Dawn’s Weekend of Torment Part 1 by Big Diaz

Dawn’s Weekend of Torment Part 1 by Big Diaz

Experience the thrilling sensual journey in 'Dawn's Weekend of Torment Part 1 by Big Diaz.' This erotic sex story delves into passion, desire, and uncharted pleasures, igniting your imagination. Discover the electrifying escapades that await – indulge in a weekend filled with tantalizing twists and irresistible temptation. Dive into the story now!
The latest true story of my time with Dawn , Author’s Note: This story takes place a few weeks after the events of Dawn’s Lesbian Rape. This story is too long to write together, so I am breaking it into a few parts.

I recognize the tone of these stories is quite dark and different. Hopefully the reader has come to understand by now what the source of that tone is.

Many thanks to those who have been positive and enjoyed.


It had been a few weeks since Dawn had her night with Kristi and Jess. She was back to me just a few days later and was especially aggressive about getting my cock in her. It was pretty obvious that she wanted to reassure herself that she wasn’t a lesbian, despite what she had done that night.

She always denied that she had slept with Kristi that night. No way. Kristi had the video to prove it. She took Dawn to her own house and had lesbian sex with her all night in her husband’s bed. Wow.

Anyway, I had been talking with Dave, and we had decided that it was time to see if Dawn would keep her promise to him to return when he called. He also had some ideas of what we should do to her. Most of them were going to be very humiliating and painful for Dawn, but that’s what Dave does. Like I said, he can be pretty sadistic with women, but as we found out, Dawn was a closet pain slut.

Once again, we needed a good weekend when her husband was out of town. We really wanted more than one night. As it turned out, we got lucky. He was sent to Europe on business for a few days, including a weekend. International calls being expensive, he decided that for a short trip like this, she would be all right. He really was a fool. After all, I had been fucking his wife for 2 years, making her do anything and anyone I wanted, and he never suspected a thing.

So, we set her up for that weekend. It had been a long time since I had Dawn for that much time. With spring here, that also gave us some other opportunities that we had not been able to use in winter. This was going to be great.

We started the night before. At just after midnight on Thursday, Dave called Dawn’s cell phone. She was asleep, so when she answered, it took her a minute to understand what was happening. He asked her, “Dawn, do you know who this is?” She replied, “Yes, sir.” He asked, “Do you remember your promise to come to me when I called?” Again, “Yes, sir.” Time to bait the trap. “Come to your boyfriend’s tonight at 7.” He went on to describe exactly how she was to prepare and dress, and then hung up on her.

I was actually kind of surprised when Dawn showed up at my place, and followed the instructions to the letter. She was wearing the same short, white trench coat that she had worn for the night with the girls, and a pair of silver and clear 8 inch heels with 2 inch platforms. She was also wearing her three diamond necklace from her husband, her rings, and her big hoop whore earrings. Her long blonde hair was freshly brushed out behind her, making her absolutely beautiful.

But that was it. Under the coat, Dawn was completely naked. More than anything else that Dave could have done for her, her lack of clothes made it perfectly clear what was going to happen to her this weekend. She was going to be our whore. I was amazed that she had not refused to do what she was told.

What was more, this time, she had to know that intense pain was going to be part of the experience. After Dave’s bruising of her massive DD tits when she was gang raped, there was no question he was going to do much worse to her this time.

We really didn’t talk when she arrived. Dawn knew that Dave, not I, was calling the shots here. I simply checked under her coat to make sure she had done what she was told, then walked her down to my car. To be honest, I don’t know what I would have done if she had shown up with clothes on. But she didn’t. She sat down in the passenger seat and we drove off without a word.

It only took us about 10 minutes to get to a shoppin//g center a short distance away from downtown where I live. I have noticed that almost every big parking lot has a place out of the way where it is possible to conduct discreet transactions without attracting attention. I pulled over into the back corner near a hillside and backed into the space. No other cars were around us for at least 50 yards, and no one was in sight on this part of the lot. It was just getting dark, and the lights really didn’t reach back here. There was little chance that anyone would see what was about to happen.

Dave had been sitting quietly further up the lot, watching for us. Soon after we pulled in, I saw him back out of his space and drive around the edge of the lot towards us. Of course, I knew where to look. Dawn had no idea.

A moment later, Dave backed into the spot on Dawn’s side of the car. She saw him, setting her jaw as though against pain. The moment of truth had arrived for her, although, like last time, her fate was sealed the instant she got in my car. One way or the other, she was going with Dave tonight.

Dave and I both opened our doors and got out. I noticed that he had opened his trunk as well. Dawn was going to have a much less comfortable ride the rest of the way. We walked back there, where I saw the trunk was empty other than a small black bag. I also noticed that he had removed the emergency trunk release inside the lid. Perfect.

With that, Dave walked back to Dawn’s door and opened it. His words were simple. “Get out and come back here.” Surprisingly, Dawn did not resist. Silently, she slid out and stepped towards the rear of the car, heels clicking on the pavement.

I looked at her, long blonde hair falling behind her, and saw the intense fear in her eyes. Unlike the last two times, Dawn knew this time she actually was about to be painfully humiliated. The details were not yet clear, but there was no question that she was terrified of Dave, as well as ashamed of herself for once more submitting herself to this agony. She knew she shouldn’t be doing this, but also could not stop herself.

The open trunk lid on one side, and the wooded hillside on the other, made an effective screen to hide from passerby what was happening here. Dave kept his speech short, telling her, “Take off the coat and give it to your boyfriend.”

Dawn turned toward him, wide-eyed, putting me behind her. He was telling her to strip naked in a public parking lot. When after a moment she didn’t move, Dave barked at her: “Now, whore!” Her hands flew to the belt, untying it, then raised to her buttons. She undid each, slowly revealing her body beneath. As soon as the last button opened, I put my hands on the shoulders and pulled the coat off her. She stood nude before us.

Dawn’s great DD tits stood straight out off her chest, nipples fully erect in the cool evening. Her cunt was absolutely smooth, just as I like it. Dawn’s long blonde, almost white, hair, full and hanging most of the way down her back, lay perfectly around her face. The heels stacked her up, emphasizing her petite figure with massive, out of proportion tits. All around, she looked exactly like the fucktoy she was.


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