Comforting Mom pt 6 Christmas Cruise Day 4+5 by Unclear_Thoughts

Continuation of Comforting Mom series. Christmas Cruise Day 4+5. Christmas Cruise completion. Someone’s phone starts playing, “Wake me up before you go-go, don’t leave me hanging on like a yo-yo…” I hear moans and groans as someone silences the phone. One by one the ladies get up and head for their rooms. Each one kisses


Comforting Mom pt 5 Christmas Cruise Day 3 by Unclear_Thoughts

Introduction: Continuation of Comforting Mom series. Christmas Cruise Day 3. , Morning comes and Yvonne wakes me by putting her tits in my face. I only wish they sold alarm clocks that could wake you up like that. “Good morning sleepy head.” “Good morning… what time is it? It's almost seven o’clock on day three … Read more