The Live In by Ray Dario,Ray Dario

Dennis set his phone down on his desk. What the actual fuck was his wife thinking? It had only been six months ago their last daughter moved out of the house and now she wanted to invite a woman to live with them? Yeah, it was only ‘until she get back on her feet’ but, damn, he’d only met the woman a couple of times. Not that Vanessa wasn’t attractive. She was. Attractive, funny, charming and very warm and friendly. Still, having someone in the house would be inconvenient.

And the sex had just started to get good again.

With a heavy sigh, he closed his eyes. Taking a deep breath, he picked his phone back up. The text from his wife was still there.

“Hey babe, you remember Vanessa?” He did. “She has had a run of bad luck and needs a place to stay for a while. Just until she gets back on her feet. I know you don’t really know her very well, but before you say no, please, meet us for supper at Martin’s tonight. We can have a good supper and talk about it. Thanks babe.”

Whenever Nancy called him ‘babe’ he knew she wanted something. Well, he reasoned, if Vanessa stayed in the guest room, it was across the house from the master bedroom. Her being there would put a damper on their having sex all over the house, but at least they would still have their bedroom. Damn! He liked playing with Nancy in the living room, or kitchen, or in the dining room. Even the laundry room. That brought back a memory with a smile. He’d even started thinking he wanted to explore Nancy’s submissive side. All through their marriage, Dennis had sensed she had that tendency, but he’d never tried to push it. Maybe he should have, but with kids in the house, it hadn’t seemed proper.

“Okay, I’ll meet you at Martin’s tonight at 6:00” he typed into his phone, checking it to make sure auto correct didn’t have him cussing in Spanish or something just as ludicrous. He read it again. Shaking his head he hit send.

Three hours later, at five before six, he parked his SUV in Martin’s parking lot. All afternoon all he could think about was not wanting this woman to move in with them. It was weird. It wasn’t right. There were other places for her to go; other resources. A thousand times he’d decided that he was going to tell his wife no. She’d be mad, but she’d get over it.

He was early. His wife would be late. At the hostess desk, he gave his name and said the table was for three. The attractive hostess, obviously bored out of her skull, walked him to a booth in the back corner of the restaurant. He texted his wife that he was there and told her where he was sitting.

Martin’s was a family owned Tex-Mex fern bar. The decor was tastefully themed around sombreros but was not garish or obnoxious the way some Tex-Mex restaurants were, and the food was always fantastic. A server brought a set of chips and salsa and took his drink order. Iced Tea for him and his wife. A queso supreme for the table. He didn’t know what Vanessa would want.

Just after six-fifteen, he spotted his wife and gave her a wave. Beside her was a short, thick, Hispanic woman. His wife was a petite blonde with fair skin and a smackling of freckles, standing only five foot four inches, but the woman beside her was shorter by three or four inches. Where Nancy tipped the scales at one hundred-five pounds soaking wet, Dennis guessed that Vanessa would go one-twenty-five or more. He guessed that twenty pounds of that were in her tits. Those things were big, incredibly big. Far larger than Nancy’s thirty-two Bs. And the hips on Vanessa! Her torso was thick, but flared out broadly at the hips. Dennis realized he was staring and forced his eyes up to her face. She was smiling and Dennis knew he was in trouble. That smile was beautiful, her chocolate eyes were warm liquid pools that he could get lost in. Her hair, long and coal black, flowed down around her face, over her shoulders, past … Dennis jerked his eyes back to her face. He was happily married. He forced his eyes to Nancy, she had a smirk on her face. Damn woman.

As Nancy and Vanessa got to the booth, Dennis slid out, giving his wife a peck on the lips. Turning to Vanessa, he extended his hand.

“Hello,Vanessa,” He said, forcing his eyes to stay on her face, which wasn’t that difficult. She was beautiful.

“Hi, Dennis. Nice to see you again.” Her voice purred in a way that sent blood rushing to his cock.

“Shall we sit?” he asked, gesturing toward the table as he dropped his other hand in front of his crotch to hide the rising bulge.

He waited until both women were seated, Nancy on the inside, Vanessa beside her, before he slid into the seat opposite them.

“I didn’t order your drink because I didn’t know what you’d want,” he said to Vanessa. “But order what ever you like.”

“Thank you. I will.” Vanessa’s voice held a hint of laughter.

For the next hour they visited. Nancy was uncharacteristically quiet, but Dennis was captivated by Vanessa’s strong personality. Nancy had always been a little shy, Vanessa was anything but. Dennis glanced over at his wife. She was looking at Vanessa, had been looking at the other woman all night. The look on her face was somewhere between love and reverence, and Dennis wondered what was going on between them. When he got her alone tonight, they were going to talk.

After the meal was over and the table cleared they sat and talked for another hour. It was easy talking to Vanessa. The conversation had been lively, covering a broad range of topics. At the end, though, Vanessa looked over at Nancy. She hadn’t said much to Nancy the entire night, Dennis realized. He’d been almost mesmerized by Vanessa, and he’d ignored his wife too much during the night. Well, maybe that would convince her to not let Vanessa into their home. Suddenly Dennis didn’t know if he wanted that. The thought worried him.

“So, Nancy, it is time to ask him the question,” Vanessa said. Her voice held a commanding tone.

Nancy gave a small jump at her words before turning to Dennis. “Can she stay with us? Just for a little while, until she gets back on her feet.” The words came out in a rush, sounding very rehearsed.

Vanessa smiled at her, patting her hand. Vanessa’s hand trailed up Nancy’s arm, over her shoulder to stroke her cheek, bringing a flush to Nancy’s face. Turning to Dennis, she smiled.

“I hate to impose. If you are uncomfortable, I can go to the shelter down town.” Her eyes were defiant, not matching her words.

“No, Dennis, please. Bad things happen to women in the shelter. You don’t want bad things to happen to Vanessa, do you?” Nancy asked, her voice quivering.

What could he do. They had planned their trap carefully. If he said no, he’d be a terrible person, sending this wonderful woman to some unknown, but certainly bad, fate. Dennis looked between the two women. Nancy’s face was a mix of emotions. He’d have to talk to her tonight alone and find out what this was really about. Vanessa’s face was calm, smiling, confident. She knew he wouldn’t send her to the shelter. For a moment, he toyed with the idea of saying no just to see her reaction, but he found that he really wanted her to come stay with them. The conversation had been fascinating, he told himself, knowing that wasn’t the only reason.

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