t help but to release a groan of pain. He’s so big. He’s so wide and thick and it hurts so bad. I almost completely black out from the pain.

Until it doesn’t hurt anymore. Until it finally feels like heaven. It feels like the best thing I’ve ever experienced in my life. Pure ecstasy. He thrusts into me deeper and slower and lovingly. I can tell he really does love me with the way he is trying to please my body right now. My body tenses up with every stroke it just keeps getting better and better and now I’m matching the moans from the men in the audience. I can hear some men moaning that they’re going to cum. I then feel that feeling myself. I always wondered why people felt the need to announce they were cumming, but that’s because it feels so good you have to let people know.

“I think I’m going to cum, daddy.” I moan out to him.

“Yes, that’s right baby girl, cum all over your daddy’s cock. Does that feel soo so good. I can’t wait to cum in you too.” He responds to me.

I start to feel a warm gush of my own bodily fluids release out of me and I’m cumming so much on my daddy’s cock. If this is what sex feels like then my mom was right and rape doesn’t exist. This is what I want women to experience every day. This is how it should be. It feels so fucking good.

I’m all of a sudden filled with such joy to be a woman. I want to be used by every man in this audience if it means I can keep feeling this amazing feeling every day. I moan out into what feels like my second orgasm coming on.

My dad flips my body back into a doggy position and I am now facing the audience up and close so that everyone can see my face. I continue moaning in this position. The feeling is different now, but still so good. I feel like I’m going to cum but with a different kind of orgasm. I feel his balls hit into my clit. He’s so deep. His tempo has sped up and he’s drilling into me passionately. His muscles tense up and he grunts.

He announces loudly to the audience, “I’m going to cum in my daughter, Nicole Linwood and she is now deemed no longer a virgin, but property of our community here. I am honored to have brought her into this world as a baby and I’m honored to bring her into this community as a woman…” His words trail off and he moans. He grabs my hips and pushes them all the way against his body until I can feel his cock hitting the walls of my vagina. He cums because I can fill my pussy filling up and getting wetter and the next thing I know I’m cumming again too. The audience starts to cheer and clap and stand in ovation. Red roses get tossed on stage and I hear my mom cheering us on. My eyes open to scan the audience for her and our eyes meet and we both smile at each other. She knows we both got lucky to have a wonderful man in our lives that treat us with respect, dignity, and especially with pleasure. My dad turns me around and stands me up and kisses me for 6 more seconds and this time I’m kissing back and sliding my tongue into his mouth. He holds onto me and I still hear the crowd losing it. He moves his lips to my forehead and releases. He lays me back on the bed for his next announcement.

“I now pronounce my daughter to be property of our community and free to use. Now that I have brought her into womanhood, she is open for business.” He laughs inviting men from the audience onto the stage. My pussy tenses up at the amount of men who line up on the stairs of the stage. I lift my head up and I see other men getting out of their seats waiting for a chance to get in line. There has to be over 20 men that are now roped around the theater with even more men getting up to join. I see rows and rows of men standing up and turning in my direction. I guess this is what they meant by this ceremony lasts a long time.

I breathe in and out, but this time with excitement because if I have an entire night of that feeling, those orgasms then I say sleep can wait until the morning.

I sit up and get on my knees turning my ass up in the air to face the line of men. I see one man at a time approaching me. This goes on for hours. I know my place as a woman and I understand why this tradition continues. This is amazing. I love being a woman and I love being the property of this community.

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