You Are Never Too Old by TxRad,TxRad

Larry looked Maggie up and down again and sighed. “You don’t have any pets do you?”

“Not if you don’t count the chickens. They lay eggs and when they quit that, they become fried chicken. Does that sound like pets?”

“Damn, you’re hard hearted,” Larry said with a smile.

“Hard headed also. Now get your ass up here so I can climb up and get a kiss.” Larry was a foot taller than she was.

He stepped up on the bottom step and leaned forward for the kiss. They were about eye to eye like that. She wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him a peck on the lips. He reached down and grabbed an ass check in each hand. As he lifted her off her feet, she moaned and kissed him passionately.

Maggie had her legs wrapped around his waist as the kiss went on and he carried her up the steps. He walked forward until her back ran into the wall. She moaned deeply into his mouth and squeezed him tightly with her legs.

She broke the kiss suddenly and said, “If you tell me you have to go back to work, so help me, I’ll rape you right here on the front porch.”

Larry chuckled. “Is that supposed to be a threat?”

“Nope, a promise.”

“So I guess I won’t need the handcuffs, right?”

Maggie chuckled. “Maybe I should use them on you.”

“That might be interesting,” Larry replied with a grin as he moved over to the front screen door. “If you’ll get the door, we can take this somewhere much more comfortable.”

“Ya think so, huh,” Maggie said as she reached back and pulled the screen door open.

As he carried her inside, he asked, “Bed or couch?”

“Kitchen,” Maggie replied and then laughed as Larry’s eyes grew wide. “I have a pie in the oven and stuff to put away in the icebox. You interrupted my supper preparations.”

“What are we having?” Larry asked as he carried her over to the counter between the living room area and the kitchen.

“I’m having quail. I only took enough out for me. If you had let me know you were on the way out here, I would have taken more out.”

“If you had a phone, I could have done that,” Larry replied as he sat her on the end of the counter.

Maggie frowned. “You’d be the only one calling me. Anyway, I left civilization behind except for my computer,” she said as she let go of his neck and lowered her legs.

Larry stepped back and reached up to undo his tie. “You get your kitchen stuff done while I get rid of my trappings of civilization.” He was unbuttoning his shirt.

Maggie smiled and hopped down off the counter. She looked at his waist and asked, “You’ve already got rid of the gun belt and other junk you always wear.”

“I left it in the car in case I had to make a fast getaway.”

As Maggie bent at the waist and opened the oven door, she said, “You’ve never done anything fast in your life.”

Larry’s eyes were on her cute little ass and the puffy lips of her sex peeking at him from between her upper thighs. The mixed brown colors of her inner lips were showing. “I’ve never heard you complain,” he said as he licked his lips.

Maggie chuckled as she grabbed the oven mitts from a hook next to the stove. “There was that one time after senior prom.”

Larry groaned as he took his shirt off. “Yeah, I made a mess in those dress pants but it was as much your fault as mine.”

Maggie laughed as she took the pie out of the oven and sat it on a hot pad. She turned and looked at his muscular bare chest. He was toeing his boots off. She shivered and said, “You’re in better shape now than you were back then.”

“More experienced also,” he said with a wink as he undid his belt. “You sitting straddling my lap with that hot little sex of yours pressed to the head of my dick was shocking, to say the least.”

Maggie hung up the oven mitts, came over, and slapped at his hands where they were working on the button of his uniform pants. She undid the button and lowered the zipper. “I knew as much as you did back then, which was nothing, more or less.”

She pushed the waistband of the pants down and followed them down. The pants were around his ankles as she ended up on her knees. His hard dick was standing up right in front of her face. She reached up and wrapped the fingers of both hands around the shaft. There were still several inches of shaft and the head showing above her hands.

She looked up at him and grinned. “Can you see my hands now?”

“Uh yeah, but you shouldn’t try to talk with your mouth full,” he replied with a matching grin.

Maggie chuckled and shook her head. “I was just showing you my hands.”

Larry groaned softly. “Tease,” he whispered and then groaned long and loud as she sucked the head in and swirled her tongue around and over the sensitive spongy head.

She suddenly popped him out of her mouth and looked up at him. “Tease, your ass.”

Larry chuckled and replied, “You like me teasing your ass.”

“Damned straight,” she said and swallowed the head of his dick and several inches of the shaft. She moved her top hand out of the way as she bobbed her head up and down.

Larry groaned and whispered, “I’d be careful with that, if I was you. It’s loaded and it has been a while.”

Maggie lifted her head and looked up. “And whose fault is that?”

“The criminal element in this county,” he replied.

“Then don’t run for sheriff next year. You can retire out here in the wild with me.”

“That is so tempting,” Larry said with a sigh. “The only problem is who would take the job. I’ve run uncontested the last three times.”

“And that is your problem how?” Maggie asked before she sucked his dick back into her hot wet mouth.

Larry groaned. “This is no way to hold a discussion of the future.”

A little later, Maggie raised her head. “I’m just applying an oral argument.”

Larry shook his head and then nodded as she sucked him back in. “And a damned good argument it is.”

Her head continued to bob as she applied more suction and used her tongue to press the head against the roof of her mouth. Larry’s hand found the back of her head. “You, you’re. About to. Get. Shot,” he said as his hips flexed back and forth.

Maggie never missed a beat. She had an orgasm building in the background of her own. As he started to come, they both moaned softly. Maggie swallowed and then rammed her head forward. The head of his dick touched the back of her throat solidly and she was coming as hard as he was. Her hips were flexing back and forth slowly.


Larry stood there on shaky legs as Maggie slowly bobbed her head up and down on his slowly deflating shaft. She made a soft whimpering sound as she raised her mouth off him and worked her jaw to loosen up stretched muscles. “I need to practice that more.”

“You won’t get any complaints out of me,” Larry said softly.

Maggie looked up at him and grin. “So are you running for office again?”

“At the moment, no,” he replied as he reached down to help her to her feet.

“Just keep my oral argument in mind as you think it over,” Maggie said as she got to her feet.

Larry got his feet out of his pants. A moment later, Maggie found herself sitting on the end of the counter. Larry pushed on her chest until she laid back. He picked up her feet and hooked the heels on the edge of the counter to each side of each ass cheek.


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