Crashed in the desert by One-red

I lay like that for quite a while then he rammed it in to the hilt and warm baboon semen was jetting down my throat. He stayed like that with his dick in my mouth for quite some time I think it was a new sensation for him. Then he got up and went to the make up girl and pulled her head into his lap. She had seen me and was pretty soon doing the same. The lead girl had disappeared from sight. I hadn’t heard her screaming so I assumed she was ok. After the two males had finished with us for the time being we went to see if we could see her. We heard noises coming from the plane. We looked in and there she was in the aisle draped over a large suitcase the crew had used to barricade us in with a young baboon mounting her . There were three other baboons in the plane with her. I think they had been taking turns with her. I think she was almost unconscious from struggling. We had to leave her, there wasnt anything we could do for her without risking our own lives. We returned to the males as we were being surrounded by a group of females again. We had managed to grab some food and water from the back of the plane and we sat and ate it with the head male. We offered him a sandwich which he ate. I think we were showing submission to him.

Over the next day the head male and another large male fucked us four times and they would regularly push their penises in our mouth. I think this was out of novelty as I dont think the females would do this. As night fell we went to the plane to see how the other girl was. There were now about six young males in the plane. We couldnt see the other girl but we assumed she was still alive or the males wouldnt be there. We went back and curled up near the males and slept.

The next morning I heard a vehicle. I saw men looking in the plane. At last we were rescued.

I heard some gunshots and saw the men drag the lead girl out the plane unconscious. They took her back to the truck and then they returned. They were searching round the wreckage picking at the torn fragments of clothing and blood. We stood up and shouted to them. They looked over towards us and started coming over.

Being very territorial the baboons grabbed us both and started mounting us as a signal that the women belong to them.

The men came as close as they could and stood there watching us being fucked. The lead guy signalled two men to go back to the truck. Shortly after they returned with rifles.

At last we are saved.

Then we saw tranquiliser darts go into the three males near us. And then I felt a dart go into me. Then everything went black.

To be continued

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