This is a romantic adult erotic story with fictional characters and plot, targeted at fingernail fetish readers. If extremely long fingernails and/or toenails gross you out, then you’re in the wrong place.
‘Dream chasers – The Encounter’
by V. Tarransky
Dec 2021
Before anything else: An explanatory note is necessary
‘Lucid dreaming’ as a phenomenon has been proven scientifically in the 1970s, but the practice of it goes back to ancient times. For those who have never heard about it, this concept is basically defined as the ability to become aware that you are dreaming while you are dreaming. For those who do know what lucid dreaming is, maybe have even experienced it, be aware that this is just a story and I may have exaggerated things a bit, though I dare say nowhere near the level Leonardo DiCaprio’s ‘Inception’ did. I myself have experienced this state of awareness but not to the extent I will make use of in this story. To those that will find my perception of this subject wrong – I humbly apologize and I welcome your thoughts.
Intro: The Place
I ended up in the suburbs a little over a year ago, forced by a raise in the rent of where I used to stay in the city, when the ownership of the flat I was living in had changed. Being somewhat fed up with the annoyances of living in a building with many tenants I went for the more peaceful environment of the suburbs. A generous and well lit living room, a bedroom, an already equipped kitchenette and a bathroom, right above a locally-famous bakery and pastry shop, were more than enough for my simple needs and an excellent deal for the money. There were two flats stacked above the shop and I was in the one at the top, as the other one was not available at the time of my residence change. A few months later the flat below eventually became available, and though I would have preferred it at the time I had moved, I had already become too set in the one at the top to switch again. Ever since then, to my knowledge, it remained empty, and for that I could only be grateful, because it eliminated the possibility of being disturbed by neighbors.
Across the street there was a park, which had probably been a forest decades ago. Now the paths closest to the residential area had been turned into alleys, and scattered along them there were benches where people could sit and enjoy a breath of fresh air, something I really missed living in the city. I used to come here and walk around or jog whenever I wanted to let my mind loose to digest all that was crammed in it during the day.
…And then: The Deal
I stepped out from my place and started walking with no particular aim, just for a breath of fresh air. I was working from home, like many people did those days, and I really needed a break. Maybe pick up some takeaway lunch on the way back. The shop at the ground floor of the building I was living in was the most handy and enticing option upon my return. I loved the quasi-constant aroma of fresh bread coming from there, every time I was going out or going up.
Across the street, the park called for me to rinse my lungs. I crossed and walked a while in the green forest-ish surrounding. Almost deserted. A bench, quite far in the distance on the path I was walking, was hosting the only person around. As I got close I noticed that it was a woman, quite over-dressed for the cloudy yet still dry weather, very… ‘plus size’, absorbed in reading a book. She flipped a page and a flash of light at her fingertips absorbed all my attention. I had to speak to her.
“Hi… uh… please excuse me for the interruption.”
She raised her glance at me, taken by surprise. Mid thirties I reckoned. Blue knitted beret hat, light brown wavy hair coming down from under it, reaching down to just past her shoulders. Big round hazel eyes sunken in a round plump face.
“I… uh… have a question. D’you mind?” I asked. Before she could answer I continued. “I am curious. Why do you… do… that?” I gestured towards her hands.
“Do… what? Reading?” she replied and looked at the book she was holding. Either she had mistakenly thought I was pointing at the book or she was avoiding the subject. Probably the latter.
“Erm… no, I meant… growing… them.” I pointed to her hands. “Your nails. I couldn’t help but notice when you flipped the page how long they are. They’re a bit… far from looking like you just forgot to trim them. They look beautiful by the way.”
She looked down like one does when caught doing something to feel guilty about.
“Oh, these?…” she held one hand looking at her nails flexed in her palm. “I just… like… to grow them, that’s all.”
“Yes, that’s… obvious, you wouldn’t grow them if you didn’t like it. But… I am curious, why… so long? I mean they grow regardless if you like it or not, but you… allowed them to get this far. And they all seem to be filed to the same shape, so there’s intention and attention put into it. Otherwise they’d break long before… that” I nodded to her hands again. “So… what is it? That is if you have a clear reason to do it.”
“It’s… silly. You wouldn’t understand.”
I looked at her, she seemed embarrassed.
“Try me. I know, most people find it disgusting, but… I find growing super long nails quite interesting. For a lady I mean. As a statement of… I don’t know… skill? …experience? Like a… a… martial arts… devotee striving for… mastery, that sort of thing.”
She started a short laugh, stopping with mouth open, staring at me, with disbelief in her expression. “Really. I’m not kidding” I added.
After a moment she spoke.
“Wow… erm… never in my life have I heard someone compare growing long nails to Kung Fu. But what you said, I think, is as close as you can get to expressing how I feel about growing my nails. With each day that passes and I manage to… still have them I feel like I am… progressing, like… getting better at it. And I just… try to get them as long as I can.”
“Cool,” I commented as I evaluated their length in my mind to at least two inches in length. “They look like… they must have taken… maybeee… two years? …To get this long? …Maybe two and a half?”
“Close…” she confirmed, smiling in agreement. “Last time I… yeah… I rode a bike. Or at least tried to. It… uh… didn’t end well. Was a little over two years ago” she explained further. “How come you know such things?”
“Like I said, I find it fascinating. Intriguing. Appealing. Even… sexy” I raised an eyebrow and looked at her. Her eyes went wide open.
“Are you… flirting with me? Or just simply hitting on me?”
“I don’t know… Am I? I am strolling in the park one cloudy day, I see a lady with super long and beautiful grown nails, reading a book… an actual book!… on a bench. I compliment her on her nails, conversation starts. About nails. Is that flirting? Or is it just hitting on you? I will just be on my way if I’m a bother” I offered, still trying to be friendly.
“No, no, no… Actually… You’re the first person to have offered a… umm… respectful word about my nails in like… I can’t even remember.”