During One Stormy Delhi Afternoon by ViviansTales,ViviansTales

During One Stormy Delhi Afternoon1Meera wondered if she would be alone in the house and hated the prospect. Her grandparents, an aunt and uncle on her mother’s side, kept to themselves in other parts of the large property set in a choice Delhi suburb that the extended family occupied. She often relied on her brother Aviraj, or Avi as she fondly called him from her childhood years, to be working at his internet business that kept him locked away in his work and living space on the top floor; just the place she really did not want to be just now.

She would have to ring him and discover his whereabouts, hoping the musical tone on his iPhone would be heard above the noise outside. She wanted to find a place where her senses would not be assaulted by the noise of the sudden tempest that had broken just as she arrived home from her tutorials. After enduring months of intense summer heatwaves, followed by disappointingly brief spells of pre-monsoon thunderstorms that cleared the air only too briefly, the time seemed to have arrived for many to rejoice; to give thanks for what she now heard raging outside the family home.

“Avi! Where are you?” she exclaimed on a happy laugh on hearing his voice.

“I’m at home…looking at the rain! Can’t you hear it?”

“Yes, and I hate it! You know that I do. I don’t suppose you’re…?”

The ensuing pause was meant to tease her. “You want us to be together…me to be downstairs with you…or you daring to live it out up here in my place?”

She knew what she wanted at other times; to be in his ‘place’ that were two rooms and a bathroom, modern in their furnishing, that looked out over a rooftop terrace with views of the city, through the trees, and being little more than a bedroom with ensuite shower, as well as a sitting room that he relaxed in; music playing and his bank of computer screens, on a worktable, like unseeing eyes. He lived out a hectic life up there. None of the family disturbed him, save when she called and said she’d like to be with him; to make up for times when they could not be together, save at mealtimes when all of the Varma family would be gathered around the table.

It was at such times that she saw how her elders kept to traditional ways of dress, while she and Avi were ‘westernised’ in their tastes, but never forgetting their heritage or customs.

“I’ll close the blinds, Meera…so come up here and be with me?” he coaxed. “I’ve finished my project…so have all the time you need to get through what’s going on outside…my clients will get the work I’ve done for them, and my account, soon after the storm’s passed through. So, be with me…and do that now!”

Meera heard his infectious laugh as he said it.

“Are you sure?” she asked in a faltering voice, knowing what being in his company might again lead to. ” I know the storm will soon blow through…so I wonder if I should be there with you.”

She heard him sigh in evident annoyance on hearing her doubting words.

“Yes, I’m sure…we’ve been too busy to be company since the last storms…but my feelings still rage, Meera. It may be that you no longer want to hear that from me…”

She knew it to be otherwise, reckless as her behaviour and feelings could so easily become. “Let me be with you….storm or no storm!”

“Then do that! You always had a place in my life…like no one else. Now, you know where I am…”

Meera thought that she had heard regret in his voice for their times apart. She also understood, from his brief ways of speaking that. like her. he could not quite let go of memories; not to recall their particular closeness and the awkwardness that had been felt, scarcely spoken of, the first time they had expressed feelings that had been suppressed and not worked through as others, in families she read of on the web, endured.

In those few words, that he had spoken, he had revealed his consideration for her. She knew that to submit to his coaxing words and gentle touches would be the beginnings of her fall into forbidden ways and would shatter her ordered life, such as it had been, under his roof and with other members of their extended family all around them.

“Soon…I’ll be with you soon!” she exclaimed, ending the call, and rushed up the stairs to her rooms.

There, she washed quickly; sprayed a musky scent to her breastbone and throat; was dismayed to see how her nipples poked at the fabric of her cutaway bra, the cups accentuating her cleavage, her matching green panties shaping her belly, the fabric soft against her skin. She never fully shaved her mound, just trimmed the edges, never liking the touch of a women’s razor and remembering Avi telling her that he liked the feel of her bush, such as it was, against his skin.

They had no secrets; she told him that there were no other lovers in her life; that she didn’t want people to think badly of her; that what she had succumbed to with him and pursued erratically, both in time and emotionally, being enough. Crazy as it might sound, he respected her for that choice.

She drew a soft washed-out green lawn dress over her head and smoothed it over her breasts and hips, adjusted her beaded necklaces and checked her earrings; slipped on white house slippers and checked her reflection in the mirror, the lashing rain against the window disconcertingly violent, the room lights flickering but staying on, thank goodness.

Avi would take her mind off the storm that now raged outside; from the flashes of lightning and the rolls of shattering thunder that had her feeling the house would be shaken apart.

She’d always known that it was wrong, that their affectionate relationship, their special bond, had become so much more than just family love, but an impossible and consummated longing for one another.

To be with Avi had become a drug, an all-consuming need for the destructive bond that they now had and all that he brought to her. She was not the only one, she knew that, but no one else had taken a hold in her mind as Avi had done for some time.

He would again be her comforter in the storm that she heard raging outside; the rain drumming its beat on the skylight above her head he gathered up the skirt of her dress and raced up the stairs as far as it allowed.

“You look wonderful…beautiful…now come here!” he demanded, his voice kept low and almost a growl, as Avi answered her knock on the door. “The heat of the day has been quenched…my feelings for you have not been.”

“Avi…Avi,” she acknowledged on halting breaths, “that you can simply speak out on what we have…”

She wondered how her relationship with Avi could survive this moment, whatever happened between them. Their bonds of family and trust, respect for each other, would again be stretched and perhaps beyond repair. But she hated to be alone and just the look of his eyes upon her broke any remaining resolve, any sense of restraint that she had hoped to exercise over their ways with each other. She heard in his deep voice a breathless urgency and felt his hand take hold of her arm as she moved past him and into his spotlessly clean apartment.

They would love, but where that might then take them she had no means of knowing, save that it would be a place they could never turn back from. 

2She was swept up into her handsome brother’s arms and she felt his strength; breathed in his heat and felt he soft brush of his carefully tended stubble beard and moustache as Avi kissed her cheeks. She moved to take in his studiously slovenly appearance so at odds with the young tyro she knew him to be. She felt over-dressed, Avi in khaki draw cord linen slacks that brushed the floor, his matching long-sleeved collarless top revealing the hair on his chest, leather necklaces with a variety of pendants; beaded wristbands to each arm along with a stainless steel kada, bracelet, on his left wrist.

“I couldn’t….couldn’t stay away!” she said through his kisses, sliding her hands under his shirt and feeling his heat. ‘How I hate these storms!”

The lightning flashed in searing blazes of silvery whiteness; the thunder rumbled and boomed overhead. The storm seemed to be as one with her feelings now that she was to be reunited with him. Meera kept Avi from leaving her side. She embraced him awkwardly, kept her hands to his skin.

“Am I the answer to what is happening…out there…and here…in your heart?”

His fingers had brushed over the front of her dress, to press the rounded swell of her breasts, her nipples hardening and arousing the sudden rush of an acute sense of wayward desire for him.

“Yes…you know you are!” She trembled as he began to loosen the fastenings of her floaty dress, brushed her fingers over his back and felt him move to allow her undressing of him. “You…you are so well-made…so desiring of me.”

“As you are…but you are beautiful…a young woman now,” he kissed, easing her dress from Meera’s body and brushing his fingers over the swell of his sister’s wonderfully shaped, firm breasts, her skin soft, perfumed, warm to the touch of his lips.

“I want this…from you…but…but I know it’s wrong…aieee!” She jumped into his arms and clung to him, the rain’s furious rhythm as one with the gusts of wind, their soulful moan as they tugged at the trees in the garden, twigs to be heard battering against the window. “The storm…the storm!” she wailed, lost in his arms on feeling his skin against hers. She started breathing more heavily.

Avi could tell that she was anxious, excited, and frightened all at the same time. “I love you Meera, you’re one of the coolest, cleverest and beautiful women I know…”

He was, as ever, a persuasive and smooth talker.

“But it’s not supposed to be like this,” she answered, leaning back and meeting his wondering look upon her. “I let you see me…love me…but it is wrong.”

“There are others in our lives…” he kissed, unhooking her bra and Meera moving to let him ease it off her body. He bent to press his lips to them, sucked on her proud nipples as his fingers slowly brushed over her panties, pressed into her moist heat. She moved to meet them. “I’ll take your mind off the storm…”

“Go on…do it now! Go on…take my doubts away!”

“Again..” he teased.

“Yes…again! Don’t remind me!” she groaned through their kisses and feeling the brush of his pants to her skin, reached between them to grope for him. “I want to feel your naked body against mine! Put out the flame that is burning again in me…I am taken this way and that, by my emotions…all that I share with you and that is wrong.”

He was caught off guard by the vehemence in her voice and hesitated before choosing to kiss her. “Then I will know of you…and you of me this last time.”

She gave him no answer as Avi carried her into his bedroom, the slatted blinds only half-open and the flashes of lightning casting an eerie glow into the room. She heard the rain streaming down the glass, the gutters above them overflowing and the water cascading down onto the garden below, such as it was.

She slowly lay back on his wide bed, continued to share in their kisses and lapping of tongues, Meera moaning out of both longing and out of a fear of the tempest outside her supposed haven…his bed, his strong arms, what she would share with her beautifully made brother; a forbidden lover of her. No one else had been let in. Seeing Avi gave her the reasons why. She was obsessed with the one man that she really knew and had been uncommonly close to for so long.

She shivered as Avi stripped away his cargo pants, then tugged free his straining prick from his briefs, some fashion house logo printed on the waistband. He was so well made, his belly taut and his stomach muscles deliciously defined. She reached out to touch him, stared wide-eyed at his state of arousal, Avi’s penis a deep mahogany colour so stark against his paler skin.

Avi moved to lean over her, knelt by her shoulder on the bed and kissed her, felt the hesitancy in her responses and how she stroked his aroused flesh. Meera trembled,, looked down to see just what she was doing for him; squirmed on feeling the press of his fingers to her, the soft touch of her panties over her pussy’s lips.

“What’s wrong…first you call me and then come to my rooms. Now you hesitate…unlike other times.”

Meera shifted and glared up at him. “What’s wrong? We’re brother and sister…family…we stray from what is normal.”

“What is new, girl?” he rasped, ceasing instantly in his claims and slumping down on the bed beside her, moved to cradle his head on folded arms. He did not look at her, fingered his length until her touches stopped him in what he was doing.

She looked up into her older brother’s eyes as she lay against him, moments of deeper intimacy perhaps to be shared, only later. “Don’t you really see anything wrong with this?”

“We have kept all of this a secret since you were seventeen years old…four years now…and I have always been careful of you…never forced this on you….took you against your will.”

She sighed out of frustration to be talking of it. “You took my virginity…”

“You asked me…remember?” he retorted, could not keep from casting an appraising glance over her naked body, her shameless acceptance that it could be so, even now, a brother and sister naked on a bed.

Meera heard the harsh way that he now spoke to her. “Yes, I remember…you were slow and tender…we shared so much at that moment….”

“And many times after, but I never owned you…and I don’t own you now.” He had lost his virginity with an aunt, widowed and lonely as she was then and who was still in his life; Aunt Lavanya, a wondrous and well-connected woman who saw it as her duty to be of continuing help to him and his business. She had seen it thrive, put leads his way but she did so discreetly, and not becoming directly involved. All that she asked in return was that he ‘attended’ upon her.

“No, you don’t own me, but you have a hold on my thoughts.”

The rainstorm had turned his day upside down and now his sister was sending him mixed messages; sought comfort on the one hand and now, all but naked in his arms, restrained him or wanted the act of finding comfort to be different from all that had gone before.

She didn’t know what played out in his life away from the extended family’s home. He got up from the bed, her sliding caress to his body not stopping him. He soon stood by the window, failed to look through the veil that the cascading water off the roof, the gutters overwhelmed, kept him from seeing.

“Don’t be so angry….” She asked, moving to be with him and soon pressing her lips to his back as she embraced him, slid her hands down his body and sought the source of her comfort. “As a woman I have to think of what we do…our customs change, some say, while others are stricter…would call me bad names if they knew what I am to you.”

Meera ducked under his arm and held him tight; felt his hand stroke down her back and grip her buttock. He squeezed on it rhythmically as she held his manhood.

“You always help me through…overcome my doubts, Avi. I know who I am to you…in this.”

“A woman that I want to make love with…that I know…someone that I would never take advantage of.” In spite of the blinds that he let fall from his grip, the bedroom had more than enough light for him to delight in all that Meera brought to his touch. “Be with me…lie with me…try and forget the storm…be with me in our special ways. How it is for me with you has always been different…you have always been in my life, and I see you become a woman and attractive to me. There have been no changes as it is with others. What we do, have done…it is special for us, and no one ever needs to know.”

“And they wouldn’t understand what made us do it…”

Avi’s deep kisses silenced anything else that she might have chosen to say, but distraction from the storm raging outside their window, and in her mind, was all that she now sought.

3″Avi…Avi…you are so strong and handsome…your stomach’s so sexy,” she kissed as she brushed her fingers wonderingly over every crease, his six-pack and ribs so defined, his chest muscles flexing as he guided her back to the bed.

As at other times, he had become trapped by his hunger to know of her body, pulled Meera closer as she lay back on the bed and he began to suck on her nipples, to slick his tongue over them and the dimpled texture of surrounding flesh.

Meera groaned, tilted, her head back as his lips and hands claimed and pinched on her nipples; as his hungering mouth sucked on one then the other; tugged and sucked on those hard buttons her nipples had become.

“Relax…don’t be frightened…I’m loving you…won’t ever hurt you,” he kissed, paying attention to her breasts and at the same time trailing a hand over her belly. His questing touches had Meera lift her hips off the bed and he tugged down her panties, exposed her soft, pink and wet, pussy lips to his gaze.

“Aieee!” she yelped in fear and looked away, at the window, as the crack of lightning, and a blinding flash lit the room, soon to be followed by the thunderous shaking rumble and boom of thunder. Meera pulled him to her, reached for his prick as it rubbed against her pussy’s lips, and she met his silencing kisses. “Wait…wait…pretend it’s our first time!”

“You don’t mean it…say you don’t?” he kissed, harshly this time, his mouth tugging on her nipples as his bulbous penis tip parted her pussy’s lips. “Damn…the condom!” He looked down at her and then reached across to grab the packet from the bedside cabinet’s drawer.

Meera sat up, caressed his hips and belly as he smoothed the thin rubber skin over his length, shared some moments of doing that. She kissed his skin, was then coaxed to lie back.

“I’m scared…”

“Scared of what? We have loved before…I will play your game if that’s what you want…”

“It’s no game…I’m scared…know what we’re doing is wrong….you know it too, somewhere…in here.” She kissed his chest as Avi leant over her, made ready to claim her body. Her conscience was telling her one thing; the sight and touch of Avi had her conceding; would have her say ‘yes’ to loving again with him.

“Perhaps, but I still want to do this!”

He had instantly reached the decision to persuade her, to ease Meera’s conscience by pleasuring her. He pushed apart her legs and buried his face to her pussy, parted the lips with his fingers and lapped his tongue up and down her slit, parted the darker skin, lapped at and tased soft pink flesh.

She bucked her hips, tugged at his hair and squeezed on his head with her thighs; felt the press of his lips to them before he devoted all of his attention to eating her out, sis or not.

“Wit…I said wait….w-w-wait…” Meera protested as she started to feel a tingling sensation take over her body.

He could no longer see her face. Meera had tilted her head back onto the bed as she succumbed to the waves of pleasure that overwhelmed her senses. All he could see was the rounded shape of her breasts, splayed and trembling as she gave in to the rushes of pleasure that his practised attention upon her body, her intimate place, provoked.

Meera paid no attention to the noise beyond the window, and he could not get enough of her taste as the actions of his mouth, lips and tongue, became fiercely predatory. She tasted good and he wanted more of her. As he pursued his pleasuring of her so Meera’s calls to him increased, her moans becoming one long gasp of surrender. She bucked her hips, pushed to meet his tongue and gripped his head and shoulders with her thighs, brushed his back with her feet, tapped out a dance on his skin.

“I love being with you!” he called out as he licked faster and faster, as her breaths became quicker and shorter; her soft cries of dismay changing to words urging him on.

“Avi…Avi!” Meera yelled. Her hot and moist pussy contracted and shot juices over his face as she gushed in her orgasm; shuddered as she gave way to all that she had been subjected to and encouraged.

He kept up in his claims, felt her curvy body flinch and twitch as he grabbed her thighs, then the flesh of her ass, as she lifted her hips and submitted to him and the tumult of contrasting emotions and sensations that he kept at fever pitch. Pulses of pleasure seared through her belly as she succumbed to the full effects of her first orgasm of this rainy afternoon; how the sound of the torrential rain outside the window seemed to be as one with what Avi had aroused in her.

“You have made me feel so lost again,” she sighed, averting her mouth from his kisses, yet meeting Avi’s searching look upon her. She had again been beguiled by the pleasure that his tongue and fingers had brought upon her.

Finally, Meera recovered from her orgasm. Her breathes got deeper and her hands instinctively started massaging her aching breasts. The raging charges of excitement that Avi had aroused in her body had been a distraction from his claims upon them.

“Oh my God, that was amazing…Avi…Avi…how you want me,” she told him on halting breaths. She felt so wet, sensed her pussy leaking love juices onto the sheet she had thrashed her feet on, in her efforts to heighten his attentions to her. “How can I ever get over you…what we’re doing?”

“I want you this way now,” he murmured, his lips close to her mouth and his eyes staring into her questioning eyes. “You want me in you…but ask me.”

“Yes…I’ve become yours again…just as it was the very first time….”

“And you know how it goes… and that is something I need from you now, no awkwardness…no fear…just the two of us sharing in this forbidden love….” he kissed, pressing his lips to her eyes, cheeks and down onto her throat, then to her breasts as she pushed them together and she caressed his face brazenly with them.

“So you think of it in that way too?” she cried out, tugging on his hair and making him look at her.

Meera saw only lust in those eyes, now, and knew that there was no more to say. Before that first time with him, she had touched herself; she had pleasured her body at her own hands until he had spoken of a different way. Before that first time, she had bled after riding her pony at the stables, the pommel brushing her womanhood and she crying in embarrassment and fear of her mother’s reaction when she told her what had happened.

Aviraj, her dearest brother had consoled her as she spoke out on it, some days later, spoke of her ‘being ready for a man to love her.’ And her reply had been only too direct.

“I want the first one to be you…”

She was again in a similar place and drew him to her, groaned in her pleasure as Avi slowly guided his swollen penis into her, parted moist lips and felt his entry go deeper and deeper, his slow sideways movements opening the way to his invasion of her body, she smaller than him, her arms about his head as she felt his hot breaths on her face, the tamp of his hips against hers until he settled.

“You are ready for me, aren’t you?”


Her pussy felt hot, and she tightened around him, wrapped his cock in her slicked heat and she began to twist and writhe beneath him; loved the man to be on top as she pulled and pushed back on him. She loved to see his expression change as they loved, what she did to his body and mind there for her to see and feel in his ways with her.

She flinched whenever he bucked his hips in his efforts to find her still deeper, the rhythm mesmerising and her responses instinctive. Their moans and groans filled the room as they again made love, shared in the forbidden heat; heard the soft squelch of his penis moving into her, the musky aroma of their loving trapped between their bodies until he pushed off the bed, arms extended and sinuously fucked her body as he looked down into her eyes, at hos she touched herself, pricked the base of his shaft with her fingernails.

Avi groaned in pleasure. “You know so much…how it goes!”

“Because of you! Go slowly…slowly!” she yelped, her breasts jerking from the frenetic claims he now made on her body.

“You make me want to behave so badly…so recklessly, Meera…Meera!”

“We both are…behaving so badly!”

“And I’m about to come…come because of what you do…who you are to me!” he called out, his movements in her until then unrelenting, almost punishing for having her doubts about them.

“You have the condom …have it on?” she screeched, suddenly panic-stricken.

“Yes…yes…we put it on…remember?”

She didn’t but touching him confirmed that it was so.

Their hips moved rhythmically, were in-sync with one another. He sustained his movements and Meera breathed out a long, satisfied, moan. She gripped his buttocks as he rocked, bucked and shoved into her. She was seen to bite her lips to stifle her cries and tilted her head up as she groaned out her calls to him.

“Deeper…yes deeper…go deeper!” she cried out, her hands gripping his buttocks and jerking him down into her.

“Do you like having me inside you?!” Avi gasped as he felt the pressure built in his sac and grip his penis as if it was held in a vise.

“You have no idea!” she laughed out, her arms gripping his neck and her thighs brushing his bucking hips until she locked her feet behind his back. She clung to him. “I’m there too!”

Meera shuddered on feeling his body convulse; felt the tingling rushes as the first bolt of his semen, then another, filled that rubber sleeve she had seen him slick over that gloriously long flesh; the sensations of him consummating his lust for her, and she reaching her second orgasm, too much to bear.

She wailed out her calls to him; felt her rushes of pleasure were in time with the symphony of the rain battering against the window of his room. She had been taken, again, to another place and by Aviraj, her lustful and accomplished lover; the very first time by a young man who had first claimed her; who had shared in a voyage of errant discovery.

“Oh Avi…Avi! I love you…who you are to me!”

Meera shuddered as he wrenched his penis out of her. She heard him curse as he fumbled to grab for his iPhone and moved to sit on the edge of the bed. She could not keep him from leaving her side and going to stand by the window, his body lit by the flashes of lightning, their intensity lessened and the rain now a steady mist and not the torrent it had been when she first came to his room.

“Hello…yes mother?” Avi said in a distracted voice as he turned to look at her, at his naked sister, as she knelt on the bed, then moved to sit cross-legged, exposing her sex to him, before she raised her knees. She sat there, her pose a brazen temptation to his senses.

Meera signalled that he should keep the conversation short.

“Yes, she is at home…yes, before the rains came…no, I don’t know about them…I spoke to the grandparents earlier in the day…I have been busy, mother…the rains affect me going out and dealing with a customer…yes, I will tell her…she has her studies to distract her from the storm,’ he said, smiled at Meera, who scrambled off the bed to be with him as he beckoned to her. “Yes we will make supper together for us all…if Renu, our helper, is not back…I have not seen her and the storm! Maybe she cannot get back to us,” he shrugs for effect, “yes…yes…call me, or Meera, when you feel it is safe to travel…we have no plans to go out in this storm, believe me!”

“She argue with you?” Meera asked.

“Yes, mother was shocked that I even say something about making supper or helping…it is not our place…but we are different, aren’t we…in so much?”

“Yes we are…and it scares me…”

Meera clung to him, embraced his body and kissed his clammy skin. She felt the sweep of his hand over her back then grip her buttocks and caress them in a clamping, circular motion.

Their fingers interlocked as she stopped him in his touches. Meera saw again how aroused he had become.

“You see? There is nothing to be worrying about…”

They held each other close but neither of them sought a kiss. Meera started shivering. “We could have been caught…we shouldn’t have done what we have done…we…we really shouldn’t have done this.”

“You were frightened…” he answered but could not break free of her hold on him. Avi felt her caresses to his chest and back as she stood against him. She sniffed and he saw the tears in her eyes. She struggled to keep her emotions under control.

“What’s wrong?” Avi asked, looking down into her upturned face as he brushed the first trickle of tears off her cheeks.

“What’s wrong?” she cried out in dismay. “We’re brother and sister and it is all wrong!”

“Hey…calm down…it’s going to fine!” he retorted. “You know, damn well, that we do not do this…love in our own ways…so often. I give you space to live your life…can do that whenever you say so!”

“Yes…yes!” she answered in dismay at what he had simply spoken out; the ease in which such an important decision, to her at least, could be made.

“I am not there yet…”Avi soon went on, his voice soothing, and keeping Meera close.

He loved to feel her warmth, her silken skin against him, the forbidden nature of their loving a particular incitement to his claiming of her body. He was usually the one to pursue moments of fleshy heat from her; today’s storm had provoked her into seeking him.

“Why should I calm down?! I lost my virginity with my brother and now I cannot stay away at times like this…I have always been frightened by the monsoon storms…you have always been close when they happen…but I cannot explain why I then do this…love with you. Just to be close, to know that you are near is enough…should be all that I need from you.”

Her guardian through her teenage years had become ger lover.

“And you hate me for being with you like this…naked…in my bed or standing here now, each of us stripped of our clothes and everything to see and touch?”

He met her look as his hand cupped her chin and she felt again his breaths on her mouth, the slick of his tongue over her lips.

“No…no, it was never hate…never hate…but…but a destructive and forbidden love,” she sighed, her body again consumed by her aberrant longings for him and so at odds with what she had spoken of. “We must try not to love like this…we must try!”

“As you wish,” he smiled through a soft kiss. “The monsoon lasts for many weeks…”

“Tease!” she laughed, brightening, as she met his kiss, opened her mouth and gasped in renewed longing of her virile brother as Avi carried her back to the bed.

She lay on the edge, her feet still on the floor as she watched him smooth another condom over his long penis; brushed her hands over his chest and belly and watched as he again entered her body.

She felt the fires of longing burst into a white heat and wanted him to keep going, lifted her ass off the bed and felt impaled on all that he brought, hooked her legs about his hips and pulled him into her; wrenched and eased, twisted and tugged as he boned her quickly.

“Let this be enough!” she yelled as she came fast and hard, bucked her hips and met his plunging thrusts, crying out in pleasure. He kept kissing and fucking her, taking her through body wracking, fast and hard, orgasms.

“I will always love and respect you,” he kissed and felt Meera hold him as he realised that she wished to find an end to these tempestuous times together; for them to move on; for them to look on their love as distinct, but the cost of discovery too high to pay.

“I know, and I hope and pray that I find someone who will help me through the storms…whatever they may be.”

The last of the afternoon sun was seen to break through the window blinds. Meera knew then that one storm had passed and that another had to be endured and lived through; her denial of Aviraj and his attentive and passionate ways.

His name meant ‘unique’ or ‘individual.’ And she knew that ‘Meera’ stood for ‘mature and sensible.’

Right now, as she followed Avi into his bathroom and they prepared to face the family again that evening, she knew that she did not feel mature or sensible. She was set to lose too much as a result of her decision not to continue being his lover.

But she had been here before…

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