Anything For Mum by AnAverageGuy61,AnAverageGuy61

Anything for Mum

This is a repost of an old story, there have been no changes to it. Thanks to my editor and proof-reader who strives to make my work better. All comments are welcome, be warned anonymous negative comments will be deleted. I hope you enjoy the story.

My real dad died suddenly when I was just ten years old. Mum explained a few years later that he had a heart problem that nobody knew about. The day it happened I don’t think I had ever seen my Mum cry so much, she cried for a lot of days after as well. Things were hard for us both at first particularly as Mum had to return to work full time. My grandparents looked after me when I finished school until Mum collected me in the evening. We would go home, have dinner and talk before I went to bed.

Just before my thirteenth birthday Mum said some man had asked her out to dinner and she hoped I was okay with her going. I said it was okay as I understood she needed to go out although I was a bit jealous as it had been just the two of us for several years.

The following day Mum told me all about her date with Richard and how much she liked him. I was pleased to see her happy and she explained that she would never forget my Dad. Richard seemed a nice guy and although he didn’t try to replace my Dad we got along fairly well, that was until he married my Mum.

After that things changed rather quickly he suddenly took a strong dislike to me and was always moaning at Mum. I remember as a kid my Dad coming in from work and talking with us while Mum finished getting dinner ready, with Richard he wanted dinner ready as soon as he got home, if it wasn’t he moaned all night blaming Mum for spending too much time with me.

I started to ignore him and once dinner was done with and I had helped Mum do the dishes I went to my room and stayed there, there was another thing I noticed that Richard never helped Mum out at all. Over the next few years I grew to hate Richard. I made up my mind to get even one day for treating my Mum so badly.

When I left school I started working as an electrician, working on building sites for a few years, I soon filled out and I stood at just under six feet tall. Eventually I started working for myself and was doing quite well.

I bought an old house that needed a load of work doing but after a few years in the building industry I knew enough to do some of the work myself and had mates do stuff I couldn’t manage.

I used to visit my Mum once a week, usually on a Saturday morning as Richard would be playing golf with his cronies. This particular week he was there when I arrived and gruffly asked what I wanted?

“I’m here to see my Mum, if that’s okay with you?” I added sarcastically.

He just grumbled something and returned to reading his newspaper.

“What’s up with him this morning?” I asked Mum.

“He’s hurt his back and can’t play golf,” Mum replied.

“Oh shame,” was my sarcastic reply.

Mum smiled as much as to agree with me but also looked a bit wary as if she didn’t want to upset him. She asked me how things were with work and the house.

“Not too bad, work is really busy at the moment and the house is coming along fine. I might get it finished one day if I get some free time.”

“How about other things, are you dating yet?” Mum asked.

“No nobody on the horizon Mum, to be honest I don’t have the time right now.”

“Don’t leave it too long, you don’t want to end up on your own forever.” Mum replied.

I felt like saying maybe if she had waited a bit longer she might have met someone better than Richard but I decided against saying anything.

Now would probably be a good time to describe me and Mum (Cathy), she was forty-three years old but looked a lot younger, she had a great figure and jet black hair and dark brown eyes that she got from my grandmother’s side of the family. At a guess I would say her breasts were a 34d and she was a size ten (UK) in clothes. As for me (David) I seemed to get my genes from Dad’s side of the family, I had brown hair and grey eyes, for my build I definitely followed my Dad.

Before I left I asked Mum if she would call round sometime as I wanted her opinion on some decorating and furnishing ideas, she said she would be happy to and promised to pop round next Saturday. I said my goodbyes and Mum hugged me as she usually did, Richard grunted something at me as I left the house. Not bothering to respond to him I got in my van and headed off home, or rather the building site I called home.

The following Saturday Mum called around as promised, actually she arrived a bit earlier than I thought she would. I had just got out of the shower when the doorbell rang so I threw on some old shorts and answered the door. Mum stood there for a few seconds looking at me kind of strange.

“Is everything okay Mum?” I asked with some concern.

“Yes, yes everything is fine David. Sorry I just couldn’t get over how much you look like your Dad, you have grown up to be a fine young man just like he was.”

“That’s down to you Mum and the way you raised me.”

“I guess so but you were always a good kid anyway. I never had to go to the school because you were in trouble or anything like that, and that is you knowing right from wrong.”

“Tea or coffee?” I asked as I walked through to the kitchen.

“Tea please,” Mum called back.

“So what did you want my opinion on?” Mum asked as I made the drinks.

“Colours and styles I guess.” I replied carrying the cups through to the lounge.

I had finished all the building and repair work but I couldn’t make my mind up over colours that would suit the place, I suppose I am the same as most men in that regard. Mum looked around and asked a few questions about what type of furniture I was thinking of. When I explained that she seemed to know straight away what colours I should paint the walls, and what type of curtains would be best.

“Mind if I look around?” Mum asked.

“Sure Mum, go ahead,” I walked around with her as she looked at the work I had done and still had to do.

The smaller bedroom had become my office and the second bedroom was being used to store materials at the moment. I told Mum I would move all the junk once the garage was secure and a spare bed was planned for the room. My bedroom or the master bedroom if you like was the only finished room in the house. Mum commented that I had done a great job of the house so far and she looked forward to seeing it when I got it finished.

“You’ll be the first to see it,” I assured her.

“Will it be before I am old and grey?” she asked jokingly.

“It will be, and you are a long way off being old and grey anyway.” I replied.

“You keep your chat up lines for the young ladies David, I know I am getting on.”

“Seriously Mum you look ten years younger than you are no matter what time of day or whatever you wear.”

“You should see an optician David, you might need glasses,” Mum giggled.

“Yeah right. Okay if you think I am pulling your leg here’s the proof, remember the other month when I saw you in town as I was chatting to someone outside the builders supply store? That guy thought you were my girlfriend. He nearly fell over when I said you were my Mum and I explained that you were not a teenage bride either.”

“Really!” Mum asked, surprised.

“Yeah Mum really. I told you that you look a lot younger than you are.”

“I wish someone else noticed it as well,” She said quietly.

“You mean Richard?” I asked.

“Yes I do. I mean he never says anything to me anymore no matter what I wear or do, I swear I could walk around naked and he wouldn’t notice!”

“And you say I need glasses,” I joked as I looked at my Mum, then it hit me I wasn’t just looking but checking her out.

“Yeah probably.” She replied adding a comment about him maybe needing Viagra as well.

“Too much information Mum.”

“Sorry David. I didn’t mean to unload on you, especially as you asked me to visit and give my opinion on the decorating.”

“No problem Mum, but if you need to talk you know where I am.”

Mum nodded and then said she had some errands to run before she went home. I thanked her for her advice and said I would see her next weekend as usual. She hugged me and kissed me on the cheek before letting herself out. I wondered if things with her and Richard were as bad as I imagined or was I making more of it in my mind. I set about getting some more work done on the house as I had no plans for the rest of the day. I also wanted to tidy up some of the tools and stuff lying around.

During the week I was asked to quote on a job in the local park pavilion, I met the council guy there and he explained what they wanted to do. I said I would send them a quote within a week, driving through town later that day I saw Richard talking to a woman outside the office he worked in. I had no idea who she was and presumed it was a colleague, as we don’t get along. I didn’t stop to talk like I might have otherwise done. On Saturday when I visited Mum and she was really bubbly for a change, we sat down and chatted whilst drinking our coffee and I sensed Mum wanted to ask me something.

“Something on your mind Mum?”

“No, well sort of.” she replied. “I have joined a local women’s group mostly to stop me getting bored throughout the week as I don’t work anymore, we meet every Tuesday and go swimming at the leisure centre.”

“I’m pleased for you Mum at least you won’t be stuck indoors all day,” I replied.

“I haven’t worn a swimsuit for years and I want to know what you think of mine. If I go and put it on, will you tell me what you think?”

“Yeah sure Mum, you go get changed and I promise I will be honest with you.”

About five minutes later Mum walked back downstairs into the kitchen, she had a robe on then she stood a few feet away from me and said, “ready?”

“Yep go on Mum, let’s see what the suit looks like.” I replied not wanting to sound overly keen.

Mum stood there undid the belt of the robe and shrugged it off her shoulders, she was wearing a pale blue bikini. I spent what seemed like ages just looking at her before she said “well what do you think?”

“I, I Fuck me!” I replied, then apologised for the language.

I sat there still staring at Mum as she giggled and said. “I take it that’s a yes then?”

“Damn right it is. if I wasn’t your son I would be all over you right now!”

“Really David, you think I look that good?”

“Mum you look amazing, if Richard doesn’t notice you he must be bloody blind!”

“Thank you David, you know how to make an old lady feel special.” Mum said as she picked up the robe and went upstairs to get dressed.

I sat at the table with my coffee cup, unable to get up due to the hard on I got from seeing Mum dressed like that, part of me felt disgusted as it was my Mum but I had to admit she looked fucking amazing for her age. Mum came back downstairs and we continued to chat and finished our coffee, as my cock had relaxed I took the opportunity to stand up and tell Mum I had to get going.

“Thank you for being honest earlier David, I don’t want to look like a fool on Tuesday.”

“Mum you will look stunning, trust me. I will call in and see you next weekend, you can tell me all about it.”

“Honestly David we are going swimming, not having an orgy or anything!”

“Trust me Mum if they all look like you, I know some males who would turn it into an orgy!” I laughed and Mum seemed to blush at that comment.

Driving back home I couldn’t stop thinking about how good Mum looked in that bikini. if Richard was ignoring her, I started to wonder if he had turned gay or something. On Tuesday evening I went out for a drink with some pals and got chatting to a woman in the pub. I knew she was slightly older than me but what the hell I didn’t care, her name was Angela but she preferred Angie.

I took her home at the end of the evening and she invited me in for coffee, she put the coffee machine on then turned to me and pulled me in for a kiss. Moments later our tongues were mixing it up in our mouths. Her hands wrapped around my waist and she pulled me in closer to her, I could feel her nipples poking into my chest. I put my hand on her tit and she groaned then ground her crotch against mine, breaking off the kiss she looked into my eyes and asked me to take her to bed.

I wasn’t going to refuse and carried her up to her bedroom as she kissed me some more. Upstairs her clothes were off in seconds and she helped me undress as well. My cock sprang out of my boxer shorts and she gasped then gently started to lick the end before sucking it. I was worried I might explode too soon so I moved and guided Angie to the bed, but she pulled me with her and then climbed over me. She straddled me and guided my cock into her cunt I slid in easily as she was soaking wet and I hadn’t touched her yet.

“Oh god!” Angie moaned as she slid down on my cock and I filled her hot wet cunt.

Both of us were breathing heavily as we fucked like wild animals, I pounded my cock into her and she gasped each time or called out “Oh my God!”

“Don’t stop, don’t stop, I am almost there!” Angie gasped.

I pounded my cock into her harder and faster as she rode me equally as fast gasping for breath.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” she screamed as I roared out loud and with one final thrust I filled her with my semen.

I lay back on the bed as Angie collapsed on top of me, we kissed and then she suggested we get dressed and have the coffee she invited me in for.

“I don’t usually do that with men I meet for the first time but I was so bloody horny and you were there.”

“Don’t worry about it I won’t tell anyone, your reputation is safe with me.” I said with a smile.

“I like you a lot David, can I see you again?” Angie asked.

“I’d like that Angie, but I must warn you I am not looking for anything serious at the moment.”

“Just out of a bad relationship?” she asked

“No not at all, just really busy building up my business at the moment.”

“I understand David, well I am divorced with two kids, neither of which live at home so my time is my own.”

“Sounds fine with me Angie, look I am sorry but I will have to go as I am working tomorrow.”

We kissed goodnight and I hoped I would see Angie again, as I drove home it suddenly dawned on me she was probably very near my Mum’s age.

I didn’t hear from Angie until Friday night when she called and asked me to dinner at her place the following evening. I agreed I would go and we set a time of 7.30pm.

I visited Mum on Saturday morning and unusually she was rushing about and had a load of paperwork spread all over the kitchen table.

“Everything okay Mum, you look a bit worried?” I asked

“No I’m fine dear, just trying to sort out something for the women’s group. They have a charity fundraiser every so often and as I am the new girl they asked if I would like to have a go, I agreed and now I wish I hadn’t.”

“Why what’s the problem?” I asked.

“A venue is the problem David, I know what sort of an evening I want to do but trying to find a decent venue somewhere is almost impossible.”

“What sort of venue Mum, a hall or a restaurant, what do you need?” I asked.

“Ideally somewhere with a bar and a reasonable food menu, it would have to be large enough to hold up to one hundred people. Why do you know somewhere?”

“Give me a few minutes Mum, I’ll see what I can do.”

I went back out to my van and looked for an address and phone number of a local hotel on the edge of town. I had done some work there in the past at a slightly reduced rate to help them out so I figured maybe they could help me.

After speaking with the manager he agreed we could have the banqueting suite for the night, with bar staff and a light food menu thrown in for four hundred pounds. I asked Mum to confirm the dates and relayed them to the guy, he booked it and I said I would be over later to pay for it all. I told Mum I had got her a deal on the venue with a bar and a light food menu included, I didn’t mention the cost as I intended to pay for it anyway.

“Oh David, thank you dear, you don’t know how much this means to me. I want the evening to be a success, or at least not an outright failure.” Mum said as she hugged me.

“No problem Mum, I was glad to be able to help you out.”

I made us a cup of coffee as Mum tidied the stuff from the kitchen table so we could at least sit down, we chatted about my work and her preparations for the upcoming charity event she was organising. I told Mum it would be a great night whatever she did.

“It’s going to be a 1940’s themed evening, costumes and a band playing music from that era. Most of the women are my age or older so it seemed like a good idea.”

“Will the bar prices be 1940’s style?” I asked, laughing.

“I wish I could arrange that David I really do but no I guess that’s one thing I will not be able to do.”

“Never mind Mum, I’m sure it will be a success all the same.”

After we finished our drinks I said I had to leave. I wanted to get over to the hotel and settle up before they had a chance to change their minds on the deal, I also needed to get some errands done before I met Angie for dinner. Mum thanked me again and I said I would see her soon. I waved as I drove away from the house, it struck me as I drove to the hotel that all the time I was at Mum’s she never mentioned Richard once.

Pulling into the car park I forgot all about Richard and went inside to see the manager. I thanked him for his help and explained that my Mum needed the suite for a charity fundraiser, I also asked that he doesn’t let her know that I paid for it.

My dinner date with Angie was great. We chatted about my work, her kids and I complimented her on the meal. Afterwards I helped her clean up and then we sat in the lounge enjoying a glass of wine. Angie sat as close to me as possible and said she had really enjoyed the evening so far. I explained that it made a change for me to spend an evening with a female companion, due to working so hard and doing up my house I hadn’t had time to get involved with anyone.

“For someone who doesn’t date much you seem pretty relaxed around women,” Angie stated.

“More than likely due to me spending so much time with my Mum after my Dad died, for a long time it was just us two and even after she remarried it was mostly the same as I don’t get along with my step-father.” I replied.

“If I ever meet your Mum I’ll let her know she did a fine job raising you.” She said with a smile.

We both laughed at her comment and then as Angie looked at me she moved in closer I leaned over and kissed her, it started as a kiss on the lips but within seconds we were kissing passionately like lovers. Angie placed her hand on my groin and started to gently stroke my cock. I had my hand on her breast and was stroking and pulling at her nipple through the fabric of her blouse.

“Let’s go upstairs,” Angie gasped and stood up.

I followed her upstairs and I was undoing the buttons on my shirt and loosening the belt on my trousers, Angie stripped out of her clothes and lay on the bed watching me undress. I lay down beside her and kissed her. I kissed her neck and down across her chest to her nipples, as I sucked and licked her nipples they hardened like bullets. Angie moaned gently as I started to kiss her body moving lower until I reached her pubic mound, I kissed around her trimmed bush and on the inside of her thighs.

“Stop teasing me!” Angie gasped.

I licked her pussy lips and plunged my tongue into her cunt, I tasted her creamy cum as she continued to moan with pleasure. I licked around her clit and she started breathing heavily then she gasped.

“Stop teasing me for fuck sake, lick my clit please!”

I did as she requested and licked her clit before sucking it gently between my teeth.

“Aieeee, fuck me!” Angie screamed as she bucked her hips off the bed.

My face was covered in her cum as she pleaded with me to stop.

“Too sensitive, please stop David, I can’t take anymore.” Angie begged.

I moved up to kiss her, my cock rested against her swollen labia. Angie started to buck her hips very gently to get my cock inside her.

“Please David, put it in me. I need you inside me!”

Slowly I lowered myself and I felt my cock part her labia and enter her hot wet cunt, Angie wrapped her legs around me and bucked her hips to match my thrusting into her.

“Fuck me David, please fuck me!” Angie begged and kissed me so hard I thought my lips would bleed. I started pounding my cock into her as she gasped and kept kissing my face.

“Oh God! Oh God! Yesss that’s it fuck me David, fuck me and make me cum!”

As I pounded my cock into Angie I sucked her nipples, she screamed as I gently bit down on the hard nub. I felt her finger nails digging into my back as I continued to fuck her going balls deep with every stroke.

“Oh my God! Oh my God! Harder, fuck me harder David!”

I slammed into her with each stroke so hard her breasts bounced and she gasped.

“I’m gonna cum soon.” I managed to gasp.

“Almost there David, almost there. Let’s cum together!”

We had an orgasm at the same time and the noise was unreal. I roared as Angie screamed and we collapsed holding each other a sweaty mass on the bed. We fucked twice more that night and when I took Angie doggy style she came with such force it squirted all over me and she passed out, I pulled the covers over us and we both fell asleep almost immediately.

In the morning I woke with daylight flooding the room and Angie spooned against me still sleeping soundly, as much as I was enjoying her next to me I needed to piss so I slipped out of the bed and made my way to the bathroom. When I returned to the bedroom Angie was awake and smiling as I walked in.

“Morning lover. Christ you fucked me to sleep last night and it’s been a while since that happened!”

“I fell asleep pretty much straight away as well, I only woke as I needed the bathroom.” I replied.

“That’s the best night’s sex and sleep I have had in ages,” Angie stated smiling at me.

“I don’t think I have ever fallen asleep so easily afterwards,” I replied as I kissed her gently.

“Come on, let’s have a shower and some breakfast.”

“Sounds good to me,” I replied smiling.

“You can keep that away from me as well, I think you broke me last night and I am so sore this morning you big brute.” Angie replied, smiling as she got out of bed.

We showered together and once we were dressed, set about making breakfast. Coffee and toast was what we settled on. I helped Angie clear away after breakfast and said I had better get going as I planned to do some work on the house, she understood as she had a few things to do herself. We agreed to meet again soon and next time dinner was my treat.

At home I did manage to get some more stuff sorted out and the place was looking a lot better for it. Mum called and asked me how I was getting on with the house and how my date went last night. Shocked, I asked how she knew I was on a date.

“Someone I know saw you going into a house last night and as you were smartly dressed they presumed you were on a date and not working.” Mum said, laughing down the phone.

“It was a nice evening Mum and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you myself,” I replied.

“I am only pulling your leg David, you don’t have to let me know where you go and who with.”

“If it gets serious Mum you will be the first to know, I promise.”

“Okay David thank you. I will let you get back to whatever you were doing and I will see you on Saturday. Bye dear.”

Okay Mum see you Saturday, bye for now.” I replied as I disconnected the call.

Life was normal for the next few weeks. I worked and visited Mum each Saturday as usual, she was really excited about her upcoming charity event. She had a band booked and a lot of local businesses had donated prizes for the raffle. I said it looked like it would be a good night all round. I didn’t see much of Angie as she had gone to visit her daughter.

On the day of Mum’s charity event I visited as normal in the morning expecting her to be dashing about like mad getting last minute stuff ready, instead when I went in the house she was sitting at the kitchen table crying.

“What’s wrong Mum? Why the tears?” I said as I sat next to her.

“Bloody Richard, that’s what’s wrong! He knew this charity event was important to me and this morning he has left for a fucking golfing weekend, I thought he was coming as his costume is upstairs, he never said anything until about an hour ago.” Mum said, crying.

I was fuming at Richard and I said I would have it out with him when he returns.

“Would it be okay if I went in his place Mum?” I asked.

“Really David, would you do that for me?”

“Sure Mum, I am not doing anything tonight and I know it’s important to you, so yes I would go with you.”

Thank you David, at least I can rely on one person around here.” Mum said as she jumped up and hugged me.

“Oh my god look at the time! I am due at the hairdressers in thirty minutes.” Mum exclaimed.

“You get ready and go Mum, I will head off and see if I can get a costume for tonight.” I told her.

“I’ll see you back here later Mum, say about five o’clock?” I called out.

“That will be fine David. We will need to set off soon after to finalise things before the guests arrive, see you then.” She called out from upstairs.

I knew of a costume hire place on the other side of town, I just hoped they had something suitable as I really didn’t want to let Mum down. I explained to the girl in the shop that I needed something for a 1940’s evening, either a military uniform or something similar.

“We have a few uniforms that might fit you.” The girl said as she walked over to where they were hanging.

She sorted through a few and it was obvious the soldier’s costume was not going to fit, I tried a navy uniform and although it fitted I dare not bend over in it. She then offered me a US air force outfit from that era. It looked okay with the medal bar and stripes on the sleeves so I tried it on, as luck would have it the uniform fitted perfectly.

I paid the deposit and rental charge before heading off to get my hair trimmed, afterwards I called in at home to grab an overnight bag before going to Mum’s house. I figured I could change there and if we got back late tonight I would sleep in the spare room.

Mum answered the door in her robe. I could see her hair had been styled like the women of the forties and I had to admit it suited her, in fact I found myself checking her out as she welcomed me inside.

“I have finished in the bathroom David so if you want to use the shower please go ahead.”

“Thanks Mum, I’ll do that and get changed then we can set off for the hotel.” I replied.

Standing in the shower I wondered what outfit Mum had for the evening, I started to get a hard on thinking about her dressed up. I quickly changed my line of thought and washed as fast as I could. Dressed in the uniform i waited downstairs for Mum, when she walked into the lounge I stood and stared at her. Her dress was a deep blue and she had stiletto heels on and seamed stockings, her lipstick was a nice shade of red.

“You like?” She said as she twirled in front of me.

“You look amazing Mum, really amazing.” I replied, still staring at her.

“I love the dress and everything but I wish I hadn’t gone with a girdle for tonight, it puts my bust on show and makes me look top heavy.”

“Mum, that outfit looks great on you, all it does is show off the figure you already have. You certainly don’t look top heavy, in fact you look sexy in it!”

“Thank you dear, I am glad you like it. You look really smart in that outfit as well, very dashing. If you weren’t my son I might fancy you.” Mum smiled and hugged me.

Arriving at the hotel I parked the car and went inside to help Mum set up the last few bits before people started arriving. Within an hour the place was packed and the band were playing some quiet background music as people chatted and ate food, Mum was dashing about and I told her to slow down and enjoy herself a bit.

Mum introduced me to some of her friends and the funny thing was she never mentioned that I was her son, just my friend David. I never thought too much of it until one of the women asked me how Cathy had managed to catch a young one like me, shocked I explained we had known each other for some time and I was happy to help her out for the evening. That raised a few smiles and smirks from some of the others. I found Mum and got her a drink as she hadn’t had a chance to relax yet.

“Do you know most of this lot think I am your young lover? A few have already asked me how you managed to snare me.” I laughed.

Mum giggled and said, “Let them think what they like, it’s a boost for me if they think that.”

“Looking like you do Mum it wouldn’t be too hard for you to attract a younger man, that’s for sure.” I replied.

Mum kissed me on the cheek and thanked me for not spoiling it by telling them I was her son.

“Are you kidding I am proud to be here with you and if they think we are lovers then so be it, if I wasn’t your son, actually forget I said that.” I replied stopping before I said something stupid.

“So what if you weren’t my son, then what David?” Mum asked.

“Since you asked, all I will say is if you weren’t my mother then you wouldn’t be getting a lot of sleep when we get home later!”

“What a shame I am your mother then, I like the sound of that idea.” Mum said as she leaned in and kissed me on the lips before moving off to chat to a couple.

I looked around and a few of the women were giving me knowing looks, I just smiled back and left it at that. I took a few minutes to check out some of the other guests’ costumes, there were soldiers, sailors, a few air raid wardens, a couple of policemen and some guy dressed as Winston Churchill complete with a massive cigar.

The band finished playing and the guy announced they were going to take a break while the raffle was called, Mum had already asked me to give her a hand with it. I agreed that she would pull the numbers out and I would do the announcing, as she was nervous about using a microphone.

The prizes were very good and included a case of champagne, a meal in the Italian restaurant in town and the local travel agent had donated a week in Portugal as the main prize of the night. One of the women called out and asked if I was one of the raffle prizes. This brought a few laughs from people, Mum announced that I was hers and not up as a prize this evening.

There were cheers and several comments as we called the raffle numbers, the couple who won the holiday in Portugal were overjoyed to say the least. One woman collected her prize and I heard her say to Mum.

“As he isn’t a raffle prize, can I at least have a dance with your young man?”

Mum nodded and said it would be fine.

After the raffle was finished I announced the band would be back on stage shortly and it was music and dancing right through until midnight. The hotel previously said they were only licensed until then so we had no choice but to finish. I was chatting to a small group of people when the band played a really slow number and Mum came over and asked me to dance with her. On the dance floor Mum held me really close and I could feel myself getting aroused.

I didn’t realise she could feel it as well until she asked. “Is that because of me?”

“Who else?” I replied.

“Oh David, thank you for being here tonight. It has been a great evening and I couldn’t have done it without you.” Mum said as she kissed me on the lips.

I felt her tongue brush against my lips and after getting over the initial shock I opened my mouth to let her tongue mix with mine, a round of applause from several guests brought our kiss to an end as Mum blushed and apologised.

“Don’t be sorry Mum, I enjoyed it.” I smiled and we continued to sway with the music.

When the dance finished I went to the toilet to sort out my erect cock and try to get it so it wasn’t as obvious, as I returned the woman from earlier asked me to dance. Mum had said it would be okay so who was I to deny the lady a dance?

“I don’t know where Cathy found a young stud like you, do you have a brother?” She asked with a lustful glint in her eye.

“Sorry I am an only child.” I replied.

“Shame, I could do with some younger company at times!” She said as casually as if she was asking the time of day.

I had seen her with her husband earlier and I got the impression he wasn’t keen on being there tonight, probably another husband who gets roped into things when he would rather be out with his mates than his wife.

“Thanks for the dance.” She said as we separated.

“No problem, my pleasure.” I replied.

The band announced the evening was coming to an end and they were going to close with a classic slow number so we should all get our partners for the last dance of the evening. I looked for Mum and suddenly a voice behind me said.

“Hey flyboy, got a dance for a lady?”

“Sure have,” I replied as I took Mum’s hand and we walked on to the dance floor.

Mum got real close as it was a slow number, she placed her head on my chest as we swayed to the music. Her arms were around me holding me so close I could almost feel her heartbeat.

Looking up at me Mum said “I love you David, kiss me please!”

“I love you too Mum.”

I leaned forward and kissed Mum, again it wasn’t a peck on the lips but a real lover’s kiss. She pulled me closer and my left hand slipped down to her lower back. Mum looked at me as if to say it’s okay to have my hand so close to her backside.

As the dance finished Mum asked me if I would go around with her and say goodnight to everyone, I nodded and we moved around the room thanking people and wishing them a goodnight. As I drove us home Mum asked if I had really enjoyed myself or was I just being polite?

“No Mum, I had a great time tonight. Some of the people there were a bit too much for me, but on the whole it was a great evening, spent with a lovely lady.” I added.

“Thank you David, that was a nice compliment and I enjoyed myself as well.”

I parked the car on the drive and we entered the house.

“Fancy a coffee or a glass of wine?” Mum asked.

“Coffee please, I’ll be back in a minute. I just want to get out of this costume. God knows how they wore this all day. I’m sweating like mad.”

Mum laughed as I headed off upstairs. I changed into a tee shirt and shorts then went back to join Mum. She was sitting in the lounge with a glass of wine. My coffee was on the table in front of her. I joined her on the sofa and praised her for organising a great night.

“I couldn’t have done it without your help David, and that reminds me why didn’t you tell me you paid for the room and food at the hotel?”

“I wanted to help you out Mum and I knew if I took the money from tonight it would dent the amount going to charity, don’t worry I didn’t pay full price as they owed me a favour anyway.”

“Still, It was a nice gesture all the same.” Mum replied.

“Take it as my contribution to the evening’s success.”

Mum put her empty glass on the coffee table and shifted so she was sitting against me, she took my arm and placed it across her stomach.

“This is nice.” She said as she closed her eyes.

“David, do you remember what you said to me earlier this evening?” Mum asked.

“When are you talking about Mum, when we were dancing?” I asked.

“No before that when you saw me as I came downstairs.”

“Yeah I remember, I think I said something like if I wasn’t your son you might not be getting a lot of sleep tonight!”

“Hmm well the thing is I’m not tired so would you like to forget I you are my son, just for tonight?” Mum asked.

“Mum are you really sure, I mean do you know what you are asking me to do?” I was shocked at what she was suggesting.

“Yes David I do know what I am asking of you. I know it’s not right and we shouldn’t, but you reminded me so much of your dad earlier. I am sorry but I can’t help myself. So will you forget I am your mother just for one night and make an old lady feel really good about herself?”

“Mum, I have told you that you are not old. You look at least ten years younger than you are, and to answer the question yes I will forget you are my mother just for one night. Although god knows I hope we don’t regret it in the morning.”

Mum kissed me on the lips and our mouths opened to allow us to share a passionate lover’s kiss.

“Take me to bed David, make love to me please. It’s been so long since a man has made me feel like this.”

I stood up and took Mum’s hand helping her off the sofa, she kept hold of my hand as she led me up to her bedroom. Going up the stairs I watched Mum’s arse sway gently and realised my cock was hard and desperate to get out of the confinement of my shorts. Mum led me to her bedroom and as she let go of my hand she walked over and switched on a bedside lamp.

“What about Richard?” I asked, suddenly remembering my stepdad.

“What about him? He’s not here and he will never know.” Mum replied.

“Okay Mum, one last time are you really sure this is what you want?”

“Yes David I am really sure, if you don’t want me then please say so now.”

“Oh Mum I want you, to be honest even if I didn’t I don’t think I could stop myself anyway!”

Mum smiled and walked towards me then turned away “Unzip me please David.”

I unzipped Mum’s dress and then removed my tee shirt.

“You might as well take the shorts off as well,” Mum quipped as she undressed.

Lying on the bed watching Mum remove her clothes and lingerie was one of the most erotic things I have ever seen, it wasn’t done like a sleazy strip tease but it turned me on all the same.

Mum’s nipples were already hard like small pebbles and I noticed she shaved as well, not completely bare just leaving a strip of pubic hair.

Mum crawled onto the bed and kissed me, our mouths opened and our tongues met. Her hand stroked gently down my body before she grasped my hard cock.

“Oh so hard and so big!” Mum gasped.

Mum stroked my cock as she kissed my nipples and moved down my body placing kisses as she went, she held my cock upright and gently kissed the tip.

“Mum you don’t have to do that if you don’t want to, I don’t expect it.” I gasped.

“Oh but I do want to do it.” Mum replied and sucked the tip of my cock into her warm mouth, her tongue swirling around the end.

Slowly she lowered her head and took more of me in her mouth, every so often she would moan a “hmmm hmmm” and this just made it harder for me to hold off coming.

“Oh fuck! Mum I’m close, I’m gonna cum!” I warned her.

Mum held the top of my cock between her lips as she stroked me, her eyes looking up at me as she did.

“Oh fuckkkkk! Yessss.” I groaned as I felt my balls tighten and my cum shoot into Mum’s mouth, she continued stroking and sucking until I was spent. As I lay there recovering from what was without doubt the blowjob of my life, Mum looked at me and swallowed my load then opened her mouth for me to see.

I pulled Mum towards me and kissed her, I figured if she was okay swallowing my cum the least I could do was kiss her. I moved Mum onto her back and started to place kisses on her face and neck, I moved down to her breasts and kissed each nipple before sucking it.

Mum groaned an “Aaaahh” as I sucked each nipple.

Moving down her body I placed gentle kisses on her tummy and around her pubic mound, I kissed the inside of her thighs and around her pussy lips.

“Please David, please!” She begged.

I licked Mum’s pussy lips before plunging my tongue inside her, Mum groaned as I did this and I felt her feet rest on my shoulders. With my mouth over her pussy I continued to suck and lick her avoiding any contact with her clit for now. I swirled my tongue around her hard little nub as two fingers pumped in and out of her, Mum’s hips were starting to buck off the bed so I used my fingers to press lightly on her g spot as I sucked her clit between my teeth and flicked it with my tongue.

“Oh God David! Oh God! Oh Yesss I’m cumming! Oh fuuuuuuuuuuuuck me!” Mum screamed as her orgasm hit her.

My face was covered with her creamy juices as I looked at Mum panting for breath. I smiled at her.

“I, I don’t know where you learnt to do that David but by god you had a good teacher.” Mum gasped, as she kissed me.

“Hmm I taste quite nice,” she giggled.

As we lay there kissing my cock was nudging her pussy lips.

“Go slowly my love, it’s been a long time since something that big has been inside me!” Mum said, looking at me lovingly.

I eased my cock slowly into her as we continued to kiss, when I was fully inside my Mum I slowly pulled back and entered her again. Mum relaxed and I took that as a signal to set a steady pace of sliding my cock into her, she gasped as I did so and moaned as I sucked and lightly bit her nipples each time. We must have fucked for fifteen minutes then Mum wrapped her legs around me and gripped my shoulders.

“Oh! Oh! Oh God yesss I’m cumming David, you’re making me cum my love.”

And she was coming. We were both soaked with her juices.

“Oh Fuck!” I groaned loudly as I shot my load inside Mum, stream upon stream of my sperm coated her insides and she shook as she held onto me tightly. When the last drop of cum dripped into Mum we both relaxed, covered in sweat and gasping for breath.

“My god David I don’t think I have ever cum so hard!”

“Same for me Mum, I don’t think I have ever managed two massive loads like that!”

I pulled out of Mum and lay by her side pulling her in for a cuddle, we kissed and there was a look of love in her eyes. I presumed I had the same look as that was how I felt. Mum lay with her head on my chest quietly breathing her fingers drawing circles around my nipple.

“Are you okay Mum?” I asked.

“Yes my love, in fact I am more than okay. For the first time in years I am in bed with someone who I know truly loves me and that is a feeling I never thought I would ever have again.”

“You know I love you Mum as a son but also as a man, I would do anything for you.”

“I know David my darling, I know you would.” Mum said as she moved her hand and started to stroke my cock. It didn’t take long before I was hard again, she straddled my body and eased my cock slowly into her slick pussy.

“Oh David. Oh my love. Oh David my darling.” Mum said as she rode my cock.

I cupped my hands on Mum’s breasts as she rode me, my thumbs brushed her nipples. I could feel her juices soaking my balls, I pinched her nipples lightly and Mum screamed out my name as her orgasm reached fever pitch. Mum was riding me like a woman possessed and I knew I would shoot my load into her again very soon, she dug her nails into my shoulders and screamed out my name.

“Aaagh fuck yesss, here it comes Mum, I’m cumming!” I yelled as I raised my hips off the bed pushing deeper into her.

Mum collapsed on my chest gasping and sobbing, I lifted her face up and asked if she was okay.

“Yes David I’m fine. These are tears of joy.” She explained.

Mum rolled sideways but made sure my cock stayed inside her, we kissed and lay there panting like wild animals.

“Let’s go downstairs and get a cold drink then we had better change these sheets before we think of sleeping tonight.” Mum stated.

We both walked downstairs naked, As the curtains were drawn we had no fear of anyone seeing us. After a drink we changed the bed and settled down to sleep. Mum spooned into me and just before she drifted off to sleep she said she loved me, I told her I loved her as well and I kissed the top of her head. The following morning I awoke in bed alone with the sun shining in the room through a gap in the curtains. Throwing on my shorts, I went to see where Mum was. I smelled coffee and bacon cooking, Mum was in the kitchen dressed in a robe and singing away to herself.

“Morning Mum,” I said as I kissed her cheek.

“Morning David, are you hungry?” Mum asked.

“Famished more like, some crazy woman wore me out last night.” I said laughing.

“Yes, some young stud certainly gave me a thorough workout as well.” Mum said, smiling at me.

We sat and ate not saying much but looking at each other more like lovers than mother and son. Mum was the first to speak.

“David, we need to talk about last night,” She said calmly.

I thought I was going to get a rocket for what we did but she didn’t seem angry or upset, I guess I was confused.

“Do you have any regrets about what we did last night David?”

“No Mum I don’t. I mean I know I should, what we did was wrong in the eyes of society and the law. But how can something that felt so right, be so wrong? As for regrets, no I don’t have any at all. Do you regret what we did Mum?” I asked her.

“No David I don’t. God knows what that makes me. I know we are both adults and we asked each other enough times if It was what we really wanted, but no I don’t regret it at all. In fact I haven’t felt like I do now for years, since your Dad was alive to be honest. I think that’s what made it easier for me. You look and act so much like him it was easy for me to love you in a way I am not supposed to.”

“As you said Mum we are both adults we both enjoyed it and nobody got hurt, well I enjoyed it and I hope you did as well.”

“Oh trust me David I enjoyed it, more than I should have if I am honest.”

“So where do we go from here Mum, was that a one off or is it likely to happen again?” I asked hoping she would say the latter.

“Honestly I don’t know. When I asked you to take me to bed last night I only intended it to be for one night, now I don’t know. I mean you love me and made love to me last night like you really meant it, there was passion and feeling and that is something I don’t feel with Richard. I need time to think about this David, you finish your coffee while I take a shower and we can talk some more afterwards.”

As Mum went upstairs I looked for my phone to see if I had any missed calls, I thought there may have been a message from Angie. There was a message from a friend who asked me to call him urgently, as Mum was in the shower I gave him a call.

“Hi Mick, it’s David, you asked me to call you.”

“Hi David, yeah I needed to talk to you about your stepdad!”

“What about him?” I asked

“I was out at the Belmont hotel last night for a wedding reception, he was there in the restaurant with a woman who I know is not your Mum. I did some checking and they booked in together yesterday afternoon. Sorry mate but it looks to me like he is playing around behind your Mum’s back!”

“Thanks for letting me know Mick and to be honest it wouldn’t surprise me as he told her he was going on a golfing weekend.”

“Well he was certainly playing around, just not on the golf course!”

“Thanks again Mick, I’ll have to decide what to say to my Mum. Cheers mate, I will catch up with you soon for a beer.”

“Cheers David, see you soon mate.”

I disconnected the call and stood there wondering if I should tell Mum or not, her voice startled me out of my daydream.

“Decide to tell me what David, who was that on the phone?”

At that moment I decided to tell Mum what Mick had told me, I have never lied to her and I wasn’t about to start now. I relayed what Mick had told me and to my surprise Mum took it quite well.

“I have often wondered if he was actually golfing or not when he left, now I know the truth. You wait until that cheating bastard gets home.”

“I’m sorry Mum.”

“Why David, why are you sorry? You have nothing to be sorry for, in fact I admire you for telling me what your friend told you. You haven’t done anything wrong, my love.”

“I’ll go and shower and get dressed. If you don’t mind Mum, I would like to stay and be here when you confront Richard. I know he has never physically hurt you before but I don’t trust the bloke to be honest.”

“That’s fine David, I was going to ask you to stay anyway.”

After I showered I gave Mum a hand to tidy up, Mum said she would start cooking dinner. I told her to forget dinner as we were going out to dinner later, my treat. She agreed and said Richard would be pissed that there was no dinner cooking when he got back. I joked that the lack of dinner would be the least of his worries.

Mum and I were in the kitchen when Richard arrived home, I was sitting at the table and Mum was leaning against the counter. He walked in, took one look at me and asked “What’s he doing here on a Sunday?”

“David is my son and is free to visit me whenever he feels like it.” Mum said defiantly.

“Hmph.” Richard grunted then asked. “What are we eating for dinner?”

“David has offered to take me out to dinner,” Mum replied.

“That’s decent of him so what the hell am I supposed to do for a meal?” Richard demanded.

“Well you could always ask the woman you spent last night with to cook for you, or is she no good outside the bedroom?”

“What the hell are you talking about woman? I was golfing with the lads from work.”

“I don’t think you were, you were seen and not on a golf course.” Mum replied.

I sat in silence watching the heated discussion, I had told Mum I wouldn’t get involved unless he physically threatened her.

“Now you listen to me you silly bitch!”

At that point I got up and stood between him and Mum.

“Stay the fuck out of this, it’s between your mother and me.”

“I don’t think so! You were seen in the Belmont hotel last night with a woman, and we all know it wasn’t Mum. Now if you approach her like that again or insult her I will hit you so hard you will still feel it next year!”

I stood off to the side but refused to sit down just in case he lunged for Mum.

“So you two think it was me with this woman when I was playing golf all weekend, this is bloody ridiculous.” Richard exclaimed.

“We don’t think it was you, we know it was.” Mum shouted at him.

“Don’t you raise your voice to me, woman.” He yelled back

“What are you going to do Richard, hit her for yelling at you?” I asked sarcastically.

“You two are pathetic, we can discuss this later when the macho man here has gone home. In the meantime……”

“In the meantime you can go upstairs and pack your bags, I want you out of my house within the hour!” Mum stated not letting Dick finish his sentence.

“You, you’re throwing me out of my house, that’s a bloody laugh.” Richard shouted at us both.

“No I am throwing you out of my house, if you remember this house was mine when we got together and you signed an agreement that you are not entitled to lay claim to it.” Mum replied back firmly.

“You haven’t heard the last of this.” Richard said loudly as he stormed off upstairs.

“No and neither have you. My solicitor will be in touch very soon.” Mum shouted back.

Mum and I sat at the table listening to Richard gathering his stuff from upstairs, he made several trips to his car each time he was carrying a suitcase or holdall.

“Right I am off then, I will be back when you have calmed down and seen sense.” He said looking straight at Mum.

“Key please?” Mum said as she held out her hand.

Richard looked at her defiantly and didn’t offer the door key so I stood up and asked him for it.

“Take the fucking thing then, I won’t need it as I am not coming back here again!”

“No you are absolutely right, you are never coming back here again. Now get out before I throw you out!” I said offering him little choice in the matter.

As Mum watched him drive away I stood next to her and asked if she was okay. Mum hugged me and said she was fine adding that throwing him out was something she should have done years ago, but never had the courage to face up to him. She thanked me for staying to protect her in case he got violent and then she kissed me. The rest of the day was more relaxed as Mum and I went to dinner. During the meal Mum said she would see a solicitor first thing on Monday and get the divorce started.

I never saw Richard again and he did contact Mum once as he needed some paperwork that was in her house. She told me when he called she opened the door, passed him the envelope and closed the door again. I would have liked to have seen the look on his face.

Angie and I parted as friends, the reason for the breakup was she decided to move to be nearer her daughter and soon to arrive twin grandchildren. It saved me having to tell her I had found someone else.

Mum and I carried on as lovers and nobody in her circle of friends thought anything of it, some of them did make a pass at me but I politely refused. Mum asked me to go for dinner one Sunday and I agreed, during the pre-dinner conversation Mum asked how I was getting on with my house.

“Nearly finished Mum, I just have the spare bedroom to decorate and that’s it.” I replied probably looking smug as well.

“Oh that’s nice then,” Mum replied.

I got the feeling she wanted to say something else so I stood looking at her with an expectant look on my face. Eventually I said to her “Come on Mum out with it, you look like you want to say something.”

Mum looked at me and told me to sit down.

Now I was stunned, I convinced myself in a short space of time this was something serious. “Are you ill or something Mum?”

“No David, I’m not ill. Ever since I threw Richard out I have been living here on my own, it seems silly for me to be in a big house on my own. None of my friends live around here anymore and I don’t even know who my neighbours are for god sake.”

“So what are you going to do Mum sell up and get a smaller place somewhere else?”

“I am thinking of selling that’s for sure and I have an idea about where I might move to as well.”

“Okay, so where are you thinking of moving to then Mum?”

“David, I was thinking of selling this house and moving in with you.”

“What? You want to move in with me?”

“Yes David I do, what’s the matter, don’t you want me living with you?”

“Mum I would love it if you moved in with me, I just didn’t think you would want to.”

“I do David, I really do. It makes sense given that we have taken our relationship a step further. Also nobody knows me where you live, so there shouldn’t be any reason for people to ask questions.”

“Okay then Mum I will get the spare bedroom finished as soon as possible,” I replied.

“You can finish it whenever David, I will be moving into your house and your bed!”

Mum managed to sell her house quickly and she moved in with me ten weeks after we first discussed it. She bought some furniture with her and sold what we didn’t need. The big surprise for me was when she insisted from now on I call her Cathy, as she explained if we are going to be living as a couple it would look more convincing.

“Anything for you Mum, erm Cathy.” I replied.

A few of my friends found out Mum was living with me and I got a lot ribbing about it, I didn’t mind as it was just harmless fun and none of them knew the true nature of our relationship. Some month’s later Mum’s friend Judy called round to see her, she said it was great that we got on so well and could live together.

Mum made the excuse that she had someone to talk to instead of being on her own. I added that it was great as I got to eat decent meals every day.

“Typical man thinking with his stomach!” she laughed.

When Mum showed Judy around the house she pointed out my room, her room and the office in the spare room.

“So what happens if David brings a lady friend home?” Judy asked.

“It’s his house he can do as he pleases, if it happens he shuts his bedroom door.”

“What if you want to bring someone home Cathy, isn’t it awkward living with your son?”

“Not at all. I am not even looking to get involved with anyone, and if I do then he better have somewhere we can go.” Mum giggled.

Mum showed Judy out after they had finished chatting, when she came back inside she sat down and sighed heavily.

“What’s wrong Mum?”

“Just Judy and her questions. That woman is so nosey I didn’t think she would ever stop.”

“Do you think she knows about us?” I asked concernedly.

“No, she has no idea she was just being nosey. Besides, she doesn’t think I am the sort of woman who would sleep with her own son.”

“Thank god for that!” I sighed. Mum kissed me and told me to stop worrying.

As this story concludes Cathy and I are still living together after five years and as happy as we were the day she moved in. We are going to Paris next weekend to celebrate her 50th birthday, she still looks 10 years younger. Unfortunately for me I look about 5 years older than I actually am so we don’t raise too many eyebrows when we go out as a couple.

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