Teacher’s Threat by BashfulScribe

Teacher’s Threat by BashfulScribe

Discover the tantalizing tale of 'Teacher's Threat' by BashfulScribe, where desire and danger collide in an erotic encounter that pushes boundaries. Dive into a seductive world of forbidden love, power dynamics, and irresistible attraction. Unleash your fantasies with this captivating sex story!<br/>

(Be prepared for a long one, this story is ~25k words!) A girl finds out she has a crush on her teacher and stops at nothing to fulfill her fantasies. Hope you enjoy!

I had a crush on my teacher.

Saying it now feels like no big deal, but at the time I remember it was the hugest thing. It was kind of stupid – boys were allowed to talk about how hot their teachers were, and you couldn’t go a single lunch period sometimes without overhearing some of the bolder ones talking about “how big Ms. Lawson’s ta-tas” were or something. Occasionally a mildly popular guy would claim he had sex with one of his teachers to earn reputation points or something, but he’d quickly get shut down by his classmates and enjoy going back to being one of the less popular ‘full of shit’ guys for at least a few weeks.

But if you were a girl? You were screwed. If you talked about it in front of your friends, it would reach the whole school the next day. If it reached the school, you were officially a crazy horny bitch with an Electra complex. Good luck getting a boyfriend after that.

And if you were like me, and you had a crush on your female teacher… well, you were extra screwed.

I guess I didn’t have much to lose anyway. I wasn’t exactly one of the most popular girls at school, but my looks would kind of give that away. I was so stereotypical it hurt. Shortish brown hair, a baggy shirt, always clutching your books close to your non-existent chest and presto, you get Mina. Sheltered all her life, the teachers barely notice her, let alone the students, and to top it all off, even the bookworms at Hazelwood High School had a clique, so I was truly on my own.

Well, that wasn’t entirely true. There was Lucy. We were close, but it was one of those things where she was my best friend, but I clearly wasn’t hers. Still, I was grateful to have her around, even if her very presence made me jealous sometimes. It wasn’t enough that of course she was more endowed than me (even though we were in high school, the fact that people our age were judged based on the balls of fat we had on our chests was kind of disgusting). She also was constantly chatting up others as we walked in the halls together, talking with people as they passed by, texting others when we hung out, and… I just didn’t feel like I was enough for her.

People kept telling me I was just mature for my age. My mom would tell me that at least once a week. Maybe I was, and maybe it was inevitable that instead of one of the dumb boys, I’d fall for Ms. Wagner. And oh my god, did I ever fall for her.

I don’t even know when it began. I know that from the moment I saw her I was shocked by how good she looked, but there was a difference between that and a crush. This was Ms. Wagner’s first year, a point that was not lost on her class – we students could always tell who was older and who was younger. Part of it was their attitude, part of it was their looks, and part of it was their aura too. Ms. Wagner had this look to her that was equal parts intimidating and just downright gorgeous. She had straight brown hair that she always had done up in this ponytail that told her class she was all business, but there was no fooling me, especially in her eyes – she clearly had a more childish side, or a more mischievous side or something. Add to that the freckles on her face and her knowing smirk she’d give all too often, and a face like that would begin to wear anyone down, given time.

I wasn’t the first student she’d unknowingly seduced with that smile. In fact, within the first few days of her teaching at the school, I had overheard a bunch of the boys in my homeroom class talking about her at lunch.

“What do you think?” Quincy, the leader of their rat pack, asked his ragtag team. Lucy and I were standing in line for lunch and couldn’t help overhearing them.

“I’m thinking… thirty? Twenty-eight?” Johnny, the cutest one of the group, shrugged.

“Thirty?! Ms. Wagner, thirty? C’mon, dude.” Quincy laughed at him. “She looks like she could have graduated from Hazelwood last year.”

“Bull-shit!” Artie, another one of them, joined in.

“Got something to say, Artie?” Quincy challenged him. “I’m not saying she’s fuckin’ thirteen or anything.”

“What’s going on?” Lucy asked me, eyeing the boys.

I shrugged. “I think they’re talking about my homeroom teacher, Ms. Wagner.”

“What’s she teach?”


She stared at the ground in thought for a few seconds. “Is she the one with the hips?”

“The what?”

“No? Maybe I’m thinking of another teacher.” Lucy replied thoughtfully.

“I… don’t know,” I managed. “I don’t spend a lot of time looking at the hips of my teachers.”

Lucy laughed at me. “Mina, come on. If she’s the one I’m thinking of, you can’t not see them. Check it out. Save my spot.” She sauntered over to the boys at the lunch table and posed coquettishly in front of Artie.

“Hiiiii, Artie,” she purred.

“Hey Luce. What do you want?” Artie asked.

“I couldn’t help overhearing your conversation, and was wondering, who’s Ms. Wagner? I feel like I’ve seen her before.”

“Oh. Um, she’s that new English teacher. Kinda young-looking, the one with the ponytail,” he replied.

Lucy pretended to think for a bit. “I think I’ve seen her around. What does her body look like?”

“Huh?” Artie asked, with Lucy only staring at him in response. “Well, y’know, she has… she’s…”

“Hips. The one with the hips.” Quincy practically burped.

“Thank you,” Lucy replied merrily, skipping back in line, leaving a confused Artie staring at her. “See?” she asked me.

“I guess,” I laughed. The boys were now staring at me and with no doubt a blush on my face I turned away.

Lucy smirked at me. “You’re getting attentionnnn,” she sang.

“It’s just weird,” I awkwardly replied.

“You should ask out Johnny sometime. I think he likes you.” Lucy had the courtesy to say that under her breath.

“Isn’t it his responsibility to ask me out?” I asked.

“It’s 2021. Fuck gender roles.” Lucy flipped her hair dramatically.

“Wow, I had no idea I was talking to Susan B. Anthony,” I mumbled. My mind was definitely not on Johnny.


If I could have cursed Lucy to never fill my head with an idea again, I would have, because the next morning the first thing I noticed were Ms. Wagner’s hips. Some people just had those kinds of bodies, and now that I was looking at hers, I had to admit I was surprised I didn’t notice it sooner. She had such beautiful wide hips that her walk was forced to be a saunter, like some kind of sexy tease. I’m sure it wasn’t on purpose, just a consequence of what God gave her.

And now, I was looking at her full body, and that was the first day I knew I had a crush on her. Not only did she have an impressive set of hips, but also a pretty impressive chest on top of it. I still didn’t get the appeal of boobs, but if every single other person in this school was going to pretend that boobs were a measure of hotness, then I could now understand why everyone in the school was talking about her. The mischievousness in her eyes now took on a whole new meaning – combined with her walk, it was clear this woman was built to have kids.

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