Scandalous Schoolgirl Ch. 05 by Oupa99,Oupa99

I have a new editor that helped clean up some of the speed bumps in the story. Thanks to Tigersman. I am sorry for my tardiness, but in addition to this series I have a 2 Medieval Knight stories ( Anonymous has requested some Knights stories, so here you are), A Shapeshifter story ( This is from a fan ) and the third story in the Venus Ascending series.

This is basically an erotic love story and of course all characters are over 21. It will definitely not start out as a love story, but it will get there. Please vote often (fives are most welcome) and of course please leave constructive comments.

PS – If you have fantasies, ideas, etc for new stories please let me know, that includes twists on existing stories, and I will see what I can do. Many of my stories have started out that way.

Scandalous Schoolgirl

Chapter 5

They slept late into the morning, which for Joseph was nine o’clock. Unfortunately, he had a board meeting for his company in three hours. Natalia dressed in a pair of painted on jeans and a crop top that revealed more than it covered. They went to Joseph’s favorite bakery and had a leisurely breakfast before Joseph had to return for his meeting.

While he was gone Natalia explored his home, discovered his BDSM playroom and this gave her some ideas. She spent the rest of the time he was gone researching and getting ready for her surprise. She kept her eyes on the clock and knew when he was supposed to be home and when time got close, she got ready.

Joseph came home from a board meeting, angry that he spent close to four hours with the bare minimum of what he wanted to get done. In other words, a complete waste of an afternoon; he had a lot of things he needed to be doing and wasting it in a board meeting was not one of them. As he opened the front door he shouted. “Hi Baby, I’m Ho…” The stunning vision standing in front of him stopped him cold in his tracks and his mouth fell open. As his eyes widened, he saw kneeling in front of him the sexiest, most stunningly gorgeous woman he had ever seen. He whispered. “Oh my God Baby.”

Natalia was kneeling on the floor in front of the front door completely naked. She was kneeling in a seductive presentation position with the light from the open door spotlighting her. As she saw Joseph’s reaction her face lit up brighter than a Christmas tree, her excitement brightened the room and definitely Joseph’s mood. He slowly walked towards her, drinking in the incredible vision of his submissive presenting her erotically displayed naked body to him.

She was sitting on her heels with her legs folded underneath her. Her shoulders were rolled back lifting her gorgeous breasts to a prominent and spectacularly displayed position. Her tiny waist and tummy seemed almost disappear between her ribs and her beautiful hips. The light from the door cast shadows all over her body creating a very exotic pattern, but close up he saw her entire naked body glistening in the sunlight. It struck the perfect combination of elegant and erotic. Her face had a brilliant smile that told him everything he was seeing was her present to him.

The closer he looked, the more his mouth watered at the delicious sight. She had made up her face with the perfect mixture of minimal foundation and dramatic eyes and lips and she glowed with her beauty radiantly beaming her happiness. She had even made up her naked body and he could even see rouge on her nipples and foundation over the rest of her body smoothing any perceived flaws.

While she normally liked her long blonde hair in waves, today she had it straight down the middle of her back with not a hair out of place. She had gone all out to impress him, and he had to admit she looked like the most devastatingly perfect slave. At this moment he wished he had his camera so he could preserve this moment … A most beautiful woman, all dolled up, giving herself as a gift to her master.

As he reached her and bent down to her, Natalia draped her arms around his neck. While melting his heart with her loving stare, she grinned and said, “I love it when you look at me like that. Like I’m really beautiful and you want to take me in your arms and ravish me. It makes my stomach quiver, my heart swell with love and my head spin with anticipation. I hope you never stop looking at me like that.”

Joseph snapped out of his stunned stupor, wrapped Natalia in his arms, pulled her off the floor wrapping her in his arms and gently kissed her lips. As the soft kiss ended, he dove in, attacking her open and breathless mouth in a hungry kiss. When their lips parted, Natalia gave a sigh of contentment and laid her head against Joseph’s chest, knowing this was exactly where she wanted to be.

As Joseph held her tightly against his chest, he felt the same contentment and all the day’s frustrations had completely evaporated within seconds of seeing Natalia. He kissed the top of her head and said, “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen and yes, every time I look at you, I realize how stunning you are. Then all I can think about is holding you, kissing you and making love to you. Baby I love you so much.”

As he held her against his chest, Joseph knew he couldn’t let this moment go to waste. He gathered her in his arms and told her, “We are going for a walk, and you are going to show everyone just how sexy you are and that you are my slave. What do you think of that my beauty?”

Natalia felt goosebumps erupt all over her body. What he said lit a fire inside her and her mind went to several versions of what he meant. She knew he loved showing her off in something sexy almost as much as she did, and she hoped this was part of his plan. Natalia had become an unabashed exhibitionist and loved wearing super tight, skimpy, or even non-existent outfits. She even envisioned him having her walking naked down the street and excited anticipation churned in her core. Oh Lord, she wanted him to treat her like his Gorean slave girl.

She also thought about him collaring her, just like she had been in the mall and that possession aspect of the Dom/Sub excited her as well. Her mind swirled with different options, then she furtively glanced at him as he waited for her answer. She cleared her throat and with her eyes cast downward she demurely said, “It is my pleasure to serve my master in any way he wants. If you want me to walk naked down the street bound at the end of your leash that is what I will do.”

The grin on Joseph’s face broadened as he contemplated what she was suggesting. Not only was she excitedly agreeing to his walk, but she had also suggested additional ways to make their walk titillating and exciting. He stared at her incredibly toned, naked, and sumptuous body asking himself if he wanted to share this vision of female perfection with the rest of the neighborhood. Hell, yes, he did! He wanted everyone in the world to know that this vision of unparalleled beauty belonged to him and to have her as his Gorean slave girl was out of this world electrifying.

He ogled her nude made-up body and decided that she had already designed the perfect outfit for their walk. However, a totally nude Natalia might attract unwanted police presence, so he decided on a slight modification to her silky skin. Joseph guided her into her closet, gathered one of her old pairs of jeans and he began cutting away all the fabric except the seams. Within seconds he had created the sexist pair of Daisy Dukes Natalia had ever seen and she was thrilled to try them on. [Where did the jeans comes from? Natalia wasn’t wearing anything but Joseph’s coat out of the mall. This needs to be addressed.]

As she slid them up her legs, she thought she looked more alluring than she had naked. She smiled saucily and gave Joseph a huge hug saying, “They are perfect … Master. Do you want me to wear anything else?”

Joseph ogled her outfit with her legs and ass total exposed. The Daisy Dukes only covered a small portion of her nether regions and left all her ass cheeks completely exposed. He decided that the Daisy Dukes left her more sensual than going completely naked. Of course, her totally exposed breasts and nipples made him gawk in admiration.

Her question told Joseph what she wanted the answer to be, and he completely agreed with her suggestion. However, he looked at her sternly and answered, “My baby slave, you do not presume to tell me what you want. You will take what I give you and I will dress you how I want.”

Natalia looked sheepish at his dressing down and murmured, “Yes, Master”

Then he did exactly what she hoped he would, he placed cuffs around her wrists, cuffed her hands behind her back, but tied her wrists high on her opposing arm so that her shoulders were pulled back. With her shoulders back her breasts were lifted into a gorgeous presentation, finally he buckled a dog collar around her neck. Joseph turned her to face him and brushed her hair away from breasts and down her back leaving her front totally exposed, then he lovingly said, “This collar is only temporary. My gorgeous slave deserves a collar as stunning as she is, but unfortunately the jewelry stores are closed now. However, from now on you will be collared so everyone knows you belong to me.”

Natalia felt tears pool in her eyes as the depth of his love shown through, then the tears spilled down her cheeks as he adoringly attached a leash to the collar. She was getting everything she wanted, not because she asked for it, but because he loved her and knew what she needed. She stood straight presenting herself for his inspection and his eyes obligingly caressed every inch of her exposed silky skin leaving a trail of goosebumps everywhere they went.

Joseph’s fingers followed his eyes and caressed her unprotected parts that begged for his touch. His magical hands were pure sensual current that left her breathless as they roamed at will over her vulnerable breasts and belly. The light brush over her nipples left them engorged and hard, waiting for more of the carnal electricity. His forefinger and thumb closed on her pleading nipples giving them the painful squeeze they desired and leaving her pussy gushing her needy juices.

Natalia opened her trembling legs hoping that those magic fingers would slide down her sunken belly, under her tiny Daisy Dukes and over her clit. As his magic fingers did just as she desired, she felt her knees start to buckle and only his fingers inside her drenched pussy kept her from falling to the floor. His fingers were enchanting inside her as they stroked her G-Spot and teased her clit leaving her swimming in his erotic euphoria. She couldn’t help herself and she felt like a desperate slut begging for more with her hips curving into his fingers pleading for additional stimulation. His magical hands on her nipples and inside her pussy made her hips buck in a primal dance with her orgasm only moments away. Then he stopped and her pussy was empty.

As Natalia moaned, her lust filled eyes tried to focus on the man she loved in front of her. “Please Master finish me … don’t leave me hanging on the edge of completion.”

The man standing in front of her was sucking on the fingers that had only moments before been in her desperately needy cunt. Watching him suck her juices from his fingers only rekindled the fire in her loins. He finally said, “No my love slave, no orgasms until I say so! I want that desperately sensual look on your face as we walk, so everyone that looks at you will know what a sensually erotic slave you are. Besides when I let you cum, I want it to be explosive exposing the hot, wild, and gorgeous babe inside you. You look so fucking sexy when your climax devastates your ability to control your quivering body.”

He put his fingers between her lips and let her taste her own nectar, but that wasn’t enough, so she voraciously deep throated his fingers like they were his cock. Her desperate longing to climax showed on her face and for a moment Joseph almost felt himself give in. He removed his fingers from her ravenous mouth and after giving her an ‘I’m going to fuck you until you scream’ look he began to gather all the things he thought they would need for their walk. Natalia watched as he stowed things in his backpack and she saw rope, cuffs, a riding crop, and several juice boxes.

Natalia knew this was not just going to be a walk, because he had erotic or bondage plans for her, and she knew she would love whatever those plans were. The knowledge that something special was coming made her nipples stiffen and ache, while her pussy generated her special nectar and yearned to have him inside her. She was definitely loving being his sub and Natalia began to squirm in anticipation of what was to come.

Joseph watched Natalia out of the corner of his eye and saw her eyes widen, her nipples stiffen, and her hips mambo to the dance of primal need. She almost swooned as her mind began to dream of what was going to happen. He even added a few things he had no intention of using, knowing that it would fire up her imagination and make her blazing hot in anticipation.

As soon as his knapsack was full and, on his back, he grabbed Natalia’s leash and led her out the front door. The sun was starting to set as they set off towards the ocean and Natalia immediately started feeling conspicuous. It felt as though every eye in the neighborhood was on her watching her naked body being led around by a leash. A red blush spread from her face eventually covering her whole body. She tried bending over and letting her long silky hair cover her exposed breasts, but Joseph pulled on the leash admonishing, “Baby, I am proud of the way you look, and I want you to stand proudly, showing everyone what God and the gym has blessed you with and what you have given to me.”

She looked into his eyes and realized what he said was true. He wanted everyone to know what was his and that he was honored by her gift of submission. She had become excited with the Dominate/Submissive dance they were doing, but now he had taken it to a whole new level, and it was becoming a lifestyle. It may seem violent or kinky from the outside, but it is nature at its most tangible.

Men are hunters and they hunt, conquer, rule, and dominate their environment. Women love to be chased and then dominated by their man. They love to put up a fight and resist at first, but deep down they love to be conquered and submit to the man they love. This was something she had a hard time with at first, because she had always fought with men, but she realized that nature is not that way. In the dance of life, the man must lead, and the woman must follow. It took a pandemic for her to learn that.

Natalia began to watch the man she loved as he led her on their sexually erotic walk. He proudly guided her out in the open so everyone could see his virtually naked slave woman. She also began to realize that he was leading her on smooth cement or soft grass because she was walking barefoot. Only then did she realize that he wasn’t leading her out into the open but sheltering her from the closest homes. She glanced at him lovingly as she realized he was protecting her feet and her nudity from anything that he felt might cause her harm.

His love for her was now very apparent and she saw it with her eyes and felt it in her soul. He had taken his role as her master seriously and actively worked to protect her from any harm, while caring for and loving her. She came to the realization that the main thing he protected her from was herself. He wouldn’t let her get away with her petulant or spoiled behavior, making her live up to her heart’s beautiful potential.

She had always used her incredible figure to get whatever she wanted, but Joseph wouldn’t let her get way with that. He used her sexual drive and incredibly sensual body to tame the wildness inside her. He knew she needed to be adored, loved, held, and fucked, and so did he. In the past few days Natalia had come to realize that Joseph was the perfect man for her, and their walk was proving what she already knew. She wanted to be his submissive and he her dominant. They were a perfect match.

Joseph’s mansion had large grounds and he could have walked the naked Natalia just in his estate, but what is the fun in that. The park he had chosen was about eight blocks away and with her hands locked behind her, she knew her Master was protecting her. However, with her shoulders pulled back behind her, Natalia’s astounding breasts flounced on her chest giving him and anyone else that cared to watch quite a show. Natalia glanced around, aware of the exposure to anyone that cared to watch. That knowledge had her nipples hard enough to rip holes in a t-shirt, if she had one. Her tiny waist and muscled flat belly only seemed to make her breasts much more prominent.

The first time they saw another couple walking, Natalia held back and shielded herself cowering behind Joseph. He immediately stopped, gave a small tug on the leash, and gave Natalia a stern look that told her she was not to do that again. Natalia remembered that she represented her master and stood tall stretching to her entire 5’2″ height, tightened her tummy, pulled back her shoulders and thrust out her breasts. Every other person they saw on the walk ogled Joseph’s stunningly nude slave and she responded with a proud strut, that really showed off her master’s property.

By the time they reached the park, Natalia was breathing in passionate gulps, but Joseph didn’t think this had anything to do with exertion. The threat of her exposure and the excitement of being led on her master’s leash had her shaking with delight. Every time somebody stopped to ogle her as they walked by, she would quiver, get a little more turned on and breathe a little harder. He could see the lust starting to burn in her eyes and the more people that saw her, the hotter it got. As they entered the park, Joseph searched for a tree perfect for his purposes and he found it a tree growing at a 45-degree angle to the ground so she could comfortably lay on the tree. But it had other limbs higher up that he could also use.

Natalia looked at him with desire showing plainly on her face and she shivered with anticipation as he moved towards the tree. He took off her leash, unlocked her hands from behind her back and told her to undress. She quickly removed her Daisy Dukes and laid naked on her back across the tree, then waited patiently for his next command. As she laid there, her unbelievable beauty and unwavering trust once again made him realize just what a special sub she really is.

The sun was moments away from starting its dip below the horizon and the muted yellows cast a magnificent glow on Natalia’s skin. As beautiful as she looked, the muted light, her naked form with the tree and ocean behind her made for a remarkable sight. Joseph stood and took in the sight of his sub enhancing all nature’s beauty.

Joseph reached into his backpack and took out the rope and other items he planned to use on his gorgeously willing slave. He threw the rope over the branch he spotted, let it hang for a second while he tied it to Natalia’s cuffs. He began to pull on the rope until Natalia was balancing on her tiptoes, only then did he tie the rope to another branch locking her into position. Her form was stretched and elongated with her tummy thin, and her breasts lifted high. The strain on her legs made them look stunning and her ass perfectly muscled.

Anyone walking by the park could see her alluring naked beauty on display and he could see her glancing out towards the street, seeing if anyone was watching. He could plainly see the impact this knowledge had on Natalia. Her breasts were heaving as she tried to catch her breath and her nipples puckered into hard beseeching knots. Her hips rocked back and forth in a seductive dance with pussy lips swollen and gleaming with her nectar in the fading sunlight.

She looked down at her nude body nestled in the tree and she felt sexier than she ever had. Her breasts jiggled desirably on her chest with her nipples pleadingly hard. Her concave belly led to her appealing, but still swollen pussy lips that were pleading for him to play with her. His huge hands and massive arms buckling her to the tree seemed to make her look much more delicate and diminutive. Her tongue licked her suddenly very dry lips as she breathlessly moaned and whimpered.

Natalia felt her body humming and she felt more alive than she ever had. She felt loved, treasured, and sexually wired splayed out naked in front of him. She couldn’t wait to feel him inside her making love to her like a real man should. Her romantic dreams of having her big strong man whisk her off her feet were coming true. He had seized the opportunity, knowing what he wanted from her and taking it. As she hung from the tree she shivered in anticipation, already imagining his huge cock splitting her in two.

Her eyes were telling him that she loved every minute of this, but as she licked her lips and then began to nibble on her lower lip, he knew she wanted more. She wanted him to take her right here in the park with everyone watching. He walked over to stand in front of her as she looked up at him, he bent down to kiss those delectable lips and palmed her breasts in his hands. As he pulled back from the kiss he said, “I know what you want my vixen, but you will have to wait.”

Joseph went back to his backpack and pulled out two more cuffs that he buckled on her ankles. Going back to his knapsack, he pulled out an adjustable spreader bar and attached it to her ankle cuffs, spreading her legs wide. With her legs spread Natalia had trouble touching the ground, but she found that she could stretch, and her toes could dig into the grass. Joseph unfolded a chair and sat down to watch her struggles. She was already dripping with desire, but a little more waiting and watching would build her anticipation bringing out her long-hidden desires and soon she would be begging for him to fuck her.

Joseph had seen beautiful women before, but Natalia was the most stunning woman he had ever seen. Hanging from the tree she was beyond gorgeous. Her fit athletic body was stretched taut, hollowing her tiny waist that flared into her suggestive womanly hips with runner’s legs. Her toes were only skimming the rich soft grass and the strain only made her legs look more perfect. Her firm fleshy ass cheeks were tight with the strain, and they made Joseph want to run his hands over her soft silky skin.

Then of course there were her remarkable breasts. Her breasts were always the focus of every male’s attention, but stretched and pulled high on her chest, they were simply stunning. Her hard breathing made her breasts mouthwatering as they wobbled insolently. Her hard-distended nipples seemed to be pleading for his attention, and they were about to get it.

Joseph watched Natalia as she struggled hanging from the tree and as she fought against her helplessness, she looked exotically seductive. The more she resisted and thrashed in her bindings, the more her body shivered and the more excited she became. Her breasts were wobbling with the exertion of her heavy breathing and her pussy was absolutely dripping with her musk permeating the area.

Occasionally, somebody would walk by the park, and this would further escalate Natalia’s arousal. The looks and imagined touches were building her struggling desire and scorching her skin. Her nipples were painfully hard, throbbing and aching to be licked, sucked, or pinched. Her pussy was red, enflamed, and pleading to be filled with her master’s cock.

By the end of the half an hour Natalia was a quivering basket case of sexual need, her body charged with high voltage hunger. Her quim was weeping with her passion’s nectar that was running down her leg. Towards the end of the half an hour Natalia pinned Joseph with her smoke-filled eyes and passionately whispered, “Please Master, end this torture … please take me and show everyone who I belong to.”

He stood from his chair, walked over to her, took one of her nipples in his mouth and pressed it between his tongue and teeth and at the same time he slid a finger into her succulent cunt. She sucked in deep breath pushing her nipple deeper into his mouth and screamed.


“You can’t climax yet my Pet … wait.”

He pulled his finger out of her as her lust glazed eyes began to focus on him again. He put the finger in his mouth and sucked on it saying, “You taste delicious, my pet.”

Her whole body shuddered, and she whispered breathlessly, “Plleeaassee Master, please I need you in me. Please my loving master.”

Joseph stood in front of her looking deep into her eyes. Natalia felt as though he could see her very soul, and she couldn’t hide from him. All her desires, perversions and fantasies were there for him to see and appreciate. The heat in his eyes told her that he was going to make everyone of dreams come true. The fire in his eyes filled her with desire, but also a belief and trust in him.

It was at that moment, bound, stretched, and hanging from the tree, that she knew she belonged totally to him. His eyes told her that he would never hurt her, only fill her with the kind of blissful emotions she never knew existed. Bound as she was, she knew she didn’t have a choice; he was going to rip her long-hidden desires from her. However, she knew she had to fight him, if for no other reason than for him to earn her submission. Even though she craved it, her pride still fought his dominance.

His deep penetrating eyes and strict mouth told her he would leave no desire unexplored. All her life Natalia had longed for a man like Joseph. The man that would eagerly take what he wanted from her and make her feel like a woman. She also wanted a man that would uncover and explore her deepest needs. She quivered inside with both fear and anticipation on what this night would bring. As she looked at him with pride trying to cover the desperate longing in her eyes, Joseph knew she was ready to discover her inner most desires.

She had always been so beautiful that men continually desired her, but they wanted her so badly that they would do anything she desired. For most of her dating life she used and humiliated her suitors, always taking and never giving. Now she had a man that loved her but wouldn’t put up with her bullshit. Now her man was like a caveman, taking what he wanted from her, and she loved every second. She desired a strong man that conquered her making her weak in the knees and bound as she was, she was so turned on she felt as if she would shatter into a thousand orgasmic pieces with his slightest touch.

Natalia suddenly sucked in deep breath as his magical fingers once again roamed over her tightly stretched skin. That seemed to be all that it took. His magic fingers on her skin made her forget about everything. All her thoughts and doubts disappeared as his touch filled her with desperate need. His fingers insistently roamed her legs, hips, belly and breasts, cajoling blistering cravings from her body. Natalia’s eyes burned into his, desperately begging for more and she whimpered passionately.

Joseph stepped back from her, took off his shirt and stood in front of Natalia so closely that she could feel the heat emanating from his chest. Her face still had the prideful hard hungry look and began to soften as she felt the hairs of his chest provoking her nipples. She could feel his breath on her face as his eyes reached inside her and began tearing down walls around her heart.

She felt his fingers once again lightly caressing her tightly stretched skin, roaming over her hips, belly and breasts. Her skin seemed more sensitive now and each light caress chipped away at her humiliation leaving only longing and desire. She ached to feel his hands on her skin and found herself pushing with her toes trying to lean into his caresses. Her pride wouldn’t let her admit it, but she knew she hungered after his domination.

Joseph’s tongue came out and licked her lips, but when she reached for more, he pulled away. He gently kissed his way across her cheek until he nibbled at her ear. As he leaned in, the hairs on his chest maddeningly nuzzled her nipples and breasts. In his deep bass and gravelly voice, he whispered into her ear with each word pulsating inside her.

“You are your own strong and intelligent woman; I respect and admire that. You are incredibly beautiful and sexy, full of hidden desire and passion, but it takes a strong woman to give her body completely to her lover. You fill my mind with wondrous possibilities and my heart with the desire to protect you, even from yourself. Tonight, I will be your lover, your master, and your teacher as I discover all the passion you kept hidden from the world and yourself. Tonight, I will train you, fuck you, possess you and find my own pleasure in you as we explore your long-hidden desires. When tomorrow morning dawns you will know our love, our desire for each other and you will be mine always.”

Joseph backed away from her, leaving her mind spinning and her body throbbing. All she wanted was for him to fulfill his promises, make her his and send her to Nirvana. She wanted him to teach her, to break down the walls inside her and let her finally feel love and ecstasy. Oh God, she wanted this, but she was scared, and her pride wouldn’t let her admit that she wanted his dominance. Her heart and body desperately craved what he was saying, but her mind fought him. Joseph knew that was his objective, to quiet her mind, push her into subspace so the needs of her heart and body prevailed.

Joseph went over to his backpack and pulled out all the toys he had brought, laying them in the grass in front of her. Natalia looked at all of those toys with anxious butterflies in her stomach. She had bought almost all the toys wanting to feel their painful yet erotic bite, but she never had the courage to use them. Now he was going to make it happen. There was fear inside her too, but that only seemed to make her cravings that much stronger.

Joseph walked up to her and let his hand weave through her hair at the back of her head. It was chillingly sensuous to have his hands meandering through her long silky hair and she pushed her face into his arm acknowledging the luxurious feel. In span of a heartbeat his hand closed in a fist pulling her hair and knotting it behind her head. She felt his raw masculinity controlling her as he bent her head back. Only then did his lips descend on hers in a primal mating kiss. The kiss was coarse and indecent as it sent ripples of primitive desire surging through her body.

She was hanging helplessly in a public park in front of the world with a man twice her size taking whatever he wanted from her. The sunset was winding down with her nude form a silhouette against the orange sky. It felt so fearfully delicious as his lips brutalized her mouth and his hands roamed at will over her naked body. With anyone else, she would have feared for her life, but with Joseph she knew he would take what he wanted, but he would never hurt her. She knew that she loved him and really did really trust him, but she would be the ultimate recipient.

Her tongue battled with his and she strained, pushing on her toes, stretching towards him to deepen the kiss. Her eyes closed as she let the kiss sweep her away and she felt his fingers sweep over her tightly stretched belly to her swollen breasts. His hands cupped her breasts while his fingers repeatedly tweaked her nipples. Again, his kiss made her head spin and her knees tremble, while his fingers electrified her sexual core.

Her romantic reverie was suddenly shattered as one of her nipple clamps closed excruciatingly on her left nipple. As her body arched away from the pain, her mouth was torn from his insistent lips and her painful scream echoed through the park. Natalia gasp for breath as she tried to breathe through the pain, but it seemed as though every nerve in her body was crying out in sympathy.

Joseph ran his middle two fingers through her swollen pussy lips and deep inside her. He curled his fingers into her G-spot and pounded his fingers front and back, while rubbing her clit. Natalia’s pain vanished as a wanton fury exploded between her legs. Her feet came off the grass as she went from pain to euphoria with her belly cramping as she fought waves of elation.

Her legs were swinging and twitching wildly with her arms knotting as they took the strain of holding her body. She had gone from agony to ecstasy so quickly that her mind was having a hard time coping. His pounding of her G-spot and clit created unearthly delirium inside her and, there was no stopping the madness. She felt her orgasm rushing towards her like a runaway train as she screamed, “OH GOD … MY GOD … I’M CUMMING … OH GOD IN HEAVEN I … NEVER FELT … OH GOD … OH GOD!”

Just as she thought her body was going to explode, the bite of the other nipple clamp jolted her with ripping pain. The pain pushed back her climax, but it continued to build with the pain making it more intense. Natalia was being buffeted between pain and carnal jubilation. Her body reacted with hysterical spasms, and her mind couldn’t grasp the intoxicating rapture. Pain and pleasure merged creating an explosion of brilliance more powerful than any drug. All thoughts disappeared from her mind and all she could do was feel and oh God, she wanted to feel it more. If this were a drug, she would have been addicted.

She could feel every cell in her body exalting the feelings running wild through her body. Every sight, sound, and smell seemed more intense and more intoxicating. She had never felt like this, or these kinds of emotions and she was drunk on his devilish ministry. Natalia was suddenly aware of the frenzied enchantment her body was capable of. It was also clear what incredible magic her body could produce when she gave up control to Joseph. He was indeed her teacher, and she knew she never wanted him to stop. In a breathless passionate plea, she whispered, “Please … More … Show me More!”

Joseph knew they had made a huge step forward, but now was not the time to slack off. With his other hand he used her wand vibrator to tease her clit and nipples; keeping her on the edge of ecstasy but never letting her fall into her orgasmic void. Pain turned into a pleasing liberation while pleasure became an unending torment.

Natalia was having a hard time catching her breath with the constant buffeting between pain and pleasure. Her chest heaved trying to fill her lungs with air, but it also made her breasts sway invitingly. Joseph used both his fingers and the vibrator as he took advantage of the tempting targets with her clamped nipples dancing before his eyes.

She had fought him for as long as she could, but the erotic combination stripped her mind of all except the euphoria. Her mind disappeared into a foggy bank of unending bliss and only when he removed the nipple clamps did, she momentarily come out of the fog.

The blood rushing back into her nipples brought harsh and brutal pain with her feet coming off the grass as her core clinched in response. His tongue felt like sandpaper as it raked across her ultra-sensitive nipples, but his gentle licks soon washed away the pain. As his lips soothed her tortured nipples she floated back into her foggy ecstasy.

His fingers were making her hips buck and oh God, she needed more as his fingers pushed her towards her orgasmic abyss. His magic mouth and insistent fingers pushed her over the edge and her body contorted in blistering orgasmic passion. Her mind and heart exploded in fireworks of unknown bliss. His fingers are still exploring her clit and nipples as a second wave of euphoria explodeed through her and only then did, she realize her master’s cock was inside her.

Joseph fed his cock into his Pet’s hungry pussy. As he his cock reached deep inside her satiny sheath, she enveloped him in a deep orgasmic spasm with her rubbery legs wobbling. The craving robbed her legs of the ability to support her, and she hung by her arms as her master pounded his passion inside her. Joseph lifted her legs, undid the spreader bar, and wrapped her legs around him as he swung her onto his cock. Her master’s swing pounded his cock into her wriggling pussy and kept her orgasms coming one after the other. Her heart and body were reeling with her master’s ecstasy consuming her and robbing her of the ability to breath.

She suffered the unrelenting bliss that burst inside her creating wave after wave of rapturous ecstasy. She kept climaxing continuously and she seemed to float on a sea of erotic paradise as his cock pounded against her clit and cervix. After what seemed like an endless waves of orgasms, he exploded into an orgasm that blasted his seed inside her, filling her with his white-hot cum.

As he finished orgasming inside her, he stared at her breathtaking sight, roped naked in the middle of the park contorting in sexual ecstasy with her master’s cock splitting her tiny, exquisite body.

When he finally pulled out of her passion-soaked body, she shook with the strain of hanging by her arms, her unrelenting orgasms and the rapture her master poured into her. Her beautiful face was a mask of contentment, exhausted ecstasy, but mostly he could see the look of complete, unwavering, and boundless love in her eyes.

He kissed her lips and released her from her bondage, then sat in a chair holding, caressing, and cherishing her as the night’s darkness enfolded them. Joseph gave her some juice and lightly caressed her until her quivering began to subside. He laid her softly in the grass as he packed up everything and put on his backpack. As the darkness deepened, Joseph cradled Natalia lovingly in his arms and began the walk home.

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