A Tribe for Tethys Part 2 Chapter 8 by MimiRay

I busy myself pulling weeds while Taylor takes the hose to the plants that need watering. I’m lost in my own thoughts when an icy splash on my back and ass straightens me up with a loud squeal.

“You bastard!” I rage, as Taylor stands there grinning with the hose held at the ready like a threatening weapon. I have to admit that once the initial shock of the water has worn off, it feels really good to be relieved of the hot dry sun.

“I just think you look extra gorgeous naked and wet,” Taylor laughs, as he sends another spray at my front this time. In full berserker mode, I charge him and exact my vengeance, grabbing the hose and twisting it upward, the stream of water spraying in all directions and soaking both of us. The weeding will go unfinished this evening.

We stand dripping on the porch, and I take in Taylor’s full form standing in the late afternoon sunlight. He cuts an admirable figure. Not so massive and defined as Carl, of course, but trim and muscularly lean. Our little tussle has had its desired effect, and his cock is standing tall and wide, shining in the sun. He’s a little pale, I think. Not enough time naked outdoors. But then, he doesn’t have the time or genetics that I do for getting a nice solar glow. I’m sure not going to complain. I reach up and pull his head down towards my lips, as I lean my face up to meet his. Our kiss is long and deep, and my hand instinctively wraps around the hot hard girth, my fingers unable to completely close around it. Just as instinctively I feel his hand cupping my breast, and my knees weaken. Suddenly all our sex from earlier is forgotten, I feel freshly horny, and want him to take me now.

He doesn’t give me the satisfaction. “Hey, are you hungry?” he suddenly pulls his head back and we break lip contact as he asks. “I was thinking of ordering pizza.”

“I like where you’re going with this,” I smile. I know where he’s going with it. Last Tuesday, after the orgy at my apartment, Taylor had spent the night, and we had ordered a pizza delivery. I was feeling extra bold after that adventure, and I’d thought to give the pizza delivery guy a cheap thrill by taking the order in the nude. I had a cheerful vision in my mind of the young, eager face turning to shock at the sight of a naked woman approaching and reaching towards him to grab the pizza box.

The joke was on us, though, because the delivery guy wasn’t. Her name was Megan, she was a beautiful, young, petite, Hispanic girl, and her look of shock rapidly turned to unmitigated delight, especially when she got a look at Taylor. We tipped her well, and promised repeat business.

“Do you think Megan’s working tonight?” I query, somehow feeling a little less confident than I had a mere five evenings ago.

“There’s one way to find out,” Taylor shrugs. “If she’s not, maybe somebody else can get a thrill.”

I hope she’s on tonight. If she is, she’ll still be surprised, because last time we called the order in with my name and from my address. Tonight Taylor’s making the call, to his house. I hope we’re in her delivery area. Taylor makes the call, he asks for the delivery to be by Megan. We’re in luck! She’s working tonight, and our address is in her area.

It’s dark by now, and we’re freshly showered and shaved. We want to be presentable when she arrives. I especially want Taylor to be presentable, so I have him relax on the couch while we wait. I kneel in front of him and spread his knees slightly. He knows what’s coming, and his cock responds before I’ve even touched it. Sometimes I’m so hungry for his cock that I’m gobbling it up before he’s even hard – I love to feel it grow in my throat. Not tonight, though. I’m not sure when she’ll get here, and I want to stretch it out – literally – so that he’s at his best when she walks through the door. And she WILL walk through the door.

I start with my fingertips, both hands gently cupping the top of his smooth hairless scrotum, sliding down and forward with a slight tension. My tongue lightly contacts the slit of his cockhead, tip to tip. I barely tap it a couple of times, then add a soft flick. Curling it upwards, I brush my tongue-tip along the bottom of his glans, back up to the opening. Now I taste the first sweet slippery oozings of pre-cum. I dip my tongue into it, giving it a slimy coating, then slowly lick around the circumference of the glans, and the narrowing just below it. Only then do I give his balls the slightest tug upward, and leisurely slide my lips down his shaft, feeling the sides of my mouth stretch as I envelope the width of his “flight deck.” Deep throat is a skill I’ve been proud to learn, and Taylor’s girth would make it a challenge for most, but I’ve practiced on him – and on Carl, Henri, and most recently Joe – so often that by now it’s almost effortless. My trained throat opens up easily to let him all the way in, and as my nose pushes into the soft flesh of his pubic pad, I’m glad we shave one another. I can handle hairy pubes, but why should I have to? Skin to skin is orders of magnitude more sensual, stimulating, erotic, and pleasant.

I pull off of him more quickly than I slide down, leaving a thick drooly mess of mouth and throat excretions on him. A little ribbon of drool hangs on between his cockhead and my lower lip, I let it flow down my chin before sliding back again on his well-lubricated manhood. There’s no rush, I control the pace, and Taylor’s not one to cum prematurely in any event. We can do this all night, and just might want to.

The doorbell finally rings, and we’re ready. My pussy is soaked with anticipation, my nipples are jutting forward and tingling, a thick wad of saliva is halfway down my chin, and streaks of wet shiny slime decorate both of my cheeks. Taylor’s cock is spit-shined as well, with excess drips soaking the front of his scrotum. The order is in Taylor’s name, but I’ll be the one answering the door. I stand and walk towards it, Taylor following a few feet back. There’s no need for a second ring. I open the door in all my naked glory, and see those beautiful big brown doe eyes suddenly double in size. She stands for a moment in shocked silence, an instant of confusion, and then joyous recognition.

“T-Tethys? Tethys? Tethys! Oh my god! Tethys!” By now she’s bouncing up and down and squealing with delight, and of course drops the pizza box on the doorstep. Fortunately it stays together. She picks it up, I grab her and pull her in through the door, close it, and then throw my arms around her in a happy embrace.

“I was so hoping I would see you again, but I didn’t expect this… I thought it was for a Taylor… Oh, Taylor! Your boyfriend!” Now she sees him standing behind us, beautifully naked himself, cock at full attention and full slobber residue. She saw him flaccid last Tuesday night, and was impressed then, now she stares open-mouthed at his magnificent equipment.

“Taylor, is this your house? This is so cool. You both look so hot! I wasn’t interrupting was I? I apologize…”

She’s babbling now, and I lead her into the kitchen and take the pizza box out of her hands. She looks so cute in her red and blue delivery vest and ball cap, long straight brown hair, brown perfect skin, strikingly beautiful face, flawless lips, petite body with hips on the narrow side, an air of innocent enthusiasm.


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