Initiation Swing Party Weekly – Initiates Petite S. American by swingpartyweekly

Initiation Swing Party Weekly – Initiates Petite S. American by swingpartyweekly <br/> This story is a non named depliction of one of our Initiation Parties- Submissive ladies contact us to ask for an initiation, we have group parties various themes like swing, couples swap, 3-somes & 4-somes, gangbangs, ladybangs, bukkakes, private group parties, blind dates, … Read more


Wife takes first black cock by mrbigfun

My wife, Hannah, is 32, 5st 11, 130 pounds with long straigt blonde hair, long athletic legs and perky 32C tits. We have been married for 5 years and have a very active sex life. We have always discussed and acted out as many of each others fantasies as possible and this is the story



My name is Jill. I am 36 and have been married with Martin for 11 years. We live in a top class condo by the sea in Florida, where we keep our lovely sailing boat at the pier. I am a marketing manager in an electronics company and Martins is a naval engineer in a


The phone rang but it wasn’t my wife it was Piper by bigrocker

This story was inspired by a real life phone sex girl named Piper It was late and my beautiful wife was still not home yet she went out drinking after work with some of her co-workers. I decided to go ahead and go to bed figuring she would be home soon. Then the phone rang


Mommies girl part 2 by agoda

Maria and Stephanie take Don to a hotel and reveal their secret. PART 2 This is a work of fiction and all participants are over the age of 18. Chapter 1 Donald stared at his phone feeling himself growing extremely horny. He had been denied an orgasm for almost six weeks now and the message


Coquette and her cuckold (Part 4) by Clayton Long

The final betrayal The bathroom became a sauna as the steam rose from the hot tub, making my vision as cloudy and indistinct as my thoughts. Julie sank lower in the water, like a crocodile slinking back into the river after consuming its prey. The water wrapped itself around her breasts, the surface taking the


The holiday that changed our lives – Chapter 5: Worth the Wait! by gwrcariadus

BBC arrives It was a long afternoon waiting until that knock at the door due about seven that evening, but my wife kept me busy with serving her drinks and helping myself to her home produced nectar all the time stark bollock naked as she was herself. There’s something quite liberating about being naked especially


Denise and Darnell pt 2 by HighBlueSky

Some parts of this are true. Some have been exaggerated. My first story. Enjoy! (start with Denise and Darnell, pt 1 to get the back story) She must have felt pretty excited about it, because she wore these shorts that sat on her hips and emphasized her ass perfectly. Her top was clingy, thin, and


Young Wife Admits Raunchy Old Man Sex Is Hot To Her Husband by BreePhillips

A dream of a young wife leads to raunchy sex with a old man Twenty one years old Mike and his nineteen year old wife Amanda are High school sweet hearts. They moved into a spacious apartment just after getting married. They worked hard through the week and always let loose and had fun on



“Claudine, my old friend from Paris, I haven’t seen her for three-years, will be in town next week. She asked if she could stay with us for a week. She is the Sales Director for a very upmarket French lingerie company,” my lady Sarah told me with a smile as we showered together in preparation