The Festival Ch. 04 by JohnnyStud,JohnnyStud

I stirred from a deep sleep and felt confused. Where was I? The bed didn’t feel right. The duvet was too thick and the sheets smelt different. That was when the scent of my sister’s perfume reached my nostrils and everything flooded back to me. I was naked and my cock was rock hard.

I rolled onto my side and saw the peaceful face of Leah in her slumber. She looked so cosy, sinking deep into the winter duvet and soft pillows – like sleeping in a cloud. Her bed was much nicer than mine and I felt naughty for being in it. This was accentuated as I noticed a cool fluid on my skin. I had leaked some pre-cum onto her sheets in my morning excitement.

I saw the bare skin across her collar bones and my stomach leapt with excitement knowing that she was also naked. I couldn’t resist but reach forward and feel the smooth skin across her stomach. The sharpness of her belly-button piercing ran through my fingers as I caressed upwards, stopping on her breast. The sharpness of the piercing was replaced with the softness of her nipple, poking proudly into my hand.

Leah stirred and her eyes slowly opened. A moment of realisation was replaced with a smile.

“Good morning,” I said, returning the smile.

“This is a strange way to wake up. With my brother groping me.”

“It’s a great way to wake up,” I admitted.

“I agree.” Leah reached forward and put her hands around my torso, mirroring what I was doing to her. She shifted forward and planted a sleepy kiss on my lips. We couldn’t help but kiss again, this time with tongues. I relished the feeling of her soft lips and the sound of a small whimper as I brushed across her pussy. Leah’s hand dropped lower and in a few short seconds, her hand was around my erect cock.

“This is always ready to go isn’t it, she giggled.

“It’s always ready to go if you are around.”

Leah responded by moving even closer to me. I put my hands on the small of her back and helped to bring her close, pressing our naked bodies together. Our kissing became more passionate and I took every opportunity to feel all of her body. I grabbed her butt and squeezed it, allowing my fingers to probe close to her arsehole.

“Oh wow,” she mumbled as I explored her body. She gently moved her hand up and down my cock which resulted in a drop of pre-cum touching her tummy. We both glanced down as the fluid left a strand between us, bridging the small gap between our bodies.

“I like having you on me,” she whispered. “It feels like you are marking me as yours.”

My cock twitched at the thought and I pushed forward, allowing more of the fluid to smear across her tummy. Leah started to stroke me faster.

I moved my hand across from her butt and delved my fingers deeper, rewarding myself with the gentle touch of her pussy. Leah momentarily jumped as I touched her, but soon settled down as I explored her wetness.

“Look’s like we’re both pretty excited this morning,” I smiled.

“I know it’s so naughty.”



“I want you in me,” she said quietly, showing a moment of shyness. Even though we had done this a few times now, she knew I was still her brother.

“OK,” I whispered, kissing her deeply and showing her the reaffirmation that I wanted the same.

Leah shifted so her leg draped across me and she angled her hips up. I could just see the top of her pretty pussy as she pushed my cock between her legs.

Somewhat awkwardly, we shifted so that the head of my cock was lined up in the right place. I glanced down and marvelled at her perfect breasts and flat stomach before I gently pressed up, gliding through her wetness to enter deep into her body.

“Fuck,” she groaned. The look on her face was one of pure bliss. I felt privileged to see such a beautiful face in such pleasure. The heat emanating from her insides and the look of her naked body adjusting to my length left me knowing I wouldn’t last long.

I gripped her butt, pulling her against me so I could go as deep into her as possible. She responded by opening her leg and pushing her hips forward. It felt so intimate to be this close to someone, let alone my sister whom I loved more than any other woman.

We moved together, allowing her to coat me with her cum so I could glide in and out of her effortlessly. Leah’s mouth formed a little O shape as I massaged parts of her body I should never have had access to.

“I’m not going to last very long,” I admitted, trying not to look at her body. Every time I did, strong pulsations would shoot through my cock and I would nearly orgasm.

“I want you to cum in me,” she whispered, moving more quickly against me. I matched her gyrations and pushed forward whenever she moved her hips.

“God, I love you,” I said whilst staring into her eyes, which portrayed a look of such indulgence.

“I love you, Stevey,” she whimpered as I hit a particularly sensitive spot.

“I’m so close,” I groaned as I kissed her deeply.

“Spray your cum deep inside me.”

I glanced down for what I knew would be the last time before I exploded. I wanted to live in the moment forever, but I knew just a few seconds of this pleasure would have to do for now. I saw her perfect breast, proudly poking out from the sheets and watched her hips press forward for the last time.

I gripped her small body hard and got lost in the sensation of cum shooting through my cock. I felt so moulded to her.

“Oh fuck,” Leah whimpered while I fucked her jerkily.

The feel of her tight body against me prolonged my orgasm and no doubt made me deposit more cum into her.

My cock twitched aggressively as I dribbled the last of my orgasm away to coat her insides. She must have felt it as she let out a whimper of satisfaction.

Finally down from my high, we noticed each other again. Leah looked down at where we were joined and burst into a fit of giggles.

“What a great way to wake up,” she laughed. The motion of her laughter made me twitch again. It was too sensitive so I pulled myself from her body. My cock was drenched in cum. Strands of fluid stretched between us and eventually broke, ending the contact between us.

“You have the most incredible body,” I admitted.

“You can claim it any time you want it,” she smiled, giving me a peck on the lips.

Aware that Leah hadn’t had an orgasm, I reached forward and took her used pussy in my hand. “How about now?”

“About now sounds good,” she whispered, opening her legs to allow my hand greater access.

There was a knock on the door. We froze.

“Get up kids, your mother has made breakfast,” uncle Frank’s deep voice boomed from the other side of the door.

We looked at each other in shock. Kids? Plural?

“OK thanks,” Leah said back, the worry clear in her voice. We heard Frank move away down the hallway.

“What the fuck,” Leah sat up, concerned.

“He knows about us,” I conceded. I stood and pulled my shorts on; my semi hard cock tenting proudly from my body. Leah couldn’t help but glance at it.

“This is really bad,” she said, looking panicked.

“Well yeah, it’s far from ideal.”

“What if he tells mum and dad?”

“We can just deny it. Mum doesn’t believe anything he says, even on a good day.”

“It will definitely raise suspicion if he does.”

“Let’s pray he doesn’t then. He might still think we’re just hanging out.”

Leah slid out from under her bed covers. I eyed her nakedness and wished I was still touching her. She moved to her dresser and pulled out some panties.

“Oh my god,” she marvelled as she pulled the panties up her thighs. I looked at the source of her bewilderment and saw the mess of cum between her legs. There was a white drop making its way down her leg. Despite the worry of being caught, I couldn’t help but smile.

Leah looked at me mischievously before pulling her panties up and using them to mop up the mess.

“I like having you on me. Now you’ll be on me all day.”

“You’re so sexy,” I conceded.

We joined the family downstairs for breakfast.

“You are cheery today,” dad said as Leah skipped across the kitchen for some toast. Despite nearly getting caught in the act, she did look particularly happy.

“How can I not be cheery today, it’s New Years eve!”

“What are you both up to this evening?” Mum said.

“We’re both going to Naomi’s party,” Leah replied.

“That will be nice. Is Marco going too?”

I nearly groaned audibly. I forgot I had to meet the fucking boyfriend today.

“He is,” Leah replied, nervously glancing at me.

I saw Uncle Frank notice her reaction and my insides crawled with guilt.

“Well, have fun tonight. Don’t drink too much. Steve, make sure you look after your sister.”

“I’m sure she can look after herself, mum.”

“Well she is younger than you and hasn’t had months of partying like you have had at university.”

“I think she can take it.”

Leah spluttered her orange juice, clearly trying not to laugh at the innuendo. Frank rolled his eyes and my face went bright red.

“Grow up Leah,” dad chimed in.

“Sorry dad.”


I was standing in my bedroom buttoning up my shirt when there was a timid knock on the door. I smiled, thinking that Leah was there. My smile disappeared when I saw Frank.

“What? Not expecting me?” He said in his deep, gruff voice.

“No, it was just the way you knocked.”

“Expecting your sister no doubt?” He raised his eyebrows.

“I guess.”

There was a moment of silence which I refused to break. I knew there was a talk coming.

“You know what, Steve? I remember being your age once. I know what it is like.”

“What do you mean?”

Frank shrugged. “I know how easy it is to submit to your urges.”

My stomach was knotted worse than a pair of 90s headphones.

“Sorry Frank, I have no idea what you mean,” I blatantly played dumb.

“Is that right? Well, that’s fine, just be careful, OK.”

I looked my uncle in the eyes. “I’ll be careful.”

There was almost a moment of recognition between us that was reaffirmed with a slight nod of the head. It was just enough for Frank to confirm that I knew what he was talking about and that he had been heard.

“Have a great time tonight. Happy New Year,” he bellowed, back in his old self. He tapped his nose as a show of solidarity that he would hold our secret. I suddenly felt a lot of respect towards him.

“Thanks Frank. Happy New Year.”


The wet pavement glowed orange under the streetlights as Leah and I shivered our way down the road. A light sleet speckled across our coats as we hurried along, hoping to get back inside as quickly as possible. Leah brightened a dreary moment by taking my arm and snuggled close to me for warmth as we walked together.

“We look like a couple,” she giggled.

“If only people knew.”

“If only people knew I have my brother’s dried cum in my panties.”

“Has it dried now then?”

“It’s never going to dry down there while you are around.”

I smiled and kissed her on the cheek, taking note of the light freckles on her nose and the way her eyes glinted with mischief in the orange light. She was so adorable.

We turned off the street and towards Naomi’s house. The noise of adolescent drinking assaulted our ears and no doubt, much of the neighbours’ peace. The door was slightly ajar so we let ourselves in. Leah pulled off her coat and reached forward to hang it on the coat stand. I glanced down at her slim body, clad in a tight black dress. It took all of my mental strength to not wrap my arms around her.

There was a squeal as a pretty blonde bounced down the hallway, arms flailing as she embraced her best friend. The usual ‘how was your Christmas’ chit-chat was exchanged as I awkwardly stood to the side admiring the two pretty girls. Naomi finally noticed me there.

“Hey Steve. I haven’t seen you since the festival. How has university been treating you?”

“It’s been great, thanks. Great city, fun nightlife and lots of new people.”

“Oh he has been absolutely slaying the pussy,” Leah giggled.

“Oh wow. Look at you go,” Naomi smiled.

I didn’t really know what to say. The only pussy I had been near was my sister’s and she knew that. Maybe she was talking about her own?

“Harry is in the living room,” Naomi said. “I could do with a break from him. I think he wants a repeat of the festival.”

“Are you going to give him one?” Leah asked.

“We’ll see how the night goes,” she winked. “Marco is in the garden,” she said to Leah.

“OK. I guess I’ll go and see him.” Leah turned to me and gave me a reaffirming smile, coupled with a kiss on the cheek before moving into the house.

“Don’t sound too thrilled about it,” Naomi said, concerned.

“Don’t worry I’ll explain another time.”

I headed towards the living room, grabbing a beer can on the way. I was quietly pleased when I saw my best friend Harry’s face light up the second he saw me.

“Steve. I haven’t seen you in ages!”

“Hey man, how are you doing?”

“I’m great, thanks. I’ve been chatting up Naomi. She’s so hard to seduce. I love it!”

I chuckled. Harry knew how to speak to women and he was definitely enjoying the challenge.

He continued. “Honestly mate, you’d think I hadn’t nailed her twice already the way she is acting.”

“You gotta keep trying. I am sure you will get there again sometime.”

“I hope so. She gives a great BJ. She does this amazing thing with her tongue.”

“You’re such a deviant,” I laughed again, trying not to imagine what Naomi did with her tongue, as tempting as that thought was.

“What does she do Harry? I could do with some tips,” I heard a female voice from over my shoulder.

“You’re way too innocent for that Lizzy,” Harry winked.

“I’m not as innocent as you might first think,” Lizzy replied, directing her remark towards me as she moved into our conversation. She was a gorgeous blonde and I couldn’t help but feel a pang of excitement as she looked at me.

“Have you met before?” Harry asked us. I shook my head, feeling tongue tied.

“I’ve seen you around before. Steve, right?” Lizzy said.

“Steve is the main man around here,” Harry boldly exclaimed. “You would both get on. You both like the same music.”

“Is that right?” Lizzy smiled.

“Yeah, we went to a great festival last summer. Great music, even better pussy,” Harry said proudly. “Speaking of which, I need to go and try it on again.”

“Good luck,” I said as he moved towards the kitchen.

“He can be so brash,” Lizzy said.

“I know. He’s a good guy even if he doesn’t like people to know.”

“He’s all right I suppose. He definitely grows on you once you get past all the debauchery.”

“How do you know him?”

“He is a friend of my boyfriend’s,” Lizzy explained. “Ex-boyfriend actually. Sorry, we broke up quite recently. I am definitely single.”

“Me too,” I said without thinking. I was single but I wasn’t sure how single that was.

“That’s good to hear,” Lizzy smiled. “Here’s to being single,” she raised her glass to my beer can.

I continued to speak to Lizzy for quite some time as I slowly relaxed with a few more beers. We spoke about music for the majority of the conversation and Harry was right, we shared a real passion for the same genres. We eventually spoke about my time at university and she admitted she wanted to go next year now she had no ties to her ex boyfriend.

Our conversation was only cut short when I needed to pee. I made a point of telling her I would catch her later.

“I hope so,” she smiled, touching my arm.

After my quick pee break, I was pulled into the kitchen/diner where a karaoke machine was set up. I reluctantly shared a song with a few of Naomi’s friends before making my excuses and trying to disappear when Leah appeared in the doorway to halt my exit.

“Where are you going,” she smiled.

“Just trying to wiggle out of another song.”

“No you’re not, it’s our turn.”

I feigned a sigh of exasperation but loved that Leah was back with me.

“Where is Marco?”

“Oh he is in the garden,” Leah swatted her hand through the air, showing her disinterest.

I secretly liked this reaction.

Leah began choosing a song for us to sing. As soon as the guitar riff began, it was like a time portal to the festival. Flashbacks of my beautiful sister dancing against me filled my mind. Leah read my reaction and smiled with her ingenuity.

“This is our song,” she declared.

“I think I agree,” I laughed. I wished I could kiss her.

We started singing to the small audience of people in the room. We had a certain symmetry and we bounced off each other in an impromptu duet. It was almost telepathic, the way we knew exactly what parts each of us were going to take.

“You guys were really great at that. It was really cute. I wish I could get along with my brother like that,” one of Leah’s friends said after the song finished.

“Steve’s a great big brother,” Leah said proudly, hugging me close. I kissed her on top of her head. It was just about the most intimate thing I could display in public.

I saw a guy waving at Leah from outside. Breaking our trance, Leah pulled away from me.

“I’ll see you later,” Leah said slightly dejectedly as she headed out towards who was undoubtedly her boyfriend. It was strange seeing him for the first time. He had a typical Italian look about him and I hated to see that he was actually quite good looking. My stomach sank and I felt awful.

“I’m getting some older brother vibes from you right now,” I heard Lizzy say from beside me.

“Oh hello again,” I said, trying to pull myself away from my thoughts.

“Assuming she is your sister?”

“You assumed correctly.”

“I thought so. You are both so close,” Lizzy said, in pensive thought.

“Is that her boyfriend?”

“Uh huh.”

“And you’re not a fan?” She raised her eyebrows.

I paused for a moment. I knew I had to have the correct response here. “Just an overprotective brother.”

Lizzy narrowed her eyes a little. “Anyone would think you were jealous.”

I held her gaze for a moment, fearing that this blonde bombshell could read my mind.

“It’s OK. I’ve seen that look before. It’s nice,” she softened. “Anyway, my song’s on in the other room,” she smiled.

She took my hand and led me towards the living room where the music had been ramped up to a deep thud and there were people crammed into every space, dancing and singing. Lizzy started dancing whilst still holding onto my hand. It had been a long time since I had found myself in this scenario. I felt awkward, however I couldn’t help but enjoy the affections of an incredibly beautiful girl.

I glanced around to see if Leah was nearby but there was no sign of her. I relaxed slightly and resigned myself to enjoy dancing with Lizzy for a while. I knew I wasn’t doing anything wrong but I couldn’t help but feel some allegiance to my sister. I sipped my beer slightly quicker, welcoming the confidence that came with the alcohol.

This was how we remained for at least an hour, occasionally joining a wider group to dance, but always resorting back to each other. I loved how the beat cast its spell on me and before long, I was only sporadically glancing around for Leah. A particularly good song caught me in a moment and I pulled Lizzy close to me with a hand on the smooth skin of her back. She smiled up at me and I gazed at her pretty face.

I suddenly became aware of her firm body moving in my arms and my cock naturally stirred. My arousal slowly took over as I ran my hands onto a very shapely butt. Lizzy melted into my body. I suddenly panicked. What if Leah saw us like this. Would she be upset? I looked around quickly, my heart pounding. I had to remind myself that she was off with another guy at that very moment. It settled me down.

Lizzy took my jaw in her hand and gently guided my gaze back to her. Her lips were slightly parted and she tilted her face slightly. Before I had a chance to realise what had happened, I felt her kissing me. I didn’t resist.

Lizzy’s tongue slid into my mouth and I kissed her back. I instinctively pulled her body to me harder as we danced together slowly. After a moment of passion, we pulled apart.

“I thought the two of you would get on,” Harry shouted above the music from nearby.

I smiled guiltily. I hadn’t planned for that to happen. I still hadn’t seen Leah and thoughts invaded my mind as to what she could be doing with Marco right now. With a stab of jealousy, I moved forward and kissed Lizzy again, this time with pure abandon.

I pulled away and enjoyed the look on her face. Her eyes were slightly closed with pleasure and she came back for deeper kisses. I explored her behind and slid my hand up her back, feeling the clamminess of her hot body.

“Follow me,” Lizzy said, leading me by the hand once again.

She led me up the stairs and I felt a stab of nervous excitement as her short dress afforded me an even better view of her arse. Once on the top step, Lizzy turned and caught me essentially upskirting. She smiled as if she had planned the whole thing and pulled me for another close kiss.

As most people were downstairs dancing, Lizzy led me through an empty landing and towards the toilet. Once inside, after pushing the door closed and locking it, she really pounced on me.

I ran my hands across her body and felt her firm breasts as we kissed. She whimpered slightly as I tried to feel her nipples through her bra and dress. Her hands were roaming my body and after squeezing my bum, she felt my erection through my jeans.

“You don’t waste any time do you?” I growled, pushing her back and onto the sink.

“I’m rather horny if you couldn’t tell,” she smiled, pulling my hand downwards and between her legs. Her underwear was hot and clammy.

I massaged her through the thin material until she was soaked. Lizzy was looking up at me with pure ecstasy. She fumbled with my jeans until she had my button and zipper undone. She put a finger to the small wet spot on my boxers and watched the clear pre-cum form a strand as she pulled her finger away. She bit her lip and looked up at me as her dress strap fell off her shoulder.

I responded by pulling the dress and bra straps off both shoulders so her bare breasts came into view. Lizzy felt the outline of my cock in my boxers before pulling them down completely. She stared at my erect cock with sheer desire while she grabbed it and slowly ran the skin up and down. She groaned as I slid her nipples through my fingers. It felt amazing to have this effect on someone that was practically a stranger.

She pulled her panties to the side and I saw her pretty pussy, covered in arousal. She gently guided me towards her and I was more than happy to let her. I felt the head pressing at her entrance as she looked back up at me. She was completely at my mercy.

I saw a mix of pleasure and anguish as I pressed my length into her tense body. She whimpered an intoxicating noise as I stretched her hot, wet insides.

“Oh fuck,” she trembled.

I pulled back and thrust into her harder, enjoying the dishevelled teen struggling to take me. I started to find a rhythm when I heard people stumbling past the bathroom door. It pulled me from my trance. I thought of Leah.

Lizzy sensed my hesitation and tried to pull me back into her but I was pulling away. My cock withdrew from her hot body and bobbed proudly in front of me.

“What’s wrong?” Lizzy whispered.

“I can’t do this,” I admitted, emotion strong in my voice.

Lizzy sighed and looked down at where we had been joined.

“I’m so sorry.”

“It’s OK,” she said quietly, looking away. “It’s her isn’t it.”


“Your sister.”

My heart pounded with guilt but I nodded.

“How did you know?”

“I saw the way you looked at her when you were singing and again when she went to her boyfriend.”

I was lost for words.

Lizzy met my gaze once again and after a short moment of thought, she spoke. “It’s OK. I understand more than you know.” She caressed my cheek. She looked sad and disappointed and I was heartbroken that I had destroyed such a beautiful moment.

“What do you mean…” I began to question her but Lizzy cut me off.

“Come on. Let’s get sorted out before we get caught.” She popped off the sink and began to correct her clothing. She still looked stunning and I couldn’t believe I had been inside her less than a minute ago.


“I won’t tell anyone. I promise.” With that, she made her way out of the bathroom.

I leant against the sink and stared at my reflection. The emotion was all over my face. I was caught out for the second time in one day. Everything had happened so fast. My cock was still wet in my boxers. I breathed deeply, trying to suppress my feelings before going back into the party.

I found Harry downstairs and chatted with him, trying to get past what had just happened and keep my thoughts off my sister. It was short lived as Leah joined us after just 10 minutes.

“Harry, come over here,” Naomi said from across the room. He gave us a joyful smile and went to speak with the object of his desires. That left me with Leah alone.

“Are you having fun?” I asked her.

She shrugged which confused me.

“How’s Marco?”

“Not very good, considering I just broke up with him.” Leah looked up at me for the first time and I looked into her eyes, reading her expression.

“Oh, Leah. Are you OK?”

She shrugged again.

It pained me to see my little sister upset. I took her hand and led her away from the furore of people. I didn’t let go until we were upstairs. I opened a bedroom door and took her inside, closing the door behind us. The noise from the party subsided and I knew I was in a place I could console her in the way I wanted to.

I threw my arms around her and we hugged in the most meaningful, loving way. As we pulled away, she looked up at me with her big eyes and I kissed her. I briefly felt the tip of her tongue when we came apart.

“Tell me what happened?” I asked.

“I just couldn’t take it anymore. I didn’t want to keep cheating on him. It’s not who I am.”

I nodded. I totally understood her point of view. She still had my cum from this morning in her panties.

“I want you,” Leah looked right into my eyes again and I knew I wanted to take her right there but I glanced away with a pang of guilt.

“There is something I need to tell you first.” I took a deep breath and began my confession. “I nearly hooked up with Lizzy tonight.” I looked away, refusing to meet her gaze again.

“You hooked up,” she said with surprise.

“Well, sort of. I stopped almost as soon as it started.”

“What started?”

“You know….” I looked back at her to gauge her reaction. She gave nothing away.

“I can’t believe it,” she said.

I didn’t know what to say so I gave her a moment longer to process what I had told her. I would face up to whatever she said to me. I felt like I had cheated on her.

“So you went a term at uni without having sex with anyone because you said you missed me so much, only to finally have me and then you have sex with someone else.”

“Well yeah… but I didn’t mean for it to happen. I am so sorry.”

“Why are you apologising?”

“Because I shouldn’t have done it. Now you have broken up with Marco it seems an even worse thing to do.”

Leah wrinkled her nose in thought. She was so beautiful and my guilt hit fever pitch.

“I felt upset having seen Marco for the first time. Everything else kind of… happened,” I said in my defence.

After a lengthy silence she eventually said, “I don’t think I am in a position to criticise you.”

“Why not?”

“Because on Christmas Eve I fucked you shorly after fucking another man. It doesn’t exactly paint me in a great light either.”

“But you didn’t know we might have something going on between us. It had been months since the tent.”

“It still wasn’t fair on you. I am the one that has been seeing someone. I guess we just got home from the festival and carried on with life instead of addressing what happened.”

“I agree.”

“So you were inside her?”

“Yeah for a few seconds.”

“Why only a few seconds?”

“I thought about you and stopped.”

Leah looked at me for a while and I saw her expression change and her lip curl slightly from the corner.

“I can’t believe you pulled someone. You have no game,” she couldn’t help but chuckle.

“Hey, I’m not that bad,” I relaxed slightly.

“She’s also really hot. I can’t believe you stopped mid fuck becuase of me,” she smiled.

“I can’t believe you broke up with your boyfriend because of me.”

“I guess we’re both on the same page for once,” she shrugged. ‘You know what, this actually makes us kind of even.


“You don’t know how bad I felt for seeing Marco as well as you. Now you’ve practically fucked someone else, I don’t need to feel so guilty. In a way, this has made it easier.”

“So you’re not annoyed with me?”

She shook her head and a strand of hair fell across her face. I smiled and pushed it behind her ear before kissing her deeply. Leah whispered in my ear.

“Thinking about it, the only thing that would make us even is if you fucked me right after her. Otherwise, I’m still more in the wrong than you.”

“It’s OK, Leah. I told you expecting that I was going to hurt you. You certainly haven’t done anything wrong to me.”

“Seriously?” Leah raised her eyebrows. She pushed me back against the bedroom door. “You’re not going to turn me down after everything that has happened?”

I shook my head, staring at my beautiful sister, dumfounded.

She reached forward and gently ran her fingers across my cock through my jeans.

“I’ll never turn you down, Leah.”


She sank down onto her knees and reached forward. I watched her beautiful face as she concentrated on getting my belt and jeans undone. She pushed them down and pulled my cock from my boxers. She stared at it for a moment, a look of wonder on her face as I rapidly hardened in her hand.

Emerging from her trance, she glanced up at me and beamed. “I’m gonna kiss it,” she smiled, shifting forward and planting a kiss on the end of my cock. She extended her tongue to dab the tip and strand of pre-cum connected us for a moment as she withdrew.

“You taste like pussy,” she said, holding my length up to her face as she looked me in the eyes.

“Sorry,” I said, still feeling a little bit guilty.

“It’s OK. I kinda like it,” she smiled before running her tongue all the way up my cock. “My brother is more of a stud than I thought.”

With that she wrapped her lips around me and took me into her mouth. I heard a muffled exhale through her nose as I hit the back of her throat. I was in heaven.

I took her soft hair in my hands and gently guided my sister’s movements on my cock. Not content with that, Leah pushed slightly further down than I expected her to. There was a slight gulp as she tried to take my whole cock, letting me know that she wanted more.

I followed her lead and pushed her head onto my cock slightly more assertively. Leah groaned and reached around me, holding my butt as I started to fuck her throat.

She pulled away for a moment to gasp some air. “So hot,” she exhaled sloppily before sucking me off again.

I heard some people moving in the hallway behind the door but I ignored them. My cock was in my sister’s mouth and they were unlikely to bother us in this room. I glanced around and noticed that it served as a spare single bedroom; a box room cluttered with various bits of household items that hadn’t found a place in the rest of the house.

Leah moved onto my balls and caressed them with her mouth while jerking me with her hands. She looked absolutely stunning. I wasn’t going to last long.

Leah took me back into her mouth and swirled her tongue around the head, creating jolts of sensitivity throughout my body. She pulled back and strands of spit formed from her lips. I had never seen anyone act so slutty.

Leah looked me in the eyes. “Are you going to cum on your slutty sister’s face?” She smirked.

“Uh huh,” I said stupidly, feeling an orgasm approaching.

She pulled the skin up and down and rubbed me across her face, leaving smears of pre-cum on her cheek.

“I want it so bad,” Leah moaned, staring at my cock with desire. Seeing her cute face with such lust was enough to send me over the edge.

I groaned as pleasure rolled across my body. My cock tensed and shot a rope of cum across her face as she jerked me.

“Oh fuck,” Leah moaned as I continued to spray her.

After the first few powerful spurts stretched the length of her face, she shuffled her face under me so that only a couple of drops had landed on her chest.

I locked eyes with my beautiful sister covered in cum. I could see the lust in her expression as she gently massaged any remaining fluid from me. She rested her cheek against my cock and smeared one last drop of cum on her skin.

“You soaked me,” she said with a big smile. “I love it when you cum on me. I feel like such a slut.”

“You are a slut,” I teased.

“I’m your slut.”

I stood in silence and watched as Leah played with the cum on her face. She rubbed my cock across her skin and licked the drops that collected on me, letting the cum dribble down her tongue to swallow it. I couldn’t break the trance that she was in despite the sensitivity in the tip of my penis. When she took me into her mouth again I didn’t complain and let her play with me until her heart was content.

“I can’t believe you are still hard,” she smiled up at me. Her face was still a mess with the white fluid speckled across her pretty features. A lot of it had been smeared into her skin however, I noticed a few drops had made it into her hair. I had an idea.

I pulled her up so she was standing, before turning her around and pushed her forward slightly so her small frame ended up pressed into the door. I groped her breasts aggressively and roamed her body with my hands. My cock pressed into her butt and she pushed it back against me.

“What are you going to do with me?” She mumbled as I slid a hand under her dress and straight inside her panties. She was already soaking wet. I dipped a finger inside her and enjoyed the little exhale of pleasure coming from my sister’s cum soaked lips.

“Do you want to get fucked with your brother’s cum on your face?” I asked her, jamming my digits into her wetness.

“Oh yes,” she groaned.

I pulled her panties to the side and lined my hard cock up with her entrance.

“I’m going to fuck you hard,” I growled into her ear. Having blown my load twice that day already I knew I was in for the long run.

“Oh fuck,” she whimpered as my cock easily slipped between her pussy lips and pushed into her body.

I couldn’t help but groan as the heat from her body enveloped me. I didn’t stop until my cock was fully penetrating her, prompting her to make short exhales of hot breath as I aggressively thrust myself against her.

“You’re my little slut,” I whispered in her ear. She rolled her eyes with pleasure, enjoying being thoroughly taken.

I had never fucked someone in this manner before. My style was usually much more romantic and passionate, however, my sister had raised a carnal instinct inside me. I knew I could be free with her and let the passion drive the pleasure. I had never let loose quite so much to call someone a slut during sex but the moment felt right and Leah was lapping up every word.

“Fuck… me….harder,” she whimpered between thrusts.

I took a handful of her tits and pulled her hot teenage body down against my hips, drawing more air from her lungs. The door started to rattle in its frame. If there was anyone in the hallway they would definitely be able to hear.

I pulled her back and practically threw her onto the bed, face first. Leah had a moment to glance back with a lustful expression as I made a few strides towards her, led by my very hard cock. I yanked her dress up and roughly pulled her sodden panties down her legs. The material must have hurt the soft skin of her thighs slightly.

I was met with the incredibly erotic sight of my sister’s bare backside. She was bent forward and her parts were fully bared to me. It gave me a new idea.

I ran my hands across the smooth skin of her bum, parting her cheeks even further and enjoying the view of her arsehole. Leah glanced back through dishevelled hair, some sticking to the cum which had run clear on her face.

“Spank me,” she pleaded, reading my mind.

I raised my hand and landed a resounding ‘thwack’ against her right butt cheek. She grimaced and a small yelp escaped her mouth. She naturally pressed her butt back against me and my cock kissed her wet pussy. I gratified our pleasure by sinking it deep inside her.

This was when I began really fucking her. With the new position it was much easier to go hard on her and I continued landing an occasional spank to her behind which was turning a deep shade of red.

Within moments, Leah was coming hard. Through ragged breaths she swore and I felt her muscles losing strength as I fucked her into the mattress. Her whole body shuddered and her leg developed an aggressive tremble. I felt her pussy gripping me, almost daring me to come inside her.

Somewhere around the house, a countdown started followed by cheering. It was the New Year.

As the orgasm lost its strength, Leah started laughing while trying to catch her breath. It was a real kind of laughter which came from euphoria.

“That was so intense,” she mumbled into the bedsheets. I had slowed my thrusts slightly to allow her trembling body some respite. I encouraged her to roll onto her back and began pulling her panties the rest of the way off her smooth legs. Leah pulled her dress off and lost her bra.

I joined her in nakedness and stood next to the bed, admiring her sprawling body in its afterglow. She was utterly intoxicating as my eyes rolled across her dishevelled, naked, teen body. Every detail caused ripples of pleasure to roll through my veins and I savoured the rare chance a man has to see a knockout ten in such a compromising position.

I saw the mischievous look on her face as she responded to my clear admiration of her perfect body. I noticed that the bedsheets had mostly wiped away the cum on her face. It was replaced with a light perspiration which continued across her whole body.

Leah reached between us and gently took my cock in her hand, guiding me back inside her. The sheer eroticism of her opening her legs and revealing her beautiful, wet, aroused pussy as I slid inside it was enough to make me cum right there and then. I put my knees on the bed and started to fuck her again.

“Don’t be gentle with me,” she whispered in my ear.

I looked down between us and watched her perfect body opening to me as I speared myself in and out of her. She felt so small beneath me even though she was taking such a pummelling. Every time I sunk into her, she exhaled sharply, trying her best to take everything I gave her.

“Do you like fucking your sister’s tight pussy?” She groaned.

“More than you know,” I growled as the exertion from fucking her so hard covered me in sweat. The heat between us was immense and all I could smell was Leah’s perfume as her skin got wetter with perspiration.

I looked at her sweaty face with matted hair sticking to her. She was such a beautiful mess. I couldn’t help but kiss her again despite the slight hint of saltiness from my cum. Nothing was going to stop me from loving her and I carried on kissing until I couldn’t taste anything.

“I’m coming again,” Leah whimpered, reaching between us to rub her clit.

I felt her trembling beneath me so I held her tight but maintained my attack on her sodden pussy.

“Keep… fucking… me,” she squeaked as she came harder than I had ever seen before.

I took in the incredible sight of my hot sister coming on my cock. Her eyes were glazed over and almost shut while her mouth was open and whimpering. She had a red blush across her chest where copious amounts of sweat ran between her breasts. Her nipples were poking out proudly, erect and grazing my chest. Lower down, her stomach quivered as she struggled to draw breath in the midst of her orgasm. Her legs were trembling and were now trying to close, except all it did was grip my body in place as I fucked her. I watched my cock disappearing inside her hot body and knew I was ready to cum again. Leah seemed to sense it.

“Cum on me again. I want you all over me,” she groaned after her orgasm had reached its peak and was beginning to relax again.

I withdrew from her and grabbed my cock. It was absolutely drenched as I drew myself to orgasm. Leah looked on with excited eyes.

My cum launched across Leah’s body, reaching her chest and breasts before heavier spurts landed across her toned stomach and pussy.

“Ah fuck. Cover me again,” she said excitedly.

My vision went blurry as untold amounts of pleasure racked through my body. The person I was coming on looked so incredibly beautiful that my orgasm seemed to last forever. It was one of the most perfect moments I had ever experienced.

When I came to, I revelled in Leah’s post sex expression. Her beautiful body was covered in white splatters.

“I have your cum inside me, on my body and on my face. I am well and truly yours,” she smiled.

I smiled back and kissed her with what I hoped was as much love as I was feeling. My dripping cock came to rest on Leah’s even wetter pussy. Even after coming twice, I still felt turned on by her body.

We kissed for a few more minutes and basked in the afterglow of our shared orgasms. Leah giggled.

“I am glad no one walked in on us. Imagine if someone caught us like this. Leah glanced down at the cum across her body.

“We should really clean up,” I said, resigned to the fact I couldn’t lie with her like this forever.

As we stood from the bed I noticed the red marks on Leah’s butt along with some new marks on her shoulders. I had held her so tightly I had marked her. Before she had the chance to put clothes back on, I hugged her tightly from behind and kissed her shoulder.

“I love you,” I whispered in her ear.

“I love you too,” she smiled, turning to kiss me once more.

Leah bent down to pick up her panties and once again, used them to wipe cum and sweat from her face and body. They were drenched by the time she had wiped her pussy. She surprised me by putting them back on.

“I like feeling our naughtiness on me,” she said a little sheepishly.

I just grinned, unbelievably happy about what had happened between us. Despite being brother and sister, it felt like we had committed to each other tonight and what happened after had sealed it in cum.

On our way back downstairs, we heard some groaning coming from Naomi’s room.

“I think I know what has happened here,” Leah smiled mischievously.

“Do you think it’s Harry?”

“Only one way to find out.”

“No Leah!” I began before Leah pushed the door open.

We saw the incredible naked body of Naomi on all fours while Harry rammed his cock into her from behind. Like Leah had been, she was covered in sweat and taking a real pounding. They both looked up with shock.

“Oh god. So sorry, I didn’t realise anyone was in here,” Leah feigned before pulling the door closed.

“Fucking hell. I can’t believe you just did that.”

Leah giggled. “I’m glad I did though. They looked hot together.”

I had to admit that I liked what I had just seen. The night had been a repeat of the festival except we had traded tents for bedrooms.

Sorry this took such a long time to write; I have a very busy life! I hope you feel it was worth the wait. If you are enjoying this series, please write a comment or contact me personally as it does motivate me to finish each chapter. If you do contact me personally, please leave your email so that I can reply. I had some lovely messages which I was unable to reply to but thank you to whoever you are.

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