The sexual adventures of Lacey and Ricky – Chapter 16 by Piglet838

He is poised over her, using his soft mushroom head to rub her clit, making her moan. She is so close to orgasm, she grabbed his dick, guiding it in. He pushes in half way, paused, then began to thrust. She constricted her kegel muscles, grabbing onto his dick, increasing the friction on his shaft. This brings her such intense sensations deep inside that she is soon pushed over the edge and she experiences La petite mort, known as ‘the little death’. Ricky’s mom can get a little noisy during such occasions, and she does not disappoint. Her moans and cries are sure to be heard by the neighbors next door, if any are in their stateroom. Perhaps it will inspire someone else to action.

The extra friction from the strong kegel muscles is not lost on Ricky. The physical stimulation, the elation from knowing that he is making his mother cum, and her cries and moans all conspire together to cause him to erupt for the second time that day. When they are spent, they lay, still joined together, panting and sweating. Finally, Ricky drags his slack member out of his mother and he lies beside her. “Wow” he says. “I don’t remember any announcement about the fireworks display on this ship today.”

Ricky’s mom gets in the shower, and Ricky waits his turn. While waiting, he falls asleep laying on top of his bed. His mother does not want to wake him, so she slips out of the room quietly. That is how I found him. I knew immediately that his mother had been successful. It makes me feel good to have given this to them. I lay my naked body down, next to Ricky on the bed. We lay hip to hip, and I revel in the knowledge that I have the best lover ever!

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