They Said It Didn't Exist by nefarious_one83,nefarious_one83

Shayleigh’s eyes closed and she bit her lip. She shook her head quickly. Shayleigh looked down at Regen’s hand on hers. She looked into her eyes smiling, “No, you didn’t, I promise. It’s fine.” She was blushing. Now, squirming more in her chair at the thought of them playing footsie under the table. She’d find out if Regen was also wearing panythose, or if she was bare legged.

Regen smiled wide. Her face flush, glancing downward under the table, picking up Shayleigh’s heel, slipping it back on, “Oh? I swear it wasn’t on purpose.” She laughed awkwardly. Regen was just as squirmy as Shayleigh. She didn’t know if she was doing a good job of sending off the signals or not, but Shayleigh was returning her subtle flirtation and it drove her wild. She was swooning at the way Shayleigh bit her lip like that; just melting in the woman’s presence.

Shayleigh nodded slowly, biting her bottom lip a little longer. She noticed Regen staring at her mouth. It made her grin. It made her hot. It made her feel wanted, special. She wanted this feeling she felt with Regen. As she sipped her tea, she looked at Regen over her cup. As she drank, Regen’s eyes locked on hers. She let out a deep breath. A wave of heat washed over her, “I don’t mind your foot on mine. I like playing footsie.” She giggled.

Regen leaned back in her chair, slipping off her pump. She smiled as she took her deep blue manicured toes over the heel on Shayleigh’s right foot. She reached for her drink, surprised at her own boldness, she took a long sip. Her toes knocking off Shayleigh’s heel, the tips of her toes running slowly over the top of Shayleigh’s silky foot until she finds her toes. She sighed at the feeling of their skin on hose contact. Regen licked her lips, “So, I know you work all the time, but what do you do?” She wished she was sitting closer to Shayleigh.

Regen loved the way Shayleigh grinned as she bit her lip. She wanted to kiss her badly. She had an amazing smile that could melt the thickest of icebergs. Those eyes, she couldn’t get enough of seeing those beautiful blue eyes. Now noticing they were turning to a darker blue as they were playing footsie. This new feeling of a certain confidence scared her. Regen hadn’t ever felt this way with anyone. No one kept her attention like Shayleigh does. No one ever made her feel confident, or sexy. Regen knew it was an honest connection. She wondered where this road may lead them.

Shayleigh curled her toes, closing her eyes as Regen’s toes moved over her foot so gently, so slowly. She didn’t know if Regen was trying to be sensual, but it sure felt like it. She’d never felt the rubbing of hose on skin with another woman, and she just fell in love with it. A soft moan escaped her lips. Shayleigh’s eyes widened, she smiled nervously, “I uhm, I’m a Management Consultant. I work with different companies to make sure the ladder is properly held up.” She didn’t feel embarrassed at the moaning when she saw Regen twirling her hair in her fingers. Shayleigh wished it was her hair Regen was twirling.

Regen licked her lips hearing Shayleigh softly moan. It made her close her eyes, her head tilt back a little. That sweet sound of pleasure was enough to make Regen completely melt. A new level of intrigue peaked as she heard Shayleigh talk about her job, “Oh? So, you get to travel for work a lot?” She couldn’t get the way Shayleigh’s skin on hers felt so perfect, so right. Regen felt like she was tumbling down a rabbit hole. She took a sip of her cocktail, still playing footsie with Shayleigh.

Shayleigh sighed into her tea. She looked under the table watching their feet rub, she smiled as she glanced back up into Regen’s eyes, “It’s an equal mix of home and away. I love my job. So, you just wanted to take over for your family? Is that how you’re ending up with a hotel?” The curiosity, the urge for more information was uncanny to her. She’d never met someone like this. So feminine, so tomboyish, so, just everything. There really was no label for Regen. She was just her, and that was powerful to Shayleigh. This connection they shared had Shayleigh a puddle in her chair. She could get lost so easily in Regen’s eyes.

Regen nodded, her squirming becoming more uncontrollable. She needed to leave soon or she would probably cross a line she shouldn’t this early in their new relationship. Regen regrettably took her foot away from Shayleigh’s, looking down into her almost empty glass, taking the last sip, “I am actually a writer. I work separately from all that. I enjoy having my own things, working for it, ya know?” She pulled the cherry from the glass, smiling. She offered it to Shayleigh, “Would you like to have the cherry?”

Shayleigh bit her lip, a naughty thought passing through her head, ‘you could take my cherry’. Shayleigh took the cherry grinning, “I love cherries! They’re my favorite! Thank you!” She thought she did a good job of covering up how sad she was that Regen’s foot was no longer on hers. Going to take a sip of her tea, she realized it was already gone. Shayleigh giggled, “Well, my tea is gone. Your cocktail is gone. How about we get together again to finish this conversation? I want to know more about your writing.” Now Regen really had her attention, “Would it be too forward if I gave you my number?” She bit her lip nervously.

Regen pulled her phone out of her purse, handing it over to Shayleigh, “I would love it! Maybe this weekend, if neither of us is too tired, we can do something?” She smiled wide watching Shayleigh text herself. Regen wondered what she saved her name as in her phone. The excitement flowed through her. She couldn’t wait to see Shayleigh again.

Shayleigh smiled happily as she saved herself as ‘Shayleigh’, but with an added heart emoji. She handed Regen back her phone, “Yes please! It would be wonderful! We’ll talk soon then?” She was filled with hope. Her stay here this time wasn’t going to be the usual one. Shayleigh had found something real for the first time in her life. She felt like she could just be herself, she didn’t have to put on some show to appease Regen. This was something she never thought existed in real life. It was so amazing.

Regen took her phone smiling gladly. She stood waiting for Shayleigh to stand. As Shayleigh stood, Regen held the chair for her. Shayleigh was standing just inches in front of her. Her eyes found their way to her lips, gazing at the smile Shayleigh had on her face. Regen glanced back up into her eyes, “May I walk you to the hotel?” Her need to make sure she made it okay was alarming. There was a want to make sure Shayleigh was always taken care of. She held up Shayleigh’s coat, helping her put it on.

Shayleigh melted even more than she thought possible as Regen was being so kind, so gentle, so romantic. She turned to face Regen, wrapping her arms around her neck, pulling her close for a tight hug, “That is so sweet of you. I would love for you to walk me.” She was so excited at the thought. She felt safe, she felt cared for. Shayleigh was battling whether or not she should ask Regen up to her room. She then decided on waiting. Having Regen hold her in this simple hug was so magical. Regen had this hold on her that made her feel so complete, so free.

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