My Journey with Laura Ch. 01 by mannyman69

My journey with Laura — how these sorts of things begin… It’s really odd how you can see these types of encounters happening in slow motion over the years. Little flirts, little glances, sly smiles… they all add up into the sexual energy that sometimes ends with a nice mental fantasy while pleasuring ourselves or


Messing About on the River by Kumquatqueen

This is a stand-alone story for the Literotica Summer Lovin’ 2024 contest. ____ When the weather is fine then you know it’s a sign For messing about on the river. If you take my advice there’s nothing so nice As messing about on the river. … There are backwater places all hidden from view, And


Blind Passion by OnePaige

Blind Passion *****OOps, it went over one page again. I try to make each in this series of stories a stand-alone read. Dr. Wright appears in an earlier chapter, Word of Mouth, describing one of their ‘Friday sessions’ mentioned here. It’s not essential to read that one first.***** Every couple of weeks John stopped at


Starting Over Pt. 09 Ch. 01

Starting Over IX, Part 1 This is the ninth section of the continuing saga “Starting Over”. In Part I, LTC (Retired) John Jackson had moved to Seattle after being widowed. He ran into some trouble and some decent people (okay, and a few strippers), while working towards getting his private investigator license. That took place


Cheerleader Legends – Pt. 02 by Daphne123

The following story is fiction and does not describe any real person or situation in particular. All characters are at least eighteen. I encourage everyone to read part one before reading this chapter. Nice comments are very much appreciated. Rude comments are just mean and will be deleted. Enjoy the fantasy. -xoxo Daphne *** Robin


The Longing Ch. 03 by Ferelith

I emerge from the bar into the sunshine, forcing myself not to run like the wind out of there to escape you. Your thumbs sliding down my bare skin made me shiver all over, goosebumps exploding all over my body. I thought that I was doing the mature thing by saying a graceful nice to


Cleverness is Sexy by SelectRedux

An exceptionally brainy young woman, Alice has pursued her academic interests to the exclusion of almost everything else in life. There will, she reasons, on the verge of her 23rd birthday, the MA she’s strived so hard to attain nearly complete, be plenty of time to pursue other interests later. Travelling perhaps, a life outside


Want Some Company? by VirgoPisces

With local conventions happening all over the city, this week has been pretty busy at work as I am the concierge at a very high-class hotel, Il Giardino Rose. After a full week of making dinner reservations, giving directions to here or there, recommendations of where to get the best pasta, or what movie theatre


The Auction by TemPlar Writer

The Auction Just a quick story, but a fun idea that I wanted to do. “Seriously, Vasuda?” She grinned, dark lips pulling back from white teeth and dark eyes alight. “Come on it’s just a little fun for charity. I promise it’ll be good.” He stared wide-eyed at her. “Vasuda, you seriously want me to


Sharing Nasty Stories From Our Past by TerraNova61

Everyone having sex is at least eighteen years old. “Tell me a story.” “What?” Kim looked at me with her eyebrows high. Her cute, red lips turned up at the corners of her mouth. “Tell me a story.” I grinned at her and could almost hear her thoughts. After a moment, I relented. “A sexy