Kristen by LeoDaVinci,LeoDaVinci

If you are looking for immediate hot stuff this might not be for you – it will get there. But it will take time. Feedback always welcome.


Kristen sat on the second floor of the library, the clock ticking towards 10 pm, and the research paper she was completing, was no nearer to being completed. She was pissed. It wasn’t that she was working, she loved her work. In many ways, while many other girls might be wanting to go out and hang with jocks in bars, practically falling out of their clothes her idea of bliss was a floor to herself, surrounded by case studies and immersed in her writing.

Only today, she couldn’t. She wasn’t alone. Since she’d arrived they’d both been sat here talking a few tables over, scant regard for her concentration and blissfully unaware of the simmering frustration they were inducing in the confrontation-averse mousy-haired intellectual working not more than 20 feet from them. It was a library for heaven’s sake. For the umpteenth time, she glanced over to them hoping they would get the message of her silent anger.

The guy who was facing away from her was tall, above six feet, with a strong and muscular build and the relaxed posture of a man who knew who he was. In other circumstances, Kristen would probably have imagined the things that she would let him do to her if only he could read her unspoken desires, but this was different. She was too frustrated to acknowledge his looks at all.

The girl was worse. I typical bimbo, dressed to impress, flirty and falling over his every word. Constantly trying to impress him with her conversation and laughing at everything he said like some sort of conversation cheerleader. Would it hurt her to do up that button on her blouse and not come across like such a moron?

As Kris stewed and worked up the confidence to say something like she’d been on the verge of doing, several times in the last ten minutes, their conversation interrupted even the instrumental music in her ear pods, she had attempted to use to drown them out and she, for the first time, became aware of what they were talking about.

“The thing about Javen is that he is too arrogant and full of himself. He doesn’t care about anything but himself.” The blonde stated, matter-of-factly. “I want a man who can treat me like a whore in the bedroom but still has feelings. Do you know what I mean? He’s such an empty character?”

Kristen, cringed, not just at the volume of the conversation but also at the realisation they were talking about Riverglade. Ever since Series 1 started streaming last month, it was the source of so much frustration. Everyone had an opinion and didn’t even seem to even acknowledge that it was an adaptation of a series of books she loved. So much had been just wrong. Yes, she watched it, but just, she couldn’t find the words. Without even thinking, she suddenly found herself speaking.

“Actually… I think you’ll find that Javen Prendergast is one of the most misunderstood characters in literature. Not that you can probably read, but he is, in reality, incredibly humble and down to earth. If you read book 4, ‘The Starlight Calling’ and his interaction with Sondra when she is sick it is incredibly moving. Of course, the TV series can’t have nuance like that. Javen has been through so much in the shadow of his brother. Now is there any chance you can go and watch your shit TV somewhere else? Some of us are trying to work and not sit around spouting rubbish about things they know nothing about.”

Kristen suddenly paused and blushed with the realisation of how carried away she’d got and blustered with an apology as the girl looked at her with scornful dismissal.

“Look, I’m sorry, but I love those books and… and you’ve been talking for ages and… look this is supposed to be a library.”

“Ok, Karen!” said the girl nonchalantly, packing away the notepad and pen into a bag and getting up to leave. “Look, Jake, I’ll be in touch next week and we can continue this conversation… without spoiling this Nerd’s illusion of her fantasy boyfriend.” Smirking at Kristen the young blonde stood up, kissed the guy on the cheek and made her way down the stairs and out of sight as Kristen looked back down at her research, her face hot and red, embarrassed at speaking up uncharacteristically.

She didn’t notice the guy slowly pack his papers away and slowly and deliberately make his way over to her desk until she became aware of him standing in front of her, towering over her, an intrigued look on his face, and looking frustratingly hot in his jeans and shirt/jacket combination.

Kristen’s mind was all muddled, and she questioned why she was thinking about how hot he was, this was just not like her. She adjusted her glasses and brushed away her mousy brown hair from her eyes. “Look, can I help you?” she asked, aware of the heat still in her face and struggling to make eye contact with his calm, confident gaze.

“I just, got carried away is all, it’s late and I… my research is important to me and… I…” she paused.

“You are wrong you know…” he interrupted, a strong and twinkling smile on his lips, ignoring her stammering.

“I… what?”

“You are wrong about Javen.” He continued, with a smooth and deliberate tone in his voice.

Kristen was jolted into consciousness and, forgetting her awkwardness momentarily, she found herself drawn into a conversation with this man, while also smelling him in the air, a subtle cologne that drifted to her and threw her mind racing. “Oh, and you’d know would you?” She shot back, fiery and slightly more confident in the light of her area of expertise.

She’d show this man, this tall, confident, muscular, man… what the hell was wrong with her? She breathed, she’d show this man that he was out of his depth. “You think watching 6 episodes of Riverglade and the blatant miscasting of Oliver Blackford as Javen can tell you anything? Javen has spent years in Elavoy’s shadow and when he first arrives at Lion’s Head he appears brash and selfish…”

She pauses from her rant as she sees the man, sitting on the edge of the table across from her, in an open and relaxed pose almost chuckling at her while she spoke.

“You are quite beautiful you know.” He stated, while she takes her pause, throwing her somewhat.

“and yet he,” she pauses, hearing what he said and blushes, a jolt of electricity running through her, she takes a breath.

“Look, I don’t know who you are but I don’t do that… I’m not… I’m not like some bimbo… I don’t do that” she repeats.

He smiles, his arms outstretched and resting on the edge of the table waiting for her to finish. After a few moments of letting her comments hang in the air between them, he questions her. “Do what exactly?”

“You know have sex with you and let me fuck you just because you want to.” She looks at him defiantly, pleased with herself for putting him in his place.

“Excuse me?”

“I.. wait.. that’s not what I meant.”

“Who said anything about sex?… I said you looked beautiful.”

Kristen’s fingers tensed, she could feel herself getting all muddled and hotter with each sentence like he was making her say things but… It was like she couldn’t stop herself. “I… but I don’t”

“You don’t have sex” he clarified with his eyebrows raised

“Well obviously I do have sex, but not with you, I’m quite happy on my own thanks.”

“You have sex on your own?”

“No, I mean……” She stopped, defeated. What was it about this guy that had her so all over the place?

The man smiled to himself and then offered his hand to Kristen. “Well, it’s been lovely…” he waited for her to fill his prompt.

“Kris… Kristen”

“It’s been lovely to meet you, Kristen, I’m sure it would be lovely to get to know more about who you do and don’t have sex with and explain to you why you are wrong about Javen, but it is late and you have research to do. maybe I’ll see you here another time.”

And, with a quick peck on her hand, he was gone, glancing over his shoulder as he headed towards the stairs and tossed a set of car keys from one hand to another.

Kristen just sat in stunned silence and watched him leave. What on earth had just happened? She didn’t get into situations like that with men, let alone that man. She was quite happy with how she was thank you very much. So who was that guy and why did she behave like such a fool around him? It’s like he was in her head.

As Kristen packed her research away for the night, she realised she couldn’t get him out of her head. That confidence… it was magnetic and the way he sat there and, the way his muscular arms could hold her. She tried to snap herself out of it. Look, I’m never gonna see him again… he’s certainly not my type… he’s… I don’t even want him inside me.

With a hot, red-faced flush Kristen realised that she was thinking about him and imagining his cock. With a shock she realised that he absolutely could have had sex with her if he’d wanted… and she didn’t even know his name.

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