A Song of Lust and Desire – Chap 5: The One In Which Cat Meets a Catspaw by AryaStarkNaked

A Song of Lust and Desire – Chap 5: The One In Which Cat Meets a Catspaw by AryaStarkNaked

I do not own anything in the “A Song of Ice and Fire” book series, nor the characters living in it. They wholly belong to George R.R. Martin, and I most certainly don’t make any money from the writing of this story. , CHAPTER FIVE: Winterfell

Catelyn Stark was distraught. No, that wasn’t quite right for how horrible she felt. Catelyn Stark was broken, as broken as her son.

Her second son, Bran, was found after falling from the tallest tower in Winterfell, his back crushed and his legs useless – if he even survives this ordeal. He hasn’t so much as woken up since the accident. Her beloved husband, Eddard Stark, Lord of Winterfell and the North, and now Hand of the King, delayed his departure south as long as he could but he was gone now too, taking with him half the servants of Winterfell, but more importantly her dearest daughters Sansa and Arya.

She was glad that her husband had sent away his bastard to the Wall, for in her heart she knew she couldn’t stand to look at him now. Her anguished thoughts were bitter, and cruel. She would have traded Jon’s life for Bran’s, without hesitation. After all, Bran wanted to be a knight! Whatever could the bastard Jon do with his life that would be half as important?

Catelyn hasn’t left Bran’s bedside, even to bid goodbye to her husband and daughters. That is where her eldest son Robb found her, restlessly smoothing Bran’s black hair back from his pale and sweaty forehead. Catelyn barely lifted her blue eyes from Bran’s unconscious form and pushed a stray strand of auburn-colored hair over her shoulder. Her tired eyes were full of sadness and her voice cracked with emotion as she greeted Robb, “My son.”

Stepping around the bed to his mother, Robb embraced Catelyn in his arms, attempting to soothe her. Thankful for the effort, her dainty hands rested on his forearms, where she found Robb’s muscles to be thick, and stiff. Feeling arms like these, so much like her Ned, the matriarch of the Starks felt a longing deep inside her. Her fingers splay out over Robb’s arms, tracing the outline of his muscles. Lifting her eyes to stare at the face of her oldest son, Catelyn Stark smiled softly before whispering, “You look just like your lord father.”

Robb smiled downward into the face of his mother, sliding his eyes over her noble features. Catelyn Stark was once a beautiful child, and had retained much of that beauty into her late thirties. Robb’s strong hand slides through Catelyn’s auburn locks and, featherly, his thumb brushes over her ear and her earlobe, sending a shiver up her spine.

His voice whispered close to her face, his breath washing over the pale skin of his mother, “Are you cold, mother? Shall I heighten the fire?”

Burning her cheeks crimson, Catelyn slid her hands onto her eldest son’s chest and murmured, “No…that felt good,” as she began to trace the outline of his defined muscles through the thin fabric of his homespun doublet bearing the direwolf sigil of their house..

Robb inhaled subtly, filling his nose with the intoxicating scent of the woman in his arms, “Mother…I…”

Catelyn lifted her hand and pressed her finger to his lips, silencing him. Her fingertip slid down over his lower lip, eliciting a low moan from the back of his throat. Catelyn leaned closer to her eldest son and whispers throatily to him, “Call me Catelyn,” before pausing tentatively and replacing her fingertip with her mouth, finally kissing her eldest son.

After a brief moment of shock, Robb’s strong arms wrap around her lithe waist, pulling her against his broad chest. His mouth hungrily attacks her soft, plush lips and the pair stumble back and bump into a nearby table, causing the bits and baubles Maester Luwin had lain out to help treat Bran to wobble and topple.

Powerful hands jerk open Catelyn’s blouse, the tearing of the fabric covered up by both a feminine gasp, and a low growl – wolflike – from Robb of, “Catelyn.” Moments later Robb Stark, heir of Winterfell, descended on the pert nipple and barely drooping breast of his own mother with a ravenous mouth and searching tongue.

Lust clouded Catelyn’s mind as she shuddered under the tongue of her son, flicking and nibbling and sucking at her breast. Rob’s hands seek her skirt and girdle, and with a few fumbling and inexperienced tugs, the garments lie pooled on the floor. Her mind continued to reel as Robb grabbed her wide hips and lifted her from the floor, settling her ass onto the table nearby.

Her voice, dripping with desire, protested slightly “We…shouldn’t…Robb…,” while her blue eyes stared desirously into her son’s eyes, so much like her own. Despite her protesting, her slender hands already moved for his belt. They loosened his pants with a needy speed, fishing her hands inside her son’s pants to wrap her slim fingers around his thick, hardening shaft and free his cock into sight.

Her eyes widened at the sheer size of his thick cock. Robb Stark groans as Catelyn leans down and slides her tongue and her hands over his smooth shaft, “You are…impressive, my son. You take after your father even more.”

Trembling hands tangle in her Tully-red hair, so much like Sansa’s, as his moans increase in volume while the soft lips of Catelyn slip over his cockhead, sucking his cock into her wet, warm mouth, “Mother, I’ve never…I’ve never been with a woman.”

Parting her lips from her son’s cock, Catelyn fluttered her tongue featherly against the twitching cockhead and replies, need evident in her voice, her blue eyes burning up at his face, “Then fuck me, my son. Take your mother and become a man.”

Long legs parted on the table as her son lunges between them without hesitation. Her skinny arms wrap around Robb’s neck and she attack his broad neck with her lips, biting and nibbling the light complexion of his throat. Robb’s hand surrounded his cock and, with all the patience of a virgin, plunged his erection into the warm, inviting folds of his mother’s cunt.

The pitch of Catelyn’s moans lifted loudly as her cunt stretched widely to accept the thick incestual intrusion of her son’s cock, and her eyes pop open – to stare at the unconscious form of Bran on the bed on the other side of the room over Robb’s shoulder. She buries her face into his shoulder and neck, eyelids fluttering closed both in pleasure and to shut out the sight of her sadness, as the cock buried in her cunt begins to pump into her with a gentle motion – as if Robb doesn’t wish to hurt her.

Catelyn’s fingernails claw at his shoulders as the pair make gentle love on the table. Her inner cunt walls tremble on Robb’s cock as the young teen plunges faster-and-faster into his mother. Catelyn’s mind, body, and voice explode entirely in orgasmic pleasure as she throws her head backward and screams her release to the ceiling. Robb stares hard at his mother’s contorting face,and, despite his best efforts, unwillingly shudders and builds quickly to his own peak, “Catelyn…I can’t believe..this…”

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