Three Rapes on the Trail Part 2 by OverAndOut

In no time the warm-up was finished and the team pulled themselves up to the end of the pool and looked to her.

“Coach?” said Ariel after a moment.

Sara looked over, “Sorry. I want you to do sprints.”

The girls glanced at one another.

“Coach?” said Ariel again, “How many?”

“Do five, take two minutes, then another five.”

The girls dove in and the doors clicked as Sara left to catch her breath. Not even one lap and she was winded. She gathered herself and went back in. The rest of practice went similarly. Sara wasn’t able to stop thinking about fucking them and they had to get her attention a few more times.

“Okay, I think that’s enough for today,” said Sara, “You guys have worked hard and I appreciate it.”

The six women plopped out of the pool and dripped to the locker-room, whispering. Amy turned and walked toward Sara.

“Don’t!” whispered Kim.

“Hey, coach!” said Amy as she jogged along the pool.

Sara watched her and tried not to stare at her cameltoe, sopping with pool water. Water dripped down Amy’s legs, leaving little wet footprints on the tile.

“I just wanted to ask if you were alright.”

“Oh,” said Sara, “Yes, I am. I have a lot on my mind today. I’m sorry if it impacted your practice.”

She was sincere, though obviously couldn’t tell her the truth.

“No! I just wanted to know you weren’t upset with how we were doing.”

Sara frowned, “Is that how you all feel?”

Amy laughed nervously, “Oh, no, we were just… I thought maybe you… that you thought we weren’t trying hard enough or something.”

Her eyes wandered everywhere but Sara’s.

“Of course not,” said Sara, putting her hand on Amy’s shoulder, “You all did wonderfully. Come with me.”

She followed her to the locker-room in silence. The room went quiet when Sara opened the door. Amy peeked around her, motioning with her hand across her neck for the other girls to be cool.

“I want you all to know that I’m so proud of you. You’ve all been doing exceptionally well and I think we’re really going to clobber the competition.”

Sara looked around at the naked girls. Katy’s perky nipples were hard. Ariel’s hands were clasped in front of her vagina. Sara wanted to pull them away and stuff her. She leered at them. Ellie stood, half dressed, her leggings up to her bare stomach that led to slightly uneven breasts. They stared back at her and Sara blushed.

“Thanks for your hard work, I’ll see you all tomorrow.”

She whirled around and slammed into Amy, who had been standing behind her the whole time. Sara fell on top of her, clipboard clattering across the floor. The door closed behind her and she heard stifled laughter through the door. Amy squirmed under her and Sara looked down, her hand groped her breast. It was soft. Sara fought the urge to squeeze harder, to make Ariel moan. Her blue eyes looked into Sara’s and she wiggled again.

“Oh my god!” said Sara, releasing her. “I’m so sorry, are you okay?”

“Yeah I think so.”

Amy took Sara’s outstretched hand and got to her feet. She rubbed the back of her head.

“Are you sure? Did you hit your head?”

Sara took her head in her hands and pulled off her swim cap, brown hair poured out over her shoulders as Sara felt the back of her head. She couldn’t help but to imagine forcing her head down.

Amy backed away, “I’m alright, really!”

She skirted around Sara and into the locker-room, ass jiggling as the door closed. Sara grabbed her things and left. The whole drive home she thought about Amy’s little tit, squishing under her strong arm. Her body pinned down beneath her muscles, unable to escape. She was starving when she arrived home and made a quick meal without changing clothes. It didn’t help her hunger. She put on the TV and hugged a pillow, trying desperately not to touch herself. She wanted to lick Ariel from head to toe, to taste her asshole and lap up her fertile pussy juice. It was too much, but Sara resisted. She drooled into her panties, unable to stop her wetness from seeping through her shorts.

“Ugh,” she moaned and turned off the TV to get ready for bed.

In the shower she felt cursed in some way. Never had these types of thoughts entered her mind until… the dream. Sara realized they had started with that nightmare. The dirt and the dungeon. Even as she dried off and got into bed, her mind wandered back down to that dimly lit room. She tossed and turned all night, horny as she had ever been.

The next day drifted by in the same way the one before had. Rain pelted her car and she soaked her panties. Classrooms of students came and went as her mind was completely elsewhere. It was almost impossible to stay focused. He tried to make believe that she was simply stressed about the meet, as she had told Amy yesterday. In no time the last bell rang and she went to the pool. She felt like she was lagging through time, something was off. When the girls came through the door, she was suddenly clear. She watched them from sleepless eyes. They moved in slow motion instead of the blur that had taken her day so far.

“Hi coach,” said Kim.

“Good afternoon, ladies. See you in five.”

The girls looked over at her, pausing. Maybe it was her hair or how she stood, but she seemed different somehow. When they came back out Sara called them over. The bevy of girls came to her without question.

“Okay, I have some feedback for you all. Kim, Ellie, Amy, and Riley, we need to focus on nice, consistent kicks. I like your strokes, but let’s synchronize out legwork. Ariel and Katy, I want the opposite from you. I think your strokes are a little off. So, you four at the edge of the pool and hold the wall. Ariel and Katy, take a lane and focus on slow, deliberate movement. First let’s do our warmup. Sound good?”

The girls nodded with a chorus of, “Yes, coach.”

They did as they were told and got into the pool. When their warmup was over, they got into their positions.

“I’ll tell you when to stop.”

After a while she had them do a few more drills, then told them to line up on the wall.

“Let’s have some fun! Sharks and minnows.”

The girls whooped.

“Amy’s the first shark!” called Kim.

For the next hour laughter and shouts emanated from the pool as they played. It was a fun practice.

“Okay, that’s all for today,” called Sara.

The girls swam to the edge of the pool and hoisted themselves out, exhausted.

“You didn’t even get me,” said Riley.

“As if, you were tapping out under there,” replied Amy.

They joked and giggled to the locker-room. A minute later, Sara opened the door. They turned to her in various states of undress, waiting for her to say something. She only looked at them, a sort of half smile on her face. The lights flickered.

“Coach?” said Ellie.

Sara said nothing. The girls looked at one another, confused.

“Um, Sara?” said Amy, covering herself from Sara’s wandering eyes.

Sara felt hunger in her bones and it was time to feast. She let out a laugh that chilled six spines, a cackle that was layered in sound and caked in dirt. The girls backed away from her.

Before their eyes she transformed. Her skin greyed and her skin writhed and morphed into a blob.

The girls shrieked.

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