A Cruise with my Daughter Part 2 by robdcruz

Introduction: The slow build continues as Dad gets closer to his daughters friend. , I surprised myself at how quickly I could just shut away how strange of a thing I had just done was. I jerked off to a fantasy of fucking my daughter, and felt completely ready to just continue our vacation as if I wasn't harboring lustful thoughts.

I wrapped a towel around myself and stepped out of the bathroom. The floor of the room was now clear of debris, and Tiffany stood dressed for the pool, clearly proud of her work. Today she was wearing a simple green bandeau top that showed off her long slender torso and sexy shoulders, as a matching bikini bottom was wrapped over with a sarong. An almost comically large sun hat sat atop her head.

“How about that, dad?” She said.

I surprised myself as I was still feeling a bit daring from my fantasy. I replied with eyebrows raised, “Very nice, but you missed one item in the bathroom.” I tried to lighten my tone to keep it jocular.

Tiffany blushed a bit, realizing what it was and went to retrieve it. I turned as I got dressed so I could watch her pick it up. To my relief (or secret dismay) she didn't seem to notice anything strange with it.

I got dressed and we headed to breakfast. Walking over I felt I was a bit lost in my head. I felt guilty about what I had done in the bathroom, but couldn't deny that there was a part of me that enjoyed it immensely. It was so wrong though. My poor sweet girl. I was here to bond with her and enjoy a cruise before she heads off to college, and all I could do was think with my dick?

I shook my head, as if to physically attempt to rid myself of any errant, dirty thought. Could I really not last a few days without getting my rocks off? My wife and I had a pretty healthy sex life back at home, so maybe I'm spoiled. Or maybe it's just the cruise itself. There's something about being away, trapped with a bunch of strangers, and the constant parade of flesh that maybe just keeps everything constantly erotic. Either way, I had to pull it together.

Tiffany and I enjoyed a leisurely breakfast outside on the deck of the ship, and helped ourselves to some morning mimosas. A bit of hair of the dog made me feel more balanced. I had to laugh a bit to myself as Tiffany was clearly trying to be casual about drinking, but winced at her first sip. The drinks of the ship were plenty strong. As we took our time with breakfast I looked over to Tiffany, who seemed to be relaxed and enjoying people watching. It was great to spend this time with her, and despite my fears before the trip, things often felt easy and natural.

Soon she turned her head and saw that I was looking at her. “What?” she asked.

“Nothing. Just a father enjoying time with his daughter. You look like you are having a good time.”

Tiffany smiled. “I really am. Thank you for bringing me.” She then frowned and suddenly looked self-conscious. “Are…are you having a good time too? I know you are probably missing a lot of work. So much time with a kid can't be your idea of a good time right now.”

I gave her a reassuring smile. “There's nowhere I would rather be. Plus, you're great company!” Looking at my watch, I said “But we should really get going. I'm not sure when Jon and Keiko were planning on meeting us.”

We got up and made our way to the pool that was reserved for guests staying in our section of the ship. The pool was almost the same size as the other pool, but with less people crowded in and around it. As soon as we found four loungers, a waiter approached to get our drink orders. I ordered for us (I guess I just assumed at this point she would want a drink) and let the waiter know that we would have guests from the other part of the ship coming. We both decided we weren't ready to get wet yet and instead spent the time lazing on the chairs and soaking in some sun.

I laid with my eyes closed, enjoying the warmth of the sun, but suddenly felt a shadow pass over me.

“Hey, we found you,” I heard a voice say. I opened one eye to see a shadow of a man I could barely make out as Jon, back lit by the sun. He was shirtless, with a towel draped around his broad shoulders. It wasn't as apparent in the club last night but Jon was pretty fit. He stood upright, showing off his incredibly muscular form, and sporting a pair of very short boxer-briefs style bathing suit.

I smiled in greeting and sat up to gesture to the open loungers next to us. “Hey, welcome. We saved you some chairs.”

Jon and Keiko plopped their towels down on the loungers next to us, and Tiffany rushed over to greet her new friend. As I was talking with Jon, I couldn't help but look over to the girls, smiling and laughing away. Their youthful energy was infectious. As I watched, Keiko, who has been wearing a loose sundress, pulled the dress over her head. I nearly fell over at the sight.

Underneath the sundress, Keiko was clad in what I guess could be called a slingshot bikini. Two lines of fabric draped over her neck, connecting at a ring above each breast, which was then connected to a slightly wider fabric that traveled down the length of each breast. The two lines of fabric drew your eyes down to meet at far below her navel and swoop to her backside and barely contained her sex. Tiffany laughed in amusement at her friend's outfit and made Keiko do a little spin to reveal the backside. The thin fabric was nestled between her delectable ass cheeks and split into two again right at her lower back.

Unlike the first day I saw her from afar, this time I got a good look at her generous ass. It was smooth, firm and begging to be worshiped. Thoughts of burying my face, cock or anything else she would let me, in that ass flooded my mind.

My thoughts were interrupted by Jon clearing his throat. I snapped out of it and looked to see him with a wide smirk on his face, clearly knowing I had been oggling his little girl.

“Quite the thing to see, isn't it?” he said casually. He didn't appear to be mad at all.

“Umm…yea, I guess that's a good way to put it,” is all I could reply.

Jon sighed. “I know how it looks. Me letting my daughter run around in that. But she likes it and any time I've tried to set strong limits on her, I just feel like a ridiculous asshole. I've come to accept who she is and it's made all the difference in our relationship.”

I looked at Jon with a bit of admiration. I mean there is no way I would let my little girl out in that if I had a choice, but I could see how much he believed in the freedom he gave her.

Jon then added, “Plus, this is basically how all her friends back home dress. Can't say it's been terrible to have a parade of pretty, nearly naked girls around the house constantly.” And then in what I think was meant to be a compliment so I didn't feel left out, he said “and your daughter would no doubt fit right in. She's extremely beautiful. I've seen her turn her fair share of heads.”

I laughed at the odd compliment. “Thanks. Yea, she has always been a beauty.”

We all settled into our chairs and spent the afternoon sunbathing, drinking, eating and swimming. It was wonderful to just relax and do whatever we felt like. While I didn't spend much time in the water with the girls, Jon seemed so at ease with them. He seemed to almost spend as much time laughing and joking with the kids than he did with the other adult. At one point, he and Tiffany stood close together chatting in the pool and sipping on cocktails, while Keiko splayed herself facedown on the lounger next to me sunbathing.

I could tell Tiffany was taken with him, as she laughed and found excuses to touch him. Jon seemed to enjoy her company but was his normal cool self.

“Hey, Tiffany's dad,” Keiko suddenly called over.

I glanced over and Keiko was speaking but still laying with her head down. “You can call me Steve. And what's up?” I answered.

“Can you put some lotion on me before I burn. Please?” She added this last plea in a cutesy voice I am sure she knew would make most men do anything for her.

Without thinking, I agreed, but then realized, to my delight and worry, what this would entail. I was face to face with her basically nude body, and was about to get to worship at the altar I had wished to when she first took off that sundress.

I played it cool and started up at her shoulders, rubbing the lotion in gently. I tried to maintain the same cool air that Jon seemed to adopt around the girls.

“Steve?” Keiko muttered.


“Harder, please.”

I gave in and put some muscle into my work. I kneaded the lotion into her smooth skin as I worked her shoulders and made my way down her back. Her skim was blemish free, smooth as silk, and an even brown. Her body felt strong, rather than as delicate as it seemed by looking at her.

“Mmmm, that's better. Keep going,” she muttered, and made herself more comfortable by relaxing and spreading her legs a little further.

My eyes roamed her body as I worked my way down. I felt more confident until I got her ass. The tightening in my trunks made me self-conscious and I only lightly spread the lotion over her ass before moving on to do each leg. She made no complaints as I think she was enjoying the pressure I was putting into my massage down her leg. Lotioning and rubbing her thick thighs did nothing to stop my hard on, but I had stopped caring. Encouraged by Keiko's delicate moans I gave each leg a hard rubdown, and ran my hands up the inside of her leg, stopping, with some conscious effort, before I entered her erogenous zone.

“No Steve. Keep going, you are so good. Get more lotion on my ass.”

I glanced over at Jon who was still chatting with Tiffany, then without saying a word, I grabbed a handful of Keiko's ass and kneaded lotion into her. Keiko rewarded me with a deep groan that made my cock rock hard and rub against my swim trunks.

“Just like that,” she moaned, as she spread her legs a little wider. Emboldened, I used both hands to massage her ass cheeks and spread them apart with my work. I was blessed with a view of where the hidden string of her bikini lay rested against a tight little asshole. With each spread, Keiko seemed to be moaning harder and I was getting hornier. I knew my dick had to be leaking rivulets by now, and I found it hard to stop.

Thankfully, I was able to stop just in time to see Jon and Tiffany headed back to us.

Keiko, sounding a little breathless, said “Thank you, Tiffany's dad.” She squirmed a bit, rubbing her legs together and then flipped over to her front. I could see her nipples were rock hard under the thin fabric. By that time, Jon and Tiffany had joined us, and I noticed Keiko start to apply the lotion to her front half herself rather than ask for my help again.

“What'd I miss. Has Keiko been nice?” Jon asked, with a joking tone.

“The nicest,” I replied, hoping the tent in my trunks was not too obvious.

Jon smirked and raised one eyebrow. In a stern voice he said,”Keiko?”

Keiko replied with annoyance, “I was good daddy. Promise. Steve was just helping me not get burnt.”

It was clear there was a lot under this back and forth with them, and I suddenly felt very worried that my lust was obvious to everyone and was about to be exposed. I looked over nervously at Tiffany to see what she was picking up on, but to my surprise she seemed to not be paying attention at all. It could have been the sun, but Tiffany appeared to be flushed and was staring a Jon's swim trunks intently. Following her eyes, I could see that the water had made his already tight suit that much tighter and provided an indiscreet outline of a pretty healthy cock. I was pretty sure it wasn't the sun that had my daughter hot and bothered.

Tiffany looked up to see me staring at her and turned an even darker shade of red. She got up suddenly. “Come on Keiko. Let's wade over to the swim-up bar and get a drink.”

Keiko agreed and got up to join Tiffany. I did my best not to leer at Keiko as she stood and I struggled mightily against my secret hopes to catch glimpses of her tits and ass.

Jon smiled. “You girls have fun. And Keiko, don't get too drunk,” he said and gave her a firm but playful slap on her ass to send her on her way.

Keiko gave a small laugh, “Dad, stooopp.” It was obvious her protest wasn't a genuine one.

Jon and I, or I should say; Jon, Jon's girthy cock, and I, laid back down on the loungers and relaxed silently for a while. After a few minutes, Jon broke the silence.

“Your daughter is quite the girl.”

I smiled. “Yea, she's great,” then after a moment of thinking, I asked, “Wait, what do you mean?”

Jon laughed, “Nothing really. She just seems very mature for her age. I didn't feel like I was talking to a teenager at all earlier.”

“Oh yea. She's very smart and can keep up,” I replied with a bit of pride in my voice.

“And quite the stunner as well. You must be pretty protective of her and have to deal with your fair share of boys.”

His compliments seemed natural and I thought nothing of it. “Oh, it's not so bad. I try not to be overprotective and trust her decisions. I'm especially trying to let go now since she's going off to college.”

Jon smiled approvingly at my answer, but for some reason his reaction made me feel on edge. I broke the tension. “How is it with Keiko? She's quite the looker as well. And I've noticed…well,” I was having trouble finding the words.

“That she can seem a bit slutty?” Jon offered, with no hint of judgement or malice in his voice. “It's ok. I know how she is. God, I'm looking at the same thing you are.”

We both looked over at our girls. They were seated at the pool bars stools, and even from the distance, Keiko's basically bare ass was hard to miss. The girls were of course being accosted by a few guys trying to shoot their shot.

“Keiko is a free spirit. She likes what she likes, and any time I set a limit with her, she would double down. Trust me, her teens have been a wild ride. The more I've learned to go with it, within limits of course, the better it has been. She's actually a really good girl. She won't tell you this, but she's headed to Harvard after this cruise.”

I raised my eyebrows in involuntary shock. Somehow I had a hard time imagining her hitting the books and pulling all nighters to study. Now if I imagined her in a tiny school girl outfit, it got easier to see….

“That's really impressive,” I offered.

Jon smiled. “She'll be glad you think so. She thinks you're really cool by the way.” I smiled at that. Jon's faced turned serious for a second. “I think it's great you are experimenting with giving Tiffany more freedom. I was talking with her, and I have a feeling she's going to push that to its limits on this cruise. Just try to be open-minded.”

I was caught off guard by this. 'Push it to its limits'. What does that even mean? And this came from a conversation she had with him?

“Wha-” but before I could finish, both girls returned with drinks in their hands for all of us.

The rest of the afternoon flew by as we lazed by the pool. I tried not to ruminate too hard on Jon's words and just enjoy myself. The steady stream of alcohol helped. At one point, with all of us in the pool, I had Tiffany on my shoulders, and Keiko was on Jon's, as the girls wrestled and tried to knock each other into the pool. I gripped Tiffany's smooth legs and tried not to think about how her pussy was basically rubbing against me as she straddled my neck. Equally hard was not to be too obvious about the eye-fulls I was getting of Keiko as the girls wrestled. Surprisingly vicious and competitive, the girls tried their best to yank at each other and Keiko's flimsy bathing suit was no match for the task. She might have won had she not needed to adjust every time a nipple popped out. Jon, for his part, hid none of his enjoyment. He smiled broadly and laughed each time, and I had the feeling he had no shame feeling his little girl's pussy smashed against his head.

I tried my best to keep up with the ease Jon exuded with Keiko. Soon we were all wrestling in the water playfully. I couldn't tell if the alcohol had made me imagine things, but there were several times I could feel an errant hand grab at my cock underwater. There was no telling whose it was though or whether it was on purpose. And I tried my best not to reflexively grope as my hand would spontaneously feel the unmistakable feeling of a tit or some ass.

By late afternoon, breathless and exhausted we beached ourselves onto the loungers and snoozed or relaxed happily. I eventually woke up to Tiffany's prodding, and we made our way to our room to get changed. That night we ate a quick dinner, each had a shower and passed out early. We would need our rest, as tomorrow we would land in Cabo San Lucas. Tiffany and I had promised Jon and Keiko to link up and explore the town together.

That night I found myself dreaming of being back in a place I had not been for years. Many years ago I had gone to a seedy strip club where you paid to raise a visor so you could watch girls give a show through a glass. I felt the intensity of the nervousness and slight shame at just existing in such a lowly place. With a pit in my stomach, I placed my bills into the machine and the visor raised. Sitting center stage, to my surprise was Jon. He was nude and sitting patiently, as if waiting for something he knew would come soon. His broad chest and chiseled abs were flexed and thick cock stood at ready attention. In the dream I immediately understood this to be part of a sex show. The pit in my stomach turned to horny anticipation and I took my cock out to give it encouraging strokes.

I'd never had a gay or bi experience, but I was not too proud to recognize that there was something very sexy about this naked, strong man. As I stroked, so did he. I understood that our actions were linked and it felt good to be giving and experiencing pleasure at the same time. Out of a shadow behind him, a woman appeared. Tiffany stepped into the light behind Jon as I, and he continued to stroke. She was naked, and as she reached his chair from behind, she let her long arms reach down and stroke Jon's chest. He turned his face to kiss her deeply and I tasted her on my tongue. I stroked hard and so did Jon.

Next, Jon pulled her in front of him and had her straddle his cock. The sudden sensation of soft wetness traveled over my dick and I knew this to be hers. As Tiffany slid her slick cunt across Jon's shaft, he tasted her breasts and groped her ass. I felt it all. I willed him from my seat behind the glass to nibble and take in as much of her body as he could. Jon's hands cupped her breasts, and pinched her nipples. Tiffany gave soft moans of delight.

Finally, with strong arms Jon lifted Tiffany and positioned his cock to hover at the entrance to her pussy. The tip of my dick felt wet and hot. In the dream I willed him to pierce her, but he held back.

In the dream, Jon and Tiffany look to the side and I see now that Keiko is there. She gives a stern nod of approval. And with that Jon readies and I feel the sensation moving further down the tip of my cock. Just as he enters….


I wake with a start at the noise. I am disoriented and frustrated. The memory of the dream starts to immediately fade and I grasp for it back. But, in the way that memories always do, it fades further until I know I am making it up more than I was remembering the experience. All I am left with is a raging hard on. The bang I heard had come from the shower. Tiffany must have dropped a shampoo bottle.

I lay back down and realize I am drenched in sweat. Almost as uncomfortable is the guilt surrounding me as well. I didn't have to be Freud to know what this dream was. I was horny and enjoying lusting after my own daughter. The guilt transformed to anger. If she hadn't been such a flirty whore with Jon, I wouldn't be dealing with this. All day long she had been teasing him and vying for his attention. As I stewed in this anger, the shower turned off and Tiffany exited the shower.

Her hair wet and her skin flushed red, she looked so beautiful. She smiled at me. “Hi Daddy.” Her smile was sweet, open and loving. Like she was genuinely happy I was awake. My anger melted away, and I was brought again to the guilt. I wasn't angry at this girl who had done nothing wrong. I was angry at myself for thinking the way I was.

“Hi, honey. Looks like you got a jump on the day.”

She smiled again. “I'm just so excited to dock and go into town,” she said. ” Are you OK? You seem like you had a rough night. You were tossing and turning when I went into the shower.”

I cleared my throat and self-consciously shifted the blanket to make sure my hard-on wasn't visible. “Yea, just some dreams I guess. I'm OK though. I guess it's my turn for the shower.” I got up as best I could and went into the bathroom for a quick shower.

By the time we were both ready and left our room we could see that the ship was preparing to dock. Tiffany watched with glee as the ship maneuvered itself into position. We were eventually joined by Jon and Keiko. I made a note to myself of my disappointment that Keiko was dressed pretty regularly and not scantily. Both girls were wearing light dresses that allowed for a bikini underneath, but was suitable for walking around town.

We toured the town a bit, which was mostly Jon and I hanging back and talking while the girls stopped at nearly every vendor and shop they could find. They tried on ponchos and sombreros, played with maracas and string puppets- basically all the “traditional” Mexican things they she'll off for tourists. The girls had a blast though, and soon Jon and I were saddled with many trinkets to hold for them.

For lunch, we decided to rent a small yacht we could eat while in the water with a view of “The Arch”, and maybe do some snorkeling. Although the yacht was expensive, I was beyond caring at this point.

We each took turns driving the boat and I enjoyed watching Tiffany take her turn. She'd never done anything like it, so she was getting an obvious kick out of the power of the craft. We dropped anchor with a view of the Arch, and had a quick light lunch. The natural beauty of the land as well as the sun shining off the water was breathtaking.

Of course, as was the theme of the trip, there were other views to enjoy. Keiko and Tiffany wanted to lay out on the deck so off came the sundresses. I got to finally see what was underneath and I nearly blew my top and my load at the same time.

I expected what I saw from Keiko. Today she had opted to wear what appeared to be a crop top style blue bathing suit with a sexy string bikini bottom. This would be pretty tame attire for Keiko. But the top was clearly sheer. So sheer that her hard nipples and the shape of her breasts were visible. I recognized the WW on the small tag on the suit to be from the Wicked Weasel brand. I had bought a pair for my wife years ago as a daring gift to spice things up.

This was enough to bowl me over, but what really drew my attention and ire was my daughter. Tiffany was wearing the exact style bathing suit Keiko had been wearing the day before, only yellow. The strings that disappeared, the tiny fabric, the vast swaths of skin exposed. All of it.

“Do you like it Steve? I let Tiffany borrow one of mine. Is that OK?” she said. It was clear she wasn't actually asking, but just rubbing my face in my discomfort. I looked over at Jon who had an expectant smirk on his face. His words from the day before rang in my head. Go with it or it could get worse.

“Um, yea. It's very…”

“Hot?” Keiko pushed.

“Grown up,” is all I could say.

Tiffany looked a little dejected, but less worried “You aren't mad. Sorry I didn't ask you.”

Shit. These are the limits Jon was talking about. “No, no sweetie. It's fine. You look great, and you seem like you feel great in it. That's what's most important. You don't have to ask me.”

She smiled huge at that. “Oh, thank you for being so cool!” She jumped up and gave me a big hug. I did my best not to grope her ass or pay attention to the breasts pressing against my chest. Despite my efforts, my cock gave a slight involuntary twitch.

“Stop humping your dad and lets gets some beers before we lay out,” Keiko interjected.

Tiffany let go, blushed and hurried off with her friend. I watched the two perfectly formed asses jiggle off to the front deck of the boat. I looked to Jon who was staring at the same sight. He turned to see me looking at him.

“Nice job. You played that pretty well,” he said.

“Yea well, it helps that next to Keiko, Tiffany is practically wearing a poncho,” I joked back.

Jon laughed. “Yea. I told her not to wear it, but of course, she had to.” He paused for a moment. “She actually said she wanted you to see it. I think she has a thing for you.”

“For me?” I laughed it off. “I'm old enough to be her father.”

Jon smiled. “Ha. True…Though that hasn't stopped her before.”

I let the comment drop and changed the subject. It was just too weird to talk about a girl like this with her father. Though maybe I wanted to change topics because talking about Keiko like this is exactly what I wanted to do.

Jon and I chatted for a while and drank our beers. Eventually we went to check on the girls and were treated to the sight of two heavenly creatures relaxing in the sun. Tiffany was on her stomach and her lovely ass was glistening. Keiko was lounging with her hands behind her supporting her as she pushed her chest out, as if to get it more sun.

“Oh good, the men have arrived,” Keiko said in a bored tone when we reached them. “Tiffany and I are ready to snorkel,” she said in an exaggerated tone.

“Right away your highness,” Jon replied.

We all grabbed a snorkel and plunged into the water. We swam around for nearly an hour, enjoying the clear water that made catching glimpses of the brightly colored fish and sea turtles easy. I had brought a camera kitted with an underwater case and snapped away at the beautiful sights. Every so often, my lens would scan over one of the girls and I had to resist taking a picture. Underwater, they seemed like heavenly creatures, and watching their suits hike up their asses as they kicked their legs swimming was almost too much to bear. Not to mention, Keiko's already sheer bikini had turned basically invisible underwater.

After a while, Tiffany decided to head back to the boat, as did Jon. Keiko looked over to me, brushing the wet hair from her face. I have to say some of her beauty and charm was muted by the snorkel marks on her face.

“Can one of you stay with me?” She said with a smile. She then changed tactics and got a pleading look on her face. “Pleeeasseee. I'm too scared to be in the water alone. Who knows what's down there. Pleeeaseee Steve?”

“Ok, OK. No need to beg,” I replied while secretly wishing she would beg. Jesus what was going on in my brain.

“Yay!” Keiko squealed and dove back under the water after putting her snorkel back on.

We swam on for a while longer, pointing interesting fish out to each other. It was kind of fun spending time with Keiko. When alone, or at least not around her dad, she seemed to drop the bitchy princess vibe and was actually pleasant and easily delighted. She borrowed my camera a few times and would race off deep underwater, excitedly chasing a fish.

After one such spurt, she rejoined me at the surface and blew out to clear her snorkel, spraying water everywhere.

“Mr. Tiffany's dad, I'm tired. Can we go back?”

“Yes, of course,” I replied, genuinely sad our time was over.

Then, unexpectedly, Keiko put her arms around my shoulders, which brought her face closer to mine. “Can you help me back? I'm exhausted.”

The feel of her touch while alone in the water was a lot for me to take in all of a sudden. “Are you sure you can't make it on your own?”

“No, I'm so tired, and I can't keep swimming.” Her face took on an exhausted expression, and to sell the point further, she pulled herself closer and wrapped her legs around my body. Had I been a weaker swimmer who couldn't tread water, I would have struggled.

“Keiko, I don't think that's the best way.”

Keiko just gave a sleepy groan and clung tighter. I was fully aware of her body pressing against mine. Her full tits pushed into my chest, and the side of her face rested against mine. I knew I had to do something before we both drowned, or worse, before she felt what her body was doing to mine.

“Ok, Ok. Come up on my back and I'll swim us back.”

“My daddy used to do that in the pool. How fun!” Suddenly the pep was back in her voice somehow. She climbed on my back and I swam slowly back to the boat, doing my best to focus on staying alive, rather than on the perfect body that lay pressed into me.

We made it to the boat, and Keiko was first up the ladder. Feeling brave I made no attempt to look away as she took rung by rung. Her bathing suit was still almost untraceable and clung to her body. I watched her ass part with each step and saw her clearly shaven pussy above me. At this point, I knew it wasn't my imagination that she was taking her time, purposefully giving me a nice view.

When she was up, I had my turn up the ladder. After we noisily dropped our stuff onto the deck, I looked around and didn't see Jon or Tiffany anywhere.

I turned to where Keiko was. “Have you see-.” I didn't have a chance to finish my sentence. Keiko was standing before me in her sheer suit, dripping wet, with a look of lust in her eyes.

“I wanted to thank you for swimming with me, Steve.” As she said this she stepped forward, placing one hand on my dick, and moving quickly to kiss me. My soaking suit gave little resistance to her hand, and she was able to fully grasp my cock while she shoved her tongue down my throat. The feeling of her tongue, her hand and her body on me was incredible. Without a thought, I kissed back and drank her in. Obviously emboldened by my acceptance, Keiko stroked harder. This all lasted a few seconds until my mind caught up with my libido.

I gently pushed Keiko back. “Honey, this isn't a good idea. I'm married and your dad is somewhere on the boat.”

“It's fine. He won't care. Don't stop,” she urged as she stepped forward again.

I was afraid of hurting her feelings, but I knew if I stood still, it would be all over for me. Everything in me wanted to fuck this girl. I backed away and headed up the ladder from the deck onto the main part of the ship. I reached the top in time to see Jon headed for the helm area, while Tiffany was coming up from down below where there was a small living quarter.

“Hi dad,” she said in a somewhat forced way. She stopped me and took my hand. “How was your swim.”

“Uh. It was fine.” How was I supposed to tell her that I had just escaped the clutches of her friend who was trying to fuck me. “I'm thinking we should head back to the cruise ship,” I said sharply.

“Oh,” Tiffany replied, clearly picking up that something was off. “Ok. Yea, I guess it's getting late.” She paused for a moment. “Did something happen with-,” she started to say.

I interrupted her, not wanting to go there for fear of what I'd have to reveal. “I'm going to let Jon know.” I walked up to the helm area where Jon had been headed and suggested we leave.

He seemed relaxed and cool as always. He agreed and we headed back to the dock. The girls sunned themselves and seemed to talk very little. The conversation between Jon and I was also sparse. I was definitely avoiding anything for fear that he would ask about the water with Keiko. Likely sensing my tension, Jon let me be.

We got back onto the cruise ship and parted with Jon and Keiko, so we could head back and clean up in our rooms. I hopped in the shower first, hoping the heat from the shower could give me some clarity.

Was I really that guy that would cheat on his wife as soon as some young hot thing throws herself at him? Was it not wrong to lust after my daughter's friend? I didn't even allow myself to go down what my thoughts had been about my own daughter on occasion.

I got out and Tiffany had her turn in the shower. I felt a bit better as I got dressed and felt back to normal once I heard the shower turned off. Tiffany took a while and apparently had dressed in the bathroom, so I was surprised when I saw she was dressed up a bit. She wore a simple black, long dress, with her hair and makeup done in a way that made her look beautiful.

“Honey, you look…great! But why are you so dressed up? I thought we might just get a quick bite and have an early night.”

Tiffany tried not to make eye contact and blushed a bit as she got her heels on. “Oh, sorry dad. I actually thought I might go out tonight…on my own.”

That stung a bit. But of course. What an idiot I am. She's young and wants to have fun with her friend. “Oh yea, of course. Going out with Keiko to a nice dinner?”

Tiffany paused a bit, but then kept getting dressed. “Oh. Umm.” She was stammering as if nervous. “I'm actually going to dinner with Jon.”

Something dropped in my stomach. “With Jon? What?”

Tiffany turned to me, face red. She looked angry like she had already worked herself up knowing it would be an argument. “Yes, dad. With Jon.” The way she said it, it was clear she was daring me to have a problem with it.

And I did. “You can't be serious. Jon is Keiko's dad. Isn't that weird? And the age. What does he want to go out to dinner with you for?”

Tiffany looked hurt. “Why wouldn't he want to? Are you saying I'm not good enough for a guy like Jon? Fuck you, dad.”

The fact that she would curse at me made it clear things had gone too far in this argument. But the heat in my head and heart wouldn't let me step back. “Don't talk to me like that. I don't think this is a good idea. I know I was letting you have some freedom on this trip, but clearly that was a bad idea. You can't go out with Jon. He's old enough to be your dad.”

“You're old enough to be Keiko's,” she shot back. “She told me you guys kissed. She told me she felt your cock.”

“That's not the same thing! And that's not exactly how it all happened!” I yelled. But I could feel the ground beneath me crumble. She had a bit of a point. But not good enough. “I'm saying no. So change out of those clothes this instant.”

Tiffany put her hand on the door. “I'm sorry to put it this way. But there is nothing you can do about it. Jon and I talked a lot on the boat. We…shared some time, and I really like him.”

'Shared some time?' I thought. What's that supposed to mean?

“I'm leaving.” Tiffany opened the door, but not before I could grab her arm. Hard.

Rather than pull away, Tiffany just looked down at my grasping hand, then looked up coldly in my eyes. Everything in me withered in the shame of being brought to use force with her. I let go and she walked out the door.

I sank back into the room and sat on the edge of the bed. How could she do this? How could Jon do this? I thought he was a friend. Thinking back to the boat, I played back Jon walking to the helm and Tiffany coming from down below. Had they already started this relationship right there on the boat. Rage swelled inside me. Did he fuck my daughter on the boat?

I grasped for the nearest bottle of liquor in the minibar and downed it. That asshole. Of course, he thinks nothing of this. He basically offers up his own daughter to the world on a silver platter. Why wouldn't he think mine was up for grabs? What did Keiko know? Was she in on it? Was she just trying to distract me, to give them time?

I drank another couple mini-bottles and allowed the angry thoughts to work me over in my mind. I just barely registered a knock at the door. I rushed over and opened the door, thinking it must be Tiffany. Has she returned to her senses?

I opened the door, but no Tiffany. Instead, Keiko looked up at me. Despite my rage, I still couldn't deny how beautiful she was. This tiny girl, with her face perfectly framed by her hair, and whose delicate features are immediately betrayed by her sizable breasts and ass. She was wearing cut-off jean shorts and a simple, but tight, white t-shirt.

After a pause, she asked to come in. I realized I had just been staring at her without saying a word. Not knowing what else to do, I gestured for her to come in.

“Did you know?” I asked – or more accurately, accused.

“I mean, kind of. I could tell they liked each other,” Keiko said, while grabbing a drink from the minibar.

I made no move to stop her. “Wow. So you knew, but you let your friend and your own dad fuck.”

She grimaced. “Jesus Steve. The way you talk. It's horrible. So they are going to dinner. So they might fuck or enjoy themselves,” she took down the small bottle in one swig. “Why are you so angry about it? You need to relax.”

Keiko was making me feel crazy for being bothered at all about this. How is it that I'm the asshole here? “Relax?” I stormed up close to her. “You want me to relax? As if it's OK for a man your dad's age to screw around with my young girl?”

Defiance flashed in Keiko's eyes. She met my intimidation by standing at her full height against me. She basically reached my stomach, but the effect was powerful enough. “Yes, fucking relax. There's nothing wrong with two consenting adults.” As she said this, she gave me a tiny push. Keiko was obviously a girl who was used to making others move out of her way.

Something in me snapped. “Nothing wrong, huh?” I stepped toward her and nudged her back a little. “You know, you were ready to consent to anything on the boat earlier,” I stepped forward again. I kept going until her back was against a wall. I stood about 8 inches above her. My body dwarfed hers. Her face still showed defiance, but I could see her hands were tense as she felt the wall behind her, realizing she was penned in.

I reached out and cupped her chin in my hands and lifted her face a little. “Does this seem right to you? A man like me, with a little girl like you? Is that what you wanted on the boat?”

Keiko pushed me back, testing my resolve. I allowed myself to be pushed a bit, but quickly bent down to kiss her on the mouth. At first she pushed back a bit. Even in my anger I knew I shouldn't push anymore. Let her show me what was OK between a young girl and a dad. I eased my kiss back a bit, but felt her tongue slip into my mouth.

Keiko kissed me passionately and took deep breaths in. She leapt up and I instinctively grabbed her to hold her up. My hands cupped her ample ass as we kissed. I carried her to the bed and was about to lay her down when she bit my lip. It was hard enough to startle me and cause me to drop her on the bed. “Ow. Fuck. What the hell?”

“You fucking prick,” she said, angry but smiling. “Don't think you can intimidate me like that, just because I'm a 'little girl.'” She was upright but on her knees on the bed staring up at me, as if daring me to make the next move.

“But that's what you are,” I shot back. “Just a little girl who thinks she's grown up with her slutty bikinis.” I was purely in the moment. I felt like I had no control of what I was doing or saying.

“Oh, and don't think I didn't notice you staring at this little girl, in her slutty outfits. I'm not blind. You loved every glimpse.” As she said this she removed her shirt to reveal her large tits beneath the tight white tee. Her bra was black and lacy. Exactly the sexy lacy thing you'd expect her to own. She walked on her knees to the edge of the bed, her fingers tracing the outlines of her bra. “At least my dad has the balls to take some action when he saw what he wanted. He's probably fucking your little girl right now.”

I lunged forward, not sure what I was going to do if I actually caught her. Keiko moved out of the way and jumped off the bed. Her back was to the window overlooking part of the ships deck and the broad ocean. I closed a bit of the distance between us. “Oh, you'll get to see exactly what kind of balls I have in a moment. You think your dad's a real man for getting a young girl to fuck him? I'll show you what real men can do. Strip, bitch. You like to show off so much. Let's give the whole ship a show.”

Keiko looked over her shoulder and out the window. It was dark out, with only the deck illuminated and the broad ocean water slightly lit by the moon. She turned back to me. “You couldn't handle it like my dad can.” She slid her jean shorts down while not losing eye contact with me. Through the reflection of the window I could see her perfect ass on full display. Her thong matched her black bra. Our room, lit up in the dark night, would be fully visible to anyone who cared to look. “I've seen my dad pick up so many young girls over the years. It's practically his hobby.”

Her young, full body was tanned and flawless. Her lingerie looked like it was made perfectly for her body. She reached behind her and unhooked her bra, letting it drop to the floor. Her tits stood out from her chest, and showed off wonderfully rosy nipples that were hard as diamonds. Keiko looked down at her own body and gently ran her hands over her tits. “Tiffany's tits aren't as big, but I bet my dad is enjoying them all the same. What do you think?”

She was trying hard to provoke me and it was working. We were playing some twisted game, and we both knew the outcome. I grabbed her and kissed her again, bringing my hands up to fondle her breasts. They were soft and natural wonders in my grip. I let my hand travel south and brought my fingers to her panty clad mound. Keiko gave soft moans and grabbed my wrist, keeping it where it was. I kept up the pressure, and she bucked her hips into my hand. I wasn't done with our game yet though.

I pulled back from her suddenly, hand still on her pussy. “I thought I told you to strip. Why are these still on?”

Keiko smiled and bent to slide her panties off. From her lower position, she looked up at me. Changing tactics, she suddenly got that pleading look in her eyes I had seen before in the water. “I'm all naked and you're still in your clothes.” She lifted her hands and touched the button of my pants. Her eyes watched mine, but I gave no sign of disapproval or permission. She unbuttoned and unzipped my pants cautiously. She grabbed the waist and slowly pulled my pants and briefs down, eyes never leaving mine.

My cock was hard as a rock and sprang forward when it was released from my pants. Keiko moved her head back in surprise and only then looked at my dick. She smiled with approval. “So thick, mmmm.” She passed her hand over my shaft, admiring my nicely sized cock. She looked up at me, pleading with her eyes again. “May I?”

Again I gave no indication. She stuck her tongue out and traveled the length of the underside of my dick. As she traveled my shaft, I felt like I was in heaven. Breaking my stoney silence, I let out a pleasured moan. Keiko smiled then angled my dick at her mouth. Looking up at me again, she said “Do you think Tiffany's tasted my dad yet?” Her face was suddenly more devilish than pleading. Before I could even let my anger register, she took the length of my cock in her mouth and hungrily sucked my cock. The pleasure was intense and I could do nothing but throw my head back and close my eyes.

Once the initial shock of ecstasy subsided, my anger returned. I looked down at Keiko sucking my dick like only a whore could. “Tiffany is nowhere the slut you are.” I put my hand on the back of Keiko's head and guided her deeper onto my shaft. She took the whole length in, not struggling at all to deep-throat my thick dick. “See, you've done this before.” I felt Keiko's head pull back, but I kept her there a bit longer. I bucked my hips a bit and watched her eyes water slightly. Only then did I let go.

Keiko pushed her head back and gave a gasp for air. “You asshole!” she yelled and slapped my thigh hard, but kept her hand there and rubbed at the same time. Pain and pleasure. I looked at her and saw the mischievous smile was still there. “For the record, Tiffany told me she's no stranger to deep-throating thick cocks. I'm sure she'll handle my dad fine.” She launched herself back at my dick, trying to drain me.

I felt a fresh surge of pleasure, and while most of it had to do with Keiko's handling of me, I realized I was also playing over the image of my daughter with a meaty cock in her mouth. I twitched involuntarily at the immense pleasure the secret thought gave me, but Keiko noticed.

She raised her head and her eyebrows. “Oh, somebody liked that. Tell me, how did

you like her bikini today?”

Defensively I stood up. “Shut your mouth. You don't know what you are talking about.” I grabbed Keiko by the elbow and pushed her against the window. Her tits bounced and she smiled up at me.

“Mmm. I hit a nerve. How long have you wanted to take her?” She turned herself around and bent slightly, wresting her hands on the glass of the window. “Come, I'll make it easy for you. You can just look at my ass and pretend its her. My dad loves a good ass, so I'm sure he's enjoying hers right now anyway.” She spread her legs slightly as an invitation.

“I said shut up.” I stripped off my shirt as I rushed over. Gripping my cock to steady it, I shoved myself into her waiting cunt. Keiko yelped and spread her legs further to make more room for my size. I pumped myself into her hard, reaching one hand over to fondle her tits.

Her tiny body bounced on my cock as she moaned and squealed in pleasure. I pushed further into her, and her further onto the glass. “You like that? Now everyone can see what a man can do when you tease so much.”

“Yes, daddy,” Keiko replied. I was past the point of pretending this kind of play wasn't a turn on. I fucked her harder. “Mmmm, harder Daddy. Harder.” Keiko reached one hand between her legs and played with her clit as I fucked her. “Don't stop, daddy.” I sped up and could feel her tighten around me. Keiko was basically on her tip-toes. Her skin was blotched with red lust. I slapped her bouncing ass hard as I fucked her, and she yelped. “Yes! Daddy. Yes! More, harder! I'm so bad, I need this.” Her moans were intense. She loved to be manhandled.

I punished her ass with my hand and my dick. “I'm close daddy. I'm close.” As she said this, I felt myself about to burst too. “Don't stop,” she begged. She turned her head to try and look back at me. “Say my name, daddy,” she pleaded.

Lost in the moment, I pushed as deep as I could into her and began to cum. I yelled her name. “Oh, fuck. Tiffany!” Feeling me fill her up, and hearing my daughter's name, Keiko let out a deep moan and I felt her pussy clamp around my shaft. My strokes deepened but slowed as I felt her insides milk every drop of cum from my body. Both us were moaning and immersed in pure waves of pleasure. The fucking slowed and Keiko slumped over, exhausted and letting the window take her weight.

I pulled myself out of her, still warm from the feeling of emptying myself. A steady stream of cum dripped from her, but she didn't seem to mind. Feeling guilty at seeing the red hand prints across her supple ass, I picked her up gently and carried her to the bed. I laid down on her side and spooned her while she lay there panting and softly moaning.

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