Abroad Ch. 03 by berowne,berowne

In the weeks that followed they schooled her in her new role. She was allowed upstairs during the day to do chores. At times when she was cleaning a window passersby saw her; she stood up straight to display herself and smiled when they waved.

They let her outside to work in the garden. Much of it involved bending over and presenting her rear to the street; she guessed this was part of her education, she must not hesitate to show herself to strangers.

Soon she learned to enjoy it, and the whistles and comments it provoked. Occasionally someone came by and goosed her, but not hard; she kept her legs apart for them. The grass was soft beneath her, and she was allowed a pad for her knees to keep them attractive.

But she was careless. She meant well but her attention wandered at times. They needed a way to drive the lesson home.

Their next-door neighbor had a watchdog; Rex was a large angry mastiff who treated all strangers as intruders. Rae said he scared her, and they decided to make use of it.

They took her outside one morning and attached the end of her leash to a light wire fence between the two back yards. Rex was already there, growling; Rae looked apprehensive as her owners returned to the house.

He charged at once, hurling himself against the fence, bending it. She pulled away from him; but that stressed the flimsy barricade almost to breaking. Any more would tear it down and let him at her.

She lay helpless on the ground, whimpering and curled in a ball. Any second now he would break through and have her; she imagined him seizing her flesh in his teeth, tearing her throat out and standing in triumph over her body.

Inge called Stefan over to watch from the kitchen window. They counted off ten minutes; that should be enough. Rex continued to bark furiously and pressed the fence.

They went out to Rae and led her into the basement. She was still shaking with fear; Stefan slapped her and she stopped. Inge told her to stand up straight and the couple went away leaving her alone.

They returned at dinnertime; by now Rae had recovered and knelt at their feet. Stefan stroked her buttocks as she ate; Inge put a hand between her legs and massaged her till she moaned.

When she was done they let her sit on the floor while they spoke to her. They hoped she had learned her lesson.

She thanked them for the chastisement, promised to do better in the future, and they let her kiss their shoes before leaving.

She lay down in the darkness but sleep did not come at once. Too much had happened today.

She was grateful for the lesson; she knew she was careless and needed to be cured of it. She was a more valuable possession for this.

She went over the day’s experience, savoring the terror and reliving it.

The dog so large and fierce; powerful, savage, he appealed to her strangely.

She imagined him mounting her.

Perhaps if they sprayed her with a scent in the right place, he could be persuaded…

She would need to bend over and brace herself; on her elbows, or maybe a rock, that would be better. Was it too much to hope for?

She pulled herself back to the present. These were new, exciting thoughts; they stimulated her. She would never have entertained them in her old conventional life. Something about lying naked in this prison had freed her; she had nothing to lose any more.

So much had changed since she gave herself to Paul; her world was larger now. She never had these feelings before, she owed her masters everything.

And she was never careless again. Though sometimes her hand trembled when she thought of the consequences.

* * * * * * * * * *

On some afternoons they invited guests over for tea. They bathed Rae with a wet cloth and applied a light perfume beneath her arms and between her legs before taking her upstairs.

She boiled water in the kitchen, careful not to splash any on her skin, and carried a tray with the teapot and cups into the living room. There she knelt and poured out the beverage to each of the guests as if at charm school, mindful of her posture and behaving as gracefully as she could while they critiqued her.

Afterwards Stefan or Inge told her to stand. This was part of her performance and she would be judged on it.

Faults were punished by withholding food and she was almost always hungry, being on short rations to keep her body slim and attractive. It no longer belonged to her, after all.

She turned slowly before the guests as they evaluated her. Her breasts, firm and ripe; the waist needed reducing a little more; the buttocks also firm and tight, that was good. The thighs and calves nicely formed.

They liked her long graceful neck; the metal collar accented it and called attention to the throat. She remembered when Paul first put his hands around it and she almost wet herself.

She basked in their approval though the reference to her waistline meant she would go hungry tonight; well, that could not be helped and they were right about reducing her. They would give her extra water, that would take her mind off it.

Afterwards she carried the tray back to the kitchen and Inge took her down to the basement so they could discuss her. She wondered at first what they were saying, but it was really none of her business and she soon gave it up. She lay on the floor and waited for her water bowl to be filled.

* * * * * * * * * *

Once they took her to a party at a neighbor’s house. They tied a green ribbon on her neck to indicate she was in training, a novice. Stefan led her out the front door with Inge behind holding her leash, and she paraded with as much dignity as she could muster down the street to their hosts.

Kenneth and his wife Laura greeted them at the door. Laura was an attractive woman in her late thirties. Very attractive; since her transformation Rae was now as drawn to women (and even dogs, it seemed) as she was to men.

Laura led Rae into the kitchen and released her bracelets; she could help their children prepare the drinks and canapes.

She joined Kurt and his sister Maya in their work as guests began to arrive. Some stood in the doorway and viewed her.

Kurt gave her a tray of canapes and she carried it into the living room.

She was startled to be greeted by a familiar voice. It was her brother Robert with his wife Lena.

She had been hard on him as a child; now it was his turn.

“Put that tray down.” She obeyed. “Hands behind you.” A couple guests looked on in curiosity as he fastened her bracelets.

He stroked her breasts with one hand. When he reached her nipples, she closed her eyes; tears began to run down her cheeks.

He placed his other hand on her belly and she pulled it taut for him.

The hand descended. Surely he was not going to, here in front of the other guests…

He was. She opened her legs for him and he slid it into place. A steady flow of tears streaked her face now and she was breathing heavily.

He touched the soft lips between her thighs and she began to moan. A noise startled her and she opened her eyes to see a circle of guests around her.

He entered the cavity. She moaned louder and he slapped her with his free hand. “Be quiet.” She bit her lip and was silent until he touched the sensitive nub within.

She cried out in response. Hit me she thought, I can’t help it.

He remained in her for a moment savoring his conquest and withdrew.

She opened her eyes again. All attention was fixed on her. She saw Robert drying his hand on a towel.

Laura took her leash and led her into the kitchen; she placed a second towel between Rae’s legs and told her to hold them together, while Kurt and Maya stared at her.

After a minute she led Rae back into the living room and handed the leash to Stefan. He took Rae to the end of the room and told her to stand facing the crowd. He introduced Rae to them and explained how he had acquired her, his plans for her training and when she would be ready for sale.

Someone wanted to know how much he was asking and he named a figure. She was proud to think anyone would pay that for her.

“Not yet,” he said; “she needs more lessons and a thrashing.”

Meanwhile he was sending her to the playroom for their use this evening. He handed Rae’s leash back to Laura and accepted a glass of wine.

Laura led her through the kitchen into a corridor. Kurt and Maya watched as she followed, her hands still bound in back. They smiled at her and she smiled in return.

They approved of her. Her heart swelled at the thought; she was afraid they might not understand.

The woman took her through a door into a small room. She saw a large steel hook in the ceiling and eyebolts attached to the wall.

Laura stood a moment and viewed her, chin in hand. Anne lowered her eyes but her mind was active. Her hostess wore a little black dress cut low and revealing. A generous portion of her thighs was visible.

The rest could be imagined. She pictured the body beneath Laura’s clothes. Did she have a bush of hair between those shapely legs? Was it black, thick and curly? Were the tips of her breasts pointed, or round at the end; was there a large dark areola around it, or a small light one, or none at all?

Laura placed a blindfold over her eyes. The woman squeezed each of her nipples and kissed her on an ear. Then full on her mouth. She was so surprised she let it fall open in a wide O and Laura traced its outline with a fingertip before withdrawing. She heard the door close and lock behind her.

Later, she tried to recall if those gestures gave any hint of what Laura was to become.

Rae waited in silence for her lovers. She was glad to see Robert and his wife today; soon her family would know, if they did not already. It would be the talk of the neighborhood as well.

That was good. She wanted to share the news of her condition; she was proud of it, it was beautiful in its way.

* * * * * * * * * *

At some point – she had lost track of time – Laura came for her. She removed Rae’s blindfold.

Stefan stood in front of her and she rose at his command. Though weakly; it had been a strenuous night, a dozen men or more. Another new experience.

He took the leash and walked her to the front door. Kenneth thanked him for coming; the next time they would put his girl out in the yard, he was inviting more guests.

Stefan joked they might need the park. Kenneth looked thoughtful; perhaps they might, he could ask the city.

Back home in the cellar, Inge filled Rae’s water bowl and poured out a small amount of feed. So many men had used her mouth that she was not hungry, but the taste of kibble would be a welcome change.

Her owners left her in darkness to reflect on the evening. Would she really sell for that much?

And the guests; what did they think of her?

How good it was to abase herself before Robert. She had been a stern disciplinarian on him and his brothers; he must have enjoyed the opportunity to humiliate her in front of all those people. She owed him that.

She wished he had hit her more. And what was the thrashing she needed?

A few days later her wish would be granted and her question answered.

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