
An adult stories – Toy by literoticaB,literoticaB Jessica was the sexiest of all my clients. I had rescued her from the outside world and set her free here where I could lead her in ways that would allow her to relax and feel totally at ease. Something the outside world could never provide her.

I would provide her with sessions of domination for a few hours a week. It cost her a modest fee but was well worth it. Today marked one month of us working together and I was ready to welcome her into the back room.

I welcomed Jessica to her session and told her we would be going to the back room this time where I could show her some more of the facilities we have. She was a bit surprised but trusted me and followed me through a heavily secured door into the back area.

Inside there were bondage fetish toys mounted on the walls and some chairs and benches used for bondage as well. I sat down in a chair opposite of one of these bondage chairs which had handcuffs attached to them.

I asked Jessica to please take a seat which she did slowly. As she did I jumped out of my chair and reached over to the cuffs on her arms and legs and quickly secured them.

“Let’s get you secure, so you can relax.” I said in a firm and confident tone.

I sat back down in my chair and looked at Jessica with a sly smile on my face. I had her where I wanted her after weeks of planning. She smiled back at me naively, with no idea of what creative adventure I had made for her.

I reached down to the side of my chair where a loop to a leash was secured around one of the arms.

“I brought you back here because you are special to me. I want to give you an opportunity to take our relationship to the next level.” I said and ended with a smile as I looked into her eyes.

Jessica looked back at me and smiled while subtly licking her lower lip.

I reached down to the edge of my chair and picked up the loop of a leash which was extending back behind a black curtain behind my chair. I gave the leash a little tug and what emerged was a woman that was naked except for a metal collar and a black spandex hooded mask that covered her head and face leaving only her mouth and nose exposed.

I pulled the leash downward in front of me guiding this exotic object to kneel in front of me while I sat in the chair.

Jessica’s eyes went wide open as she stared at the fuck toy I just commanded in front of her.

“Who is that?” Jessica asked in a tense tone as I saw her arms and legs shift in her restraints.

“Oh, this isn’t a “who” so much as a ‘what”. This is a fuck toy, Jessica” I explained as I began to unzip my pants and lead the toy toward my raging hard cock that sprang out.

“This is what it looks like to have total submission of a woman to a man. She has given up all control and in exchange she experiences a level of peace and serenity that few women ever get to experience in their lives”

Jessica’s mouth dropped in shock at what I had just said while simultaneously the toy began to suck my cock.

I grinned as I looked into Jessica’s eyes and took in the pleasure that I was receiving.

“Isn’t that amazing? Could you imagine that level of submission and how amazing it would make you feel to serve me like that?” I asked Jessica

Jessica looked like she was unsure of how to respond.

“I’ve decided. I’ll give you a taste of what it is like.” I said with a pause as I looked into her eyes and counted to three in my head while Jessica stammered. At three I snapped my fingers.

With the snap of my fingers two women emerged from behind Jessica and placed a metal collar and hooded mask over her head and attached a leash.


“Oh, you look amazing, Jessica,” I said with a praising tone.

“I do?” Jessica said with a bit of a laugh and a smile.

“Yes, you do, absolutely.” I said reassuringly.

“Well, I can’t see anything with this on” Jessica said mundanely.

“No, that is good, it will help you focus.” I said in a caring voice.

“Oh, I guess that is good.” Jessica said buoyantly.

I placed my cock back in my pants and got up and uncuffed Jessica’s arms and legs.

“Stand up.” I said with a tug on Jessica’s leash.

She stood up.

“I’m going to get these clothes off of you. That would be totally out of character for a fuck toy” I said.

Jessica said nothing. I beamed a giant smile, but Jessica could not see and I removed her clothes.

I stared at Jessica’s naked body. She was a sculpture of magnificence. I couldn’t believe she was here, naked and totally submissive to me. Just a month ago when we met at the corner store and I told her about my business for women I never imagined I would have gotten her this far so quickly.

I stepped backwards while holding her leash and sat in my chair.

“Now, don’t think just feel the collar and the pull of the leash. When I pull the leash, move in that direction with your body.” I said in a soothing and gentle tone.

I gently pulled the leash attached to Jessica and she stepped forward. I kept pulling with a slight downward pull and she kneeled in front of me.

I took the leash of the other fuck toy and gestured for one of my other clients to take it and return the toy to her resting place.

“Now, all you have to do is open your mouth when you feel something touch your lips, and when I put something in your mouth, you suck it. Isn’t that simple?” I said in a happy tone.

“Yes, very simple” Jessica said back mimicking my tone.

I unzipped my pants and saw my cock was raging hard again at the idea of Jessica sitting in front of me.

I took my cock and placed it on Jessica’s beautiful lips and her mouth opened.

“Good fuck toy” I said in a hushed voice.

I placed my penis inside of Jessica and she closed her mouth and sucked on my cock like a good girl.

“I’m so proud of you, Jessica” I said, making sure to say her name.

“You make such a good fuck toy” I added.

“I want you to focus on what this feels like. This is total peace and freedom” I said in a compassionate tone.

“Total peace and freedom” I repeated.

She continued to suck.

“You could have this, Jessica. I could give this to you.” I whispered into her ear.

She continued to suck.

I pulled my penis out of her mouth and she gave a little gasp of fear.

“It’s OK, ” I consoled her as I placed my hand on the back of her head and stroked her head through the hood.

“Do you want more my fuck toy? Nod your head if you do.” I said.

Jessica eagerly nodded her head up and down rapidly.

This was going extremely well.

I placed my penis back on her lips. She opened and I inserted my cock in her mouth.

“I haven’t cum in a week and you are going to swallow all of it.” I said as I stroked her head.

The fuck toy said nothing, but continued to suck.

I became more and more aroused and closer to cumming.

I looked at Jessica kneeling before me and down her back and her beautiful wide hips and feminine ass protruding in front of me.

Then I came with a long string of moaning that sound like agonizing pleasure, and she swallowed every last drop like the perfect fuck toy I knew she was.

“How did you like that, Jessica” I asked her.

“Amazing. I’ve never experienced anything like it. I felt totally relaxed and a peace that I have never felt before” She said in a profound voice.

“Say you love being my fuck toy” I commanded her softly.

“I love being your fuck toy” Jessica said with joy.

“Say it again, but with more enthusiasm” I emphasized.

“I love being your fuck toy!” Jessica said in a raised voice and with excitement.

“You could be my long term fuck toy, Jessica.” I said in a playful tone.

Jessica smiled.

I put away my cock and led Jessica back to her chair and secured her restraints.

“I could keep you here, where you would be totally free from any worry and could experience that sort of peace on a regular basis” I calmly explained to Jessica.

Her smile faded and I could tell she was thinking.

“I don’t know if I could handle that” Jessica eventually said.

I paused for a moment.

“After you answer this question I will tell you a secret about fuck toys” I said in a sly and playful voice.

“Jessica, I don’t want you to think. I just want you to answer this next question with how you feel without any hesitation. Either answer yes, or no. But make sure you speak from the heart” I said sternly in a gentle voice.

“Would it give you more pleasure than anything else in the world to stay here as my fuck toy?” I said quickly and to the point.

“YES!” Jessica said without any hesitation.

“Good. That is all I needed to know” I said as I bent over and placed my hand on the side of her face and kissed her passionately over and over.

A moment passed as Jessica smiled and stared into empty space.

“What’s the secret?” Jessica asked.

“The secret is that you don’t choose to become a fuck toy. Fuck toys are chosen” I said.

“I don’t understand,” Jessica said.

“I have decided that you will be my fuck toy and stay here to please me. In exchange you will enjoy a level of peace and freedom that few women ever dream of” I told Jessica.

“What?” Jessica said, pulling at her restraints.

“Relax, Jessica. Or should I say Fuck Toy number 27” I said with a smirk.

“That is what your collar says, though you can’t read it” I added.

Jessica began to thrash at her restraints and beg with me.

“Please, I was just having fun. I didn’t think it through.” Jessica cried out loud.

“This wasn’t your choice, Jessica. I decided what you needed. I just needed to know how you really felt, and you told me from your heart.” I said with compassion.

Jessica cried.

“Let the tears out. It’s OK. This is part of the grieving process of letting go of your old life” I said in a soothing voice.

“How do you feel now, Jessica” I asked.

“Sad, no, frightened. Both.” She said in a stammering pattern.

“Did you want to make the choice for yourself?” I asked Jessica.

“Yes, I did.” Jessica said with a cry.

I paused for several moments, then spoke.

“You’re free to go, Jessica” I said.

Jessica paused for a second before speaking, no doubt from shock or confusion.

“What?” Jessica said with a sudden break in her crying.

I unfastened her wrists and ankles, removed her hooded mask and placed her clothes in a pile in front of her. Her eyes were watery and she looked up into my eyes and then down at the pile of clothes in front of her.

“Just know that if you leave. You leave for good.” I said with contempt.

Jessica reached down and grabbed her panties and began to put them on, followed by her skirt, and blouse. She didn’t bother to put on her bra and just crumpled it up in a fist and walked toward the secure door leading to the front room. I didn’t move.

Jessica opened the secure door and walked through it. A few moments later I heard the front door open and close.

I stood in silence in the back room, thinking to myself.

It was an amazing experience that Jessica would never forget, and neither would I.

I sighed and paused and then walked over to the secure door and pulled it closed.

As I did so a hand reached into the door stopping me from closing it.

“I am your fuck toy” Jessica said.

I smiled.

That was 5 years ago and Jessica is my only fuck toy now. I need no other. The back room is just for us.

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