Triple B or Bad Bitch Betrayal by pars001

A literotic sexstories: Triple B or Bad Bitch Betrayal by pars001 ,
Many surprises in store.
Betrayal, a word you never think of ’til it happens to you. The dictionary defines it as the action of betraying one’s country, a group, or a person; treachery.Treachery, yeah that’s more of what I feel it is. As I said, no one really thinks of it ’til it happens to you.

Ok, to get everyone up to date, I am John Trumbel, six-foot, athletic build, chiseled chin. Sounds good to me right? If you ask my supposed loyal wife nothing could be further from the truth. In her words, I was boring, especially in bed.

I’m sorry I wasn’t raised by prostitutes, trained in every nuance of lovemaking. Ok, ok, so I’m not the most romantic, passionate man alive. I do care, again my wife, says I am so far from a romantic I am just plain pitiful.

I mean come on, I work my ass off to make sure we can live a good life. At the end of the day love, beyond a kiss and a hug, goes past my endurance. I even started at the gym to try and build that up, no dice.

So here I am coming home early from the gym feeling somewhat down. I figured I’d surprise her, that was ’til I walked in the front door to the sound of passionate moaning. I followed the sound thinking it wasn’t who or what I thought it was.

If there was something going on I wanted to have proof before I started accusing. Peeking around the corner into our bedroom, I was shocked to see not only my wife but her sister also.

Both were naked on top of each other rubbing their vaginas together at a furious pace. I wanted to step into the room, though the shock was keeping me stock still.

I know that when we met, my wife was slightly bi-sexual, mistakenly I thought that after she met me that ended. Hell, I couldn’t have been more wrong.

My wife is damn gorgeous though her younger sister was in a league above her. All I could do was stare at the sheer beauty of both women pleasuring each other.

I swear I could have watched them for hours, then the anger started to set in. How dare that bitch betray me like this! (yeah I know there’s that word) That’s when I heard my wife state, “Oh god Terri! So good, a hell of a lot better than John has ever been.”

I tensed up, that sounded like she was ready to bow out of our marriage. As I clenched my hands into fists I still resisted the urge to barge in possibly strangling the both of them. No, I needed to think this through before I did something completely stupid. Then again after what I just saw I was feeling stupid already.

My beautiful blond wife, plus her more-than-equally beautiful sister. Rolling around on our bed tasting each other to their mutual pleasure. To see them without knowing, you might swear that they were almost twins. I myself had mistaken my sister in law Terri, for my wife Kim on numerous times from the back.

Then there was the fact that, before I had fallen for my wife, I had lusted after her sister hard. Unfortunately, she had been married at the time, though at the time I hadn’t known that her mate was as sick as he was.

That was several years ago, with his passing over two years ago, I had watched her withdraw. Her once bubbly, cheerful personality had recessed to the point that she seemed a completely different person.

Shit ok, now I was torn, on the one hand, my bitch wife was betraying me. (Yeah I know THAT word again) Then there was my sister in law, who was showing more emotion than she had in the last few years.

There had to be something I could do, some way that I could make my bitch of a wife pay for this. Here I thought that both of us were happy, well as happy as we could be. I worked like a dog for her, why in the hell had she turned on me?

As I thought back over the last few years there had to be signs. Was I just too stupid, too much of a guy to have noticed? As I parked a few blocks away I let the extreme anger that I was feeling slowly fade away to a dull throb.

Finally calm, I sat back going over everything I could. When had things started to change? We’d only been married a few years, it wasn’t like we were an old static, married couple.

Then like a door opening I had an epiphany. It was when her brother in law had passed. To the day, I could see when she and her sister grew closer than they ever had.

I shook my head, a little over two years ago. Then her sister had finally sold her home, asking first, then moving in with us. We had a rather large home, thinking that we would start having children soon. I laughed out loud at this, not very fucking likely now.

Now I had to question, like I felt most guys in my position might, did she really love me? Had she really been sincere back then? Had she really been faithful, I know I sure as hell had?

Finally, the tears started to fall as the full effect of what all this meant hit home. I would be a loser, no wife, no love, no one to want me nor be there waiting for me when I got home.

No damnit! I wasn’t going to go down like this, nor was I going to allow her to get away with this. No, I needed a plan, a truly nasty, foul, as backstabbing as she had me, plan.

An almost evil smile lit up my face as I thought, I need to take her sister away from her. I needed to leave her without a lover as I now felt that I was.

As I thought about it, I remember the last two years that Terri had shown interest in me. Could I turn that to my advantage? Another smile came to my lips as I thought of Terri under me begging me to take her.

I wasn’t that big after all ’bout eight inches, though my girth was the thing that I thought kept my wife interested. The first time we had sex, I thought I had hurt her after I was in all the way.

Her gasps of pleasure after she adjusted to my size were what threw me off. I hadn’t moved thinking she would have screamed bloody murder. After a few minutes, she took a deep breath then started to pump herself faster and faster on me.

I had to admit, the orgasm she had was the loudest I had ever witnessed from a woman.

So you see I wasn’t boring, I was I guess you’d say, a nice guy. I care about my partner, I care how they feel. Hell, I thought for the longest time that I’d never find a woman that could take me.

Here I thought I had found the perfect woman for me. I looked at my watch, I had to return soon, or she’d start calling worried about me. HA! As if she was real about that. I ought to let her stew, no, I needed to be normal ’til I got this going.

Sure enough half an hour later my cell was going off playing the ringtone I placed for her calls.

“Are you alright?” I heard her voice on the other end. No hint of guilt, god what a superb actress she was turning into.

I took a deep breath I had to calm again before I spill the beans. “Yeah,” I replied. “Just had to stop on the way home, think I got a cramp. I might have overdone it a bit.”

“Oh hon,” I heard her honey-sweet voice. “Please be careful, take your time coming home, then I can put some muscle rub on you.” Damn it! She was damn good at this, just an hour before she had had her face planted between her sister’s legs. Now she was talking as if she hadn’t knifed me through the back and heart. Yeah, I had to make this bitch pay.

“I will be home as soon as I can,” I replied to her. God, I felt like retching at the complete lack of regard she obviously had for me or our marriage.

When I finally got home well over half an hour later she was at the door waiting on me. A look of great concern on her face as I falsely limped into the house.

I sat with a heavy thud in my favorite chair. She ran to get the rub then returned to start stripping me out of my clothes.

As I expected my cock rose to the occasion, the bastard, traitor. Her breathing heavy, she tried to put the rub on the spot on my leg that I told her as softly as she could. Actually, it had been hurting though not as bad as I put on.

I heaved a great sigh as I felt the heat start to work in, Kim returned a few moments later. Damn my traitorous cock was at full mast as she had removed all but her panties and bra.

“You look like you need some relief. Have you been like this since I talked to you?” She said looking at me, then my crotch. When I only nodded she pulled my hardness out of my jockey shorts, then proceeded to swallow me whole.

Shit! It was rare that she did this with one motion, she usually took it slow let alone at all. Was it guilt she might be feeling for what she’d done? I wasn’t sure, neither was I if she were going to ask for a divorce in the next hour or so. I guess I’d have to go with the flow seeing if I could get my plan in action before that happened.

Again, my traitorous cock started throbbing, her ministrations were starting to bring me closer. With a cry, I erupted in her mouth as she swallowed me again all the way to my balls. To my surprise, she swallowed everything I gave her. This was something else that she had never done.

I did my best not to look at her suspiciously, something else was going on. Something else besides the erotic sex with her sister.

I had noticed that most of the way through my wife’s deep throating, her sister had appeared in the hallway. At first I thought she was going to yell out, no, she just stood there staring at my cock as it slid in and out of my wife’s mouth. As I was unloading down Kim’s throat I thought I saw Terri smile then retreat back down the hall.

Shit I thought, I hope this didn’t dredge up painful memories for her. I also hoped that it didn’t make her retreat further from the world either.

I needed to speak to her, I needed to get closer to her if I was going to make this plan work. Yes, I thought, I needed to get real fucking close as possible.

After all, I was a good guy, I really don’t like to cause pain if it was at all possible. Then again, in this case, I was sure that it was my wife that had lured her sister into our bed.

I sat there feeling the heat sooth my leg. What seemed like only a few minutes later I snapped my eyes open. I was still in the living room, still in my jockeys though I was covered with a blanket.

The thing though, was what had awoken me. I was feeling a moist heat around just my Glans. I thought it was Kim though as I remembered she never did this twice in a day. Lifting up the edge of the blanket I looked at the head that was hovering over my organ.

In the low light, I thought it was Kim when she felt me move she looked up into my eyes. You can imagine my shock when I found myself staring into Terri’s eyes. Eyes that were full of lust as she proceeded to take me all the way to my scrotum.

With a groan, she withdrew, “I hope you don’t mind. I saw the two of you earlier, I had to have some of this. Besides I’m sure Kim won’t mind, we have always shared.”

In shock, I was unable to speak as she again took all of me with a fluid, smoothness of a practiced pro. Hell, she hardly came off me as she started to move the muscles in her throat.

Within minutes I was blasting another load as deep down her throat as she could get me. Finally pulling herself off me, she smiled then proceeded to lick me clean.

Still in shock, when she stood, placing me back in my jockeys, I tried to protest. “I…” I started.

Placing a finger on my lips she shushed me. “As I said, it is alright. Kim and I have always shared, that was ’til she and I got married. It’s been a long time John, don’t fuck this up.”

She then arose leaving the room so fast that, I almost thought it had been a dream. Then what she had said hit me like a ton of bricks. Don’t fuck it up? I… wait, she was the vital part of my plan and I was against what she had just done? I think my brain was addled.

Ok, things were starting to get weird as hell in a hurry. I caught my wife with not just another, that being a woman, also her sister. I had that same sister come onto and suck me off. Something was off here though, I wasn’t sure.

The next day I awoke still in the chair though I was stiff as hell. A moment later my wife came out of the kitchen with a cup of coffee. Ha, ever the supposed dutiful wife. Barely able to move I mumbled a thank you as I accepted the cup.

My mind was a whirl with everything that happened in the last twenty-four hours. Finishing my cup, I stood up to the complaining of my back. That and a few pops from my joints, let me know I shouldn’t do that again.

Walking to the door I went out to my car to get my laptop. That was the main reason I had come home early yesterday. I had finally convinced my boss that I would be far more valuable at home sending in the reports that I sat all day in the office doing.

I only had to actually go in one day a week and that was only for two or three hours. I had thought that this news would give me and Kim a good reason to celebrate. Shaking my head, I thought fat chance of that.

Then the thought occurred to me that it would also limit how much my bitch wife could do here at the house. Yes, I thought, a smile coming to my lips, I could really use this to my advantage.

Laying my laptop on my desk, I thought better, then hid it. No sense in her thinking I would be home as much as I could. Getting dressed after a quick shower, I bit back the bile as I kissed her goodbye.

I only went a mile or two from the house hiding near a park. I pulled my back up laptop out, I typed in the security access to our home’s security then accessed the remote viewing I then sat back to watch.

Both sisters were in the kitchen eating, “strange, I know what you mean.” Kim was saying. Damn, it seemed that I had caught the tail end of something. “Did John seem standoffish to you this morning?”

“Yeah,” Terri responded. “You think it’s because he slept in the chair? He seemed rather stiff this morning.”

“He was last night also,” Kim stated as both women giggled a bit. “I just hope this plan works. I can’t wait for all this to be over. I just hope that John isn’t as pissed as I think he will be. When this is finally over you and I can be free to share like we used to”

“Don’t worry Kim, he’s like most men. Too concerned with things outside of home to notice what’s going on there. Hell, I doubt he even gave too much thought to that masterful blowjob you gave him last night. I have to say, it was better than any I remember you giving before you met him.” Terri replied. “I know he was definitely distracted when he left this morning.”

“Well, that’s all thanks to you, without you helping me practice I’d never been able to get past my gag reflex. What say we get an early start?” Kim told her sister toying with the buttons on her blouse.

“Yeah, I think that’s a damn fine idea,” Terri said as she started to shed her shirt and pants.

“The bedroom!” Kim shouted as they both ran while undressing to the bedroom.

I growled as I almost punched the screen of my laptop. Shaking my head, the tears started anew as I shut it down, popping the CD-ROM out. Now I had the evidence I just needed to end this.

As I sat there I knew there was one more thing I needed to do. I had to seduce my sister in law, make her leave her sister though, after what I had heard I wasn’t sure that, that was even possible.

Perhaps I thought, I could make Terri fall for me then, leave the both of them? Again, that was no good, they had each other. Why would they give a shit about the supposed unsatisfying husband of Kim?

No, I just needed to leave, leave them to their own devices. It was obvious that they wanted me out of the way, so be it. I would load up what I could tonight, the rest she could have.

We had a cabin miles out in the wilderness, halfway up a mountain, perfect place to go, to think of what my next move was. Also, to keep away from people, being branded a loser was hard enough when you have time to prepare. That’s what I needed to do, prepare. As I saw it, all hell was going to break loose, for them I thought with a smile.

I had time to go there with supplies and still make it back before they started to miss me. I drove to the market buying all I could for an extended stay out there. I also got several ten-gallon gas canisters for the generator that would be a lifesaver.

Loaded up, I saw I was starting to run low on time. I made damn good time there, then was hurrying home. I looked at my watch as I pulled into my neighborhood. Ah! Right on time as I usually did.

Thank god I had called work to let them know that I wouldn’t be home today. No sense in either woman knowing that I had been out preparing to disappear. Tomorrow would be a good day to go as the snow would start soon, then I really would be isolated.

Not that it really mattered, as far as I was concerned, we were already divorced and she and her sister could be as free as the two bitches wanted to be.

I stretched I got out, I saw that the both of them were waiting for me. Well I thought, isn’t that fucking sweet, as if. They both appeared to be happy to see me, yeah right, I knew better.

I went into our bedroom taking a shower. Then I packed as many clothes as I could. I slipped the bag out to the car as quietly as I could, this along with my primary laptop.

Coming in, I sat at the dining room table to eat with them. For the first time that I could remember, Terri was far more animated than I had seen her since her husband had died.

I went to the living room, sitting in my favorite chair for what I felt was the last time. Damn I thought, I was going to miss this chair. I promptly fell asleep more tired from all I did today than I thought.

Once again I was awakened by a warm, wet sensation gripping my cock. This time though, I was startled to see Terri lowering herself on me. As I watched she had to wiggle from time to time to get more of me in her.

“Oh my god! This club of yours is massive. No wonder Kim is always smiling.” I heard Terri whisper with an occasional grunt as more found its way inside her. “Damn it! I could die happy with this.”

It took all I could not to laugh at her. She and her bitch sister would be happy enough soon. Only a few more hours than I wouldn’t darken their door nor disturb them again. Oh, I’m sure Kim would be the sorrowful, tearful wife.

“Oh good, you’re awake. Now I can really enjoy this club of love.” It was at that moment that I felt the last of me slide home inside her. “God damn! I have never felt so damn full. Give me a moment, then I’m going to ride you into oblivion!”

She sat there, her thighs resting on mine. She was by far the tightest that I had ever felt. Hell, even tighter than my bitch of a wife when we first met, that’s alright I thought, soon very soon they wouldn’t have to deal with me again.

Finally, I felt her tentatively start to move up, then back down ever so slowly. Ten minutes later, she was finally starting to thrust normally. Anther ten she seemed to be taking me as hard as she could.

Smiling I flipped her over pinning her to the chair. “You wanted it? Here it comes.” I whispered harshly in her ear.

I then started to thrust into her with authority. I had to actually cover her mouth as I started to plunge harder and harder. I could see her eyes open wide as I filled her completely. Finally, I actually had to kiss her as I blew a huge release deep in her, causing her to scream into my mouth.

Yeah, I thought bitch, enjoy it, there wouldn’t be any more that was for sure. Eventually, not long afterward our breathing slowed. Climbing off me a little wobbly, she held onto the arm of the chair.

“I have to say that, that was the most intense sex I have ever had. Thank you for not fucking it up, just me.” Kissing me she slowly made her way down the hall to her room.

I just shook my head, had it just been her I might have let it go. No, I found out it was both of them, plus they were working together, to what end I didn’t know. I damn sure wasn’t going to stick around to find out either.

The next day I remained as normal as I could, I had a few things set up for the remote after I was gone. As I headed out I kissed my wife for what I knew in my heart was the last time. It took all I had not to lash out or just plain scream, no I was calm as I left.

I called work as I drove on through the city out the other side. Finally, I was into the woods starting to climb slightly. I only had, maybe twenty more miles to go as I watched the towers of the city disappear. I kept climbing ’til I got to the gate blocking the road to the cabin. Moving through I closed it then started putting whatever I could find to block the gate from sight.

It was well over half an hour later when I finished, I was satisfied as I got back in the car. For the first time, I could feel the temperature was starting to fall, good then the snow was on the way. Hopefully, there would be enough to cover my tracks among other things.

I had my phone charging the whole way I would need it when I told both of them goodbye, then I would set off the things I had set up with the remote. I just hoped they had a good laugh on my account, at least I wouldn’t be there for that humiliation.

Finally over an hour later after I left, I was pulling up to the cabin. Thank god I had had the carport put in. I might need the car after a month or so to get the hell out of here.

Thankfully, I had also managed to get three solar panels up here. Not a lot of electricity, though enough to run the radio, charge my laptop, maybe my phone though I wasn’t really in need of it that much.

I unloaded the last of my stuff, then I went in to set up. It was several hours later after I had everything where I wanted it, I had managed to get some of the work I had let go the last few days.

I turned on the lights as it started to get dark. Sure, enough like clockwork my cell started to go off. I looked at the caller then shut my phone off, removing the battery so they couldn’t trace the phone with GPS.

I figured that Kim wouldn’t call the police at least ’til morning. Not long after she did, I would use the remote for the last time, then I was done.

I slept that night more comfortable than I had for quite some time. I awoke to my computer dinging with an incoming message. Shit, I forgot that she might have access to that. Looking at who it was I breathed a sigh of relief.

“John? You ok? I got a panicked call from your wife saying that you didn’t come home.” The message was from my boss Larry.

I typed back, yeah I am fine though I can’t say the same about my marriage. I won’t go into details suffice it to say I left that situation. I’ll get the work to you don’t worry.” With that, I shut down afraid they might try to GPS on it also.

I stared at the time, another day, then I would send out the remote and the final message along with a few surprises. I imagine both of them would be throwing a quiet party as soon as the divorce was final.

As soon as she had that, I was sure she would laugh in my face, call me a coward or something like that. I was past caring now as I felt she and her sister were also.

I pulled out my backup laptop as I started in on another day of work. I was moving a pretty fast clip when I got a pinging from my monitor I had set up for any mention of my name.

Sure enough, the police band starts to utter a message. “All units, all units, be advised we have a missing person. Adam 2 is 10-76 to location to gather more 10-43. Subject is a male, six feet, slight athletic build. Hair, light brown. Last seen this time yesterday morning, departing for work. Please be advised subject was driving a year-old Audi A4.”

Well, I thought, someone obviously thought I was more muscled than I thought I was. A small smile came to me, I thought it damn sure wasn’t Kim that was for sure.

I looked at my watch, I nodded as I connected my now reinstalled battery phone, to my also energized main laptop. Getting set up, I opened up the security to the house. Ah! I thought as I saw my supposed red-eyed wife and her sister.

As I looked closer I saw that the police were there, perfect. Setting off a few alarms I watched as they all moved to my study, well old study. Pressing a few buttons, I sat back to watch the show. A show was what I felt it would be, Kim and her sister were the perfect little bitch actresses.

“So, I see that you actually noticed that I was missing. I left this for the both of you. You both obviously forgot that I am as tech-savvy as I am. I saw both of you, I know. Rather than face ridicule and shame I just left.” (it was at this point I heard one of them mournfully howl) I am sure that you will be happy together, especially now that I am gone. Enjoy each other, neither of you will see me again” I then heard the click as the disc stopped.

I was going to watch a little more, though I felt that I should disconnect before they found me. That is if the officer’s there thought I was using a remote, a moment later I got my answer as I got a ping trace.

I shut everything down breathing a sigh of relief. I might want to think about fleeing. Racing to the door I was surprised to see that there were several feet of snow on the ground. Well, I wasn’t going anywhere for a bit.

I smiled I went back in, I wasn’t going anywhere soon and not many were going to come here. It would take some serious snow gear plus a sturdy vehicle to get to me now. Sitting back down I pulled out the back up going back to work.

That seemed to be my day for the next few days, get up, eat, then work. Though that all changed on the fourth day after I left the message.

I had gone out to the carport to make sure the car was still operating. When I stepped out toward the cabin I failed to notice that it was almost deathly quiet out. Shaking off the snow that had accumulated on me I stepped in.

I pulled up short when I saw the blonde head of hair in the main chair in the front room. Son of a bitch I thought as I started to turn. The next thing I knew I was falling to the floor with a pain on the side of my head. Then everything went black.

I woke up what had to be a few hours later, I could tell. The sun was casting shadows on the opposite side of the cabin through the windows. The second thing I noticed was that I was tied spread eagle to the bed, stark naked!.

Shit I thought, I am so fucked, I let whoever this was, get the damn drop on me. Looking around the room, caused me to groan slightly from the small lump I had on my head.

“Good ’bout time you woke up.” I heard a female voice that made my blood freeze. Shit! Here I thought she had forgotten about this place.

“I told him not to hit John too hard.” I heard the voice of Terri. I swallowed hard, I was a dead man now. Both of them would probably kill me slowly, taking great pleasure from it.

“I am sorry that it came to this John,” Kim stated as she moved into my line of view. “God what you must be thinking about me and Terri. Let me see if I can guess, you think I love Terri and have no love for you. You think I and my sister are deceitful bitches, willing to do anything to be rid of you.”

When I didn’t say anything only sighing, Kim sadly smiled. “He really thinks that lowly of us?” I heard Terri say disbelievingly out of sight. Damn my head felt over twice the size it normally was, plus the throbbing wasn’t helping.

“You think all I want is a divorce from you, to cast you aside more of a thing of ridicule than a man.” Kim took a deep sigh when she saw that I wasn’t disagreeing with her. “Talk to me John, we’ve always the best when we talk and work together.

I wasn’t sure I could say anything with the deep despair I was feeling. Pushing as hard as I could, I finally got out the words. “Look I know you don’t want to have a fucking thing to do with me. You probably have several guys waiting to kill me when you are through torturing me. Just fucking kill me, get it over with I am nothing to the both of you after all.”

Terri moved into my sight her mouth open in disbelief. Kim could only shake her head even sadder.

Kim held up her hand as Terri was about to launch into an obvious tirade. “What you recorded, what you left for, was me wanting my training to be over. John, I love you more than I can ever say. I wanted to be a better lover for you.”

“She asked me years ago to help her, though I was still too upset about my husband, I have been trying. These last two years have helped me as much as they have her. It took a long time get Kim where she is, to get me more back to normal.” This last Terri stated with her head low. “By the way John, you have been so kind and loving, I found that I was falling in love with you.”

My apparent shock made Terri smile then blush. “I didn’t know,” I stated.

“I know John, believe me, I was just as shocked though,” Here Kim moved over to Terri. “I can see why she is.” With a wide smile Kim pushed Terri to the bed. “You’re tied up not to kill you, just to keep you here so you wouldn’t run again. Now then,” Kim continued as she first took all of Terri’s clothes off, then her own.

My traitorous cock was instantly starting to harden. Then again, faced with both gorgeous beautiful sisters as I was who wouldn’t grow hard as steel?

Terri’s blush seemed to grow darker as she pulled back. “I can’t Kim, there’s too much light.”

“Dear sister, as I have found out about John? If he didn’t think you were gorgeous naked?” Here Kim looked at my flagpole waving. “There would be no way he could be that hard that fast. I know, I tried it once while we were dating. She was extremely unattractive, trust me, he absolutely adores what he is seeing.”

A now less shy Terri looked at Kim surprise on her face, then she smiled slyly as she eyed my cock.

“Well sister, in that case. I think that both of us, have quite a bit of making up to do with John. Let’s keep him tied, for now, I think it will go far better don’t you?” Terri stated a look of pure lust starting to grow in her eyes.

I looked at Kim, seeing almost the exact look of lust in her eyes. “Yes, I think that is a superb idea.” She said as she kissed her sister.

A sly smile crossed my lips as I thought, damn, they may kill me after all.


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