Saint Wilder by Mohawk08v2,Mohawk08v2

Saturday Afternoon

“I hope you can talk sense into her, Wilder,” said Sheriff Jimmy Taylor as he drove north out of town. “I know this is an imposition for you, but you knew her family. I gotta move her today. Got a court order, you know.”

“I know Jimmy. I’m a lawyer, remember. I know what a court order is. You explained the situation to me, and I’ll do my best.” Over the longest fucking lunch of his life, the fat lawman had set himself down and asked for his help with the slowest story of all time.

“Hey man, don’t call me Jimmy anymore, would ya? I’m the sheriff now, Wilder. You’re not the only one who’s come up in the world.” Jimmy was a few years younger than Wilder, but they grew up in this same small town. Both played on the famed high school football team. Jimmy was a bully in high school, but he never tried any shit with Wilder, who just assumed he was smarter than he looked, or generally acted.

“OK, Sheriff,’ Jimmy said, punctuating the word with all the sarcasm he could muster.

Wilder Betterman had practiced law in this county for more than 20 years. One of his first cases was that of Frank Neville, a small time grifter who tried to con old folks out of their life savings with an investment scheme. There wasn’t much Wilder could do as the guy got drunk and bragged about his caper to all his friends at a local bar. The case was more shut than open.

Years later, Neville’s wife got caught selling drugs and Wilder tried to represent her, too. However, she was too stubborn and too crazy to take any advice at all and was also convicted. That left a little girl on her own, so Wilder helped get her into a decent foster home. It was about all he could do at the time.

Now, that little girl was a 23-year-old woman living in a broken-down RV out on a plot of land she did not own. Her new husband had been recently arrested on federal charges of drug smuggling fentanyl halfway across the country and was not coming back anytime soon. To make matters worse, the owner of the land she was squatting on wanted her gone.

Everyone knew Crystal Neville. She grew up well. The best possible outcome of her parents. She was, to put it mildly, beautiful and the golden girl in high school. Even Wilder noticed her.

While maybe not the best student, she was popular. Crystal starred as a cheerleader and all-state soccer star and went off to college fully expected to conquer the world. However, something went terribly wrong, which explained the RV she refused to vacate.

“Is she sick or crazy?” Wilder asked. “Her mother was a complete nut job.’

“Ain’t nothing wrong with that girl. Fine a piece as you’ve ever seen; I’ll tell you that. Gorgeous face and a fuckin rockin body. She could work if she wanted to. Landsdale offered her a job, you know, but she turned him down.”

“How surprising. Was the job offer for the position of stripper or whore?” Bill Landsdale ran a gentleman’s club on Airport Road. He and Wilder had slammed into each other legally on a number of occasions. It was no great surprise that vulture was picking on the remains of Crystal’s life.

“Stripper, I think, but he wants her just like everybody else. He offered her the moon, but she won’t have no part of him. Picky little thing.”

“How peculiarly discriminating.” He was giving her points for courage if she would rather live in a rundown RV on the edge of nowhere than sleep with a fat 60-year-old lecher in the lap of luxury.

They passed a ramshackle roadside stand with an obviously-homemade but artistically-drawn sign. It read ‘Hot Girl Fruit Stand.’

Just after the stand, they turned left onto what might be called a dirt road if it was twice as wide and less overgrown. In a few miles, they came to a dead end at a grove of apple trees holding what Wilder guessed was a 20-foot Winnebago of a 1970s vintage. There was a carefully tended and rather large garden in the field on the other side of the road.

Sitting under a faded camping canopy was a breathtaking brunette. He first noticed the long, tanned legs stretching out from an old lawn chair. Her bare feet were propped up on a massive tree stump that seemed to serve as a combined ottoman and coffee table.

Crystal was wearing cutoff jean shorts and an over-stressed white halter top. The exposed skin of her body was deeply tanned and damp from perspiration. She wore no makeup on that defiant face. Who did she remind him of? Raquel Welch in ‘100 Rifles? Maybe.

She turned her head to them as Jimmy parked a few yards away, and the dust floated by missing her all together. The weather gods knew not to mess with that special brand of female perfection. Jesus, what a woman.

They got out of the car, Jimmy waving the court order. “Crystal, honey, this time you gotta go. This paper says you don’t have a choice.”

She didn’t say a word. Just looked away.

“Crystal?” he shouted.

“Shut up Sheriff; my daughter is taking a nap. You’ll wake her with that loud mouth of yours.”

“Crystal.” Quieter.


“Your gonna make me handcuff and arrest you for squattin and stealin? You want your daughter in Child Protective Services? You’re lucky she ain’t there already, you livin out here like a gypsy and all.”

“Girl’s gotta make a living, Sheriff. Got a baby to feed. Nobody’s been using this land for years. Everything’s going fallow.” Every time she addressed the lawman it was with sarcasm. Wilder liked her spirit.

“The owner has been very lenient with you, but it’s time to go.”

“Where’m I gonna go, Sheriff?”

Wilder stepped forward. “Maybe that’s were I can help, Crystal.” She slowly turned her angry blue eyes and gave him a long look. Up and down.

“Yeah, lots of men are willing to help a girl down on her luck. Such kind hearts they have,” she said, dripping with sarcasm. “And all they want me to do is be their whore, ain’t that right, Sheriff.” She glanced at Jimmy and that made Wilder glance that way, too. Jimmy was blushing. Shit, did he try to bed her, too? Jesus. No wonder she was reluctant to leave. She turned back to the lawyer.

“And just what can the Honorable Wilder Betterman, Esquire, do to help me, I wonder.”

“Well first, as a lawyer, I would advise you to gracefully vacate this property, so a law enforcement officer that you obviously hold in contempt won’t be able to bodily accost you with legal sanction.”

“Why are you even here,” she asked. “Is this your property? Do you own it like everything else in this fucking town?” Actually, he didn’t own everything, just an Italian restaurant, motel, grocery store franchise and a flower shop he bought for his mother. He also owned a BMW dealership, an insurance company, and of course, his law practice. But that’s it. You could say that he was reasonably wealthy.

“I do not as I am sure you know. But to answer your direct question, I am here to offer you a position working in a flower shop. I assume you like being around plants, and I admire your entrepreneurial spirit. I will provide temporary housing for you and your daughter and help you get on your feet.”

He did not know he was going to say all that, but he wanted so desperately to help this stunning young woman, and that got her attention. She sat up and looked at him like she was waiting for more. However, Wilder had been a lawyer a long time and knew when to shut up a listen.

“Doesn’t your mother run that shop?” she asked with a wary look.

“Yes, but her assistant recently moved away. If you do well, as I am sure you will, you can take over the shop in a year when my mother retires. That would mean a promotion and raise.”

“And just why would you do all that?” The wary look persisted now with a touch of skepticism.

Wilder looked at the other dilapidated lawn chair under that canopy. He wondered for a moment if it would hold his weight and decided to chance it. He glanced at Jimmy, who was obviously getting restless.

“Crystal, may I sit.” She nodded. “Sheriff, please be patient. This will only take a minute or two, I hope.” He turned back to the beauty in the lawn chair.

“You probably see me as the guy who botched your parent’s legal cases, and I wouldn’t blame you for that. However, what you may not know is that I have spent most of the last 15 years investing in this county and its people. I tend to hire people who need help. I treat them well, train them well and give them the authority to run my businesses. It’s a strange business model, I grant you. Yet, I’ve learned that if you invest in the right people, they will not let you down.”

She sighed. “What makes you think I won’t fuck this chance up like everything else in my fucking life?” She looked so tired at that moment.

“First, I make all my best decisions in the afternoon. Secondly, I don’t know why I believe in you. I just do. You will need to trust me on this. You can run a flower shop. You can get your life together, and you can raise that little girl.” Crystal looked at Wilder for a long time in silence.

“That’s just too kind,” she finally said in a softer voice. “It has not been my experience that men do kind things for women for nothing.”

“That’s because you have yet to met my mother. See, we are not that different. Let me tell you a story. My father was also a less than honorable man who abandoned us when I was just a boy. I was fortunate to have a wonderful mother. She worked damn hard to raise me and put me through school. Once I began to build my businesses, she encouraged me to give back, to help people get ahead. That’s what this is.”

She sat and looked at Wilder for maybe two minutes in silence. He guessed she was trying to gauge whether she could trust him.

“I don’t know, Mr. Betterman. Where will I go? Where will I live?”

“Do you have any money?”

“Not much. Not enough to get an apartment or anything, or I’d already be there.”

“Ok. Well, there is always a hotel, but that might not be best for the child. How old is she?”

“Nine months.”

“I would like to make a suggestion, but you are welcome to dismiss it. You don’t really know me or trust me right now, and I don’t blame you.”

“OK, what is it?” she said with a sigh like she expected the other shoe to drop.

“I have a home on the lake with a guest house. You can live there until you get on your feet. You will not be the first person I have had stay there. You can come and go as you please, and I can help with whatever you need.”

Crystal started laughing. Wilder let her go and laugh herself out.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Betterman,” she said still laughing. “You can’t be this nice. No one is this nice. Who the fuck are you?”

“Like I said. You can reject that idea, and I will arrange for a place in a hotel with a room service allowance …”

“No, no, no. I like the lake house thing. That sounded awesome. I just … am having a hard time getting over you. The richest man in town just drove up to this fucking … hovel … and told me he can fix all my problems. This is not how I expected today to go. No … one … is … this … fucking … nice! No one!”

“So you have said. I understand your reluctance to trust.”

“How come I have never heard of these great acts of kindness?”

“Yes, well. That is a stipulation of accepting my assistance. You can’t tell anyone. I don’t want half the county at my door tomorrow looking for handouts. I can’t and won’t help everyone. They can read my list of kindnesses at my funeral, but not before.”

“Who else have you helped in this way.”

He sighed. “I could present you with a list, if you like.”

“Jesus, really?”

“I don’t usually do that, but then most of my, ah, beneficiaries have not been quite so reluctant to accept my help,” he said with a smile.

“Are you a saint? Saint Wilder?”

“I assure you that I am no saint. I have the same desires and flaws as any man. Possibly more.”

“Really,” She said, eyeing him carefully. “So, you do find me attractive, desirable.”

“Extremely. Any man would. I’m guessing every man you’ve ever met does.” Wilder’s legal experience enabled him to usually be very measured in any response to any question, but that just slipped out. He thought he might have just fucked this up, but she only laughed.

“Well, at least that was honest. Ok, Saint Wilder, what do we do now?”

“I suggest you pack up anything you want to take, but also know that I will provide anything needed for you or the baby. We can stop at Target before we go to the lake. Women like Target, right?”

“This is so bizarre. You’re like a character out of a movie.”

“Can I help with the packing?”

“You kill me. No, Rich Guy is not going to help me pack my shitty little things. Wait here.” She showed the most energy in the last 30 minutes rushing into the trailer. Things started banging around. Wilder looked at a smiling Jimmy.

“Good job,” he said. “I knew you’d fix it, Saint Wilder.”

A baby cried. Wilder could hear Crystal stop the commotion and try to calm the baby, but it wasn’t working. Suddenly, she burst from the RV with the baby on her hip and marched up to Wilder.

“Here, hold her while I pack.” She shoved the dark haired baby in his arms. The chubby little girl wore just a diaper.

“What’s her name?”


“Of course it is.” Crystal went back inside while Mary stared at Wilder with big wet blue eyes. At least she stopped crying. What he did not know about babies would fill the entire universe.


By the time they drove out of hell and arrived at Wilder’s office, Mary was asleep in her mother’s arms. They moved from the police cruiser to Wilder’s car which was a massive BMW SUV and headed for Target. She was giddy with anticipation. She never had two pennies to rub together in her life. Now, she was just going to walk into Target and buy whatever she wanted. Holy fuck.

“Crystal, are you OK?”

“I’m fine, but please don’t call me Crystal. I hate it. It’s like my dumb fuck parents wanted me to grow up to be a stripper.”

“What may I call you then.”

“Crissy, please.”

“Does this explain Mary’s rather simple name?”

“Yes. Virgin Mary, until she’s 30, I hope.”

“I take it your pregnancy and possibly marriage were … unplanned?”

“No shit?” No explanation seemed forthcoming.

“Do you mind if I ask about your husband?”

“I hope I never see that fucking loser again. The best news I ever heard was that he wasn’t ever coming back, and that even beats what you are doing for me today, just so you know.”

“How did you come to marry him?” She just looked at him for a minute.

“You want all the sordid details of my pathetic life. Why do you want to know?”

“If you don’t mind. People do get out on bail, and I am trying to understand the chance that he will attempt to return to you and Mary.”

Should she tell this smart and successful man the stupid thing she had done? It really was so embarrassing! But how does one dissemble when looking at eyes like that? Such intense amber eyes, even when just glancing at her as he was now.

Crissy felt the deep inner need to be honest with this man despite everything inside her rebelling against the idea. Best make a joke of it.

“This is so embarrassing. It’s a story of one stupid mistake after another.”

“I will not judge you.” Sure he wouldn’t!

She laughed. “If so, you really are a saint.” She took a deep breath and started her story. “The short answer is I was date raped at college. He slipped something into my drink in a bar. As a result, I got pregnant. When I confronted him, he said he loved me and was desperate to be with me. That’s why he did it. He offered to marry me. In my role as the world’s most stupid and gullible woman, I agreed.”

“So, he took me to his hometown to get married and then to Vegas for a honeymoon. He kept me in the hotel room for three days, banging the hell out of me and then just snuck out. Yes, I am George Costanza — the King of the Idiots.”

“Where did you marry?”

“A little town in Alabama.”

“I take it you plan to divorce, then?”

“God yes. Someday, when I can afford it.”

“I think we can make that happen sooner, but I would guess you may not even be married, and he just tricked you. We’ll look into that first.”

“My God, that’s right. You’re a lawyer. You do divorces, too?”

“I know people who owe me a favor or two.”

“I am going to owe you my soul by the time this is done, right? That’s what this is, right?”

“No Crissy, I’m not the devil either.”

“I can’t believe you are this nice. Pardon me, but you have a killer reputation. Everybody wants something, and I know what men want from me,” she said.

In her head, she knew he was a good man. Everyone spoke well of Wilder, and she had always respected him. Yet, this was a level above anything she could have imagined.

They parked at Target and headed into the store. She grabbed a cart, laid the baby in it and headed in. He grabbed another cart.

“What’s that for?” Crissy asked.

“Let’s just say this is not my first time at this. You need a child seat, high chair, crib, clothes for you and the baby, special baby food, etc. We need two carts, at least.”

“You are brilliant.” She smiled.

“Thank you.” He paused. “My only concern is how we do this without looking like a couple shopping together. Maybe we should split up.”

For some reason, she found this very amusing. “Are you worried that people will think you’re my boyfriend … or worse, Mary’s baby daddy? That’s so cute.”

He blushed. “More likely they will think she is my granddaughter.”

He didn’t look that old. He definitely had a dad bod, but with nice big shoulders. His sandy hair was starting to gray a little, but his face was handsome with a sharp nose and strong square chin. Overall, he was a tall and good looking middle-aged guy.

“Can I call you Wilder? Or do you go by Wiley, Willy, something?”

“Wilder is fine,” he said stiffly.

“Do you mind if I ask how old you are?”

Wilder seemed flustered by the question. He was obviously not ready for the personal questions to be turned in his direction. “Does it matter?”

“It can’t be that bad!”

“OK. 47, old enough.”

“Same as Leo.”


“DiCaprio, you know, the actor.”

“That is a strange fact to know, how old a specific actor is.”

“I like movies, OK. So, you are the same age as a guy who dates lots and lots of young models. It’s not beyond the realm of possibility that we could be together.”

“I am no Leo DiCaprio.”

“Leo is in the eye of the beholder,” she said, smiling brightly.

He blushed again. She liked making him blush, surprised that she had that power over him.

“I’m changing the subject now,” he said. “Oh look, child seats! I’m going this way.” And he took off for the baby area. He really was a very nice man and really cute when he blushed.

He put a really expensive child seat in the cart and wanted to get a real crib, but she talked him into a Pack N Play instead. He insisted on getting some toys for Mary, as well as diapers, and lots of baby clothes.

Every time she thought they had enough, he came with something else saying how cute Mary would look in one outfit or another. Who was this fucking guy? She just stopped and looked at him.

“What?” he said.

“Are you gay?” she asked.

He smiled. “No. Is that OK? A guy with no babies in his life can like babies you know. This is more fun than I thought it would be.”

“Sure, of course. How come you never got married?”

“Oh, I did, for about 10 minutes until she saw that the life of a young small-town lawyer isn’t that great.”

“I guess you showed her!”

“Honestly, I try not to think of it that way. It was just two people who didn’t work together. I hold no grudges or regrets. I’m over it.”

“But you never got married again? And no children?”

“It was rather painful … the divorce. I don’t like to fail. Then, as they say, the right girl alluded me. OK, enough of me. Are your ready to look at the women’s section?”

“What can I get? I feel like Julia Roberts.”

“Whatever you need, but this isn’t Rodeo Drive and unlike Richard Gere, I am keeping the receipt. Oh, and we are not sleeping together.” He smiled. “I will let you look for what you need and take the little one here to get some food, although the grocery section is awful. Why women like this store so much, I have no idea. It must be all the red.”

“That’s it exactly. We ladies are suckers for red,” she nodded, then watched as he walked away. Who was this man? How did some woman not kidnap him and never let him go? Jesus! Men are NOT like this, not the ones she ever met anyway. Maybe, she would try a little test like filling the fucking cart and seeing how he reacts to that.

Later, Crissy couldn’t decided if Wilder passed or failed the test. From an expectations perspective, he failed. She had expected some kind of reaction, anger or at least sarcasm. Most men, hell anyone, would have done that.

He just asked very kindly if she got everything she needed without even looking at the cart overflowing with clothes, jewelry and makeup. She just smiled. He passed.

Later, they arrived at a big modern-looking lake house with lots of exposed cedar and big windows. It was breathtaking. There were more cars and motorcycles in the massive 6-car garage than one man could drive. She didn’t see Wilder as a Harley Davidson guy. Interesting.

“That’s a lot of vehicles. Does anyone else live here? Do you have a girlfriend?” she asked.

“No to both. You will only need to deal with me.”

Wilder got them settled in the guest house that looked like it was built in the same style as the main one. Crissy fed Mary and smiled as Wilder figured out how to put all the baby stuff together.

They spent some time getting everything functional and even Mary crawled around and handed them parts that they did not yet need. Wilder acted surprised every time he was handed some odd part and Mary laughed. It was adorable.

As she watched him, a thought ran through her head. What would it be like to have a man like this? What would it be like to have a man who loved you and not just lusted after you? What would it just be like to be loved? She craved love. Craved it.

After she had taken a shower, Crissy fed the baby and put her down. Wilder ordered food for them. Italian. He had a restaurant, after all. It was possibly the best meal she’d ever had for a number of reasons not all having to do with the food. He was so easy to talk to. So warm and kind.

“I am interested in why you were living in the RV. Do you mind telling me how you ended up there?”

He had a way of asking personal questions that seemed nonthreatening. As before, she felt compelled to be fully honest. Those eyes looked right into her soul, and she didn’t hesitate to tell him.

“It belonged to a girl I knew who had also dropped out of college. She let me move in. After Mary was born, she left to go with a guy to New York.”

“Why did you stay there? Wasn’t there any place you could go?”

“I have no one, Wilder. It was available shelter, and then the orchard was ready to harvest. So, I came up with the idea for the fruit stand.”

They were quiet for a few minutes and then another question occurred to Wilder. “Is there a reason you dislike the Sheriff so much?”

“Other than the fact that he wanted to throw me out of my home, such as it was?”

He nodded.

“He first came out about a month ago with all kinds of questions. What was I doing there, etc? I think at first he thought I was running a meth lab and using the stand as a front.

“He barged in and started inspecting the place. He made Mary cry. I was pissed and told him to leave if he didn’t have a warrant.”

“I’m guessing he came back,” Wilder said.

“Yes. Many times. After that he had sex rather than drugs on his mind. He must have thought I was a prime opportunity. Over time, he tried to warm up to me with little gifts and favors, but finally made an offer that I refused. He must have reported me to the owner of the property after that.”

“I understand you had a similar offer from Landsdale?”

“You know about that, huh? Well, that offer was not similar. It was much, much more lucrative. Yet, I still refused.”

“Landsdale doesn’t have a reputation for handling refusal well.”

“Oh, he didn’t. He pulled a Trump and grabbed my pussy and tits. He told me I needed a real man, and he’d change my life. I slapped his face and ordered him to leave,” Crissy said. “On his way out, he informed me that I was just a stupid cunt who would come crawling to him soon enough. You can imagine my response to that!”

“That asshole should be in jail.”

They finished dinner and cleaned up together. She looked out the window. This nirvana just went on. A beautiful pool and spa landscaped like it was in Hawaii. The elevated pool area overlooked the lake, a dock, two boats, and jet skis.

She didn’t even know people lived like this. He was a single man alone, a special one she might never meet again. That’s when she decided she never wanted to leave this place or this man.

“Can we swim?” She asked.

“Sure. Pool or lake. Your choice.”

“The pool looks so good. Will you join me?”

“If you like.”

She liked. She had often been the recipient of a man’s attention, but never directed her sights on any man. This just might be fun.


When Wilder dressed for the pool and arrived outside, it was empty. The sun was beginning to set, and the pool lights had come on. He dropped into the spa and let its warm water flow over him. It had been a long day.

Wilder heard the back door to the guest house slide open, and he looked up. Coming toward the pool were three triangles of black against a perfectly tanned female body. As she walked toward the end of the pool opposite him, immense breasts were bouncing and full hips were undulating! He had never in all his years seen anything so perfect, so lovely, so desirable.

Crissy dove into the water and lazily swam toward Wilder. When she got to the ladder right in front of him, she slowly ascended as the water flowed off her. Now he knew who she reminded him of … Raquel Welch in ‘Lady in Cement.” That’s it.

As she walked slowly to the spa, as if in slow motion, his head was filled with Tom Petty singing ‘Here Comes My Girl.” She stopped at the edge of the spa and stood above him. She was smiling with her whole face including her eyes. Heaven help him.

“May I come in?” Crissy asked with a confident tone.

“Please do,” he said with a shaky voice. She entered the water like a cat focused on its prey, and he was starting to feel what, vulnerable? She sat very close to him, so that he could feel his thigh touch hers. God, she smelled great. He watched her look out over the lake.

She started slowly. “Are you open to renegotiating our deal?”

“Our deal? I didn’t think it was a deal, but an offer accepted.”

“Yes, precisely. It’s not fair to you. It should be a deal. You put forth everything, and you get nothing in return. It’s not fair.” He began to feel uneasy. What was she up to?

“You’re wrong. I get the great feeling of seeing someone get a chance to make their lives better. It’s actually very rewarding.”

She turned to him and placed her hand on his knee. She smiled. He instantly felt himself harden. “That is very nice, but I think you deserve so much more. I can’t accept that you give me so much. You should get … something … in return.”

“Crissy, you don’t have to …”

“I want to.” She leaned forward and pressed her lips to his. A soft kiss that he gratefully accepted.

“I thought you said you wouldn’t ever …”

“It’s not the same Wilder. You didn’t make it part of your deal. You are not like the others. I am the one making it a part of OUR deal. This is my choice. I want to give myself to you … if you want me.” She kissed him again with a little more exuberance.

“I … I don’t know what to say, Crissy,” he stammered. “That was not my intention. I never dreamed …”

“Can I tell you something sad?” she asked. He nodded. “I can’t think of a time, when a man touched me, and I welcomed it.” She stopped for a minute to let that sink in, then said,” I welcome your touch, Wilder. I don’t know why, but I crave your touch.”

This time when she kissed him it was deep and passionate. “I want you,” Crissy whispered as she slid onto his lap and on his fully-charged bulge. “And you want me, too, don’t you, Saint Wilder.”

“Of course, I want you, and I’m no fucking saint.” He pulled her tightly into his arms and devoured her with a passionate kiss.

“You feel this, too, don’t you, Wilder?”


“Show me,” she whispered. “Teach me how to make love, Wilder. I’ve never made love.”

He chuckled at that. “I’ll do my best.” And he kissed her sweet full lips again and again.

How was this happening? Why was it happening? This was more than a good deed returned. She seemed to want him. Passionately. Desperately.

And Wilder was now determined to have her, too. He would show her. He would teach her all he knew.

Lifting Crissy up in his arms, he moved from the spa without breaking the kiss. She giggled as he started for the door of the house. She suggested the guest house instead because of her sleeping baby. Of course.

When they arrived in the bedroom, Wilder placed Crissy gently on the bed and grabbed a towel to dry her. He lovingly patted her down starting at her feet as she watched him.

“You’re the gentlest man I ever met, Wilder. So sweet, so generous, so thoughtful.”

“You’re the loveliest woman I ever met, Crissy. There is no one even close.” He kissed her again while untying the top of her bikini at the neck and slowly peeling it away.

He reluctantly parted his lips from hers and moved back, because he just had to see what he’d uncovered. When his eyes came into focus, she was leaning back looking well kissed with swollen lips and blurry eyes. Her breath was coming in a ragged manner that made her breasts move ever so slightly in the twilight of the room. The air felt supercharged.

She was feminine perfection with her wonderfully large breasts thrust forward with practically no sag. Her nipples where small, pink and erect. How did this woman have a child nine months ago and look like this? Amazing!

Crissy reached up, grabbed his shoulders and pulled him down, so their bare chests touched. They kissed as she spread her legs for him, and he ground his hard covered cock against her mound.

She moaned, “I want you!”

“I want you more,” he replied. She untied her bikini bottom as he struggled to push his wet swim trunks over his raging hard-on. Once it was free, Crissy immediately found and stroked it.

“My, what a big boy you are Saint Wilder,” she said in a little girl voice.

“Thank you, but I’m no saint. Not tonight and not with you.”

She guided it to her wet pussy. She was ready, almost frantic to have him inside her. She pulled and lifted her hips up to him, but he held back.

As he rubbed the head of his cock against her opening, Wilder realized that he never wanted a woman more, but he wanted her to declare how much she wanted him. She didn’t let him down.

“Please, Wilder, please! Don’t tease me. Please. I need you so badly.”

“I need you more,” he answered. He let her guide him in, and the head slipped through.

“More, please. Aaaawwww,” she moaned. Looking down into that lovely face, he gave her more slowly pushing inch by inch. Withdraw, a little. Push forward. Withdraw again, even more. Push forward until he was fully embedded.

“You’re so big, Wilder. So damn big.”

“Do you like it, Crissy baby?”

“Oh my God, YES. I never felt anything like it. So big. Take me, Wilder. Love me, baby.”

He loved that she was so vocal, so honest in what she wanted. He wanted to make their first, and maybe only, time wonderful for her.

He kept pumping himself slowly in her very tight, wet and welcoming pussy. There was no doubt that she wanted him as much as he wanted her. Had it been that way all day as it had been for him, or had it grown as the day went by?

He knew even then that it was more than just desire. There was something about this woman that made men want to possess her. More than her undeniable beauty, wit and intelligence. She was the kind of woman you wanted to please. Oh, God, he wanted to please her.

In that vein, he kissed from her lovely neck a slow wet trail down her collar bone to her beasts, pulling his cock from her greedy grasp. Caressing each perfect globe, he suckled her breasts and noted some milk intended for Mary. It was sweet and surprisingly tasty.

He moseyed on down the trail to her navel giving it some attention before making her gasp as he made it to the fork in the trail. He thoroughly kissed all three sides before bringing the tip of his tongue to her open labia and clit.

She gasped out loud. He proceeded to lavish that nub with all his attention. He reached up under her legs with both arms to caress those breasts he’d fantasized about all day. Yeah, he was surely no damn saint. He had wanted this seemingly unattainable woman from that first sight at the RV.

As he loved her clit and listened to her moans, he thought about wanting to make sure she remembered this as the greatest sex of her life. He wanted her to tell her friends years from now about the older man who made her cum all night. Her greatest lover ever.

Suddenly, she calmed which was the universal sign she was about to cum. He had seen it many times. Just before she bucked and came on his mouth, she shouted his name. “Oooooohhhhhhj, Wilder, baby! Aaaaaawwwwww! I’m cuummmiiiiinngg!”

Still cumming, Crissy pulled Wilder back up, and he hovered over her face. He couldn’t help smiling. She looked up at him and laughed.

“Oh, somebody’s pretty damn proud of himself.”

“I am just happy to give you the pleasure you so richly deserve.”

“You always know just what to say.” She kissed him, as he reinserted himself in her pussy and began to pump his full length into her. That stopped her from talking but didn’t quiet her. She was off on another round of moans.

They kissed until he had to get a breath and pulled away. This was hard work, and he cursed God for not finding this woman when he was younger and had better stamina. He buried his face in her sweet neck while varying his strokes, speed up, slow down, short ones, long ones, and stir the drink.

Crissy wrapped her arms and legs around him pulling his cock deep into her center. “Please, baby, please, give it to me, so, good, so good. Make love to me. Show me. Show me.” She came again, bucking against him like she was climbing a rope, pounding her pussy onto him. What a woman! Damn. He was going to be the one who would always remember this night and this incredibly passionate lover.

While she came down from her latest orgasm, he showered her face with little kisses. “You’re amazing,” Wilder whispered. “So amazing.”

“Me?” she whispered back. “You are the master, I’m just along for the ride, and a great fucking ride it is!”

He did not stop, could not stop. She would have to be the one to say “no mas.” She was still moving her hips with him, so that didn’t seem likely.

Wilder slipped from her and moved his body to the side. She seemed confused at first, but then understood what he wanted rolling onto her side away from him. He lifted her leg up slightly and found her opening.

When he slid all the way in with one smooth thrust, she moaned so loud he thought she would wake the baby for sure. In fact, he stopped a minute to listen.

Crissy was impatient though and reached back for his ass to move him along. “Please baby, don’t stop. Don’t ever stop. It’s so good. So damn good. You’re amazing. So wonderful. What a man!”

She made him feel 12 feet tall or 12 inches long, whatever. A man could kill himself loving a woman like this. Hell, there was NO other woman like this one. This was nirvana. This was the holy fucking grail. This was heaven. If it was only for one night, let it be the best night of their lives.

He grabbed her breasts with one arm and pulled her tighter to him. At the same time, he twined his legs with hers. He wanted to feel all of her against him from head to toe.

“I don’t ever want to stop making love to you, Crissy. I want to make love with you forever!”

“Yes, baby, yes. Never stop. Never stop. Please, Wilder, please.”

He knew at that moment that this could not be the last time; this was a beginning, not an end. If he had to, he’d spend the rest of his life and all his fortune to get back to this place. Home. It felt like home.


In the front of her mind, Crissy was thinking only with her pussy now. From the moment she entered that spa, she had intended to turn this romantic and sexual all at once. She was going to make this man her own if it was the last thing she ever did. She still couldn’t believe this had happened all in one day.

In the back of her mind, she was thinking, how long could he keep going? She had come twice and him not even once yet. How long had they been making love? It seemed like hours. He was possibly the greatest lover of all time.

Was he really this good or were they both just great together? She was the flame, and he the gas. Or the other way around. Who cares. He felt so good inside her. Filling her completely. Stretching her like never before. Just don’t stop Wilder. Don’t ever stop.

He had such a nice pace going and hitting all her spots. She loved him being wrapped around her. The intimacy. The intensity.

“You’re a sex god, Wilder! A fucking sex god!” Almost as soon as it was out of her mouth, she thought it a silly thing to say, but it sure spurred him on. He was pounding her now like a machine.

She was going to cum again. Just go boy, go. “Yeah, baby. Harder. Give it to me. I need it so bad. So bad. Oh, Wilder. Oh, baby!” Electric shocks wracked her as she went over the cliff, way the fuck over.

Crissy woke to Wilder’s tender kisses on her temple and her hair. “Sweet baby, sweet girl. Mmmmmm. What a night. What a woman. So perfect. So perfect.” Did she cum so hard that she passed out. A sex concussion?

He was still fully hard and fully sheathed within her. He knew how to touch a woman. His big gentle hands caressing her shoulder, arm and back. Touching her ass; dear God she loved his hands on her ass.

He still hadn’t cum yet. She wanted to give him the pleasure he had given her.



“Yes, baby?”

“Can I suck your cock, please? Would you let me do that? Please.”

Was this real? Had he fallen asleep and started dreaming. This precious young goddess was asking, no begging, to suck his cock.

“Of course.”

“Can you go sit in that chair, so I can worship your huge god-like cock on my knees? Please, baby?” There was nothing, not a single fucking thing, he would not do for her at that moment if she asked like that. And no jury would ever convict him for it.

So, he gently climbed over her and into the big white easy chair. When he turned and looked, she was already standing in front of him. She must have moved right behind him. Eager little girl.

First, she bent forward at the waist and kissed him. She whispered softly while staring into his eyes.

“You ruined me today and tonight for all other men. You are the best man and the best lover in the whole world.” He wanted to touch her amazing breasts hanging right within his grasp but didn’t want to wreck this moment and stop what she was saying.

“I want you to know right now that I am yours, now and always. Whatever tomorrow brings, Crissy belongs to Wilder in perpetuity. Now just sit back and let me worship your wonderful body.”

He could feel his eyes tearing up and started to speak, but she put her fingers to his lips. “No, no, I’m doing the talking here, mister. Sex gods don’t talk when they are being prayed to.”

She kissed him again, deeply. He tried to come up out of the chair to meet her intensity, but she pushed him back and slid her breasts down his chest while kissing his neck.

She whispered again, “As of this morning, I was done with men. I was seriously thinking of becoming celibate, or a lesbian,” she giggled. “But in less than 12 hours, you changed everything for me Wilder.”

She was still making little kisses on his chest throughout this sweet speech and rubbing those glorious boobs on him. Her hands were on his thighs as she teased the fuck out of him. Jesus, he could not be any fucking harder.

“Thank you for the very best day of my life. Thank you for being so sweet to my baby. Thank you for caring enough to save me, for even thinking I was worth saving.”

Crissy slid her hands to his cock and started stroking it as she kissed his chest.

“And thank you for making such sweet love to me. You take my breath away.”

She leaned back high on her knees while caressing his cock with both of her tiny, beautiful hands.

“You have such a huge cock, Wilder. It’s just amazing. And it’s been soooooo hard all this time, while you played my body like a violin. Such sweet music you made. How did you get so good?”

Wilder had never even thought of himself as big, let alone huge. He had measured himself in his youth like any young man does. At around seven inches, he knew his cock was above average. Former lovers had even told him it was thick, but huge?

She bent down and kissed the tip and licked around the head.

“I never really liked doing this and always avoided it in the past, but I want your cock in my mouth so badly, Wilder,” she said while looking directly at the cock. “I am salivating for it. What do men say? Oh yeah. Gagging for it. That’s me.”

Crissy held onto the base and dove down into his cock. The shock of her wet hot mouth on his hard-beyond-hard cock made him jump, but she began bobbing her pretty head and sending him to heaven.

She was making slurping noises and occasional gags as she enthusiastically attacked his dick like she was deeply infatuated with it. She wasn’t just giving a blowjob, but staking her claim. This was her cock now, and she wanted him to know it. Ok, bought in. On board. I’m fucking yours.

She looked into his eyes. She wanted him to see her gorgeous face full of his cock. She wanted him to remember it each time he saw her. She pulled off with a pop, and started rubbing then slapping it against her pretty face. That just made his cock even harder. My God, it would blow up at this point.

“I love this big ass cock, Wilder. Just love it. Want it all the time. You ruined me, baby. Best man, biggest dick. Who even thought that was possible? This was my lucky day, baby. Thank you.” She went back to devouring his cock. He didn’t think he could hold out much longer. She could tell he was getting close, and started wanking harder, frantically.

“Cum for me baby. Cum all over me. Mark me, Wilder. Mark me as your bitch. I’m your bitch, baby. Paint my face with your cum. Please baby, cum for me. Cum for your Crissy!”

Then he did come. Erupted is probably a more apt word. The first blast flew out high and nailed Crissy across her chestnut hair down her forehead, her nose and one cheek. The second didn’t go quite as high but followed roughly the same trajectory. The third hit her squarely in the opposite eye and the last her neck. It all started dripping down on her breasts. She looked sexy as hell painted with his cum.

She was giggling now, while facing him. She wasn’t running off to wipe it away, just amused and presenting herself to her new man.

“How do I look, Wilder?” She said, still giggling, which caused those big boobs to bounce again.

“You are the sexiest thing I have ever seen in all my life.”

“You’re a liar, but a sweet one.”

Then she did the sexiest thing of all and started wiping it with her hands and licking them clean. She was eating his cum off her face. Holy fuck. What a woman!

When she went into the bathroom to clean up, Wilder thought he ought to go and began collecting his things. She came back out and saw him.

“Where do you think you’re going mister?”

“I didn’t want to presume…panties are back on, so …”

“You’re planning to blow off Cuddle Time?”

“No, of course not. It’s my favorite time of day.” They got back in bed and spooned until they fell asleep.



Wilder awoke in a way he was not expecting. Instead of the warm sexy body of a lovely woman pressed up against him, he experienced the gentle slap of a chubby wet little hand on his cheek.

“Good morning, Mary,” he said

“Mummumumm,” the tiny hand’s owner said. A woman laughed nearby. He lifted his head and saw Crissy enjoying a cup of coffee on the piece of furniture that would from then on be known as “their chair.”

“And good morning to you Crissy.”

“Your coffee is on the nightstand. I’m not sure how you like it.”

“Cream and four sugars.”

“I knew you were sweet, but four!”

“Don’t judge me.”

She laughed. He loved her laugh. It was a little nasal and high pitched, not the most ladylike or sweet sounding, but it suited her. She gave in to it and her whole face transformed. He guessed that he just liked seeing her happy.

“I have come to a decision,” she said. “I want to renegotiate.”

“Again?” he deadpanned.

“Yes. I would like to expand our deal.”

“I’m intrigued. Expand how?” He began twirling Mary in the air while she giggled.

Crissy smiled. “I am thinking that we get along pretty well and hoping you might consider a more permanent arrangement. I’m certainty open to it.”

“What kind of arrangement where you are thinking?” He stopped twirling and smiled back at her, and this time, she blushed.

“I think you might benefit from having a girlfriend around, someone to see to your needs.”

“Which needs exactly?”

“You’re gonna make this hard, aren’t you?”

“Do you not think that I am too old for you? If my math is right 23 goes into 47 at least twice.”

“Last night, it was four times as I recall, and 23 had absolutely no complaints.”

“I will be hated by every woman in town.”

“Welcome to the club. They have hated me all my life for reasons I do not understand. I don’t care what they think. This is about you and me. I know we have only really known each other for less than a day, but it was a pretty great fucking day.”

“What are you picturing? You move into the big house, and we live happily ever after.”

“Yes, please! I love it here,” she said smiling and sitting forward.

“So you want me for my house?”

“Yes. Absolutely. And for your sweetness and kindness. For the way you treat Mary. For the way you look at me.” She waved her hand in the air in circles “And your big fucking dick, of course.”

“Not that big.”

“Pretty damn big, buddy. Turned me inside out four times. I meant every word I said to you last night.”

“Thank you. I’m glad you liked it. In case you didn’t notice, I was pretty blown away by you as well, no pun intended. Does it not frighten you how quickly that all happened yesterday?”

“Of course, but then I was the aggressor. I have never slept with a man right away…well, without the benefit of knockout drugs.”

“Last night was a first for me as well, in so many ways.”

“So, can we move forward together?”


“DEAL,” Crissy screamed and jumped on the bed and started kissing Wilder. “I am so happy. What do we do first?”

“Let’s see, get you a car and set up childcare, so you can start work on Monday. We were going to do that anyway. You do still want to work, right.”

“Yes, of course. Although, I am scared to death of your mother. She seems imposing under the best of circumstances.”

“We’ll deal with that bridge when we come to it. We will have to go shopping again.”


“We have a dinner to go to on Wednesday, and my new girlfriend has to be worthy of me.”

“You’re going to show me off like a trophy girlfriend.”

“I am going to show you off like an honored girlfriend.”

“You do say the sweetest things.”


He made phone calls. Pardon, a phone call and a text exchange. The result was an appointment to come down on Monday and see if the best childcare place in town met with Chrissy’s approval. Her approval?

Oh yeah, and a brand-new red BMW X1 sat in the garage and the keys in her purse. With a new child seat already installed in the back. Well, he did own a dealership.

This was a dream come true. She wanted or needed something, and he delivered. Immediately. She also had an appointment on Monday to get a credit card and set up a new bank account. Cinderella, anyone!

But tonight, she would meet his mother who was coming for dinner. His mother. The most important person in his life. Crissy was on pins and needles. What would his mother think of such a young and silly woman being with her far superior son?

Crissy did not remember her parents. From all she heard, she hadn’t missed much, but she did miss having a family. The success of this meeting was critical.

She didn’t have long to deal with these concerns, because Mrs. Betterman came early. Like two hours early. Crissy was still trying to figure out where to put her things in Wilder’s room after getting Mary’s room sorted. Wilder burst in and informed her that his mother had arrived, ready or not.

Introductions were made. Mrs. Betterman asked Crissy to call her Carol. She reminded Crissy of the English actress Helen Mirren, both in look and the way she commanded a room.

Wilder hovered around Crissy and Mary. Initially, the baby was the center of the older lady’s attention. But that focus did not last. Crissy and Wilder sat together on one sofa and his mom sat with Mary on the opposing sofa.

“So, what’s going on here?” Carol asked waving her finger back and forth from Wilder to Crissy and back. “What is this?”

Crissy waited for her new boyfriend to say something, but he just smiled and shrugged his shoulders. His mother gave him a piercing look and then turned it on Crissy.

“We have begun dating,” was all he reluctantly and belatedly said.

“I think it’s more than that! It seems like she’s living here.”

“Carol, if I may,” Crissy took the floor. “We met yesterday. He was a prince come to my aid. Probably the prince you raised so well. I admit that once I realized what your son was, I brazenly threw myself at him. I drew him in like a fish on a line. I am completely happy and most proud of myself for doing it. You can attempt to talk him out of it, but as you can see, he is thoroughly smitten. Pity him if you will, but do not chastise him. He is a most helpless creature.”

Wilder’s mother started to laugh. “You little wretch,” she said, pointing at Crissy. She then turned to Wilder, “I like her.”

“I told you. She is anxious to start work and learn how you run the shop.”

“I don’t care about that, though it will be nice to get to know her. What I want to know is how serious this is. You haven’t dated much lately, and I was starting to get concerned you had given up. Then this one,” she waved her hand toward Crissy. “Not your usual type.”

“Oh, and what is his usual type?” an amused Crissy asked.

“Well, older, for one. More established, more educated.”

“And more boring,” Wilder said. “How did those relationships turn out? They missed passion, I think.”

“So, how’s the passion with you two?” His mom asked.

Wilder didn’t hesitate. “Incendiary,” he said. Crissy smiled and blushed.

“Oh!” His Mom smiled and blushed, too.

“You did ask.”

“It’s very new, Carol,” Crissy said. “We are finding our way.” From that point, Carol turned her questions on Crissy, but there was no tension in them, more like concern for Crissy and understanding for her situation.

They talked for hours, before, during and after dinner. Crissy liked how interested Carol was hearing about her upbringing. Carol seemed to like the thoughtful and sincere answers Crissy gave her.

Through it all, Wilder mostly listened. He liked seeing the two ladies in his life get to know each other. It had the added benefit of helping him learn more about Crissy.

They all gave Mary a bath together and put her to bed. Carol even read her a book. It was all a rather adorable family scene. He liked it.

Once they all said goodbye at the door, Wilder locked up and Crissy went off to get ready for bed.

When he arrived in his bedroom, he found Crissy kneeling completely naked in the middle of the hardwood floor. Her hands were held behind her back, pressing that magnificent chest out and up toward him. Music was playing from a mobile phone — ‘Adore You’ by Miley Cyrus?

He cautiously entered the room trying not to look totally confused. She spoke first.

“I am yours, Wilder. I will never deny you or turn you away, and not just because of what you have done for Mary and me.”

“Your mother is right about me,” she continued. “I am a gold digger. I’ll admit to taking advantage of your lust for me. I have always had that power over men.”

“I’m not sure she said that, Crissy,” he said, still standing in front of her.

“Women speak with their eyes, but that’s not the issue. What I want you to understand is just how much I WANT you. It is incendiary like you said. I do burn for you, Wilder! You can do anything you want to me. Anything. I know you won’t hurt me.”

He started to undress. He was already hard and noticed that she noticed, not taking her eyes off his crotch. She looked expectant, excited. No woman ever responded to him in this way before. It was heady stuff. When his cock came into view, she took in a sharp breath. He believed everything she had said.

When he was done undressing, Wilder knelt an arm’s length from her. She waited, looking confused. She must think that any man would jump on her like a savage after what she’d just said. She would learn that he was different.

“Crissy, I am not interested in Fifty Shades of Grey or even one shade. What I need is a partner who I can love with all my heart and soul.”

“I know you are feeling vulnerable and unsure of yourself right now and using the assets you have always relied on,” he went on. “You know that I have taken stock in them. They are great assets. You are everything I ever wanted in a woman. As much as I love being called a saint and a god …”

“To be clear, I said sex god.” She smiled.

“… we both know that I am neither of those things. I am just like you, one person looking to be loved.”

“No one has ever loved me, Wilder,” she started to cry softly. “I have no one. I never have had.” In a flash, he was across the floor wrapping her in his arms.

“It’s OK, baby.”

“You need to be warned that I have issues … daddy issues, obviously, abandonment issues and God knows what else. I am a mess.”

“You are strong and courageous.”

“I can’t explain it to anyone, how desperately I want to be loved and how scared it makes me. And here I find myself completely falling in love with this absolutely wonderful man, and it’s just … frightening. I am certain that I will find a way to screw this up.”

“I think I understand. Let me ask you a question. Do you think Mary loves you?”

“She has no choice. I’m her food supply.”

“Oh, she loves you. She may not fully understand that complex emotion yet, but she loves you. So, now you have two of us who love you.”

She looked at him, pulled her head back to see him more clearly and tried to read his face. “Don’t be ridiculous, you hardly know me. It’s been two days.”

“I know! Fucked up, right. But there you go. We all have issues.”


“It’s not like I can help it. You’re fucking adorable.”

“You’re silly. When am I ever adorable?”

“Well, when you’re ready to stand your ground and take on a belligerent sheriff, for one. Oh, and also when you look confused. God, I love that one. When you blush, and when you’re happy. When you’re all smug or pleased with yourself. Any time you’re looking at Mary, of course. And my favorite is when you’re sexually aroused and have me in your crosshairs. Who wouldn’t find that adorable?”

“Given this some study have you?”

“You are pretty easy to look at. I have done a great deal of observation on this particular subject over the past 48 hours. In fact, I don’t believe I could take my eyes off you if I tried.”

“Jane Austin has a theme in her books about men struggling to please a woman worthy of being pleased,” he continued. “I think that’s you, and it feels like the challenge I have.”

“So, you’re in love with me now, Mr. Darcy?”

“Pretty sure, yeah.”

“You’re gonna get laid tonight you know either way.”

“With you, or someone else?”

“Better fucking not be with someone else. I’ll rip the bitch’s head off. You’re mine now.”

“And you are mine. See how this works?”

“I really like being yours,” Crissy said softly. “I am very proud that you would want me to be your woman.”

“You’re not the only one who is scared, you know. I don’t have the greatest track record with romance. So, we are both going to be winging this. That being said, I feel like this is the most important relationship of my life, I cannot screw it up either. It doesn’t take a genius to see how amazing you are.”

“I would think Mary would be the truly frightening part.”

“You’re right about that. I had absolutely no model on how to be a father. When she looks at me with those big eyes, I am certain that she can see how terribly flawed I am. I am going to have to learn to fake it better!”

“Now you know how I feel! Sorry about the two-for-one special, but we come as a set.”

“It’s all good. I love a bargain. That little girl is pretty adorable, too.”

“Wilder, I’m scared, but also so excited about our future,” Crissy said. “I hope you are too!”


“Well, there is a long hard road ahead for us,”Wilder said smiling. “I have to walk out into the world next week and deal with all the jealousy and anger of the male population for stealing the most beautiful and desirable woman on Earth. They will not be happy!”

Wilder was caressing her breasts with both hands, lifting them as if to weigh each one. She liked that he seemed particularly fascinated with them. She wondered if they were the best he’d seen. She would have to find the right time to ask.

“Oh, yeah? Well, the female population already hates me. Wait till they see me steal the most eligible bachelor in the whole county right from under their noses. The cat fights will be legendary!”

They laughed together and that laugh turned into a kiss, which grew deeper as they stretched out onto that hardwood floor, just two naked bodies entwined together.

She kissed him with the hunger reserved for a great love of novels and movies and song.

“It is my turn now to show you how I feel and pay homage to my sex goddess,” Wilder said.

He kissed her forehead, nose and cheeks with light kisses. He moved down to her neck and throat lavishing kisses of ever-increasing intensity as he went. She moaned.

“Mine,” he said. “All mine.”

He moved south even more until he hovered over her breasts taking one in each hand. He kissed them alternatingly and then pulled one nipple into his mouth and teased it with his tongue and lips. He moved to the other and repeated the movements making her crazy with want. The moisture between her legs was boiling. My God, what would it be like to sleep with this man every single night?

“They are just so big,” he said. “And all mine.”

She giggled. He spent a great deal of time devouring her breasts. The sensations he was giving her were amazing.

He reluctantly moved south again kissing a trail as he went. He buried his face in her belly like it was just as important as the other parts, just as sensuous. Finally, he came to her mound, where she hoped he would arrive.

Crissy had never experienced this form of oral sex before Wilder and had only heard great things about it. Last night, he had surprised and thrilled her with his mouth. She wanted it again and again.

“Oh my God,” she whispered when his hot breath touch her clit. “Oh my God.”

“Do you like it, baby.”

“Please, please,” she begged. “Don’t stop.”

He began kissing her all around her freshly shaved pussy with light soft kisses. Teasing her and driving her mad. Then when she least expected it, his tongue stroked her clit sending shock waves through her whole body.

“Oohhhhh!” she moaned.

Wow. He was good at this. His slow gentle rhythmic attention with that tongue on her clit was building her up and up. She relaxed and surrendered. She felt so comfortable with him. So secure, protected and loved. This was so right.

She grabbed his head with both hands to make sure he didn’t quit. “Aaaahhhh. Ooohhhh mmmmyyyyyyy Gggoooooooddddd!”

And then the explosions began. It was like going up a mountain and then going off a cliff of pleasure. She was sure there was a mixed metaphor in that thought but didn’t care. Her body lifted up to greet her orgasm, and she shouted his name.

Next thing she knew, he was above her and smiling down. Again, he looked very pleased with himself.

“How was that, honey?”

“As if you don’t know. I shudder to think how many other women have received that service for you to be so damn good at it.”

“None in a very long time and only you from this day forward.”

“A very good answer.” She pulled him down for a powerful kiss. By the time this night was over, he would know that she was the only woman that existed for him.

Crissy guided Wilder onto his back and performed the same loving trail of kisses down his body.

“Two can play at this game, sir.”

“Thank the Lord!”

When she reached his cock, she gave it a thorough look. This is the only one she would ever enjoy from now on. The only one she wanted. It was very impressively long and thick. She remembered the feeling of being stretched by it. If she could keep him, she’d have a whole life of that ahead of her.

She kissed the head. She kissed down the shaft and then licked it from balls to tip. This was fun. She liked having this powerful man in her control. Her man. Her big cock man. She licked him again from stem to tip.

“You’re just so big,” she said. “And all mine.”

She lowered her head and took the head of his cock in her mouth. She pushed the tip of her tongue into his tiny hole and then tried to take more of the shaft into her mouth. He groaned again. This really was fun.

Crissy went faster moving her head back and forth to devour Wilder’s magnificent cock. She wanted to give him as much pleasure as he had given her. She went deeper until she started to gag, but did not stop. He groaned even louder, pushed her back and moved quickly to get on top of her.

“What’s the matter, honey?” she asked. “Was I doing it wrong? Did I hurt you?”

“No baby. It was perfect. Too perfect. If I cum now, it might bring this magical night to an early end.”

“So after you cum you can’t get hard again? For how long?”

“As I get older the rebound time increases, but probably 30-45 minutes or so. But then, I have never had all this (he swept his hand down her body) as an inspiration before.”

She smiled. “You obviously don’t need to take that viagra stuff.”

“Not yet, no. However, you are dating an aging man, so it might be needed in the near future?”

“I am up for whatever it takes to get our little soldier to attention. Lap dances could be in your future!”

He kissed her, covering her body with his deep lovely kisses. She had dreamed of a love like this for years and now it was happening. Her heart has bursting out of her chest and her center was hot and wet as molten lava.

He knew just what she wanted and was giving it to her. Her used a knee to encourage her to open her thighs for him, and she responded enthusiastically.

He smiled and eased his hard cock into a very tight and welcoming young pussy.

“Mine,” she said. “All mine.”

They made love slowly and sweetly. She loved that phrase, because for the first time in her life, it felt like making love. There was no other word for it that she could think of. Two bodies gliding together with one goal, to give pleasure to the most adored person in the world.



The day was dedicated to errands. Wilder had Crissy drive the new car to get used to it. Besides the appointments they already had, they set up Mary with a pediatrician and visited a divorce lawyer in Wilder’s office.

Harry McDermott was a large man who Crissy quickly determined to be gay. He wasn’t overly effeminate, but she could tell immediately. He noticed the holding of hands when they walked in.

“Wilder, my friend, what a pleasant surprise. Who do we have here?” He asked, smiling at Crissy.

Wilder made the introduction and explained the mysterious behavior of Crissy’s husband and what his suspicions were.

Harry seemed to share Wilder’s concern, asking if she had gone to a county clerk’s office or signed any documents. The answer was ‘no’ to both questions, and Crissy suddenly felt violated all over again. Harry said they would do a records search to be sure.

“I know this is upsetting, but there is good news here if you, in fact, don’t want the marriage,” Harry said. She saw his point and tried to smile, but it was hard knowing how stupid she had been.

“I feel like such a fool.”

“The marriage con has been perpetrated on innocent women for centuries,” Harry said. He said that her ‘husband’ may have just been trying to avoid prosecution for rape.

“If this is what we think, you will not be the first or last to be misused in such a way.” Somehow that did not help. Wilder said nothing, just continued to hold her hand with a firm grip.

Once they were back in the car, Wilder spoke. “Crissy, look at me.” She turned slowly from her sunken posture and tried to fake a smile. How disappointed he must be in her? How could any man as brilliant as this one fall in love with a woman who was this ridiculously stupid?

“That’s my girl. Now, listen to me. You are a strong intelligent woman who made a mistake. It’s nothing to be ashamed of. Everyone makes mistakes. I’ve made a great long series of them. Mom and I both married incredibly selfish people and paid the price for it. We all make mistakes. We are human. What’s important is that you may well be free of that idiot and able to move on with your life. Our lives. We learn from our mistakes and move on.”

“I don’t want to be your next mistake, Wilder. You mean too much to me.”

“You, my dearest Crissy, have the power to make this work, to become an even better person, to raise your daughter well, and to love richly. You can do this. We can do this.” She smiled through the tears. She leaned over and kissed him.

“You are the very best man,” she whispered. “I do not deserve you.”

“Probably not, but we’re in this now, buddy, so hang on.” He slammed the car in drive and peeled out. She laughed. She loved it when he called her ‘buddy.’

They went from there to a fashionable local boutique to get a dress for the big dinner. He expected to help, but she sent him off in another direction.

“Go get a cup of coffee or whatever. I got this. Buying girly things is my jam, and I want to surprise you.”

“Wow. One little pep talk, and she’s back!” And with that, he walked across the street to the coffee shop.

That night, she cooked dinner. They watched the new version of West Side Story together and were both surprised to find out that they shared a love for musicals. He knew all the words to every song!

They made love in the spa. She was a wild woman bouncing on this wonderful man’s big dick. She would never tire of this. She would work at it every day. She’d make his life wonderful and make sure he never regretted letting her in. She was Wilder’s woman, and there was nothing she would rather be.


Crissy started work on Tuesday once she got Mary settled in daycare. Carol walked the younger woman through ordering and receiving flowers, taking orders, and working the till. She would slowly be trained in the art of arranging flowers.

At noon, Carol ordered lunch and they talked. Crissy came right to the point.

“Your son is the best man I ever met. He is truly wonderful. I know that I’m not good enough for Wilder, but I am not sure any woman is.”

“Do you love him?”

“It happened so fast; it almost feels like it has been an outer body experience. As much as I have craved love my whole life, I never found it until Saturday, when he tore through my life like a tornado on a summer night in Oklahoma.”

“That’s good. I too have been concerned that there isn’t a woman good enough for him. I may have made him too perfect.” She laughed. “I know my son, and the way he looks at you Crissy is totally new. I haven’t ever seen that look before. Not with anyone.”

“It’s probably just lust. Do you hate that I am so young?” Crissy cringed expectantly.

“Ordinarily, that does creep me out a bit, the stereotypical older man – younger woman bullshit. But actually, once I thought about it, that significantly increases my chances of becoming a grandmother, so I’m now all for it. Funny how we can rationalize anything for the people we love, isn’t it?”

“Carol, I am glad we are going to work together and get to know one another.”

“So am I, dear,” Carol said, patting her hand. “So am I.”

After work, Wilder asked Crissy to meet him at Asiago, his restaurant. It was a good thing she loved Italian food. Carol was going to pick up Mary.

He introduced Crissy to his people, not as a new employee, but as his girlfriend. This was the beginning of the couple’s coming out party. He wanted to be with her. He wanted to show her off. She could not have been more ecstatic.

The men and some of the women seemed pleased for Wilder. Yet, as she expected there were female eyes that gave her that look. Gold digger.

Well fuck them. Those bitches would be in every room. It was part of life. Get used to it. One of those bitches, was the restaurant manager, Kitty Warner, an attractive blond woman in her 40s. Had she dated Wilder?

How was she to compete with older women who had more in common with him? She was going to have to figure that one out.


After a great meal, they headed home. Wilder noticed that she had been quiet during dinner. He hoped she was not upset by something or someone. That was not his intention for the evening.

“Crissy, are you OK?”

“I’m fine, honey.”

“There is something, though, isn’t there?”

“I warned you that I am a mess. A needy little mess.”

“What is it?”

“As I meet your female friends and coworkers, I am going to ask myself each time which of them you dated, which of them you slept with and which of them you loved.”

“Can I ask if this comes from jealousy, insecurity or both?”

“Both, I guess. Plus, I just imagine that every woman who knows you must be in love with you. Jesus, I fell for you like a bag of cement. Who wouldn’t? My God, you’re Wilder Goddamn Betterman, and I’m just lowly little Crissy Neville!”

“This may surprise you dear, but women don’t generally think me as all that hot. I find it rather strange that you, of all women, Crissy Goddamn Neville, do think that. It’s mystifying.”

“No, it’s not.”

“What I saw tonight was people trying to figure out what an absolute young goddess is doing with an old plebeian like me.”

“They were not,” she laughed. “There is nothing even remotely common about you. What I saw was Kitty giving me the evil eye. She was asking who the fuck this little upstart is.”

“There is not now, nor has there ever been, anything between Kitty and me.”

“Does she know that?”

“Honey, I don’t know what other people think, nor do I care. However, I do care most dearly what you think.”

“Do you, baby?”

“More than anything in the world.”

“See the level of my insecurity? I’m hopeless. What are you going to do with me?”

“Love you.”

“Right now in the car? On the public highway? I am shocked, counselor,” she smiled.

“I prefer a nice soft bed at home. Our home.”

“So we’re restricted to the bed? No more hardwood floors or hot tubs? How boring.”

“I am open to requests, if you have a better idea.”

“I will think on it,” she promised.


That night they made love standing in the fully lit bathroom, her bent over the vanity sinks and him pounding her from behind. It was his favorite position, but it never felt this damn good.

“This is what you get with me, Wilder. You can fuck me in every room in the house. Just bend me over anytime you want. Take my, baby, take me. God, you’re so good. So perfect. I love you.”

Wilder could not get over how verbal she was with sex. She said the sweetest things to him. She said whatever popped into her beautiful head. She was loving, sexy and dirty. She blew his little mind.

“I love you, Crissy. I love everything about you.”

“Oh, baby. Fuck your woman. Take her. Take your pussy. It belongs to you, baby. Oohhhh Gggoooddd, I’m ccuuuummmmmmiiinnnggg.”

Minutes later, Wilder was moaning into her hair as he unloaded in her tight pussy. She wiggled her spectacular ass back at him as if she wanted to help get his seed as far in her body as possible. Whatever her reason, it felt amazing. This was nirvana.

Later in bed, just holding Crissy as she fell asleep, Wilder was overcome with joy. He felt like, for the first time in his life, he understood the meaning of that word. Crissy was his, and that knowledge filled him with joy.

He would have to think up a campaign of attack to make sure this woman always felt loved and cherished in return.


Crissy was excited all day. She woke early and found a sleeping Wilder with a hardon. It made her mouth water. What’s a girl to do but wake him with her best sloppy blowjob? He didn’t seem to hate waking in that way.

She was going to dress up fine tonight and go out with her man. Her perfect, wonderful, amazing man. She felt so proud to be with him.

She still couldn’t get over the fact that a few days ago she was nobody from nowhere and now she was the beloved girlfriend of Wilder Goddamn Betterman.

Thinking about last night at the restaurant, she was starting to like the idea that every other woman would be jealous of her. They didn’t have Wilder, and they never would. He completely belonged to her. She would hang on tight and never let him go.

Carol told her that tonight was an annual dinner to recognize entrepreneurship in the community, and the proceeds went to the local community college. And Wilder was getting an award! He was Business Person of the Year … for the third time. How come he never mentioned that? Add humble to his long list of wonderful traits.

He had purchased a whole table for the evening, and Carol and some of his employees would be going as well. So, they closed the shop at 5 p.m. and headed home to get ready.

The dress she selected was a tight shimmering silver strapless gown. It accentuated her breasts without being slutty. She hoped Wilder would think it elegant.

She let her long dark wavy hair flow down her back and wore no jewelry. She had forgotten to buy anything and now it was too late. The cheap costume stuff she had would not match this dress nor this occasion.

When Crissy stepped out into the living room, Wilder was talking to the babysitter, a high school kid from down the street. Mary was already put down, so the girl should have an easy night.

Crissy’s man was all decked out in an immaculate tux. How did she ever think he was anything but gorgeous? Now he reminded her a little of Colin Firth in all his finery. Her own Mr. Darcy. How apt!

His mouth dropped when he saw her. Just the reaction she hoped for. She stopped just a few feet from him.

“My God, Crissy. You’re a movie star, a beauty queen, a goddess. I feel sorry for every other woman tonight. They will all be outshone.”

“So, you like it.”

“Not it. You. I love you. The dress just accentuates how beautiful you are. Can I offer something to help in that regard?” He picked up a hefty jewelers box from a side table and handed it to her.

“Oh! This had better not be that super expensive necklace from Pretty Woman.”

“Hell no. That thing cost a quarter of a million. This is nowhere near that expensive.” She opened the box to reveal a sapphire tennis necklace, matching bracelet and earrings.

“Oh my God, Wilder!”

“Do you like them, baby?”

“There gorgeous. I never … I don’t …”

“The good news is that these don’t have to go back tomorrow like Julia’s did. They’re yours.”

What did you say when someone gave you something so beautiful? So thoughtful. And so perfect for your dress. At that moment, Crissy was sure she’d died and gone to heaven.


The campaign had begun, and Wilder brought the big guns. Start with thousands of dollars in jewelry. Oh, and bribe the boutique owner to find out what dress she bought. Then, show that dress to the jewelry store and have them help you get a perfect matching set. He was feeling pretty good about himself.

He helped her put the necklace and bracelet on. She was trying not to cry and mess up her perfect application of makeup but failing.

“You could have made me cry before I put on my makeup, Wilder.”

“Sorry, I was thinking it might make you happy.”

“I cry when I’m really happy,” she said.

“I will note that for future gift giving.”

Her need to touch up her face did not slow them down much, and they arrived at the convention center right on time. After Wilder helped Crissy out of the car, she stopped him.

“In case I forget to tell you later,” she said. “I had a really good time tonight.” He laughed, laced his fingers into hers and led the way to the door.

As soon as they entered the big hall where cocktails were being served, his friends, colleagues and even competitors, began coming up to say hello. The eyes of both the men and the women went right to Crissy. As they should.


Crissy did not know what to expect having never been to anything like this. It was the most formal event she’d ever been invited to and was full of businesspeople, not a set of people she knew anything about.

Her greatest worry was that Wilder would go off with his friends and desert her in a place where she knew no one. However, he kept her right hand laced with his left leaving his right free to shake the hands of others. It was as though he planned it.

When Carol saw them, she came right to their side. This also seemed like part of a plan. The Bettermans were closing ranks about her.

“Crissy you look so beautiful, like a Princess!” Carol said.

“Thank you. I feel like one. And just look at you, dressed as regal as a queen,” Carol really had a fine figure for a woman her age and the bronze one-strap gown displayed it well.

The way Wilder introduced Crissy to all his acquaintances impressed her. Each time, he said, “Do you know my girlfriend, Crissy Neville?” First, he was acknowledging their connection right off letting everyone know her importance to him. The second thing his introduction indicated, though mainly with tone of voice, was that they ought to know Crissy and were lucky to do so, like she was a celebrity or something. It warmed her every time he did it.

She met business leaders, politicians, and educators. This was the world she was entering; this was her life now. She was not sure if she would ever be truly comfortable in it, but she would support her man any way she could. How quickly that had become her goal in life.

There were some people she did know. Their table included Harry and Kitty and a few others from Wilder’s team. Dinner was fun with lively conversation.

Then Kitty asked how they met. Wilder seemed a little stunned by the question. As a lawyer, she thought he should have been ready for it. She knew that he didn’t want to divulge his benevolence. So, she broke the silence and stepped into the breach.

“Wilder has known me most of my life. He was a lawyer for my parents. We had not seen each other for a few years, but recently ran into each other. Actually, he was my knight in shining armor. I don’t want to go into the details, but he kind of saved me.”

“For obvious reasons,” said one of the men.

“I’m many things,” Wilder said looking at Crissy. “But, I’m not stupid.” She blushed.

At that moment, Mr. Landsdale waddled up to their table greeting everyone. She felt Wilder stiffen. In fact, she felt the whole table stiffen. What was the owner of the town’s most disreputable business doing here.

“Well, Betterman! I see you have convinced a most desirable woman to be your companion tonight. Well done.”

“What a surprise to see you here, Landsdale. I had no idea you were such a supporter of higher education,” Wilder said.

“To be honest, I’m not, but I do love to rub shoulders with my fellow businessmen. I certainly wouldn’t miss seeing you win another award.”

His eyes turned to Crissy. She wanted to sink through the floor rather than be acknowledged by this cretin in this company.

“You look very well, Miss. Neville.” The asshole was trying to give everyone the impression that they had some kind of history, which they certainly did not. All though the old bastard had tried hard enough. Attempting to entice her to be his whore for Christ’s sake, like she’d ever do that.

“Thank you,” she said without making eye contact with the old man. And he was gone.

Wilder took her hand under the table and squeezed it. Carol did the same thing with her other hand. At that moment, she realized for the first that she had a family and could feel her eyes begin to water. She blinked the tears away. As a foster kid, she had learned long ago how to stop herself from crying in public so as not to make a scene. Wilder asked someone something and the conversation began again.

The worst part of the night was followed by the best. The awards program began and the last one was Wilder’s. They played a video talking about all his businesses, his leadership, and what he meant to the community.

When he rose, Wilder acknowledged the applause and stopped to kiss her. She had not expected that he would do such a thing when everyone was looking at them, but she was ready. To her, it made a statement — ‘this is the most important person to me.’ She was so excited and clapped so hard for him as he ascended the stage.

As she expected, Wilder thanked his team, lauding the newest businesses and the progress they had made. Finally, he thanked his mother, Carol, … and his girlfriend, Crissy. His girlfriend of what, five days? Tonight, he was not acting like it was a relationship of less than a week. She was stunned.

When he was returning to the table, Wilder only had eyes for Crissy. It had the strangest effect on her. Right there, in front of all those people, she was getting wet for this man. No one had ever affected her the way he did. This should have been a night just for him, but he made it about them — as a couple. At that moment, she would have taken a bullet for him.

Back at the table, he kissed her again and this time she whispered in his ear, “I’m gonna fuck you so hard tonight, mister.” They looked at each other and smiled.


Wilder was feeling just great. Crissy had presented herself so well. She did and said all the right things, just as he was certain she would. He was sure that every man in the room envied him.

Mom had rallied around them, and that was great, too. When they left, Crissy had hugged Carol, kissed her cheek and thanked her for a great night. That’s my family, he thought. It came damn near to making him tear up.

They were quiet as he steered the car along the dark road. Crissy leaned across the console and placed her hand on his thigh.

“I told you I would have a great time. You made it great. It meant the world to me the way you stayed with me, introduced me to everyone and included me in everything. I will never forget your thoughtfulness. You are truly a wonderful man, and I love you with all my heart.”

“Thank you for coming with me. For gracing my table … and my life … with your presence. Can I tell you something that I realized tonight?”

“What, baby?”

“When I watched you and mom together tonight, I realized that my family just tripled in size.”

“Oh, you’re gonna get so lucky tonight. I hope you are ready cause, that was the sexiest thing anybody ever said to me.”

“I hoped it would please you, because that realization certainly pleases me.”

Later, in their bedroom, Wilder asked if he could undress Crissy. “I want to unwrap you.”

“Like a birthday gift.”

“Like a gift from God.” He closed the distance between them and wrapped her in his arms. He leaned down and kissed her deeply.

“You are the true gift, Wilder,” she said. “No woman ever had a man like you.”

He reached behind her and felt for the clasp and zipper. He stumbled through it a bit but got them undone. He let the dress drop to the floor. Then the strapless bra was off.

“Hey, that’s my best dress, you know.”

“I’ll get you hundreds more.” He kissed her again, grabbing her delectable ass and pulled her to him, pushing her breasts against his chest.

“I’ve been waiting for you, all my life,” he said.

“I got here as fast as I could,” she smiled.

“No, you didn’t,” he laughed. “You took your damn sweet time.”

“Awww. Did you have to kiss a lot of frogs, honey.”

“Everyone is a frog compared to you, my beautiful temptress.”

“Stop your sweet talking and kiss me.” After a brief kiss, Wilder slipped around behind her, kissing her shoulder and neck along the way. Nestling his face in her lustrous hair, his hands came up and cupped her breasts.

“You like my breasts, don’t you, baby.”

“I fucking love them. So big and perfect to touch.”

“I’m quite proud of them.”

“As well you should be. What is the size?” He weighed them in his hands, softly kneading them.

“Ah yes, the man’s question. Why are you all so obsessed with knowing the exact bra size? Are you keeping score somewhere?”

“Keep it a secret. I don’t care.” He started pinching her nipples and gently pulling on them. He even depressed them. She reached behind her and grabbed his hard pants-covered cock.

“There it is. My favorite toy. How big is it?” she said.

“Secrets, remember. I adore you, Crissy.”

“I’m so happy all the time now. You did that Wilder. You fill me with happiness. I want to scream it out loud to the whole world.”

“I should have asked before now, honey, but are you on birth control?” He asked.

“Nope. There was no need. I had sworn off men, remember?”


She gasped. Well now she knew. It was out there. He wasn’t playing around. This was serious. He wanted her for all time. He wanted her to have his children.

“I want to have your babies,” she whispered. “I want to be yours in every way.”

He pulled her tiny g-string to the floor as she started to undo her necklace. Wilder reached up and covered her hands to stop her.

“No, baby. Leave the jewelry and the heels on. So sexy.” She moaned as she spun to face him and wrap her arms around his neck.

“You’re perfect for me,” she said, then kissed him violently.

“My turn,” she added as she slowly undressed him and tossed articles of clothing over her head. “Oh, just look at my beautiful man.”

Wilder looked down at his body and obviously didn’t see what she did. He looked OK for his age. But beautiful? She must be in love!

“On your back, mister. I’m gonna fuck you just like I promised,” Crissy said as she pushed him back onto the bed. He happily complied.

There were no more preliminaries tonight. The woman was hot and ready. She straddled him quickly, lined herself up and plunged down hard. He just let her go and do all the work.

“Mine,” she said. “All mine.”

As she rode him, her breasts swayed and bounced. That was too much temptation. He reached up and grabbed them.

“Mine,” he said. “All mine.”

She bent forward and kissed him while sliding slowly up and down his full length. In no time, she was coming, and he hung on as she rode it out.

“WILDER,” she shouted. “SO GOOD, SO DEEP.” She started grinding on him as hard as she could. It only made him harder.

Moments later she whispered in his ear. “So good to me, my baby’s so good to me. You fuck me so good. You always make me come so hard. What position do you want? What have you never done before, baby?”

“Turn around and straddle me in the other direction.”


“Yes, please.”

“Ok. What my baby wants, my baby gets.” Without disconnecting from his cock, she brought up one foot and slid it over him and was on sidesaddle. She lifted the other foot and did the same and was now 180 degrees from the start.

“Wow, that was a neat trick,” he said.

“I’m very bendy!”

“I guess so! Now, just lean back, place your hands on my chest and enjoy yourself.”

“Oh, I will, baby. I will.” She started moving slowly in a slightly circular fashion as they both enjoyed the different sensations that created.

“I love your cock, baby. It’s so deep in me. I feel like a virgin every time we make love. So fucking good,” she moaned out.

He wanted to get verbal with her too but was concerned he’d screw it up. Well, here goes. “Your pussy is perfect, baby. I want to be inside you all the time. I dream about it all day.”

“Oh, God, baby,” she moaned, leaning forward and grabbing his thighs. She started to really pound him now, and they worked together meeting each other’s thrusts. He couldn’t hold back any longer. She was just too much for him. and he blasted into her.

“Oh, baby. Cum in me. Give it all to me. I love your hot cum,” Crissy said. “My stud, my big hard stud!” She kept riding trying to milk it all out with her pussy muscles.

As he thrumbed through his orgasm, Crissy dismounted, spun around and laid out fully on his prostrate body. She showered his face with little kisses.

“I love you so much, Wilder. You’re so good to me.”

“No, baby. Thank you for transforming my life. I love you.”

“Can I ask you something? Can I start a garden?”

“Not think of setting up the Hot Girl Fruit Stand again are you?”

“No. It’s just that when I was doing that business, I found that I like growing things.”

“Sure, we have plenty of land here. Let’s go out this weekend and see if we can decide on the best location for a garden.”

“Thank you, darling. I don’t care what anyone says. You are my Saint Wilder.”


A man should wake every morning to the sweet kisses of a hot 23-year-old babe rubbing her massive boobs on his chest while she tries to capture his hard cock with her warm pussy. It is an experience of a lifetime.

That’s just how Wilder found himself, thrusting up into his baby at 6 a.m. But then, her baby cried, and she was gone. Well, damn. Thanks Mary!

This would be a long day for Wilder as it was financial report day. Once a quarter, he had to sit in a room all day and hear the financial reports of his businesses. A difficult but necessary activity.

He didn’t want to get out of bed and face such a day, especially if there was any hope of Crissy returning. Of course she did a half hour later, but making cooing noises to little Mary as she came.

The two females crawled in with Wilder and Mary immediately began pushing her little fingers in his ears.

“Oh, Mary honey. Please let Daddy sleep,” he said. As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Crissy gasped.

“Did you hear what you said?”

“I asked our daughter not to poke me, I think. Did I not?”

She gasped again.”I love you Wilder, more than you will ever know. Mary loves her Daddy, too. Don’t you sweetheart?” The baby responded by poking his nose.

“No she doesn’t, or she’d let me sleep. Should we clip those sharp little fingernails?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Stop that!”

“Yes, Daddy.” She giggled.

While listening to his accountants and his business team drone on about financial results and capital investment priorities for the eighth straight hour, Wilder checked his phone.

He had a text from Crissy. He opened it and a picture came up. It was a selfie of her in a long apron, and he guessed little else as he could see significant side boob.

The text said,”I know it’s been a long day honey, but I’m waiting patiently at home and making your dinner.”

Five minutes later, a second text came. It was her in the same outfit but from the back. She was just in the apron, and all he could see was her naked backside with the apron tie at her waist. This one said, “I’m ready for you!”

And that brought today’s meetings to a close. He rushed home. Could he get an SUV into hyperspace like the Millennium Falcon? He would try!

He parked in the garage and rushed in the house. Crissy was sitting on the edge of the little kitchen table with her feet on a chair. There was a knife and fork on either side of her.

He walked slowly toward her as she leaned back, lifted her legs high and spread them wide. Her perfect pink pussy was spread just for him.

“Dinner’s ready, honey? Hungry?”

“Oh, my fucking God. How did you know my favorite meal?”

“A girl can sense these things.”

“Can I expect this kind of dinner every night?”

“Sometimes, you will have to cook. Now, hurry up before it gets cold. I can’t hold this position all night.”

Wilder sat down in the chair slowly perusing the scene in front of him. He could not stop smiling. He put a hand under each thigh to help her stay in position. Did she shave ever day? Her mound looked recently oiled and so smooth. Her labia was bright pink.

“You know baby, the best chefs understand the value of presentation. You did a wonderful job here.”

“Thank you, darling. It’s all for you. Only the best for my baby.”

He slowly tucked a napkin into his collar.

“What are you doing,” she giggled.

“I am a very sloppy eater, I’m afraid.” He took the fork and knife in each fist and gave her a wider smile. “Ready.”

“You are so silly,” she laughed. “But I think this is a meal best eaten without flatware.”

He leaned down and licked the full length of her slit with a wet, flat tongue. No preliminaries today.

“Delicious, honey.”

She sighed deeply, so he attacked the sweet pussy before him with great ardor, making sloppy noises.

“Ohhhh, ohhhh, Wilder,” Crissy moaned. “Jesus Christ, you’re good at that!”

Today, she was gonna get the whole treatment. He licked her labia with his tongue and lips. He rubbed his face in it, penetrating with his nose. Dipping his tongue in her as far as possible, he sucked on her clit.

“Ooohhhh, baby. You’re so good. I needed you all day. My pussy needed you. So hot for you!”

Wilder concentrated on he clit now with little rhythmic licks. She was moaning nonstop now, and grabbing at his head to increase the contact.

He looked up and pushed her apron aside so he could touch those wonderful boobs. He was rough with them, pawing at them like a wild man. She seemed to like it, arching her back and pushing her chest toward him.

Just when he sensed she was about to cum, he pulled away and stood up.


“Aaaawww, don’t stop, baby. I’m almost there,” Crissy whined.

“You’re mine, and you’ll come when I let you,” he growled and slapped her ass. Oh, this was new! She liked him being more aggressive and demanding. A surge of excitement hit her, and she almost came on her own.

He ripped at his fly and yanked out his hard cock. He spread her labia with his left hand and guided his cock in with the right. He slapped his cock on her opening causing her to moan loudly.

She realized he was going to fuck her while still fully clothed, and she completely naked accept for the remnants of the tiny apron. Right on the kitchen table. God, that was sexy. Everything he did was sexy!

He pushed his hips forward and that impressive cock slid right in to its full length. She would never get over how wide he stretched her pussy each time.

“Oohhh, baby. Take it baby, take that pussy,” she moaned. He worked quickly. No slow lovemaking tonight. This was lust and need and power. He took her hard and fast making that kitchen table rock and slide across the floor.

“Who owns this pussy, Crissy? Who owns it?”

“You do. It’s Wilder’s pussy. Fuck your pussy, baby!”

She couldn’t take her eyes off her beautiful powerful man pounding into her. How did she ever get so lucky. He just showed up one day and changed everything. Now she couldn’t imagine a day without his love, attention, and yes, his big cock.

“Who owns you, Crissy?” That shocked her. Own me?

“You do. I belong to you, my lord and master.”

“Damn right!”

“So good, soooooo fucking goooood! Fuck me hard, baby. I’m cuuummmiing already on your big cock. WILDER!”

“Nobody’s ever gonna fuck you but me, Crissy. Do you understand me? You belong to me!”

“Yes baby; I don’t ever want anybody else. Just you. My God, you make me so hot! My lord and master.”

He moaned loudly and stiffened. She felt his hot cum drenching her insides. She sat up and hugged him to her. She was his, and he was hers.

“You are so full of surprises,” he finally said.

“What brought that on, baby?” Crissy asked.

“You didn’t like the possessive and dominant man?” He chuckled.

“You know I did. I loved it. You know you can slap my ass and pull my hair and treat me rougher. I don’t mind cause it’s you.”

“I guess I was committing to you as you did to me on the first night. I’m never gonna let you go, Crissy. I’m going to spend the rest of my life showing you I love you, I honor you, and I cherish you.”

She just looked up at him with love in her eyes. They were still connected.

“I never wanna spend a day without you. I could not do it. It might just kill me,” he said. “Whatever happens, I’m gonna marry you, and we’re gonna build a family that no one can touch.”

“Oh, Wilder baby. I love you so much. When you said you were Mary’s daddy this morning, my heart leapt for joy. I feel like this is a dream. Life has never been this good.”

“I want to adopt her if you don’t mind it. I love her, and she needs a real father.”

“Yes, baby. Yes, yes, yes. I will marry you, I will be your love for all time. And please, I would love for you to adopt our dear little girl.”

They finished making dinner together, her in just her little apron and his cum running down her legs. Him with hands touching her everywhere. Afterwards, they made out and talked about the future for hours in the spa.

They made love in their room, using every inch of the surface of that king size bed. It felt to her like they needed to outdo themselves each time to show each other the depth of their love.

Crissy had been surrounded by takers all her life. Men who used her for their own sense of pride and amusement. Little men in every respect. No one ever considered what she wanted and her needs.

Now, she had a man who was superior in every single aspect. She had always thought that two givers being together would be bliss, and she was right.


Crissy woke up first. It was still dark. She was completely naked, and so was Wilder. She loved sleeping against him all night, one of them spooning the other, skin to skin. It was so intimate. She shared this with him and no one else. She felt so connected to this wonderful man.

She started touching him slowly caressing his chest and stomach, down, down to his cock. That mighty cock. Even soft, it felt heavy, meaty, powerful. He began to harden under her fingers.

“Wilder? Baby? I want your big sex god cock. I want it deep in my pussy where it belongs. Wake up and fuck me, please baby!”

He rolled toward Crissy and pulled her to him. His hard cock pressed into her stomach.

“You are without a doubt the sexiest woman who ever lived.”

“Yes, I know. What are you gonna do about it?”

“Get on your knees, face down, ass up and you’ll see.” She happily and quickly complied. He was on her in a minute and slowly squeezing that monster into her.


Wilder knew this lovemaking pace could not last forever. He had been around long enough to know that all relationships cool over time. However, it was a great sign that Crissy seemed insatiable now and the main instigator of their passionate and prolific sex life.

He was now fully inserted in her hot and ready pussy. He loved that she was always ready for him, always primed to take his cock. He did not move at first and was savoring the feel of being embedded completely in her when Crissy began moving her hips and moaning softly.

“Please, Wilder. Don’t tease me, baby.” That gave him an idea. He did not move a muscle.

“Go ahead Crissy. Fuck your cock. Show me you want it.” She rolled her hips and rocked forward until just the head was inside. Then slammed her ass back hard and moaned out loud. And she did it again and again.

“Oohhhhh God, baby. Oh, my fucking God. I love my cock soooooo much! I need my cock in me all the time. I gotta have it!”

“You can have it any time you want, Crissy. It’s yours.”

“I’m so hot for you, baby. You make me so horny. I just look at you and it makes me wet.”

She was slamming back hard each time getting the benefit of his full length.

Remembering what she had said the night before, Wilder gathered her hair into a ponytail and pulled her head up off the bed. He slapped her ass. SLAP. SLAP. SLAP. SLAP. It made her moan and rock back at him faster.

“I want my baby to have what she wants. This cock is yours any time you need it, baby. All you gotta do is ask.”

“I want my big fucking cock all the damn time. Stay home and fuck me all day, baby, aaaahhhh!” Crissy was coming on his cock, and he could feel her pussy juicing and spasming. She slowed, and he looked down to see a froth of pussy juice all over his cock. That’s when Wilder took over and started pounding into her.

“That’s right baby, come all over my cock. Good girl. My sweet baby girl.”

He was really giving it to her now hard and fast. Relentless. This was his beautiful young bitch, and he’d use her any way he wanted. Damn. Fuck. He erupted deep inside her. His orgasm seemed to go on forever, planting his seed inside his woman. How fucking glorious. What a great way to start a day.


Typically, or at least in this first week, Crissy had arrived home each night at least an hour before Wilder. She didn’t mind making dinner and in fact had always enjoyed cooking.

Tonight, she had picked up seafood and was hard at it when her lord and master arrived. She liked that. She knew it was only sex talk, but did not mind at all. When had that transformation taken place?

All her life, he had been this powerful figure in the background. When she thought of him, it was with some awe, probably like a lot of other people.

In just one week, he had gone from that position in her head to a man of great kindness, generosity and thoughtfulness. Now, he was simply her whole world, her love.

Someone told her lobster thermidor was the best meal ever, and that’s what she wanted for Wilder. The whole meal and wine was double checked with Carol who had walked her through all his food preferences.

She put on the new sundress she had bought and she as reapplying makeup when she heard his car going in the garage.

He looked tired, so she kissed him softly, took his hand and led him to the dining room. It was a romantic candlelit scene that awaited him. Her romantic music playlist was running.

Mary was there sticking little pieces of chicken and rolls in the greedy little mouth. She was smiling, banging the table and kicking her chubby little legs.

“Wow. This is something,” Wilder said. “And the whole family is here! Good evening, Mary sweetie.”

“I believe that little one has fallen harder for you, even more than I have,” Crissy laughed. “I thought we might put a short pause in the sexual marathon and have a nice family night. Is that OK?”

“Thank God. You’re probably going to put me in an early grave at this pace.”

“You’ll go smiling, buddy, I promise you that.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him. “Sit please, baby.”

Dinner was lovely — hearing about his day, commiserating with him, laughing with him. Just sharing meals with him and seeing how much he loved what she made.

“This was very nice, honey, although a step down from last night’s faire.” He smiled and she blushed.

“That was fun. I hope you like all the meals I provide.”

“I don’t believe I have ever been better fed. Hey, since we are about to celebrate our one week anniversary, I have a gift for you.” More jewelry? He left the room for a minute, came back with a stack of papers and handed it to Crissy.

The bold letters at the top said, ‘Real Estate Purchase Agreement.’

“I don’t understand, Wilder. What is it?”

“We have just agreed to purchase your orchard. Twenty acres in all.”


“I bought your orchard, and it wasn’t cheap. I think I must really love you cause all I think about everyday is ways to make you happy. Does this make you happy?”

She threw herself into his arms and kissed him all over his face.

“You wonderful sweet man. You’re a goddamn saint, and I don’t care what you say.”

“So, are you sure there will be no sex tonight?”

“Well, Jesus Wilder, of course you’re getting laid now!”

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