The sexual adventures of Lacey and Ricky – Chapter 16 by Piglet838

It felt awkward to look around. What if someone would catch us looking? People might think we are perverts. If we took our own clothes off, we might be more free to peek at our shipmates. Sitting on our comfortable chairs, looking outside at the people out on the deck. Ricky and I whisper to each other about what we are seeing and wondering what we should do. A voice from behind us says, “Alright you luddites. Time to join the party.” Turning, we see Ricky’s mom smiling down at us. She is topless with just her bikini bottom on, hands on hips. As we look at her she jiggles her boobs to taunt us and laughs.

Ricky looks at me, afraid to make a move. I shrug and pull my top over my head, while Ricky shed his t-shirt. Turning my back to him I ask for help unhooking my bra. He sweeps my long hair over my shoulder and deftly unhooks my bra and slides the straps off my shoulders. He traces the back of his finger down my back, eliciting an involuntary shudder from me. Ricky says, “This should make for some great vacation pictures.”

I laugh and say, “don’t you remember the ship rules? No pictures.”

Ricky replies, “We are not allowed to take pictures of people on the ship, but we can take pictures of the scenery. And you are definitely scenery.”

Ricky’s Mom says, “Ricky. What are you waiting for? You have to take off more than your tee shirt.”

Ricky looked stricken. “I can’t! People will see that I have a boner! They will think I’m some kind of pervert. I have to somehow get my thing under control.”

Ricky’s mom chuckled, “See, I told you this would be good for you to learn control. Don’t be such a prude. You will see other boners on this ship. Some people will suspect that you are new to the nudist scene. Others will realize that you are just young and horny, just as they were as teens. Remember, this is a judgment free zone.”

That stung, being called a prude by his mother, but he realizes that she is right. Ricky let out a long sigh and took all his clothes off. He looked uncomfortable and it looked really strange, seeing him naked in a public space, even though there were lots of other naked people around. This will take some getting used to. It struck me as funny and I had to hold my hand over my mouth and giggle. Ricky’s mom just looked at him and said, “That’s real nice. You got nothing to be ashamed of.”

Speaking of Ricky’s mom, she looks amazing. This is the first time I have seen her nearly naked. Her boobs look fantastic and she seems so confident. Her belly is taught, with just the beginnings of a six-pack. She is only wearing a bikini bottom. And to think, Ricky has been sleeping with this goddess! It’s a wonder that he even looks at me!

Ricky finally says, “You know what. I feel really awkward just sitting here. How ’bout we go for a walk.”

Ricky’s mom says, “Deck five is a walking deck. We can go there and walk laps around the ship. I think seeing others and interacting with people who are used to this will help us become more acclimated and comfortable.” We decide to stop at our stateroom and leave our clothes there so we would not have to carry them. When we got there, I decided to take off my shorts and leave them in the room, since Ricky is totally naked. Seeing me get undressed, Ricky’s mom decides to join us and take everything off. I stood looking at her crotch and she stood looking at mine. It was surprising to see the similarities. Her pubes are darker than mine, and her inner labia more prominent, but we had Landing strips that are remarkably similar. I finally stammered, “You look really nice. I mean all over, not just down there, but down there looks really good, too.” What is the matter with me, stuttering like a nervous wreck.

Ricky’s mom smiles and says “You are very beautiful, too, Lacey. I was just a little surprised that you are trimmed the same way that I am.” She looked down and pulled up on her mound, to show her pussy to better effect.

Ricky just stood at the window and looked out across the sea. When we are ready to go, Ricky’s mom says, “Ricky, are you OK? You are not looking at us at all.”

Ricky turned his head towards us and said, “If I do, I’ll have to go out with a raging hard-on. I would be so embarrassed that I might jump overboard to avoid people seeing me! Either that or one of you is going to have to fuck me so I won’t be so turned on!” At that we all laugh.

So we walk laps. I feel really proud to be one of such a good looking group. We meet a lot of people. Some are sitting on lounge chairs on the deck, some are walking like we are. It is amazing. People are friendly and make eye contact. Sometimes you catch people looking down, checking us out, but that’s OK. I want to check them out, as well. It is quickly becoming less and less awkward. It’s as though we are wearing clothes instead of being totally naked. We gradually became more comfortable with our nudity in response to other people’s comfort.

The deck we are walking is not wide enough for us to walk three abreast. Most of the time, Ricky’s mom walks in front of us. Her walk is something to behold. Her muscular ass is firm and round. She takes long strides and her hips swivel seductively as we move along at a brisk pace. Ricky studies her ass as we walk, and his dick shows it. He is erect enough to be at full length, but not quite stand up.

We come to a wide place on the deck where a man and woman are moving aside some chairs to make room for them to practice yoga. The woman is unrolling a mat as we approach. This arouses the interest of Ricky’s mom and we stop to chat. When they find out that Ricky’s mom practices yoga, they invite her to join them, and Rick and I move on by ourselves. On our next lap, we pass by the trio and they are gracefully going through their routine, with a small audience. We notice that the fifth deck has a huge swimming pool, and we decide to take a detour and enjoy a swim. This is so convenient, with no clothes. We can jump in any time, with very little forethought. There are fresh towels provided near the pool. It is somewhat familiar for us, since Ricky and I have been swimming together in the creek naked since we were children.

From the vantage of the pool, I feel free to look around and watch people without feeling like I am staring. There are two employees, sitting on high benches marked, ‘Lifeguard’, one on either side of the pool. One is a guy and the other a girl. They look like they are of Filipino origin, and, of course, are naked. They are two very beautiful human specimens. They are giving each other looks across the pool, smiling. Are they a couple? There is a bar at the back of the space and everyone there is naked, including the two female bartenders. The fact that everyone seems at ease affects me and makes me feel comfortable. There is a certain beauty to all the naked people. Even the elderly, who are indeed sagging, are no more repulsive than they would be if they were clothed. It is just a part of being human.

After swimming and “people watching” a while, we find that we have worked up an appetite. Ricky suggests that we get dinner, and I couldn’t agree more. Dining is one activity on this ship that requires clothing, so we head back to our stateroom to get dressed. On the way, we stop by to let Ricky’s mom know what we are doing. We find her, still engrossed in her yoga, but their group has grown to eleven people. There is a small crowd gathered to watch, and Ricky’s mom is the undisputed star. She moves with more grace, flexibility and strength than any of her peers. It makes me hot just to watch. Some of her moves places her in a position that left me wanting to go lick her pussy myself. Her clit is larger than average and stands out proudly in its hood. Her little landing strip is trimmed to perfection and the rest freshly shaved. Perhaps someday I will have an opportunity to lick it for her as I had done for Tiffany! It will be fun to take her large clit into my mouth and suck it, just like a little penis.

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